Huo Yun'er

(AN: If you already read this story from the start to the ninth chapter then I don't have to warn you again)

(But at least I warn you all again because I'm afraid you don't understand that my English is just on the average level or maybe even lower than that level!)

(Btw read Author Note at the end!!!)

--- Chapter 10 ---

My name is Huo Yuner

I was born from a commoner family that lifted as a servant by the white tiger clan or more precisely duke white tiger mansion, As a lowly servant, I don't have many privileges and can only work hard to fill my stomach but this changed when I was 6 years old

On the continent of douluo, every child who is six years old will experience the spirit-awakening ceremony to awaken their spirit essence, someone can awaken spirit tools or beast spirits but I have a different case.

That day, with a smile on my face I walking into the elders to awaken my spirit at spirits awakening ceremony, at first I feel warm energy flowing into my body then I feel hot in my eyes and after the awakening, My eyesight becomes clearer

''Heavens, she awakening...'' The elder said while looking at me with excitement in his eyes, ''spirit eyes!''

Hearing this, the other children and elders became curious and looked at me with envy and adoration, elders who watched me from afar even look at me like they saw a diamond in a pile of garbage

With excitement tone in his voice, the elder that awaken my spirit gives me a blue crystal ''Touch this and imagine something warm in your body'' he said with a smile in his face

Even though I know this event will determine my future, I calming my mind and touch the blue crystal ball with my left hand!

Everyone in here watching me with expectations but even after a few second, I got no response from the crystal

''Spirit Rank Zero!'' the elder said with a sigh full of disgust while looking me like a piece of trash, ''Very unfortunate, Even though she had a very rare body spirit but with no spirit energy she can't become a spirit master'' he said while looking at me

Hearing this I know that I don't have the talent to become a spirit master, bowing my head ''Thank you for the opportunity, Elder'' I said while holding my tear and leaving from the ceremony

After walking faraway from the ceremony, I then go to the forest and start crying,

''Why this world full of unfairness!'' I said while blaming the heavens for not giving me a talent! but then I heard his voice

''What are you doing here?''


''Hic! I just searching mushrooms in here'' I said while wiping tears in my eyes, turning back... I can see a boy at the same age staring at me!

''Hmm? Mushroom?'' he said while looking plant around him but only seeing tall grass and green tree, ''What's is your name!''

''...Huo Yun'er''

(He may be a noble kid) I thought while staring at his blonde hair and blue eyes, he wears a white robe with tigers pattern ''Please forgive me, young master! I need to come back to prepare my breakfast!'' I said before running leaving this young boy dumbfounded!

''She is weird!'' many plants and mushrooms don't grow in this forest because the forest itself just part of the garden of the mansion he thought while looking at her back! ''Huo Yun'er, she makes me interested!''


After that day, Young master always comes to my house and invite me to play with him, at first I was cautious but he keeps coming to my house even though he knows that I have no talent and just an ordinary servant!

Ten years have passed since then, right now I was sixteen years olds and Young master Dai hao personal maid, I was lifted as his maid because I was his childhood friend!

I always close to him, little by little my hearts become full of him and make me feeling love for the first time, even though I sad when he must go to the battlefront to training at star luo military!

I was patiently waiting for his comeback and two years pass easily, and finally, that day came...

I was in the young master bedroom Cleaning the room so when he comeback he can sleep in a clean bedroom, but then I was surprised when feeling a warm hug came from my back, turning back... I can see his blue eyes staring at me warmly!

''Young master,'' I said while looking at his manly face

''Yun'er~'' he replied with a smile in his face, he then softly kiss my lips

''Mm...young master we can't d..''

''I Love you, I always love you from the beginning we met, Yun'er!'' he said while hugging me tightly...

''I love you too, Young master!''

that night I lost my chastity to the man I love


I was happy, he promises me to marry me and he does it, Right now I was pregnant with his child and even though he doesn't know that I was pregnant at least someone in the mansion can send him a letter to make him know...

but I was too naive to think something like that!

Every time I send my letter to duke white tiger, his first wife always stole it from me and burn it in front of my face, when this happens I know that my life in here will become more dangerous

Nine months later, Our child is born, he has clear blue eyes the same as his father and his face is same as me, I name him Yuhao

As general of Star luo empire and duke white tiger, he can't always at home and I know that but now I can only wait and trapped with the duchess in here!

After two months, I was accused by the duchess that I have an infectious disease. so I can only grit my teeth and stay at the cottage while raising Yuhao...

I can hold this far because my child always supports me but I ashamed by myself when my child asking where is his father which makes me sad because he can't see his own father!

When Yuhao is six years old, he goes to spirit awakening ceremony and awakening spirit eyes same as me but he has spirit rank 1 which makes it possible for yuhao to become a spirit master

Of course, I was happy for my child but when he comes back from the ceremony with many bruises and injuries make my heart cold

When he got to the cottage, he immediately fainted and make me panic, I want to go to the mansion to find a doctor but I was afraid if duchess see me and make my effort to find doctor become useless

It was at night, yuhao opening his eyes but I feel something different from him, I can see his calm blue eyes looking at me warmly

(Dai Hao, Where are you, Our child already six and you never come back to see us) I thought with a cold heart, but when I'm seeing yuhao my heart become warm again


''I'm fine mom'' he said while smile looking at me

(As long I can be together with my child, I can live happily) I thought while hugging yuhao.


On the next morning, Yuhao and I went to the forest to find food for our breakfast this morning, which was very fruitful and we can eat a warm breakfast this morning

I want to stay at the cottage with yuhao but I must work because duchess will not happy if I not, then I unwillingly go to the mansion for working as a servant and cleaning several places

but suddenly the duchess, called the mansion guard to take me to the mansion court where she said I stole his jewels and had to be punished

I want to say that I'm innocent but the duchess still attacks me with her whip which makes my body full of wounds but I can only

gritting my teeth enduring painful feeling from my wound

(Dai Hao!, where are you when I need you the most) I thought with the lifeless eye while staring at the black cloud at the sky, but the familiar voice echoing in the mansion court!



I can see back of blue-haired child in front of me, he has a pair of black dragons wings, he the turning back which showing a familiar face for me


''It's fine right now mom, you can rest now!'' he said warmly while looking at me with a smile in his face, feeling warm at my heart I then close my eye and then fainted

-- In the ??? --

Opening my eyes, I could see the ground full of green grass and in the middle, I could see a nine-tailed fox with black fur which had a blue color at the tip of its tail and ears

''I see, So you've come." the nine-tailed fox said with a feminine voice which makes me startled a bit

''sorry if I bothered you majesty!'' I hurriedly said with a nervous voice

''hahahahaha~'' the fox laughed, she though his inheritor is very funny, ''I have no bad intentions towards you human!''

''I just want you to continue my legacies''


''Yeah, my legacy or you can say it nine-tailed fox legacies'' the fox said seriously which make me more nervous

''I can feel it, you need a power right!''

''Power...'' I murmured while tightly gripping my hand

''Yeah, A power of nine-tailed fox!''

''With my power, you can become the strongest!'' the fox said confidently



''What price do I have to bear to get your strength!''I said while looking at the fox in front of me with coldness in my eyes


''I never thought that I will be finding human likes you as my inheritor'' the fox said with a warm smile! ''The price is your life''

''As long you are life and become the strongest with my legacies, I will give you all of my strength''

''Human!, tells me your name!''

''Huo Yun'er!''


''I accept!'' I calmly said with a thin smile in my face, then the world becomes black and loses its light


Opening her eyes again, Huo Yun'er can see a rock ceiling in front of her and his Yuhao in her side, gently caressing his face with her hand...she can feel his son smooth skin

''Hao'er'' she said with warm a smile in her face


''Who dares to disturb my time with Hao'er'' Said the woman coldly while looking at a four-legged silhouette that has pair of red eyes staring angrily at her

''So you the one who dares to disturb MY precious times''

like provoking Huo Yun'er, the silhouette roaring with arrogant tone!


''Hoh, then you must die!'' she said with a cold smile in her face