End of the Entitled Family! Part 9

(AN: I don't have any rants in this chapter)

(I don't know why?)

(The next chapter is the last part of this End of the Entitled Family arc)

(Btw, Enjoy the chapter)

--- Chapter 26 ---

Walking from the alley, We can see many people in the rags.

All of them had a glimmer hope in their eyes.

In front of all of them, We can see their leader, a big young man with dirty brown hair and wild blue eyes.

''Are they ready,'' The young man said, Glancing at his comrade, no his family, he can see their burning eye of fight intent.

''District One to seven is ready!'' said one of the group, but we can see a hesitant expression in his face.

''What about district eight?''

''T-This, The district eight is guarded by spirit masters!''

A frown appears in the young man's face, Looking at four yellow crystal in his hand. We can see a smile appearing on his face.

''Old Two, Old three, little four!'' He said while looking at three people in the crowds.

''What do you want, Old one!'' another young man in the group replied in a lazy tone.

We can see a teen with a mossy deep green hair lazily walking out of the crowd while carrying a wooden stick in his hand.

''Yeah, What do you want, Old one!'' said another young man in the group, a shadow then jumping from the crows and then landing beside mossy deep green-haired teen.

Lunging his head, We can see a teen with yellow hair and black eyes smile goofily.

''Don't land next to me, pisshead!'' The deep green haired-teen said in annoyance!

''HUH, What do you mean, pisshead, Moss's head!'' The yellow-haired teen replied while sidestepping his leg, ready to kick his archenemy.

Looking at the yellow teens in annoyance, The moss deep green-haired teens then start his stance to cut his archenemy! ''Let's settle this then,'' He said while readying his hand to draw his wooden sword.

''Let's do this! 2x,''

''Take thi-.''

''Brothers~,'' A sweat(cold) feminine voice coming out from the crowd, and the two teens know exactly whose the ones that releasing this voice.

A girl in the rags, walking out from the crowd, she has beautiful black hair and emerald green eyes. Smiling sweetly toward two teens, she then said, ''What are you two doing~~?''

The two teens know that this sweat voice is not sweet at all.

''Little Four, I don't know what you mean!'' The yellow-haired teen said while squishing a smile in his face.

''We only want to shake our hand! right.'' He added while forcefully pushed his hand toward his archenemy.

''Y-Yeah, we haven't seen each other in a while!'' The moss green-haired teen replied in a strained smile while squishing pisshead hand tightly.

(This guy!!!) The yellow-haired teens thought! He can feel the numbness in his hand.

''That's Great~~,'' The girl said, she then rushed toward the leader with a smile on her face.

''I heard that brother one want to save Little five!'' She added while we can see many stars twinkling in her eyes. But three Youngman's know that behind those bright eyes, there was a cold intent that often gave them goosebumps.

Sighing while looking at the three teens, Rong Yi then smiling at the teen girl and said, ''Yeah, We will save Yue'er from those disgusting Han's.''

''But we will not actively beat them,''

Hearing this, The three teens confused?

''What do you mean by Not Actively?'' The girl said in a cold tone.

Shaking his head, Rong Yi then throwing three yellow crystals at the three teens.

''Take these crystals and destroy it with your hand.''

''This?'' The yellow-haired teens murmured. They all become more confused by Rong Yi's behavior.

''You all three already reaching level 10, right~,'' Rong Yi casually said while looking at his brothers and sister.

Looking at the three teens, Rong Yi knows that three of them are no more than 13 and not very talented because three of them are an awakening martial spirit with the soul power of level two.

Rong Yi himself is not that talented either, He awakening, a beast spirit, which Iron bear with soul power of level three.

All of them is awakened their martial spirit through the help of a spirit's elder that injured and offering them spirit awakening as gratitude.

That spirit's elder wants to recruit them as disciples in rising cloud sects but, They refuse his offer politely!

At that moment, they did not trust him!

''Sigh, This crystals is from our backing! and if you destroy it, you will be granted a yellow spirit ring.'' Rong Yi said, making three teens confused but, He can see an excited glint in their eyes.

He then starts telling them about the mysterious boy in the robe that offers a chance to destroy the Han clan.

''Are we can trust him?'' The moss green-haired teen said lazily while looking at the yellow crystal in his palm. He feels that this chance is too good to be real.

''Haha, What can we do to him,'' Rong Yi said with a wry smile. ''That boy in the robe has a black spirit ring as his first spirit ring.''

Hearing this, they all become dumbfounded!

They know that spirit rings, one of the most important things for a spirit's master but an unknown boy in the robe has a black spirit ring!!!

And they know that spirit rings has five-level, which white(Ten Years), Yellow(One hundred Years), Purple(One thousand years), black(Ten thousand years), Which is a legend, and the last one that they know only a myth, The Red Spirit Ring that contains one hundred years of cultivation(Power) of spirit beasts.

Unbeknownst to them, there is the last level of the spirit ring, which a god-level spirit ring that reaches a phase of one million years.

(Note: However, In the case of a million-year-old spirit rings, it may appear in different colors depending on the attribute,)

(For example, A water element of millions of years of spirit ring will have an ice-blue color)

''Then, what are you waiting for,'' Rong Yi said while grinning.

*Crack! 4x*

Four yellow spirit rings appear from thin air.

We can see four imaginary shadows of martial spirit.

A red-eyed black rabbit with fire symbol on his forehead floating above yellow-haired teens,

And then a black sword that looks like made from a wood hovering beside green-haired teens.

But from these two martial spirits, we can see lighting flickering between the rabbit and the black sword.

Aside from those two, We can see a green boa snake slithering on the teen girl's shoulder.

And the last, a Overbearing bear that has black fur with a metallic luster, appears behind Rong Yi.

''Let's Do This!'' Rong Yi said while bear behind him roaring wildly.

''En 3x,''


Meanwhile, at the entrance of the Han clan, We can see, Hou Yun'er walking through the gate casually like walking in the park,

''Hmm, maybe three is enough?'' she said while swaying her foxtails.

''Let's see, Blue Fireballs.'' She added while three balls of fire forming around her.

(Three is enough, right!) She thought, Staring at the highest floor in the tower, she can sense at least forty or fifty people on that floor.

''Sigh, At least three of them are spirit sages,'' she said while thinking that killing a human being that has high cultivation is a waste of resources.

''They cultivate their power to a spirit sage realm only to be killed by me.'' She added while Launching a fireball towards the tower.

Meanwhile, In the meeting room, we can see all the elders of the Han clan discussing their plan with their helping hands.

''So brother Fu, do you know what our enemy power!'' said Yun Xioalie while calmly taking a sip of green tea.

Thoughtfully shaking his head, elder Fu then said, ''We don't know our enemy power, what we know that our enemy is strong enough to defeat our patriarch,''

''Our clan is spirit emperor with six spirit rings, and our patriarch almost reaching 69 ranks.'' Elder Fu added, while sighing, he then starts telling Xiaolie about the attacking scene in this afternoon.

Hearing this, Yun Xioalie solemnly thinking the possibility of his enemy.

(Our enemy power is above spirit emperor, which spirit sage or spirit douluo) He thought, he never considered, his enemy power is titled douluo or bellow spirit emperor,

''Our opponent could not be a titled douluo because, from the story of Elder Fu, we know that is impossible.'' He murmured while glancing at the window.

If he knows that Yuhao is only seven and had a black spirit ring, he may be spitting many mouthfuls of blood and then fainted from blood loss.

(Hmm, what is that?) He thought while sipping his green tea and glancing at a blue dot in the sky.

''A bird?'' But when he feels immersing heat and spirit power from the blue dot that charging quickly at them.

''Everyone DOWN!!!'' He and Elder Fu said at the same time!

But it's too late, A blue fireball launching itself toward the highest floor of the tower!


''Hoh, What about the second one!'' Huo Yun'er said after seeing her attack destroying the outer layer of the tower.

Another fireball launched toward the tower and making it enveloped with deep blue fire.


''Hmm, The tower still not destroyed.''

''The third one, then.''

Four black spirit rings appearing behind her back, and she then pulled out a black dagger with a red edge from her spatial rings.

(Well, Let's heat this for a little bit) She thought.

Her second spirit ring lit up, and we can see blue fire dancing from her body and then rushing toward her dagger.


The third blue fireball launched toward the tower but, this fireball is different from the previous one because this fireball radiating heatwave that making everything around it melting,

(I use too much spirit power!) She thought,

From the tower that bombed from Huo Yun'er, Three figures appear from rubbles undamaged because they got protected, by defensive soul tools, that almost suck out half of their spirit's energy.

''All of us are spirit sages, and we must combine our power to hold that attacks'' Elder Fu murmured while sucking a cold breath, he kinda horrified by the level of that attack.

All of them turn their view to a woman in a robe that has a beautiful figure and silky black hair with blue color on the tip of it.

But a fox mask intercepts this woman's face.

(how that woman's mountain could be so big!!!) Han Yunfeng feeling very defeated in his heart, ''Hmph, maybe those mountains are fake.'' She murmured while looking at Huo Yun'er F cup breasts.

*GULP 2x,*

(If only, wifey was a little bigger) Yun Xiaolie Thought, Staring at his wife AAA cup breast, he then sighed and could only accept his wife as she was.

Feeling his husband concern glare, Yufeng could only blush and not realized that his loved husband just making fun of her breast size,

Wrinkling his eyebrow, Elder Fu then fiercely staring at Huo Yun'er.


''Were you the one who attacked us earlier,''

Tilting her head, Huo Yun'er then said, ''Are you all is stupid!''

Hearing this, Making Han Yufeng angry. In her life, there is no one ever dared to call him stupid!!

''How dare you!!!'' She shouted while appearing in front of Huo Yun'er and then imaginary purple monkey appearing behind her.

''Thunder Palms!'' The purple monkey then gets surrounded by purple lightning, and then he launched palm attacks toward Huo Yun'er!

But unfortunately for Han Yufeng, Huo Yun'er didn't bother her attack at all, she firmly burying her left foot into the ground,

and then kicking the palm attacks, resulting swirl of blue fire in her feet that Nullifying Han Yufeng palm attack.

''Nullifying Fire Kick,'' She calmly said while looking dumbstruck look at Han Yufeng's face.

But Han Yufeng is still in the air, which makes her very vulnerable.

Huo Yun'er then launching a knee strike towards her,

Han Yufeng saw this coming rotating her body, only to be, kicked by Huo Yun'er's other leg that has blue fire swirling in it.

''Don't look down on us, Woman!!!'' Elder Fu said while transforming into a green jade ape that attacking Huo Yun'er with a close-range energy attack.

''Jade dash!'' A thousand of jade that looks like a stone appearing in the air and then become a projectile that Huo Yun'er from all surrounding.

Looking at his wife's horrified face, Yun Xiaolie then activating his martial spirit, which a black lion with a golden mane that looks like a speck of sun in the darkness.

(Darkness phase steps) He thought while appearing behind Han Yufeng, Ready to take her away from Huo Yun'er attacks.

But, A cold smile then emerging on Huo Yun'er's face, her kick attack becomes stagnant in the air.

''Inferno Kick, Surging Waves.'' Huo Yun'er said while accelerating her kick attack toward the ground, creating a wisp of fire that transforming into a wave of blue fire.

Looking at the incoming attack, Yun Xiaolie then using his body as a shield to protecting his wife, Unfortunately,

Elder Fu, who attacks Hou Yun'er from close range, can't avoid the wave of flame and can only be devoured by blue flames.

He doesn't even have the power to cry or fight back before he got devoured by Huo Yun'er attacks.

''Firefox,'' She murmured, her third spirit rings then lit up.

Her blue fire then transforming into 2 feet firefoxes, ''Go! Save the survivors.''

The little firefoxes then nodding their head and start swarming the Han clan.

''Hmm, So those two survived that attacks!''

''I doubt that man can live in the next five minutes,'' Huo Yun'er murmured while looking at his burn injuries. Her attack not just attack physically.

''Well, Let's see if he can survive the next attacks~,'' She added.

''Inferno kicks, Coiling Foxtail-''

Before she can start her stance, the ground started shaking, and then a roar of a dragon appearing from the underground.


Huo Yun'er's face becomes cold, a murderous aura released from her body.
