End of the Entitled Family! Last Part!!!

(AN: Originally I want to end this arc at chapter 5-6 but,)

(Because I can't write too much because my school life and never-ending tasks)

(I can only write about one chapter a week)

(And my chapter release is random because my school task can't finish by itself!)

(As for this chapter, I don't know if I was too rush or not)

(But I will edit it later because I think this chapter is kinda- Meh,)

(Btw, Enjoy The chapter!)

--- Chapter 27 ---





In the dark alley, We can hear four footsteps.

Walking out from that alley, we can see four teens in rags and dirty black robe.

In front of all three teens, We can see a young man with short brown dirty hairs leading them towards district eight of this city.

''We almost reach the district eight,'' The green-haired teen lazily said.

''Yeah,'' The yellow-haired teen replied with a nod.

''Hey! All of you,'' Someone shouted while walking toward the four teens.

A middle-aged man with commoner clothes approaching them, ''You all have to get out of here!'' He said with concern in his tone.

''Why! Uncle,'' Rong Yi said while a frown appears on his face.

''Hiss, Guards of Han clan right now is patrolling in district eight!'' He said in dissatisfaction.

We can see coldness and hatred in his eyes. But in the end, He can only sigh.

''Sigh, I suggest to all of you, back home right now and close your door!'' He added while walking pass the four teens.

Looking at the middle-aged man who walks pass them ''Heh, So that means, they already tightened their defenses.'' Rong Yi said while massaging his forehead.

''Well, our plans won't change,'' He added while sighing.

''Let's speed up our steps,''

All of them nodding their head, walking faster towards the district eight, they can see many guards with han clan symbol in their clothes.

''Disgusting,'' The girl said while looking at the horrible scene in front of her. She can see many bloody bodies in the ground and many commoners fighting with each other only to be entertainment for these guards.

The three brothers are no different, even though they look calm on the outside but,

We can see the coldness in their eyes. ''So, that why?'' Rong Yi murmured while remembering the face of the uncle before.

''Little Four!'' Rong Yi said,

''Yeah, I know~,'' The girl then opened her eyes, showing us emerald eyes with a golden slit like a snake!

''Old two, Old three... ''

''We know!'' The two teens said at the same time.

Black bunny ears and fur appears in yellow-haired teens, a yellow spirit ring glowing very dimly.

On the other hand, The green-haired teen calling his martial sword spirit into his left hand.

even though the sword is not looking very specials, we can still feel the sharpness tingling in the air,

Rong Yi also activating his martial spirit, black fur with metallic luster start growing in his arm and back.


''Green Boa's poisonous mist!'' The teenage girl Inhaling air into her lungs and then spurting a poisonous green mist from her mouth.

Meanwhile, at the guard crowds, one of the guards sees a strange green mist approaching them. ''Hmm, What is this mist?'' He murmured while trying to touch the green mist.

''Arrgh, why I can't feels my hand!'' He shouted while horrified with his situation right now,

He can't feel his body at all but, then his body starts to shake and then drop into the ground motionless.

Looking at their comrade that laying into the ground motionless, all the guards then become alerted.

''Don't touch the green mist! it will poison you!''

''Ha, What poison, with my fire, I will burn this mist!'' One of the guards said arrogantly.

''Light fire!'' A white spirit ring appearing from his back, and we can see a fireball like the size of a volleyball appear in his palm!

''Take this!'' He added while launching his fireball towards the green mist.


His fireball then gets engulfed by the green mist, but we can still his fire burn very brightly before exploding.

Because of the explosion, The green mist became scattered everywhere and making the guards face solemn.

Looking at this, the yellow-haired teen at the air can hold his laughter, ''Hahaha, that was very stupid!'' He said while dropping from the sky.

''Hah, Who says that!'' The guard said while looking at the sky only to be greeted by yellow-haired teen legs.

Baffled by this situation, The guard raised his hand by an instinct.

But a black sword then stabbing his abandonment.


Red blood spurting from his mouth, ''What, How!''

It was a teen with green hair, feeling cold from his heart, his body then gets dropped into the ground lifeless but,

a shock expression still imprinted on his face.

''Two down, twenty-eight to go!'' The green-haired teen said while slashing his sword, cleaning blood stain from his sword.

all the guards sucking a cold breath seeing their friend died by these two teenage boys,

''Everyone, Don't be afraid, these brats only spirit master with one ring!'' One of the guards said with a disdainful tone, looking at the brats and two yellow spirit rings floating behind them.

''We have numbers, and with me!'' He added while two-spirit rings floating behind him, He is a spirit grandmaster, ''Everyone attacks, we can kill these brats,''

Hearing this, all the guards get excited and start rushing toward two teens with the intent to kills.

''Tch 2x,''

(White and yellow spirit rings) Two teens thought,

Looking at the guards, two teens face become grim, even though they confident enough to beat the three or four spirit's master at the same times,

a swarm of spirit's masters and a spirit grandmaster is a different case.

''Oy, Pisshead!'' The green-haired teen said with an annoyed tone!

''What do you want, Mosshead!'' The yellow-haired teen replied with an equal annoyed tone.


''We do that!'' The green-haired teen said while tightening his grip into his martial spirit.

''That? Fine!'' The yellow-haired teen replied with a huff,

He then jumps into the sky, and the guards who see this sneered, you're just going to be an easy target for us.

''Hmmph, Smelly brats, you are courting death!''

A blue spear appears in the spirit grandmaster guard hands, and his yellow spirit ring got lit up!

''Take this attacks brat!''

''Piercing Roar!''

Launching his martial spear spirit toward yellow-haired teens who right now dropped his body and starting his dropkick,

''DIE!'' The guard said with excitement in his tone.

''Stupid!'' The green-haired teen said, a wooden sword waving from his hand toward the crowd of spirit masters!

Looking at this, the guards become panic and hurriedly activate their defensive skills.

But unfortunately for them, that sword slash only a feint!

(That brat sword slash is a distraction!) The spirit grandmaster thought while averting his gaze toward the sky, dumbfounded by what he saw.

Meanwhile, in the sky, we can see the yellow-haired teen got a spirit ring lit up. and we can see the air bellow him get compressed and become a footing for him

Landing on the footing, the teen somersaulting on the air while dodging all attacks that approaching him,

''Wind compression!'' He murmured while locking his left leg on the air.

''Tch, Lightning clad!'' The green-haired teen said while lightning flicker on his black sword.

''Are you ready, pisshead!!''

''Shut up, I'm ready!!''

Their yellow spirit rings floating in the air and then got merging creating a purple spirit ring on the air.

Ten minutes before the operations!

''Hmm, What spirit abilities did you get?'' Rong Yi said while staring at his sworn brothers and sister.

''Mm, I got poisonous mist!'' The teenage girl replied with a smile.

''A mist?'' Rong Yi murmured while nodding his head in satisfaction, averting his gaze toward his brothers,

he gets greeted by their annoyed expressions, ''Why are you two making such annoyed expressions?'' Rong Yi said with a confused tone.

''No, we don't have a problem!'' The green-haired teen replied with an indifferent tone while glancing at his yellow spirit ring.

''Yeah, we don't have a problem!'' The yellow-haired teen replied with the same indifferent tone while glancing at his yellow spirit ring.

''Then, why you two seems so annoyed!''

''I and this pisshead!''

''I and this mosshead!''

''Have a spirit rings fusion ability! 2x,'' said the two teenage boys at the same time while staring fiercely at each other!

''Our spirit rings come from twin wolf spirit that has one element each, and I get a spirit skill associated with the element of wind.''

''While this mosshead gets a spirit skill associated with the element of lightning!''

''Oh, I see!'' Rong Yi said while grinning at his brothers.

His two sworn brothers are always don't get along, and every time they met, they would fight from minor problems like a hobby, food, and so on!

But if they put aside their stubbornness, and cooperate willingly, They will be able to do great things, smiling wryly,

Rong Yi then said, ''So what is the name of your combined spirit skill!''

Hearing this, Two teenage boys become quiet and started staring at each other.

''The name of our combined spirit skill is,''


The blue-colored wind rushing from the yellow-haired teenage boy leg forming a wind wolf that running toward the guards,

The green-haired swinging his sword in the harmony of wind wolf, while green lightning flickering his sword.

a flying strike got launched from his black sword creating lightning beast like a wolf lunging toward the guards,

The wolves then bump into each other, creating an imaginary wolf that howling at the sky!


Wind and lightning flickering on the air,

and start fluttering at the ground.

''Everyone, Dodge that attacks at all cost!''


But a calm voice of a young man comes from their back, greeting them with a shiver in their spine, ''Do you think that you all can run from us that easily!''

''Iron Boulders!''

A rock, a big rock spurting from the ground, stopping them from running away,

They can't run away from this assault!

Poison mist still around them, An iron boulders stopping their track.

''Everyone, activate your skill now if you don't wanna die!''

But it's too late, the imaginary wolf starts to pounce on them while opens its mouth, showing a sharp fang that swallowing them creating a five feet tornado consisting of wind and lightning start forming in the sky, then descending toward the ground very quickly.


''Is it done!'' The teenage girl murmured while blinking her eyes, looking at where the tornado descending, A large crater full of many mutilated bodies, and blood appeared in her eyes.


''Hmm, the ground is shaking!''


--- At the underground cave! ---

''Brat, you're courting death!'' The elder said while jumping from the blood pools and then appearing in front of Yuhao, ''Die!''

His palm is flickering like a shadow and then launching a ferocious attack from his palm toward Yuhao.



A beast, no a dragon arm with glistening black claws slapping his palm attack, ''Penetrating Fist,'' Yuhao said calmly.

(How could this brat parry off my palm attack!) The elder thought with a little shock,

A punch with a tremendous power then coming toward his stomach,

''Hmmph, How could a mere punch from a brat hurt me!'' He said with a disdainful tone. He then tried to grab the punch with his hand.


But and echoing sound comes to greet him, that sound began to reverberate inside the cave, and the air fluttering around Yuhao's fist,

''Twelve echoes!''

''Twist!'' Yuhao said while his punch slowly touching the elder's hand,

A simple twist joined in his punch, and we can see the air vibrate Violently make the hands of the elders isolated by attacks!


''Urgh, How,'' Said the elder, dumbfounded by what happened to himself.

he can feel his internal organ trembling from that punch, and warmness starts rushing from his lungs, ''Cough,''

a red liquid coming out of the corner of his mouth,

''Cough, Brat, that attacks.''

''As I expected, you don't die by that punch,'' Yuhao said with coldness in his tone.

(Est, what level of cultivation is this geezer at,) Yuhao asked.

[Spirit sage of rank seventy-nine, almost reaching soul douluo realm!]

(I don't want to do this but,) He thought while taking two black crystals from his inventory.

''You smelly brat!'' The elder said furiously, his internal organ still trembling because the echoes of the punch and this brat were looking down at him.

(Me, a dignified spirit saint, got hurt by a mere punch!) The elder thought while healing his internal injuries in anger.

He never thought after one Century of cultivations he finally can breakthrough to the soul douluo realm but,

A brat disturbing his seclusion, making him failed to break through to the next realm.


''Hmm, What!'' He said in shock from what he sees right now.

A black, a black spirit ring floating behind the brat,

from the deep black color on the spirit ring, he knows that this spirit ring is above the ages of ten thousand years.

[Congratulations host, for absorbing, your second spirit rings!]

[Spirit beast: Dragon blooded armored beetle!]

[Age: Fifty thousand years(black)]

[Spirit skills: Dragon claw! and Dragon blood transformation]

Feeling a danger from Yuhao, The elder frowning. Even though Yuhao has two black spirit rings, that not enough to defeat him,

His enemy is just a spirit grandmaster! The elder thought while his spirit ring is not inferior to Yuhao's spirit rings, his realm also higher than Yuhao.

(I can kill this brat and take his treasure!) The elder thought with greedy intent.

Treasure, A powerful treasure that can increasing someone's strength or spirit ring age, that what the elder thought while looking at Yuhao black spirit rings.

''If I can take that treasure!'' The elder whispered to himself while imagining that he will become a ruler on this continent!

But, Unfortunately for him, What he thinks a treasure is not a treasure at all,

that was a spirit beast crystal that Yuhao created by himself.

Yuhao using theory from a particular novel of demons and god to create a spirit beast crystal that can hold a spirit ring.

But the production time and quantity is still low because Yuhao could only try the theory by himself. His mother could help him but only at the sealing part.

''Brat, Where do you get those crystals!'' He said while pointing at a shattered crystal on the ground, and another crystal was Yuhao's left hand.

''Why should I tell you?'' Yuhao said with a mocking tone,

His figure then disappears, leaving a thin air that forming an afterimage.

''Dragon blood transformation,''

Naga's blood inside Yuhao body burning in excitement, dark-blood scale growing in his hand, and his originally black dragon claw turning into draconic red claws,

All his power got strength upped by 15% that may be little power up but,

what makes him shocked a little is all dragon-energy based attack is increased by 50% enough for him to spamming his thunder-fire fangs for three minutes non stop.

Just imagine, the three minutes of non-stop rain of the sword had the power to kill the spirit king instantly.

Appearing in front of the elder, Yuhao than bashing his draconic claw toward his enemy face, but the elder only sneer at this attack while dodging this attack,

''Hmm, Brat, do you think you can hurt me that easily.''

Seven spirit rings flashing behind him, yellow, purple, purple, purple, black, black, black.

Yuhao frowning, seeing the spirit rings configuration in front of him, and the last black spirit rings are at least more than thirty thousand years, ''This situation is kinda bad?''

(I was at rank 23, right now,) Yuhao thought while feeling his attack got defended by this geezer but,

A human body with a trace of dragon blood and blood qi appears between the elder and him.


Yuhao faces become cold, a pale human in a black robe catching his dragon-claw like it was nothing, and what makes Yuhao angry was there still a trace of a human soul in front of him.

''Hahaha, Brat, how, great isn't it, my blood puppet!'' The elder laughed,

his hand starts moving in the air controlling the blood puppet to attacks Yuhao.

''DIE BRAT!'' The blood puppet forming a spearhead from his hand and then lunging it toward Yuhao,

while Yuhao, who sees this attack, only staring at it calmly.


Destroying another spirit beast crystal, Yuhao can hear mechanical sounds in his mind.

[Congratulations host, for absorbing, your first spirit rings!]

[Spirit beast: Sky Swallowing Thorn Beast!]

[Age: Fifty thousand years(black)]

[Spirit skills: Bind and Thrust the sky]

''Est, Upgrade.''

[Upgrading Host Martial spirit,]

[Earth sealing Chains >>> Sky Sealing Chains.]

[Emperor Eyes >>> Mystic Emperor Eyes.]

[Purgatory dragon >>> Celestial Purgatory Dragon!]

[Spiri rings-Upgraded]

[Upgrading the spirit rings >>> 100.000 years phase]

His original two black spirit rings metamorphosing into two red-crimson spirit rings.


But, what he sees next more shocking to him because black chains with many weird symbols on them start spurting from the ground and binding his blood puppet.

The Redlight of Yuhao one hundred thousand spirit rings dominating the cave, And the elder was shocked by what he sees right now, and now he firmly believed that Yuhao indeed possessed extraordinary treasures.

Greediness start swallowing his mind, So what if his enemy has three red spirit rings,

as long he can have this brat treasure, he can become invincible!


''Brat, I will spare your life if you give me your treasure now!'' The elder then starts a few hand signs,

More blood puppet appearing from the blood pool, and all of them has a power of spirit emperor,

With a smug on his face, The elder then staring at Yuhao while controlling his blood puppets,

And from what Yuhao sees, the elder at least has more than one hundred puppets.

''Chains, Bind.'' The underground cave starts trembling, chains destroying the foundation of the cave, and the elder who senses this changed his complexion.

The wall of the cave full of lots of holes created by the Yuhao martial chains spirit, the array already got destroyed by his chains,

''B-Brat, do you know, what are you doing right now,'' The elder said while furiously staring at Yuhao, This damn brat, just destroying their ancestry place.

''Destroying this place?'' Yuhao replied with a flat face.

''...'' Yuhao staring at the elder.

''...'' The elder can feel the ridicule in the Yuhao gaze.

''Y-You,'' The elder furiously controlling his blood puppets to attacks yuhao only to make Yuhao stare at him in disgust.


The purple flame appearing on his hand and then burning the blood puppet into nothingness, ''Burn,''

''Dragon blood transformations!''

Dragon scale-like armor growing from his skins, two pairs of black dragon wings spurting from his back, two dragon horn appearing on his head.

Yuhao can feel the difference before and after he upgraded his spirit rings.

''Dragon Roar!''

''ROOOOOAAAR,'' An imaginary dragon standing behind Yuhao roaring to the heavens, all his enemy attributes will be reduced by 30% and will add fear effect if they were weaker than him.

The sky starts fluttering, Moon glittering on the sky, violet light of purgatory flames start beaming from the grounds, ''Thrust The Sky!''

Black chains spurting from the ground shot up into the sky in a spiral formation,

The elder who sees this becomes scared but, then he remembered that the Yuhao cultivation realm was lower than him.

''Hmmph, Brat, You scared me there for a sec,'' The elder whispered in his breath with a sneer.

His sixth spirit rings got lit up, an imaginary palm of a red-furred ape appearing from his back.

''Take this!'' He shouted while launching his attacks, ''Dragon killing palm!''

Yuhao launching his body toward his enemy attacks, his dragon claw, while roared to the sky, he then said, ''Dragon Claw!''

The Ape palm and Yuhao dragon claw intertwining with each other but, Yuhao attacks are more potent than this geezer attack.

''Break!'' Yuhao said while blasting his dragon claw toward the elder in front of him.


The cave starts breaking because Yuhao chains, a big hole was created by his dragon claw, sending the elder into the center of the Han clans.


On the Han clan, We can see Huo Yun'er glancing at his enemy coldly, ''Looks like the survivor already out from the clan,'' She said while feeling his firefoxes already saving the survivors.


Sidestepping from were she standing before, Huo Yun'er can feel the ground movement become worse and violent,


A violet light beaming from the ground, a big hole was created from the underground,

Huo Yun'er can see the familiar dragon claw flying out the hole while blasting a person from the underground.

The person then fell into the debris tower that she attacked before.

''Blerg, That attack almost kill me, luckily I used my blood puppet for sharing the damages with me.'' The elder whispered while coughing blood from his mouth,

he was terrified by the power of that dragon claw.

(Hehehe, That treasure power is higher than I thought,) Standing up from the tower debris, all the Han clansmen who still alive can finally see their grand elder.

'That was Grand elder!'

'did he finally breakthrough.'

'Cough, Finally, Grand elder can save us from this misery.'

Huo Yun'er can hear all the whisper from the Han clansmen, and she was very disgusted by it,

Standing up from his fall, The grand elder can see his clan catastrophic condition,

All the clan building was destroyed or burned by blue flames.

''Danger!'' He muttered while his spirit ring lit up, energy like a turtle shell-forming around his body,


Spiral formation of black chains spurting from the ground, and he knows that brat must be the one who uses this skill.

From the gap between the chains, a violet light barrier starts forming, trapping everyone inside in it, a hundred of purple flame flying toward the sky.

From outside the Clan, Rong Yi already meets his sister, and he then destroying the barrier crystal that was given to him.

A mirror-like barrier starts covering the whole han clan, like a one-way mirror but with an added feature,

Rong Yi can see the Han clan compound that still intact without any damage.

(What happens?) He thought while hugging his sister, shaking his head, he then glancing at the survivors, ''Let's retreat, first.''


Three spirit rings coming out the hole, and what shocking the viewers was the color of the spirit rings.


'One hundred thousand years spirit rings,'

'and there are three of them,'

'How come there are three red spirit rings here!'

all of the Han clansmen were shocked.

How! Yun Xiaolie thought, he was terrified from what he sees, ''There no way that my enemy was titled douluo,''

''Right,'' He whispered but, his wife can hear it.

(Hao'er!) Huo Yun'er thought, looking at a child figure walking out the hole, the purple lightning, and the fire flickering from his body.

Dragon scale glistening with a coldness in his body, sharp black-red claw rattling, the two-meter wingspan of dragon wings fluttering on his back, draconic eyes staring to all being in that clans.


All of them were scared, Like a predator staring at its prey,

The grand elder can feel the Yuhao coldly staring at him.

''D-Don't be afraid, that brat is just a spirit's elder,'' The grand elder shouted, even though he doesn't want to share info that Yuhao has a treasure,

''That brat, have a treasure that can increase someone's strength and spirit ring age!'' He added.

Hearing this, all the clansmen stunned, even Yun Xiaolie was stunned.

''Thunder-fire fang,'' The thunder-fire that was at the sky was scattering start forming a one-meter blade.

At least one hundred or one thousand of the sword was at the sky, ''Set-,''

All of the blades, changing their trajectory, ready to kill all the Han clansmen,

''Fire,'' Like the sound of the god of death, all the blades then dropped from the sky.



''I don't wanna die-,''

The pained cry of humans was booming on the han clan compound,

But Yuhao didn't even blink his eyes when he saw this terrible incident in front of him,

''Hao'er thunder-fire has another name than purgatory flame,'' Huo Yun'er murmured while seeing the blade dropping like rain.

From his legacies memory, she knows what level of flame that her son wielding right now, ''and the name was,''

''Karma-burning purple flame,''

''Every living being has karma, whether it's good or not,''

''and when they touch Hao'er flames,''

''The one with bad karma will suffer from the burn of their karma,''

Standing straightly on the ground, The grand elder was terrified and angry by what he witnessed.

his body was full of wounds,

at least half his body was charred,

Han Yufeng and her husband was still alive, but we can see Yufeng hands burned into a pile of ash, while his husband leg was also in the same condition,

Walks casually, Yuhao then appears in front of the grand elder,

''Y-You, Rising cloud sect will be your enemy if you kill my husband,'' Han Yufeng shouted to Yuhao while showing him, Rising cloud sect emblem.

''I don't care,'' Yuhao replied, two blades coming from the sky, embedded into her head and his husband's heart.

The dead bodies then burned into a pile of ash.

''Your turn,'' Yuhao added while staring at the grand elder.



''Brat, Do you think,''

''You. Can. Kill. Me.''

His seven spirit ring got lit up, Avatar of blood ape appearing behind him but,


Yuhao staring calmly at the grand elder, ''Cough,'' The elder got launched again, landing on Han clan mansions, or more precisely in the clan patriarch's room,



''Hahahaha, Thank You, brat,''

''I finally managed to break through,''

Walking inside the room, Yuhao can see two mummified bodies with a trail of blood on their neck.

''With my son and grandson blood, I was finally able to breakthrough!'' The grand elder madly said,

A smile appears on Yuhao face, He then said, ''Die!''

''Wait, what!'' The elder was feeling hot inside his body.

A purple flame surging inside his meridian, burning his qi pathway and blood veins to ash.

''N-No, I don't wanna die!''

''Please, I don't want to die,''


Yuhao chuckling by that he sees right now, he then coldly said,

''Why should I pity you, have you ever give pity to the person you sacrificed in that pool of blood,''

''Did you ever have mercy to humans that you used for your blood puppets,''



The grand elder body was burned to ash by purple flame, and Yuhao who see finally releasing a breath of relieve,

But, A sharp blade appears on his neck, and the one who holds the blade was the Karen.

''Don't Move or I Kill You!''


Purple flame dancing around Yuhao body,

''Don't kill me,''

''I was from the Zhu family of Star Luo Empire!''

''My cousin was duchess on Dai clan,''

she was trying to scare Yuhao, But unfortunately for her, Zhu and Dai's name was taboo on Yuhao ears,

A dragon claw grabbing his head, and ''Crack,''

She was instantly killed by Yuhao grip.

Huo Yun'er appears beside her son, ''All of them was death,'' She said with a calm tone.

''Mm,'' Yuhao replied.


Outside the Han clan, Rong Yi and his Co were waiting for Yuhao and they were greeted by two familiar people with a robe.

Calming himself, Rong Yi bowing his body and then said, ''We submit to the master,''

''We submit to the master,''

''We submit to the master,''

Huo Yun'er was baffled and then letting out a soft chuckle from her mouth.

''Why do you all call me, master?'' Yuhao said while tilting his head in confusion.

''Because Master save us,'' Rong Yi replied.


''Because of you, we can avenge our family!'' One of the survivor family said,

''Because master save me from that place!'' One of the survivors said.


Feeling the gaze of his mom, Yuhao then sighed, ''All right, all of you can follow me,''

A smile appears on their face, and in unison, they said, ''Thanks you master!''

All of them then following Yuhao and disappearing in the darkness of the night.