The Storm

(An: In the previous chapter, I was using a white tiger martial spirit instead of evil-eyes white tiger!)

(For that, You can check Author Note at the end!)

(Maybe I can write too much in the next two or three weeks because I have a mid-term test at my school)

(Btw, Enjoy the chapter, Peace!)

--- Chapter 29 ---

Dai Hao was shocked by what he read right now!

'' You still remember, right, the promise we made when we parted!

My Daughter right now was at the age of seven, and your fourth child son also seven! ''

''T-This!'' Dai Hao stuttering, seeing what he read right now!

''But I don't have four sons, I only three sons and one daughter!'' He murmured,

Dai Yaoheng, Dai Huabin, Dai Luoli, and Dai Xun'er!

'' No, No, Don't be so confused, Brother Hao!

We have our info, which was clan secret, So I can't tell you at all from where I know that you have four sons!

But I can tell you something, Huo Yun'er is still alive! ''

''Yun'er still alive!'' Dai Hao shouted!

A tear of happiness was running on his cheeks, ''But, she maybe will not forgive me for what happens to her over the past few years,'' He bitterly said,

Even though the situation was not technically his fault but, still if he was not too busy with the army situation,

and his first wife, the duchess(the bitch who covering all the information for him) at the time.

He maybe can at least visit her a few times!

''But, Wait, If Huo Yun'er was still alive, doesn't that mean...''

''She bearing my child!'' He said enthusiastically,

''If she was pregnant from the last time we did that thing, doesn't that mean our child already seven, right now!'' He added,

but then he remembers the pains that Huo Yun'er must bears when she still on the mansion,

''She enduring living on the shabby cottage while raising our child!''

Unbeknown by him, Huo Yun'er even must work as a servant to live on the mansion, she must search for her and Yuhao food in the forest, every single day!

The mansion doesn't even give her salary, and only with selling wild vegetable, she can earn her own money.

The money itself not enough for their living!

''Sigh, It makes me in a hard position!'' He said while pinching his eyebrow,

The situations were still harsh right now, Sun and Moon empire behavior was weird!

Another empire was vigilant at each other, and the only Shrek was neutral!

''Should I do that!'' He murmured while thinks someway to get touch with the information,

--- At the unknown places ---

In the dark tower, many people on the hood were meeting each other but,

the mood in the room was so tense!

''Our branch was destroyed!'' The hollow person in the hood said,

A shock expression emerged on the peoples on the hoods.

''What, That Impossible!''

''What branch that got destroyed?''

''Number one on the east!''

Suddenly all of them became quiet, and What is the number one means!

The number one means that there someone in that branch that has a chance to become a holy son or holy lady of the church!

''As for the candidate for the holy son...''

''He was dead,''

''That was so unfortunate!''


''With, that his martial spirit, he at least, can become a strong holy son!''

''That was a shame,''

''Soul Devouring Blood Ape!''

''The ancestor of the Han clan had a mountain ape as his martial spirit!''

''But, Because he married to one of us, his clan martial spirit have a mutation,''

''Tsk, Do we know the attackers,''

''No,'' The hollow person in the hood replied with a shook of the head, ''What I do know is that their soul crystals turned into a pile of dust!''

''I don't even have a chance to get close to the clan,'' The hollow person in the hood nonchalantly said, '''Because the clan place itself was guard by the white tiger clan and Star luo empire army right now,''

''But, I have suspected of the attacker!'' The hollow person in the hood added, making all the people in the room stunned.

''Who?'' All the people on the black hood were prying!

''Before the destruction, there are two people on white robes and animal mask!''

''A boy around seven or nine with dragon mask!''

''And A woman around early twenty with fox mask!''

''There is no way a boy has the power to destroy that clan, Right!'' Said one of the people on the crowd, ''The woman may be the one who destroys the clan!''

The hollow figure shook his head, ''That boy has enough power to kill ten guards who have the power of spirit elder if combined!'' He spoke while describing what he hears from civilians!

''And he kills them so effortlessly!''

There is no way a child at age seven or nine has a power like that, and All of them were shocked.

''But, after that night, the trace of these two mysterious people was gone!''

''Like they never existed in the world,''

''Is there any clues about this incident?''

''Yeah, after the massacre of the branch and before the clan was destroyed!''

''There are many witnesses who say that they heard the roar of a dragon!''

''A dragon?''

''Yeah, A dragon.'' The hollow person nodding his head,

''but, because I can't directly investigate the places, I can verify the information,''

''So, It's not clear that this news is real or not!''


In the star dou forest, this forest is the most famous spirit beast habitats.

And on the core area of this forest, we can see a clear lake full of pure water of vitality!

On that lake, two beasts were residing in that area.

A beautiful green fathered swan with a pair of jade-like wings, and the other beast was a black dragon,

This dragon was one of the most powerful creature on this world, and he was the golden-eyed black dragon.

The dragon black scale fluttering on the lake, and he then opens its eyes, showing us a pair of golden slitted piercing eyes.

''This, A dragon roar?'' The dragon whispered to himself while glancing his eyes toward the east!

''but, why I feel this roar was vaguely familiar yet not familiar at the same time,''

''Di Tian?'' A faint feminine voice said.

''What happened?''

''Mhm, No, I just think about something,''

''Hmm, Okay,''

(The Storm has Arrived!)