Three Years

(AN: I can write too much because I have a mid-term exam on this and next week!

(I Have almost every subject this week and a few hard test the next week)

(So, Yeah, Maybe I will be on hiatus for two or three weeks!)

(But, If I have spare time, I will write a chapter like this on my spares times for relaxing my mind after this torture-, ehem I mean this test)

(I Think, I rushed too much in this chapter, and not detailed enough)

(Well, I may just edit it and make a side chapter later!)

(Btw, Enjoy the chapter, peace!)

--- Chapter 30 ---

Three years after the massacre of the Han clan,

On the top mountains where there is flat land, a blue-haired boy about the age of ten or eleven doing a few stances of fist form,

The air around his fist vibrating violently, and a cold sweat was running on his forehead!

Two red spirit rings were floating behind his back, an imaginary form of a dragon was staring at the skies!

His dragon blood was boiling with excitement, the flow of spirit power was revolving around his meridian,

And a sound of echo followed by a dragon roar was coming from his fist, ''Echoing Roar of Dragon Fist!''


The clouded sky blasted by his fist, and an azure sky revealed to the world!

''Sigh, again,'' A voice of a woman said behind the boy's back.

We can hear a warm tone in her voice,

''Then what you want me to do besides training, Mom!'' The blue-haired boy replied.

A beautiful woman with long black with bluish color on the tip walks from behind the boy,

She was wearing a black colored hanfu with blue rose and foxes symbol.

With a sly smile on her face,

''Well, What about lunch on the pavilion,'' The woman spoke,

and from behind the woman, We can see a white-haired girl wearing a green-colored hanfu, the girl then rushing toward the blue-haired boy,

''Young master, this!'' She said while handing a towel toward the blue-haired boy.

''Sigh, Ying'er, You don't have to call me that right!'' The blue-haired boy replied with a wry smile on his face,

''Mhm, No, Ying'er, can only comfortably call Young master, Young master!'' The white-haired girl stubbornly replied!

Yeah, this girl was the girl that Yuhao saved from the Han clan.

After Yuhao saving her from that place, she starts calling him Young Master, even though he already said that she doesn't have to call him that,

but still, this girl was a rock-head, and Yuhao can only shake his head, giving up to make this girl call him by his name.

wiping the sweats on his head, He then walks toward the foot of a mountain while two of his companions were following behind him,

But then, a barking or a howl of canine and chirping of a bird was echoing through the mountain.

''Well, Looks like they came here too?''

A bird falling through the skies straight toward Yuhao, a blue bird-like dragon with a long, slender neck, and It have two long feathers on its head, and It's most distinctive feature is the white cloud-like feathers covering most of its body.

But, the blue electricity particle was running through her white cloud-like body, making her look more fierce.

''Rrriiiii!'' The birds chirping while rubbed her head against Yuhao's cheek.

''I'm Fine, Ria!'' Yuhao said while patting the bluebird head.


A Canine beast come lunging from the ground to greet them,

The beast has a body of a canine with white fur that almost covers his body,

And the most striking feature about this canine beast was a golden mane like a lion that makes him more domineering.

''You come here too, Deon?'' Yuhao said with a wry smile on his face,

He got these two monsters from the reward that he got after finishing the quest to destroying the Han clan!

That was the reward that he got from the quest to destroying the Han clan!

[A scroll that has the ability to summons anything but everything that got summoned was randoms!] Yuhao whispered to himself while reading the description of the scroll for the first time.

And he only gets three scrolls from the quest rewards.

He already upgrades the summoning scrolls with his upgrading ticket, and he is still surprised by what monster that he summons!

The first monster he got was a pokemon, or more precisely, a swablu, and this bird was a pokemon!

But what shocked Yuhao was not only he summoned a swablu, this swablu also has a rare bloodline of thunderbird!

As for the second monster, what he got was a Light type Inugami from summoner war, and like swablu, this canine-like monster also has a rare bloodline of sun lion!

(And with the combination of Naga's bloodline that he infused into alchemist pills! Ria and Deon already reach ninety thousand years of cultivation phase in just three years, three years!)

(They even evolving in just nine-months after I summoned them)

''It's just like a tonic!'' He murmured thinks about the energy that was contained from his dragon blood while scratching Deon mane,


''You like it?'' He added,

The Canine beast (Inugami) only nodding his head in affection,

All of them then walking toward the foot of the mountain,

Now, You may be thinking, what is his third summon?

When the description says anything, it's literally can summon anything!

and what he got is an external spirit bone from an elder dragon, and that elder dragon was valstrax, or we can call him the Sky Comet Dragon,

A silver wing of a dragon that has fused into a trident shape,

and each segment of the ending in and an opening designed to expel energy that the user body can't handle!

The bone was at three-hundred thousand years phase, which has three spirit skills, Dragon Cannon, Trident-Wing Thrust, and Discharge Exploding!

And after he fused with this external bone, the bone was mutating because of e his dragon blood and got fully assimilated by his original three-paired dragon wings.

His three-paired dragon wings now have been completely reconstructed, and now the wings have silverish-black color!

With tridents like shape and ability to discharging the unwanted energy or over-limit energy inside his body to making a jet-like explosion to make him fly faster!

So basically, he can discharge the cannon and explode the energy inside his body non-stop if he combined this skill with his innate devouring skill from his martial chain spirit,

the only drawback that his body or the spirit bone was overheating and not strong enough to handle the recoil.

(Sigh, But this external spirit bone was very problematic) He already completed hundreds of quest,

After he hunted the spirit beast on the secret realm, which almost reached five-digit, and he only gets four or five external spirit bones!

If Spirit Masters out there knows that Yuhao lucky enough to have six external spirit bones and still wants more, they maybe will curse him to death while spamming their killing technique at him.

And after they have done cursing Yuhao, They will be coughing blood because too angry!

(Of course, he doesn't mindlessly massacre the spirit beasts, and he only kills them because he needs places to make a home for his vassals, he needs to expand his territory on the secret realm!

He calmly tried to negotiate with the spirit beasts on the secret realm but, and still, he got a negative reply from some of them!

So Yuhao and his vassals can only kill all the spirit beast that gives him a negative reply and take their territory!)

Back to external spirit bones, Almost all of them were not compatible with Yuhao, and there only one spirit beast that was harmonious with his martial naga spirit!

That beast was Nine-Nether Crow, which an arc enemy of the Golden crow!

That beast also become his third spirit ring, which he instantly upgrade to one hundred thousand years phase,

As for the external spirit bone, what he got was a Nine-Nether claw that has two abilities after the bones mutated by his dragon god bloodline.

Nine-Nether Claw, and Eclipse!


''Neh, Hao'er!''

Huo Yun'er said while pinching Yuhao cheeks,


''What do you want to eat this lunch!'' She said,


''Eh!'' He surprised said while glancing at a familiar black tower in front of him.

he didn't realize he had arrived on his mom pavilion,

''Sigh, It's just like yesterday that we open this place!'' Huo Yun'er said while looking at her son's expression.

''Mm, Yeah.''

''The Dragon Nest Pavilion!''

(AN: I Have a horrible sense of naming something, so ehem, yeah...)

--- flashback, two years after the Han clan incident! ---

On the unknown forest, far away from all the factions in the douluo continent,

The Dragon Nest Pavilion was standing majestically.

Even though the name was dragon nest, instead of a cave, a den, or a nest,

A big majestic tower was standing on the ground, and no one knows from where this tower came from,

All the factions on the continent were interested in this tower,

So they send all their respective representatives to check the tower, and they were shocked by what they see!

A black tower, a big black cylinder tower was standing majestically on the ground,

They can see many obscure seals and symbols on the outer wall of the tower.

But, when they get closer to the tower, they become more shocked.

A sclupture, yeah a sclupture!

A Giant black-purplish scaled western dragon sculpture was curling his body in the front of the tower-like it was guarding the tower-like it was his nest!


A silhouette of a woman on a black hanfu was greeting them.

She has a voluptuous body with beautiful long black hair with bluish color on the tip, and a black veil covering her lower face but,

They can still see her enchanting blue eyes, and just by the beautiful white-jade like the skin of her making all the women respective jealous!

The woman then opening her mouth, ana d melodious yet calming voice come,

''Welcome Everyone,''

''To The Dragon Nest Pavilion!''

''Dragon nest pavilion?'' All the respective factions tilting their head one confusion, but the woman on the black hanfu only nodding her head,

(This woman power was ambiguous) A man with short blue hair thought while feeling an unknown pressure from the mysterious woman.

and if Huo Yun'er knows what he thinks right now, she may be chuckling a bit because the pressure was a combination of spiritual, Spirit, Qi, and Her will that Yuhao teaches her, and he calls this technique,

(Supreme Qi or Haki!) And this mysterious power can allow the user to utilize their spiritual energy for various purposes.

Even at some point, the user can over-pressuring someone just by activating it,

But, still, she had a hard time when learning these techniques, and that was when Yuhao must hit her with a stick,

Yeah, a stick, although she thinks the pain of being Hit was not bad and make her slightly warm.

''Sorry, Madam but, We came here, searching for information about the tower!'' A man with short blue hair with a bang covering his right eye said while walking forward, cupping his hand, ''My name is Yan Shaozhe, and I was respective from Shrek academy!''

A woman, about 1.7m tall. She has beautiful green hair that was tied in a bundle, white-milk skin, and she looks like in her late twenties,

Walks out from the crowd, she then starts introducing herself, ''My name is Sin Lin'er and me also from Shrek!'' She said while staring at Huo Yun'er.

(I was a super douluo, and I can't sense her power at all) He thought while thinks that his effort in cultivation was not enough!

and he didn't know whatever want to laugh or cry

(This woman? why her skin is so good! and that hair, why they are so smooth!) Sin Lin'er thought,

Meanwhile, all the faction respective that hearing the Man and woman name from Shrek was frowning, and They know that they were the bright phoenix douluo and Valkyrie Douluo from Shrek!

(What sly foxes, they introducing themself first to get a favor from the mysterious woman!) all the faction respective thought while looking at Yan Shaozhe and Sin Lin'er in annoyance.

But, In the end, they can only sigh in their heart, and even though they angry, they can't afford to offend Shrek!

All of them start introducing themself one by one, and when the respective from the star Luo empire coming to introducing himself.

Huo Yun'er smile curving slightly behind her veils.

''Once again, I say Welcome everyone to the dragon nest pavilion!'' She said while flicking her sleeve, and then a phenomenon occurred!

The light vibrating, the ground was shaking violently, and then a twenty-meter height of black wall starts spurting from the ground encircling the tower!

All the faction was alerted by these actions, and they ready to draw their sword or bent their bow.

But, Huo Yun'er just softly chuckling while holding her hand, ''Don't be too alerted and just enjoy the show,'' She said, while a gate formed on the wall and start to open by itself!

Meanwhile, some of the respective that know about arrays and seals were shocked, what Huo Yun'er doing right now was counted as the peak level of sealing master!

(At least she at rank eight or even above that level!) All the respective who know about the seals and array thought with a grim expression!

''Titled Douluo!'' One of the respective said, and he was from the sun and moon empire,

He was hate to admit it, but what he sees right now is too unbelievable!

''Open~,'' Huo Yun'er calmly said while flicking her finger at the black wall, and a hole, no a gate was forming on the walls,



The majestic gate opens itself, revealing a scene of a gigantic tower that was guarded by a dragon sculpture!

''Beautiful!'' All the female respective said while seeing something that they will never foreign their life!

Even Sin Lin'er was fascinated by this scene.

''Follow me!'' Huo Yun'er said with a clear and calm tone.

''And please mind your manner inside the dragon nest!'' She added with a completely different tone, making someone in the crowd shivering with excitement!

Huo Yun'er then walks toward the tower, leaving all of their silence!

(Is it a trap?) Yan Shaozhe thought while looking at the gate and Huo Yun'er, who walks away from them.

Yan Shaozhe then averting his gaze toward his companion, and a wry smile appears on his face, ''Sigh, This woman.''

All the faction respective also thinks the same thing, It's very suspicious, a black tower is still an unknown place, and they can't just enter that place!

''Sigh, Whatever?'' Yan Shaozhe said while shaking his head, and then following Huo Yun'er from behind.

''Ah!'' Sin Lin'er said in embarrassment, while also following Huo Yun'er beside Yan Shaozhe!

Some of the respective was sending a message to their faction, and then start following Huo Yun'er,

When they enter the gate, they become even more shocked by what they witness.

The tower is so huge, it's even more humongous if they see it closer, and they even don't arrive at the building!

Around the tower, they can see four sections that have distinct characteristics.

''Oh, As you can see, we have four districts!'' Huo Yun'er said,

''The first district was Hospitality and residential district!''

''The second district was Market district!''

''The third district was Battle arena!''

''The last district was Area of Alchemy, Blacksmith, and Sealing, Etc!''

All of them dumbfounded except Huo Yun'er that explaining all of this with a sly smile behind her veil.

''So, Let's enter the tower, shall we!'' She said with a chuckle.

All of them can only nod their head while following her.

''This tower's name was Babylon!''

''And we have eight floors that have different functions as,''

''Informations Hall,''

''Mission Hall,''

''Restaurants Hall,''

''Auction Hall,''

''Blacksmith Hall,''

''Alchemy Hall,''

''Treasure Hall,''

''And lastly, Dragons and Pheonix hall!''

Yan Shaozhe then lifting his hand, ''What the function of information and Mission hall?'' He said while looking at many pieces of information on the board on the first floor.

''Ufufu, Well, the function of the floor as their name said, information and mission!''

''While information is about, what happens on certain places or about the statistic of certain person/spirit beast,''

''The mission is about killing certain spirit beast or find some rare herb like this!'' Huo Yun'er said while taking a flower from her spatial ring, and that flower making the temperature rise for a little bit.

''T-That was,'' Yan Shaozhe said while pointing at the flower on Huo Yun'er hands,

A red flower, Its appearance seemed very simple, only formed from red grass leaves. The tip of the grass leaves was shaped just like cockscombs,

But if you observed it very closely, you can see a distinctiveness, the venation of the flower was unexpectedly gold, and the temperature in the room immediately rises sharply.

(the description from the legend was very similar to the flower's appearance, and, unmistakably, that flower was,)

(Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower!) He shouted in his mind while his body was trembling for a little bit because that flower was what his student needed right now.

Sin Lin'er also knows what flower on Huo Yun'er's hand, and she also knows what Yan Shaozhe student problem was.

(If this was not an important mission/unknown places, he may-be already jumping through the air while attempting to try taking the flower from that woman hands,) She thought while looking at her partner's trembling body, who right now already calming himself.

Meanwhile, Huo Yun'er only smiling inside her veil,

''Well, as you can see, we also posting a mission for searching rare materials like this,''

A glistening purple rock appears on her hand, and,

all blacksmith and spirit guidance master on the place suddenly becomes quiet.

Not everyone knows about the red flower(Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower) but, nearly everyone in the room knows what violet/purple rocks on Huo Yun'er's hands,

Even Sin Lin'er was shocked because, For every blacksmith and spirit guidance master, the ore on Huo Yun'er hands was a super rare unusual material that makes their eyes hots just by seeing it!

''Violet Star Meteorite!''

As you can see from the rock name, and we can already know why this metal is so rare!

For the blacksmith, this ore is one of the biggest challenges in their carrier,

and that because of the characteristics of this rock, this rock was hard material and It was soft at the same time,

But if a blacksmith or spirit guidance master wants to refine or forge this rock into an ingot, they maybe need a skill of pinnacle rank eight or rank nine.

And the ingot from this rock was so durable yet flexible and very suitable for the core of soul tools.

Sin Lin'er even intensely staring at the rock on Huo Yun'er's hands, only to be disappointed because she throws it back into her spatial ring.

Disappointed, one of the respective also raising his hand and ask, ''You said that, On the district second and fourth, you have a market, alchemist, blacksmith, etc, area.''

''But, Why, You have blacksmith, Auction, treasure, and alchemist hall in this tower?'' He added in confusion.

''That was a good question!'' Huo Yun'er said,

''Well, Halls on the tower was a place for a creator or people that have good reputations and have the high-level ability!''

''People on the district was also good, and they have enough skills to create a good item, weapons, or armor,''

''They just don't have any verified reputation by the tower!''

And what she said was right, and in just two years, She and Yuhao adventuring to all places on the continent, which did not have enough popularity in the eyes of high-leveled factions.

And they found many news people, and then they saved them, or more precisely she saves them,

She then recruits them, and some of them were poor, some of them were pressured nobles, some of them have degenerated clans.

She even saved some of the spirit sages and soul douluo that in the brink of death.

All of them were very grateful, and they even call her goddess Huo or mistress.

And only after two years, they able to form the dragon nest pavilions, the Babylon tower, and finally the Naga city!

''Is there any questions?''

''Well, let's have lunch then~,''