The first meeting!

(An: A New Chapter, Yey!)

(Happy New Year, Everyone!)

(You can check my original novel in Mangatoon or Noveltoon by the title, I Only Need 1 Exp!)

(It was in my native language, which is bahasa/Indonesian language!)

(I will try to translate it if you want to read it!)

(Btw, get's some snacks and water, and Enjoy the chapter, peace!)

--- Chapter 46 ---

In the star dou forest, we can see Zhao Feng, which Yuhao clone, and Ying'er walking through the green forest!

''B-Big Brother Feng,'' Ying'er staring at Zhao Feng back and then firmly asked, ''Why did we come here?''

''Oh? You want to know!'' Zhao Feng tease Ying'er again with a smile on his handsome face.

''U-Un!'' Ying'er replied with a nod while staring directly at Zhao Feng's face, which makes her blushing hard!

(Maybe I really shouldn't tease her too much!) Zhao Feng thought with a little worried while staring at Ying'er with steam coming out from her head!

''We came here for a special spirit ring!'' Zhao Feng stated while looking at the wood sign standing weakly on the ground!

''Special spirit ring?'' Ying'er muttered with a thought!

(Youn-, I mean, B-Big Brother Feng spirit rings are already exceptional! But why he searches for this spirit ring?) Ying'er thought with a cute frown!

''Maybe it comes from a rare spirit beast?'' muttered Ying'er guessing what kind of spirit ring did Zhao Feng want to find!

If she knows what Zhao Feng wants to find is a million-year spirit beast, she may be shocked into its core while widening her eyes!

[Star Dou Forest!]

[Spirit Beasts Are Roaming Around, Beware!]

''Seriously, who make this sign!'' Zhao Feng said with a little twitch on the corner of his mouth.

''Whatever, the stream, where the original plot should be close!'' He added while activating his mystic emperor eyes, which making his left eye shining brightly under tree shadow!

(Should I use the observation haki?) He thought with a frown on his face, but then he decides to activate it, making him able to view or sense presence one kilometer away from where he stands right now!

''Spirit Beast around 10-1000 years old are roaming around these areas,''

''Hmm? These presences?'' Zhao Feng said while feeling four human presence walking from the east side!

(Two of them should be Tang Ya and Bei Bei, but what about the other two?) He thought with a little frown because it seems fate is already changing!

''Butterfly Effect, Huh!'' Zhao Feng muttered with a shake of his head.

(You can't change the past, Many things are already changing in this world, but the most important thing is the future!) He calmly thought!

''Ying'er,'' Zhao Feng said.

''Un, B-Big Brother Feng!'' Ying'er responded with a blink of eyes!

''Let's Go!'' He stated while patting her head.

Taking Ying'er into his embrace, Zhao Feng then use three thousand lightning movement and disappears from the area!

Purplish lightning, scattering around the forest, and you can see Zhao Feng and Ying'er arrived at a small river with a bunch of freshwater fish in it!

''Hmm, What about rest for a little bit!'' Zhao Feng stated with a smile while sitting on the rock.

''Un...'' Ying'er replied.

''Do you want me to cook for you, B-Big Brother Feng!'' She added while peeking at Zhao Feng's face!

(Hmm? It's been a long time since I cooked!) Zhao Feng thought while remembering himself eating his mom cooking, or Ying'er cooking these years!

''Mm, I was a little hungry,'' Zhao Feng replied with a nod!

''And I can help you too!'' He added with a smile!

(Eh, Cooking with Youn-, Big Brother Feng!) Ying'er thought!

After these years living with Yuhao, she never sees him cooking anything, but because she never sees it, that doesn't mean Yuhao/Zhao Feng can't cook!

''Mm, we can cook together!'' Ying'er stated with a bright smile.

Two of them then start to cook a grilled fish!

Zhao Feng, without help from his mystic emperor eyes or observation haki! Could easily catch the freshwater fishes in a matter of seconds!

''Oh!'' Ying'er clapped her small hands!

''Here...'' Zhao Feng said while giving nine freshwater fish to Ying'er!

''Un, Thank you!'' Ying'er replied while glancing at the freshwater on her hands.

(Since Big Brother Feng is seeing me, I will do my best!) Ying'er thought with a serious yet cute expression!

Taking a black knife from her spatial ring, Ying'er then starts cleaning all the freshwater fish one by one while fastly finishing all of them.

''She really fires up, huh!'' Zhao Feng muttered with a smile as he prepared a bonfire and a few skewers made from tree branches!

''Done...'' Ying'er said while looking at the freshwater fishes that she already prepared while adding few spices into it!

''Good job!'' Zhao Feng patting Ying'er head while looking at the fishes and smile a little bit before he thrust the fish with the skewers he already prepared and grilled it near the bonfire!

(Now, we have to wait!) Zhao Feng thought while activating his observation haki to check any presence near him and Ying'er!


''Woah, what is this scent!''

A melodious voice of a teenage girl comes into Zhao Feng's ears, and when he heard this, a little smirk appears on his face!

(They've come!) Zhao Feng thought!

Four peoples, walking out of from the bushes!

All of them are teenagers with exceptional appearances, and Zhao Feng can see two of the teenager was very familiar in his eyes!

(Tang Ya and Bei Bei!) Zhao Feng thought while peeking at the two teenagers!

''Woah, Grilled Fish!'' Tang Ya said while walking closer toward Zhao Feng and Ying'er!

''Xiao Ya!'' Bei Bei said with a little worried because Tang Ya is approaching a stranger they found in the star dou forest!

(Even though this was only the outer part of the star dou forest, why did two children around 11-12 come into this place, except they want to hunt spirit beast for their martial soul!) Ye Lingling thought while her blonde hair, waving a little bit!

''But I don't see their guardian around here?'' She muttered with a frown on her cold face!

While the teen with long black hair only stares at Zhao Feng and Ying'er with hostility in his eyes!

(Maybe it's time to react!) Zhao Feng thought while feeling Ying'er hiding behind his back!

''Who are you, and what do you want!'' Zhao Feng stood out from the ground while a bluish-black pole appears in his hand.