
(An: New Chapter, Yey?!)

(Sigh, The backlash! I know this will be happening!)

(If someone doesn't know about Great Nirvana Immortal Art (Immortal Art) from Ancient Godly Monarch, I will explain it here!)

(This technique create another body, which shares all characteristic alike Yuhao true-body. So this other body is still Yuhao, which is connected and can do telepathic with each other, which can cultivate into another direction without affecting his true-body!)

(This another body can also do refusion with Yuhao! If someone does read Ancient Godly Monarch and know the references, they can easily understand what I mean!)

(So Yuhao, At this point, will have two bodies, but with the same soul!)

''I already have a plan for Yuhao, so I can't change it!'' -Author!

(Btw, get's some snacks and water, and Enjoy the chapter!)

--- Chapter 47 ---

''Who are you...''

''And what do you want!'' Zhao Feng shouted while stood out from the ground with a bluish-black pole appears in his hand!

(This should be enough, and I can also easily judge two people I am unfamiliar with!) He thought while gripping tightly at his weapon, which he created with the same alloys as Odachi!

Even though he was using a defensive stance to looks like he was cautious toward the four people in front of him, Zhao Feng only want to test them after all!

''Woah! Calm down!'' Tang Ya said with a harmless smile on her cute face!

''Xiao Ya!'' BeiBei walking closer toward Tang Ya and whispered, ''They're cautious with our presence!''

''I know!'' Tang Ya replied!

(Hmm, it seems she's trying to make this meeting peaceful) Zhao Feng thought with an amused smile inside his heart.

''Don't come near us!''

''Or I will attacks you!'' Zhao Feng said to bait the teenage boy with long black hair to attack him while a little pressure comes out from his body!

(He looks like a hot-headed type of person!) Zhao Feng thought while tried to provokingly staring at the teenage boy with long black hair!

''What are you looking at, Huh!'' The teenage boy with long black hair shouts with an outburst, which brings a little smirk to Zhao Feng's face!

''Baishe!'' Ye Lingling coldly said while staring at the teenage boy with long black hair!

But Baishe doesn't respond to her alert and fiercely stares at Zhao Feng!

(Succes!) Zhao Feng thought while staring at the teenage boy with long black hair, but this time with a hostile and irritate gaze!

This gaze is enough to make Baishe angry, and he doesn't know why he feels so angry when Zhao Feng's staring at him!

The answer to his question was Haosoku haki, and Zhao Feng uses a little bit of it to overpowering Baishe's will, which ended effectively!

''T-This brat!'' Baishe fiercely shouted with his finger pointed at Zhao Feng while spirit power furiously boiling inside his body!

Baishe, then furiously running toward Zhao Feng while his body, bulging a little bit!

''Baishe!'' Ye Lingling, BeiBei, Tang Ya shouted in surprise because they never thought he dares to attack Zhao Feng!

Three spirit rings, Yellow, Yellow, and Purple appearing around Baishe!

''Motionless Bright King Body!''

Baishe body starts emitting golden light while his defensive and strength ability got increased!

''Vigorous Vajra Palm!'' Baishe shouted while launching a palm attack toward Zhao Feng!

Palm shaped energy blast got launched from Baishe palm, and Zhao Feng was shocked by what he sees!

(Eh, Vigorous Vajra Bear?) Zhao Feng thought in shock while looking at the incoming energy blast!

''He was Zhao Wuji descendant!'' Zhao Feng muttered while gently swinging his bluish-black pole toward the incoming attack!

The bluish-black pole, then touching the palm attack, and Zhao Feng said, ''Freeze!''

Baishe attacks immediately become frozen solid, and everyone who sees this was shocked, except Zhao Feng!

''Weak!'' Zhao Feng said while swinging his bluish-black pole toward the Baishe's frozen solid attacks, instantly destroying it into icy dust!

''W-What!'' Baishe was shocked by the sudden scene in front of his eyes!

(He instantly destroying Baishe's attack!) Ye Lingling thought while looking at Zhao Feng in surprise because, from a first glance, Ye Lingling knows that Zhao Feng is younger than them!

''Since you're already attacking me, then I could attack you too!'' Zhao Feng said while gently throwing his bluish-black pole into the air and kicking it toward Baishe!



''Vajra Shield Body!'' Baishe said while his third spirit ring liting up and a light shield appears in front of his body!

A black line got created by Zhao Feng attacks, and when the bluish-black pole appears in front of the shield, Baishe was shocked by the powerful force behind it!


''Wha-!'' Baishe said before his defensive ability got destroyed and got launched two-meter away!


''You're weak!'' Zhao Feng said while appearing in front of Baishe's body!

''Baishe!'' Ye Linling shouted, and three spirit ring appears around her body!

A bow with elegant appears on her palm, and she instantly shot three arrows toward Zhao Feng!

(Hmm? Ye clan!) Zhao Feng thought while sensing a trace of spirit beast breath from Ye Linling bow martial soul!

Evading the three arrows, Zhao Feng then disappears while purple lightning scattering and appears again, where he, standing before.

''B-Big Brother Feng!'' Ying'er muttered while staring at Zhao Feng's back!

''I'm fine,'' Zhao Feng replied with a smile!

''They're not strong enough to injuring me!'' He added to provoke Ye Lingling!

(This kid, he deliberately provoking us!) Ye Lingling thought while her first spirit ring got lit up and a shadow of a yellow bird appears behind her back!

''Even though I know that this kid, deliberately provoking us, I can't let my guard down!'' She cautiously said while staring at Zhao Feng!

''Woah!'' Tang Ya muttered in surprise while looking at Zhao Feng!

''Sigh, Calm down, we don't have any harmful intention!'' Beibei said with a calm smile, indicating that he won't do any harm toward Zhao Feng and Ying'er

BeiBei makes a few gestures toward Ye Linling to take Baishe while himself only calmly staring at Zhao Feng.

''Cough, Lingling...'' Baishe said in shame while tried to avoiding eye contact with Ye Lingling!

''Next time, If you do this kind of thing again...''

''I will be the one! who beat you to death!'' Ye Lingling said while grasping Baishe's head and make him staring at her cold eyes!

''You will not do it again, right!'' She coldly added while staring at Baishe!

''Yes, Ma'am!''

''But why you seem so angry before?'' Ye Lingling asked.

''I don't know!'' Baishe replied with a wry smile.

''Every time he stares at me, angry feeling keep irritating me.'' He added, making a frown appear on Ye Lingling's beautiful face!


Tang Ya, staring at Zhao Feng, but then Ying'er caught her attention because of her cute appearances and beautiful white hair!

(Both of them are handsome and beautiful! They must have come from a good background!) Tang Ya thought while her eyes are shining brightly in curiosity!

(Maybe this is enough?) Zhao Feng thought while staring at Ying'er, sadly hiding behind his back!

''Ying'er, let's go!'' Zhao Feng said while taking the nine grilled fishes and opening his embrace!


''Here!'' Zhao Feng said while throwing four grilled fishes directly toward Tang Ya, BeiBei, Baishe, and Ye Lingling, which they awkwardly catch.

Zhao Feng and Ying'er then disappear from the spot while leaving a few wisps of purple lightning!

''Hmm, we don't know their name?'' Tang Ya said while pouting!

''Sigh, at least we have the grilled fishes!'' She added while looking at the fragrant grilled fish in her hands.

''Xiao Ya, there may be poison in this grilled fish...'' Beibei cautiously said!

''No!'' Ye Lingling interrupted while bringing Baishe on her shoulder!

''He will not use this kind of method to kill us!'' She added with a firm tone!

''What do you mean, Lingling?'' Tang Ya asked while tilting her head.

BeiBei and Baishe are also confused and staring at Ye Lingling like they need the information!

''Sigh, you may not realize it, but...''

''That kid never activated his martial soul!'' Ye Linling stated, making three of them shocked in the spot!

''Haha, Yeah...''

''He never uses his martial soul!'' Baishe said while laughing in a defeated tone!

(The weight of that pole is insane) He thought while remembering the strength of Zhao Feng attacks!

''So there is no poison in this grilled fish, right?''

''Then let me taste this fragrant grilled fish!''

''T-This is...'' Tang Ya shouted in shock!

''What happens, Xiao Ya!'' Beibei asked with a nervous expression!

''There is no way, he uses poison, right...'' Ye Lingling muttered with also a nervous expression on her face!

''T-This is...''

''Super Delicious!!!'' Tang Ya shouts with a blissful expression on her face!