The Fated Encounter!

(An: A new chapter, Yey!)

(I was already translating my original novel!)

(The title: I only need 1 Exp: Translated version! You can check it on Mangatoon or Noveltoon!)

(It only has two chapters for now, and maybe I continued with English rather than Bahasa because I don't know why I feel very cringe every time I created a chapter in my native language!)

(Btw, gets some snacks and water, and Enjoy the chapter, Peace!)

--- Chapter 48 ---

Zhao Feng and Ying'er, walking close to each other while entering the depth of star dou forest.

''It should be here...'' Zhao Feng said while his eyes wandering through the forest and the ground.


Sound of bushes coming into his ears and a spirit beast jump out from the bushes!

A baboon with a height of a meter and a half appears in front of their eyes. Its entire body is full of long brown hair.

It has brown eyes and two abnormally long arms with sharp nails on its paws. Its mouth shows sharp canines and a pair of eyes that shined fiercely.


The spirit beast shouted toward Zhao Feng and Ying'er to asserting its dominance!

''He was around two or three thousand years old...'' Zhao Feng commented with a frown!

Because according to the original story, the spirit beast in front of him should be ten years old spirit beast!

(I can only walk on my own story, huh!) Zhao Feng thought with a shake of his head, the butterfly effect he created is too significant!


''If I wasn't wrong, you need your third spirit ring, right?'' Zhao Feng asked with a smile.

''En!'' Ying'er replied with a nod while her martial soul appears on her slender hands.

''Then you can take this spirit beast as your third spirit ring,'' Zhao Feng stated as he pointed his finger toward the wind baboon!

''It has the wind-based ability and good speed, and it should be enough to your third blessing!'' He added with a smile, making Ying'er boldly staring at the wind baboon!

''En, Ying'er will work hard!'' Ying'er said as she rotates her saint dragon flag, making the flag rolled into the pole while its sharp end, pointed directly at the wind baboon!

''I'm ready!'' She said with a firm tone!

Two-spirit rings, yellow with purple tint, and purple spirit rings floating behind her back!

''Second spirit skill: Saint blessing!'' Ying'er chanted as a brilliant white light invading her body, and she can feel an immense power filled her body!

''Flickering steps!'' She said while disappearing from Zhao Feng's side and suddenly appears in front of the wind baboon!

''First, Ascend strike!'' Ying'er shouted as she lunged her martial soul directly toward the wind baboon heart!

''Wrraa!'' The wind baboon roared while bashing his arm toward Ying'er attack!


Two of them, a human and a spirit beast, got launched separately!

(Almost equal?) Zhao Feng said while his left eyes, shining brightly to observing Ying'er fight!

''But, Ying'er is the stronger one, huh...'' He commented when he sees wind baboon hands, which has a stab injury!

Meanwhile, Ying'er, still standing firmly on the ground without any wounds as her eyes staring directly at the wind baboon!

Zhao Feng keeps watching this fight until he can see a few bruises on Ying'er body!

''Well, it will end soon...'' He stated while looking at the miserable body condition of the wind baboon!

The wind baboon's body already full of wounds, and his left hand already got severed by Ying'er attack!

''Wrraa!'' The wind baboon roared with an angry look on his face and wind dancing through his body as he jumped toward Ying'er!

Facing this situation, we can see that there is no panic expression on her face! She was looking very calm as the incoming attack almost reach her body!

''Horizon...'' Ying'er calmly said while swinging her martial soul horizontally!


''Wraa...'' The beast roared in an unwilling tone while its body, falling from the air!

(She won!) Zhao Feng thought with a smile!


''Big Brother Feng!'' Ying'er responded while organizing herself.

''Here...'' Zhao Feng took a beautiful silver sword from his spatial ring and handed it to Ying'er!

''This sword?'' Ying'er said while looking at the silver sword in her hands.

''That's your reward! Good job!'' Zhao Feng said while patting Ying'er, making the girl happy and purring a little bit!

(This is my reward! From Brother Feng!) Ying'er thought while enjoying warm patting from Zhao Feng!

''Ok, you can absorb the spirit ring now...''

''I will guard you!'' Zhao Feng said as he stops patting Ying'er, making the girl feels a little longing for his hand warmness!

''En!'' She said with a nod and approaching the wind baboon with a sharp knife.

Looking at the unwillingness of dead on the wind baboon eyes, Ying'er could only shake her head, and then said, ''Only the strongest one will survive this dangerous world!''

''I'm sorry...'' She said as she pierces the sharp knife toward the wind baboon's heart!

Purple spirit ring floating above the wind baboon dead body, and Ying'er keep staring at the spirit ring with twinkling light on her eyes!

''Big Brother Feng...'' Ying'er said while averted her gaze toward Zhao Feng!

''En, You can do it!'' Zhao Feng replied with a nod.

Sitting cross-legged, Ying'er then tried to attract the purple spirit ring into her saint dragon flag and closed her eyes to enter meditation!

(Hmm? He's here!) Zhao Feng thought while feeling a wisp of spiritual power wandering from the ground.

''Get out!'' Zhao Feng said as his left eyes shining brightly, creating a mighty spiritual disturbance in the surrounding!

''Finally, I met a spiritual-type human, huhu I want-,''


a feminine voice comes into Zhao Feng's mind, and he was confused!



The ground beneath him suddenly trembled without any prior warning. Cracks like spider webs began to appear on the earth!

The crack started to expanding until forming into a crevice while a dim golden-white light faintly shone from within it.

''Sigh, get out from that place already!'' Zhao Feng said with a sigh as he feels an icy-chill from the crevice! Which caused the surrounding temperature to drop.

After a few seconds, the appearance of the golden-white light finally come into Zhao Feng's eyes.

''Hmph! Wait until this sister is out!'' an arrogant feminine voice comes into Zhao Feng's mind, which brings a twitch into the corner of his mouth!

An iceworm with a plump and fat-looking head coming out of the ground!

After a few seconds of struggle, Zhao Feng can see a iceworm over seven meters with a body that was the same color as white jade, sparkled, and was translucent.

Halos of light moved about underneath its epidermis, and it unexpectedly had a small pair of eyes on its head that flickered with a golden radiance.

Strangest of all, golden patterns were engraved on its body at certain intervals, starting half a meter from its head. From head to tail, it had a total of ten golden patterns.

''Although it had dug itself out from the earth, there is no dirt on its beautiful skin at all.'' Zhao Feng describes with a nod.

''Don't be scared!''

''Don't be scared! This beautiful older sister won't harm you!'' a feminine voice comes into Zhao Feng's mind!

''I'm not afraid of you!'' Zhao Feng calmly replied while looking at the monstrous iceworm in front of him!

''Eh?'' The iceworm nodded her head as she understood, but become shocked by Zhao Feng calmness!


''You're Tian Meng!'' Zhao Feng said with a smile, making the iceworm shocked into its core!

''How did you know!'' Tian Meng replied with doubt while her gleaming eyes staring at Zhao Feng while tried to perceiving him!

''I want to ask one question!'' Zhao Feng said while ignoring Tian Meng's gaze!

''Hmph, what kind of question did you have for this older sister!''

''You want to create a god, right!'' Zhao Feng said with a smile.
