Angry Spirit Beasts?

(An: A new chapter, Yey!)

(I was already translating my original novel!)

(The title: I only need 1 Exp: Translated version! You can check it on Mangatoon or Noveltoon!)

(It only has two chapters for now, and maybe I continued with English rather than Bahasa because I don't know why I feel very cringe every time I created a chapter in my native language!)

(Btw, gets some snacks and water, and Enjoy the chapter, Peace!)

--- Chapter 50 ---

On the outskirt of the star dou forest, we can see Ying'er staring closely at Zhao Feng!

''Did he find the special spirit ring he said earlier?'' Ying'er muttered with a frown because when she wakes up from her spirit ring absorption!

When she sees Zhao Feng in a deep meditation state, anxiousness keeps rushing into her mind even though he doesn't have any injuries on his body!

(Just what happens?) Ying'er thought as she averted her gaze toward the ground where a huge crack like a spider web appears out of nowhere!

''There is no huge crack like this before, right...'' She said with another frown on her cute face!

Meanwhile, in Zhao Feng spiritual sea or you can say it a spiritual world right now.

We can see Tian Meng lying on the vast sea of white clouds with a weary expression on her face.

(She's more beautiful than I thought!) Zhao Feng thought while staring at Tian Meng's human form, a beautiful blonde woman in white ice worm pajama!

Tian Meng's human form is a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and clear icy blue eyes, but we can't see her figure because she was wearing a white ice worm pajama!

''Even in her human form, she looks very lazy, sigh...'' Zhao Feng thought.

''Thank you for saving me, young one...'' Elux said while bowing his head a little.

''En, your welcome!'' Zhao Feng humbly replied with a little smile.


''Do you need something as a reward for saving me,'' Elux asked with a calm expression on his pale face.

''Teacher!'' Zhao Feng said!

''Teacher?'' Elux muttered while tilting his head in confusion!

''Yeah, I want to be your disciple!'' Zhao Feng stated with a smile.

''That's it? Only that! You don't need anything?'' Elux said while staring directly at Zhao Feng's eyes.

''En, That's it!''

Zhao Feng keeps staring at Elux with a little smile on his face.

The reason behind why he wants to become an Elux disciple is not because he doesn't need any reward!

First, Elux was a necromancer with supreme light element control, and he has another plane where he stores his army!

Two, Elux's mastery of spiritual power is superb!

Three, which the last reason why he wants to become his disciple!

He could fastly create a spirit soul. A living spirit rings inside the soul master consciousness and can grow together with them!

As they grow together, they can fill the soul master spirit ring when they breakthrough and grant enough spirit skill to soul master without having to kill many spirit beasts!

(The only thing I need is his formula, which can perform a pack between spirit beast and soul master, and they can become a spirit soul!) Zhao Feng thought, but he thinks knowledge is more important than formula, so he wants to become Elux's disciple!

''Well, if you don't want to be my teacher, It's fine, I guess...'' Zhao Feng with a smile on his face!

''Sigh, I was already dead, in this is just a piece of my soul, so my knowledge is not perfect!'' Elux replied with a sigh.

''Are you sure you want to become my disciple!'' Elux stated with a fact.

''Mn, I'm sure!'' Zhao Feng replied with a firm nod!

''Ok, From now on...''

''You're my disciple!'' Elux said as a grey light appears on his hand and scattered toward Zhao Feng.

(This is a spiritual imprint?) Zhao Feng thought while looking at the grey light coming toward him.

''Well, It won't work on me!'' Zhao Feng as he opened his palm to catch the spiritual imprint!

''This is...''

''How to control light and basic necromancy?'' Zhao Feng muttered with a flow of information coming into his head.

''Hmm, Thanks!'' He said with a nod because he was satisfied with the new knowledge!

''It's nothing...''

''You can ask me anything if you don't understand!'' Elux calmly replied as he closed his eyes while entering a meditation!

(Hmm, the vitality and spiritual power is still surging, he still need to control it, huh) Zhao Feng thought.

''Sister Daydream!''

''Do you need something?'' Tian Meng replied as she lay on the ground because mentally exhausted!


[Name: Tian Meng/Daydream Iceworm]

[Species: Mystic Ice Worm]

[Cultivation: 1.000.000 years phase]

[Host: Zhao Feng]

[Innate Ability: High Spiritual Power Control and Ice Element]

[Spirit Skill: Spiritual Detection, Spiritual Resonance, Spiritual Assault, Spiritual Interference, and Illusions]

(Five spirit skills and the last skill is Illusions, huh) Zhao Feng thought with a frown because he already has a strong illusion in his arsenal even though using too much spiritual power!

''At least the energy become more stable...'' He muttered as he feels ten spiritual seals placed by Tian Meng!

''Hmm, What about the essences?'' He added!

''Ah, It was in the spirit ring,'' Zhao Feng said while opening his eyes in the real world and startling Ying'er in the process!


''Big Brother Feng!''

''You startling me!'' Ying'er said as she tried to cover her blushing face!

''Hmm? White spirit ring!'' Ying'er said while looking at the white spirit ring dancing around Zhao Feng's body!

''Why did you absorb this spirit ring?'' She asked while cutely tilting her head.

''It's a little a difficult to explain,'' Zhao Feng stood with a wry smile on his face and then said, ''How about this!''

His left eyes, glowing dimly with golden light, and Ying'er suddenly can see the surrounding clearly around her, even though she closed her eyes!

''T-This ability...'' Ying'er muttered with a shocked expression on her face because she can clearly see one kilometer away from her location, and all of them is very detail!

(Just like a god viewing the world!) Ying'er thought while feeling she can grasp anything with this new view!

''Eh!'' Ying'er shouted while feeling a jolted feeling because the view suddenly disappears!

''Big Brother, this ability!'' Ying'er said while looking at Zhao Feng!

''It's good, isn't it!'' Zhao Feng replied with a smile, making Ying'er nodding her head!


''Of course, the ability comes from this beautiful older sister!'' Tian Meng brags as she stands proudly in front of Zhao Feng.

''Yeah, Yeah...''

''It's good that there is no one that can see you, except me!'' Zhao Feng telepathically replied!

''Hmph, What do you mean by that!'' Tian Meng said with a pout!



''Something is coming?'' Zhao Feng muttered while activating his new spirit skill!

''A horde of angry spirit beast?'' He added with a frown while seeing a human group with six people running toward his direction!

''What a bunch of fools!''

Zhao Feng can clearly feel potent spirit energy come from one person in the group, which may be a medicine herb they stole from the spirit beast!

''Four of them is spirit elder with three spirit rings, one is spirit ancestor, and their leader is spirit king?'' Zhao Feng stated.

''Do they want to kill themselves?'' Tian Meng stated with a weird expression on her face!

''Nah, I also don't know!" Zhao Feng replied with a wry smile!

''Hmm? why they're running toward our position!'' Tian Meng suddenly said, making a cold light flashing in his eyes!

''Oh, one of them know our location!'' She added with a surprise!

''Ying'er!'' Zhao Feng said as he shares spiritual detection with Ying'er, making the girl face gloomy with a cold intent!

''Big Brother...'' Ying'er said with three spirit rings floating around her body!


''Since they come, we will gladly greet them!''