He's a monster!!

(An: Another Chapter, Yey?!)

(Maybe the chapter update will be slower!)

(Because I need to attend my school from now on!)

(Btw, get some snacks and water, and Enjoy the chapter, Peace!)

----Chapter 51 ---

Six people running through the forest, and all of them had a panicked expression on their faces because a horde of spirit beast is chasing them!

''Captain!'' A man with black ponytail hair shouted in a panicked expression!

''I know! Crane!'' The man with a rigid stature said with a calm expression!

''There are two-spirit masters in the east direction!'' Crane shouted as his eyes shining brightly!

''Running toward the east!'' The captain shouts!

''But captain!''

''Do it!'' The captain sternly said while changing his running direction toward the east.

All of them, then running toward the east while a horde of spirit beast furiously chasing them!

After a few seconds, they can see a pair of kids around 11-12 years old firmly standing like they were waiting for their presence!

''Sorry, kids!''

''There is no hard feeling between us, but...''

''We need to survive!'' The captain shouted while five spirit rings, yellow, yellow, yellow, purple, and purple floating harmonically behind his back!

''Thunder Severing Slash!'' He shouted with a black sword appear in his hands, and his fifth spirit ring got lit up!

A ray of lightning flying toward Zhao Feng and Ying'er, but they calmly looking at the incoming attack with a calm expression on their faces!


''Increase your speed!'' The captain shouted while leaping his speed into the maximum level, and his subordinate also does the same!

A cloud of dust appears from the explosion, but we can see that Zhao Feng and Ying'er is unscathed by that attack!

''They really want us to be their bait, huh...'' Zhao Feng coldly snorted while staring at the incoming spirit beast horde!


''Saint Dragon Flag,'' Ying'er stood on the ground while flapping the flag on her hands and then muttered, ''Blessing of Swiftness!''

Soft wind touch both of them, and their body becomes light like a feather!

(I will chase that group later!) Zhao Feng thought with a cold light as he can point out where is their location!

''Since I have a chance, I will test it now then!'' Zhao Feng said with a smile while staring at the bluish-black pole in his right arm!

[Name: Cold Autumn]

[Type: Pole-Arm]

[Description: A powerful bluish-black pole made by a skillful blacksmith, and because of the rare material and technique, this weapon has insanely durability and flexibility]

[Innate skill: , When this ability got activated, all the damage dealt by this weapon will have a chill-effect on the enemy, and if the enemy is weaker than the user, they will instantly get frozen!]

[Spirit skills: , , and ]

[Created by Huo Yuhao]

''Hmm...'' Zhao Feng humming with a smile.

''Water Manipulation!'' He said while swaying his weapon!

The water around him start moving according to his will and start gathering above his head!

He then controls a small patch of water to gather around the tip of his pole, and then said, ''Freeze...''

Frozen water like a halberd tip then formed and with a satisfied smile Zhao Feng then running toward the spirit beast horde!

''First, Spiritual Shock!'' Zhao Feng said while his left eyes, scanning through the spirit beast horde, making almost all of the spirit beast's body frozen stiff for seconds!


''Wind Manipulation!'' He added with a wind dancing through his weapon and revolving around the halberd edge, making it sharp enough to cut through metal!

Zhao Feng's body, dancing around the spirit beast while his weapon, slashing through every spirit body!

''This weapon?'' Tian Meng said in awe!

''Hmm, what a powerful weapon!'' She added as she observed through every Zhao Feng attack, which plainly slashes through every the spirit beast's body!

''Ice, Water, and Wind, huh...'' Tian Meng commented with a frown!

''Not only that, but his pole-arm mastery is also high...'' She said with a nod while thinking her decision is not wrong to choose Zhao Feng as her host!


''Hmm?'' Zhao Feng suddenly found his weapon got stopped by something!


(A Ten thousand Years Spirit Beast!) Zhao Feng thought while looking at the black turtle with a brown shell in front of him!

''This spirit beast has a strong defensive ability?'' He muttered while looking at the frozen halberd tip, which got chipped a little!

''Water Blade...'' Zhao Feng calmly said as the water he gathered before transforming giant water blade!

''Wind blade!'' He once again chanted while a giant blade appears in the air!

''Cut through!'' He added while jumping to his original position!


''Do you need my help!'' Tian Meng said as she ready to stun the spirit beast horde with her spiritual shock!

''No, I can still manage it!'' Zhao Feng replied while peeking toward Ying'er, who instantly nodded her head and activated her first spirit skill!

''Saint Dragon Flag: Blessing of Healing!''

Zhao Feng could feel small wounds around his body got healed while his stamina got replenished!

(Sigh, this body is not as robust as my true-body!) Zhao Feng thought with a sigh!

''But, It still enough for dealing with these spirit beasts...'' He said while looking at the frozen halberd tip on his weapon, which he already got fixed!

''Armament!'' He added with a grin, and a black light starts covering his weapon!

''Three thousand lightning movement!''

Zhao Feng's figure disappear with purple lightning and appears in front of the turtle spirit beast with a grin on his face!


''Frost Dragon Strike!'' He shouted while taking a stance and moving his weapon like flowing water!

An Ice Dragon shadow over ten meters appears in the air!


The ice dragon roared to the spirit beast horde and then flying toward his enemy while opening his mouth!




Nine explosions, echoing through the outskirt of the star dou forest!

''Hmm, Your weapon?'' Tian Meng said with awe while staring at Zhao Feng's weapon with her eyes!

''Who made it?'' She curiously asked!

''I made it!'' Zhao Feng replied while looking at his surrounding!

Spirit rings and spirit beast corpses, scattering around!


''You made it!!'' Tian Meng shouted in shock but then nodding her with a proud expression on her face!

''As expected of this beautiful sister host!

Ignoring Tian Meng, Zhao Feng averted his gaze toward Ying'er!

''Ying'er...'' Zhao Feng shouted!

''En!'' Ying'er nodded her head while taking a tool from her spatial ring!

She then starts walking into the spirit rings scattered in the ground and gathering them into a tool in her hand!

(Maybe I also have to collect the spirit beast corpse?) Ying'er thought as she starts collecting all the spirit rings and corpses of the spirit beast!


''A spirit bone!'' She said as she collected the spirit beast's corpses!

''Another one!''

''Oh, Another one!''

(Now, I need to settle my matter with those people!) Zhao Feng thought with a cold smile!

Climbing into the highest tree in the area, Zhao Feng then taking a heavy-long bow from his spatial ring!

''Is this bow also your creation!'' Tian Meng curiously asked while looking at the beautiful bow in Zhao Feng's hands.


[Name: Soul Severing Bow]

[Type: Heavy/Long Bow!]

[Description: A powerful bow made by a skillful blacksmith, and because of the rare material and technique, this bow has insanely durability, flexibility, and shooting power]

[Innate Skill: , Every arrow that got shotted by this will hunt your enemy soul, but you need to mark your spiritual power into your enemy first!]

[Spirit Skills: , , and ]

''Spiritual Detection...''

''Observation Haki...'' Zhao Feng muttered as his left eyes shining dimly with golden light, and a group of six peoples comes into his view!

''Hmph...'' Zhao Feng coldly snorted while taking six arrows from his spatial ring!


''Wait, Is that the arrows you will be using!'' Tian Meng shouted with a doubting tone!

''Yes? Is there any problem?''

''Problem your head!''

''Isn't that a spear!'' Tian Meng shouted as she sees a two-meter black spear got placed on the Zhao Feng bow!

''Sigh, Don't be mad at this trifling matter!'' Zhao Feng replied with a shrug off mood while pulling the string with a powerful force!

(Trifling matter! You're using a spear as an arrow!) Tian Meng thought with a pout!

''Mark...'' Zhao Feng muttered while staring directly toward his prey soul!

''Fire!'' He shouted as he released his arrow, launching it with a fast speed while leaving a trail of black line on the air!


Six People, running in the group, and suddenly a black light impaling one of the members into the ground while frightening the other in the process!


''Bear!'' The captain shouted while looking at his dead comrade!

''Everyone takes something to cover!''

''Hide!'' He shouted as he jumped toward thick black wood near him!

Five of them then hiding behind thick trees and giant rock, but when Zhao Feng sees this, a sneer appears on his face!

''Five Marks, Five Arrows, and Five Shots!'' Zhao Feng said with a cold smile as he placed four arrows on his bow!

''Horn Piercing Strike...'' Zhao Feng said while pulling the string with a powerful force!!

Four shadows of the one-horned white rhino appear on the arrows!



''It's useless, you can't hide...'' Zhao Feng commented as he placed the last arrow on his bow while viewing his piercing arrows!









''Crane, Tiger, Boar, Snake!'' The captain hurriedly shouted as he sees his comrades dead one by one!

Even though all of them hiding behind trees and rock, it can't help them at all, because the arrows can easily pierce them!

''Four Done...''

''One left!'' Zhao Feng stated as he looks at the last target, who foolishly walks out from his hiding spot!

''Fight me!'' The captain shouted with red eyes!

''Fight me if you dare!''

''Fight me!'' He kept shouting, but Zhao Feng looking at him like he was an idiot!

''Armament...'' Zhao Feng muttered while his entire upper limbs got covering by blacklight!

Zhao Feng pulling the bowstring, and a shocked expression appears on Tian Meng's faces!

''He actually managed to draw the bow to the shape of a full moon! How incredulous!!'' Tian Meng shouted because she already observed the bow, and she knows just how much force did Zhao Feng must use to draw it into the shape of a full moon!

''What a monster!''

''Horn Piercing Strike...''

''Die!'' Zhao Feng said while releasing his bowstring and sending a black light directly toward his prey!

''Wha-!'' The captain shouted as he got impaled by the arrow!




Even though he already got impaled by the arrow, the force behind it keep shot through every obstacle in its path, and suddenly an enormous rock appears to stop it!



Even the enormous rock got cracked by the arrow while the lifeless captain got his body pinned into the rock!

''Six deads, none of them is alive...'' Zhao Feng calmly stated while putting his bow into the spatial ring!


''Do all humans have this much power.''

''No, maybe only Zhao Feng that could have this kind of power...''

''What a scary human!''

''No!'' Tian Meng muttered with a bright light on her icy blue eyes!

''He wasn't a human!''

''He was a monster!!''