To the north! But, wait...

(An: A New Chapter, Yey?!)

(You can check my original novel on the Mangatoon or Noveltoon by the title: I Only Need 1 Exp: Translated Version!)

(If you have time, please read my original novel!)

(Btw, gets some snacks and water, and Enjoy the chapter!)

--- Chapter 52 ---

Zhao Feng, calmly sitting on the branch of a tree with a frown on his face!


''Big Brother!'' Ying'er shouted while cutely waving her hands.

(Oh, done already?) Zhao Feng thought as he slipped his body and fall into the ground, but before he falls, he changes his body position, so he can landing perfectly!


A small crack appears below his feet, but he doesn't really care about it and walk toward Ying'er with a smile on his face!

''You're already done...'' Zhao Feng asked.

''Un!'' Ying'er nodded as she passed one black colored spatial ring to Zhao Feng!

''This is?'' Zhao Feng said while staring at the black spatial ring in his hand.

''Spirit bones!'' Ying'er replied with a cheerful smile!

(Spirit bone? Ah, Yeah!) Zhao Feng thought while remembering the angry state of these spirit beast even before he attacks them!

''Also, my luck...'' Zhao Feng muttered with a wry smile!

Zhao Feng peeking into the spatial ring and found at least 10-13 spirit bones, two of them are external spirit bones.

''Half of them are fire element spirit bones?'' Zhao Feng muttered while remembering his nine frost dragon strike.

''Well, That's explained a lot...'' He added because of the effectiveness of his weapon spirit skill!

''Mm, Good job!'' Zhao Feng smiled while patting Ying'er head!

(Hehe, He praised me!) Ying'er thought while thoroughly enjoying Zhao Feng's warm hands!

''What about other material from the spirit beast corpses?'' Zhao Feng asked as he needs at least their blood for arrays!

''Un! Everything is ready on my spatial ring!'' Ying'er proudly replied because she did a good job!

(Too bright, too cute!) Zhao Feng thought while feeling a radiating light came from Ying'er body!

''Well, then...''

''Since we don't have anything to do, Let's explore a bit!'' Zhao Feng said as he averted his gaze toward six people's dead bodies!

''This is...'' Ying'er muttered with a frown while looking at the brutal scene in front of her.

Five dead bodies got impaled by a black spear, and all of them had a shocked expression on their face!

''Hmph,'' Ying'er coldly snorted with a pout!

''Since them want to hurt big brother, then...'' She added while whispered to herself!

''Hmm?'' Zhao Feng examines the corpse one by one.

He found that all of them had spatial rings with one-meter cubic space! Which are rare for an ordinary soul master.

(They're not a loose soul master, huh) Zhao Feng thought as he keeps searching for something!

''This herb is?''

''Mysterious water grass!'' Zhao Feng said with a little surprise while staring at a stalk of grass in his palm!

''This should be around one thousand or three thousand years...''

The mysterious water grass has white roots and black stalk while its leaves were greenish-blue!

(Mysterious water grass?!) Ying'er thought!

Ying'er was also a little surprised because this grass is rare in a place like this, and well Huo Yun'er had a herb garden, and mysterious water grass treated like ordinary grass in there!

But! That's because there are spiritual gathering energy arrays on the garden, which nourishing the herbs!''

''There is no way this grass grows without having natural sources...'' Ying muttered with a frown.

''And this herb explains a lot why those spirit beasts so angry.'' She added while thinking this herb got contested by spirit beasts, so they can breakthrough!

(But a group of humans steals it from them) Ying'er thought while thinking of a scenario inside her head.

''We don't need it, though...'' Ying muttered as she glanced at the grass.

''Thunder Flame...'' Zhao Feng said while igniting the purple flame in his palm and burned the corpses into a speck of ash dust!

(My arrows are not damaged at all, huh) Zhao Feng thought while looking at the two-meter black spear unscathed and only has red blood flowing in the tip!

''What about the spirit king?" Zhao Feng said.

His eyes peeking through the destroyed path of trees, and lead him to an enormous rock!

''Even in his death, he still has an angry and shocked expression on his face?!'' Zhao Feng muttered while looking at the man that got pinned into the rock by his arrow.

''Oh, He also has a spatial ring?'' He added with a surprise while taking the spatial ring and peeking at the content inside of it!

''A sword?''

The spatial ring full of clothes and a few books, but what makes Zhao Feng interested was a long black sword on the side of the spatial ring!

''This is...''

(What happens? Why is Big brother making such a weird expression?) Ying'er thought as she looks at Zhao Feng's face.

''What happens?'' She asked, but then Zhao Feng handing a long black sword to her.

''Eh, This is...''

''One of our blacksmith creation?'' She said with a frown.

''But this sword is...''

''Immitation!'' Zhao Feng said with a wry smile.

At first glance, Zhao Feng know this long black sword is an imitation because the alloys used in the sword composition is not right!

(But from where they know this design and arrays inside is too crude, it's just cheap imitation.) Zhao Feng thought with a frown.

All creation in the dragon nest has specific array stamps.

This stamp is unique to all blacksmiths or creator in the dragon nest, but if someone tried to imitate it, the imitated strength is 90% weaker than the original or 99% than the original!

''Rising Cloud Sect!'' Ying'er suddenly shouted!

''If I remember correctly! When we held an auction, someone from the rising cloud sect, winning a sword!'' She added!

(Ah, that sect!) Zhao Feng thought as he remembers a specific clan in the past years!

''Maybe I should go there?''

''Nah, I should just contact mom!'' Zhao Feng muttered while nodding his head.

''Well, someone will angry, I guess!'' He stated with a wry smile as he looks at the long black sword!

In the blacksmith hall, dragon nest, we can see a man with dirty hair suddenly sneezing!


''Someone is talking about me!'' He said while looking at the hot metal on the anvil!

''Whatever!'' He added while continuing his work!



''Ying'er, let's go that direction!'' Zhao Feng said as he looks at the east side of the outskirt start dou forest!

''Un!'' Ying'er nodded her head.

Two of them then walking toward the east, and Tian Meng suddenly appears like a ghost beside Zhao Feng!


''When did we will go to the extreme north?'' Tian Meng asked with longing on her face!

''We will go the north.'' Zhao Feng replied with a smile.

''But, we must help someone first.''