Create a martial soul?

(An: A New Chapter, Yey~)

(I've stayed up late these few days, I don't know why?)

(I can't sleep for some reason!)

(Btw, get's some snacks and water, and enjoy the chapter, peace!)

--- Chapter 56 ---


''I don't know that you're a dirty boy!'' Tian Meng said while hugging her own body like she was protecting it from Zhao Feng!

''Uh...'' Zhao Feng's lips twitched as he feels a little offended!

(Hmph! Take that!) Tian Meng thought with a smug smile on her face as she sees Zhao Feng's twitching!

(Sigh, Yeah, She was very troublesome!) Zhao Feng thought while questioning his own decision to accept Tian Meng as his intelligence spirit ring.

''So...'' Tian Meng smiled, ''what do you want with my essence?''

Zhao Feng sighed as he closed his eyes.

''I want to create an artificial martial soul!'' He firmly said while opening his eyes, which releasing a sense of domination and confidence!

''Humu...'' Tian Meng nodded her head.


''You want to create what!'' She shouted while psychologically grabbing Zhao Feng's collar and furiously shake his body!


''Uugh, stop!'' Zhao Feng stated while releasing a little bit of his spiritual power and create spiritual arrays around his body!

''Ack!'' Tian Meng shouted while feeling a repulsive force bumped into her body!

''Hmm?'' Elux stared at the arrays with great interest while placing his hand on his chin!

''What a fascinating arrays!'' He said while observing the arrays symbol!

(Even though I don't know what kind of inscription used in these arrays, It seems it has a spiritual defensive function) He thought with a guess, which is correct as Tian Meng got launched two meters away from Zhao Feng!

''Puhi!'' Tian Meng landed her ass on the ground while hatefully staring at Zhao Feng!

''Sigh...'' Zhao Feng slapped his forehead, ''Calm down!''

''Hmph!'' Tian Meng pouted while approaching Zhao Feng.

''Since you already calm down...''

''I will tell you my plan!'' Zhao Feng said while his left shining with dim gold light.

A mass of spiritual power got released from his body, but Tian Meng can't feel any disturbance at all! Which shows exceptional control of her host's spiritual power.

(Well, I can mask it, though) She thought while also releasing her spiritual power to cover a ten-meter radius of the area.

In Zhao Feng's spiritual sea, Elux can see outstanding spiritual energy flooding like an enormous tsunami!

Ray of light raising from the spiritual sea and ascending to skies!

The rays start accumulating and rotating like a tornado, forming a grand goldish-black sun with a menacing aura!

''What a powerful spiritual pressure...'' Elux muttered with a fascinated expression while staring at the grand goldish-sun on the skies of Zhao Feng's spiritual sea!

''Even though it lack of profoundness!''

''His control is good,'' Elux commented his new disciple spiritual control with a smile.

''Hmm, the spiritual energy flow isn't stopping?'' He added while feeling the goldish-black sun keep growing in size.

Meanwhile, on the outside, Tian Meng stares at Zhao Feng with wide eyes!

''Are you crazy!'' She shouted while feeling Zhao Feng's spiritual energy drying out!

''Don't worry...'' Zhao Feng replied with a smile.

(Teacher, Can you help me a little!) He asked Elux while sitting cross-legged.

''Eh? Big brother? What are you doing!'' Ying'er yelped in surprise while seeing Zhao Feng entering meditation state!

''Ying'er,'' Zhao Feng said, ''Guard me for an hour!''



''Big brother Feng!'' Ying'er yells with a confused expression. But Zhao Feng is already entering a deep meditation state!

In the Zhao Feng's spiritual sea, we can see Zhao Feng, Elux, and Tian Meng standing in front of each other!

''You need my help?'' Elux tilted his head.

''Yeah...'' Zhao Feng replied while pointing at the grand goldish-black sun!

''I need you to cut a little piece of my soul and place it into the core of that sun!'' He added with a smile.

''...'' Tian Meng's icy blue eyes widened by a shock!

''Are you sure?'' Elux said with a little hesitation because it's hard to recover a soul into a normal state if you divided it, even though the cut part was only a small piece!

Well, If Zhao Feng had another pill as he eats before, maybe the recovering speed will become faster!

(Even though my knowledge is not complete! I know his action is quite reckless!) He thought while knowing that he is a piece of a dead soul, which settled his soul in a weak state!

''Don't worry...'' Zhao Feng confidently replied with a reassuring smile, ''I have a sense of measure to my own action!''

''I see...'' Elux muttered as his grey eyes stare at Zhao Feng.

''Hmph! You're crazy!'' Tian Meng stated with a pout.

''Thank you!'' Zhao Feng smiled.

''That's not a compliment!'' She furiously said with a huff!


Zhao Feng laughed as he feels a little good about himself, which actually another form of distraction!

(I should prepare more before bragging like this) Zhao Feng bitterly thought because what is he doing right now was very dangerous.

''If I made a little mistake, maybe my soul will be severely injured!'' He muttered with a wry smile.


[Yes, Host!]

[Do you need my help!]

(Please assist me if something dangerous happened!) Zhao Feng said.

[Rest assured, host!]

[You will be in my care!]

''Are you ready?'' Elux calmly said while a majestic pressure comes from his body, which a golden light with a hue of grey!

''Nn, I'm ready!'' Zhao Feng replied with a smile as he relaxed his body, mind, and soul!

''Soul Steal...'' Elux chanted!

A greyish-golden light gathering on his palm and start to illuminate Zhao Feng's spiritual sea, which put Zhao Feng under an unusual pressure where he could feel his soul got restrained!

''Okay...'' Zhao Feng muttered, ''It feels not too bad!''

''Uugh!'' Zhao Feng feels something from his body get extracted by something!


[Upgrading host spiritual energy and power!]


''Hmm?'' Elux frowned because suddenly Zhao Feng's spiritual energy becomes more potent and durable!

Zhao Feng's spiritual sea trembling in confusion as Tian Meng also frowned by this sudden development!

''Almost done...'' Elux muttered with a focused thought while looking at the white light come from Zhao Feng's body!

''Now!'' He shouted while swiping the greyish-golden light toward Zhao Feng!




''Cough!'' Zhao Feng coughing in real life as Ying'er face becomes paled!

''Big brother Feng!'' Ying'er shouted while materializing her martial soul and activated her first spirit ring!

White hue starts to come from the saint dragon flag and entering Zhao Feng's body!

''Thank you, Ying'er!'' Zhao Feng said while still closing his eyes.

Elux calmly glanced at the grand goldish-black sun at the skies and gently sending a piece of Zhao Feng's soul to its core!

''Sister Daydream...'' Zhao Feng said, ''Your essence!''

''Hmph!'' Tian Meng pouted while releasing three seals she placed on the spirit ring!



A Great cloud of a golden-white stream coming into Zhao Feng's body, and he hurriedly sending it to the goldish-black sun!

White hue starts covering the sun, and a smile appears on Zhao Feng's face!

''Nine-Dragon Seals!'' He shouted while nine eastern black dragons soaring from the spiritual sea and bite the goldish-black sun!

''Another array or seal?'' Elux muttered while deactivated his power!

''Is that the seal he said before?'' Tian Meng guessed while feeling an eerie aura come from the nine dragons!

[Upgrading ???? with twenty ultra upgrading tickets!]


[Your physical strength is not enough!]

[Upgrading the physical body with fifty great upgrading tickets]


''My upgrading tickets...'' Zhao Feng muttered with a bleeding heart while remembering the effort he must go through to gain many upgrading tickets!

''Fuu...'' Zhao Feng takes a deep breath and releases it in a split second.

''...'' Elux.

''...'' Tian Meng.

''What are we doing right now?'' Tian Meng asked while feeling Zhao Feng was in a great focus, so she can't disrupt it.

Elux calmly staring at Zhao Feng and nodded while closing his eyes!

''Hey! Don't ignore me!'' Tian Meng said!

''Just wait...'' Elux stated while staring at Tian Meng.

Tian Meng stood up as she stares at Zhao Feng, ''Hmph!''

''This time...''

''Older sister's forgiving you!'' She stated while looking at the remaining seals that she placed.


After a few moments of silence, we can see Zhao Feng opened his eyes!

''This place...'' He said while looking at the white space.


''That's mystic emperor's eyes!'' He said while looking at the one golden eyes on the skies.


''Let's focus on my artificial martial soul first,'' He said while start condensing all Tian Meng's essence and grand goldish-black sun!

''What shape should I take?'' Zhao Feng muttered.

''Tool spirit?''

''Beast spirit?''

''Or body spirit?''

''For body spirit, my mystic emperor eyes should be enough...''

''And the beast spirit is for ice emperor...''

''Then the last choice is tool spirit!''

''What kind of tool spirit should I create?''

Zhao Feng pondering for a few seconds until an idea come from his mind!


''Sigh, I should prepare more before doing something like this...'' He bitterly said because he recklessly starts his plan without any measure.

''My other martial soul is...''