Extreme North!

(An: A New Chapter, Yey~)

(I've been busy with school stuff these days, So yeah, you know the reason why I don't update new chapters!)

(Btw, get's some snacks and water, and enjoy the chapter, peace!)

--- Chapter 57 ---

''Throne,'' Zhao Feng said with a smile.

The essence and grand goldish-black sun then merged with each other as the brilliance of white, black, gold is illuminating the white space!

An enormous bright goldish white and black throne shone with a magnificent brilliance, slowly appearing from the illuminating light.

The enormous throne was 20 meters high with countless precious stones located on its back as innumerable weapons were spurt out from the back.

Smiling at the throne, Zhao Feng then opened his mouth.

''Throne of Virtue and Mischief!''

As the words come out from his mouth, the throne starts trembling on the space while spreading a goldish white and black light on Zhao Feng's body.

''Hmm...'' Zhao Feng closed his eyes while enjoying the light shower on his body.

When Zhao Feng opened his eyes, he is already comeback into reality as a hug comes into his body, which is Ying'er with a worried expression on her face.

''Big Brother Feng!'' She muttered while releasing crystal clear tears from her eyes.

Zhao Feng sighed when he sees Ying'er like this.

''There, there...'' He said while patting Ying'er head with a smile on his face.

''I'm okay,'' He added while chuckling, but Ying'er pouting while starting to rushing her spirit power into his body to checking his condition.

''Right?'' Zhao Feng stated with a smile.

''Un,'' Ying'er nodded while wiping tears on her face.

Tian Meng then appeared in front of him while staring at him like a freak or something.

''How was it?'' She curiously asked because she knows that Zhao Feng is successfully creating an artificial martial soul.

''Hehe!'' Zhao Feng cheekily chuckled as a miniature of Throne of Virtue and Mischief virtually appears on his hand.

''This Throne...'' Elux frowned because he feels already seen this kind of throne somewhere.

But because he was only a piece of soul, Elux could only shake his head wryly as he can't precisely remember it and then closed his eyes.

''Hmm?'' Tian Meng approaches the throne while rubbing her chin.

''Throne?'' She asked while tilting her head.

''I don't see anything special on this throne...'' She added, making Zhao Feng's twitched a little.


''I will show my martial soul ability later, now we have to arrive at the extreme north, right?'' Zhao Feng stated, which making Tian Meng excited as she is finally able to meet her crush.

''Ah, wait, let me absorb two spirit rings for this martial sou first!'' Zhao Feng said with a smirk.

''Y-You!'' Tian Meng angrily pointed her finger to Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng is taking two black crystal from his spatial ring while a grin appears on his face.

''I actually don't want to use these spirit rings as I reserve it for mystic emperor eyes,'' He said while glancing at the crystal in his hand.

''but well, my plan will be smooth enough even without this spirit ring.'' He added as he is tightening his fist and destroy the crystal with sheer muscle power.



[Absorbing, the first spirit ring!]

[Spirit beast: Mirror Beast]

[Age: One Hundred Thousand Years(Red)]

[Spirit skills: Copy and Mirror Force]

[Absorbing, the second spirit ring!]

[Spirit beast: Nine Phases Golden Mushroom]

[Age: One Hundred Thousand Years(Red)]

[Spirit skills: Boiling Blood and Golden Recovery]

''Absorb...'' Zhao Feng muttered while closing his eyes a little, and after a few minutes of mediation.

Two red spirit ring with a symbol of throne appears on behind him while a miniature throne of virtue and mischief hovering in front of his chest.

''Hmph,'' Tian Meng puffed her cheeks.

(Hmph, what a maniac!) Tian Meng thought while peeking from Zhao Feng's spiritual sea and see two red spirit rings floating behind him.

''Is this big brother's new martial soul?'' Ying'er eyes shined as she sees a small throne in front of Zhao Feng's chest.

''Okay, I'm ready,'' Zhao Feng stated while opening his eyes and releasing an unusual kind of ethereal aura from his body.

''Let's go, Ying'er,'' He said while opening a hug for Ying'er, who is sheepishly entering his embrace.

''Mm,'' Ying'er nodded while also hugging Zhao Feng.

Two of them then disappeared while leaving a trace of purple lightning.

After traveling for a few hours at full speed, Zhao Feng and Ying'er finally arrived at the extreme north as the temperature start dropping.

''It's a little cold...'' Ying'er muttered while her body is shivering a little in Zhao Feng's embrace.

''Here,'' Zhao Feng suddenly taking a thick fur coat from his spatial ring, which flawlessly covering Ying'er body and warms her up.

''How was it?'' He asked with a smile as the fur was his creation, which had a warming body function.

''Mm, Warm...'' Ying replied with a nod.

Zhao Feng's eyes are calmly staring at the white land full of snow, and Tian Meng appears in front of him.

''From now on, I will lead you with the safest path that I know,'' She said with a solemn expression.


''Why are you so afraid?'' Zhao Feng asked while tilting his head.

''Hmph, who is afraid!'' Tian Meng responded with a pout.

''I don't want to spend too much energy,'' She added, ''So, I will take the efficient way to ice empress!''

''Yeah, yeah, I believe you,'' Zhao Feng responded.

Tian Meng then starts leading them into the deep of extreme north as the snowflakes and temperature start dropping like crazy.

Ying'er is fine as she had a fur coat from Zhao Feng.

Meanwhile, Zhao Feng himself doesn't even changing expression as he can't feel any cold penetrating his body.


Zhao Feng and Ying'er feeling a tremor from the ground as a massive silhouette arrived in front of them.



The giant or titan is landing his legs on the ground and leaving a deep mark of footsteps.

''Huge!'' Ying'er eyes widened as she sees a giant in front of her

''Ice Devil Titan,'' Zhao Feng muttered with a surprised expression.

''He can easily defeat you, right?'' He stated, making Tian Meng hatefully staring at him.

The ice devil titan walked away as he can't feels the presence of Zhao Feng and Ying'er.

''Okay, keep going...'' Zhao Feng said as Tian Meng leading them into a specific area of the extreme north.

''We arrived at the ice emperor area.'' Tian Meng said with a smile on her face.

''Oh!'' Zhao Feng stopped while his eyes are staring at the no different white snowfield.

''Okay, wait a minute,'' Tian Meng nodded her head as she is suddenly entering Zhao Feng's body.

Zhao Feng's left eyes suddenly shining brightly with gold light as a golden figure of Tian Meng appears in the air, but this time she had a white-gold gown with a longing smile on her face.

''Ice Emperor!'' She calmly said while spreading her spiritual power to the field.

''Tian Meng!'' An angry voice comes from the deep snow as the skies start changing into green color.

The Ice Emperor was roughly 3 meters long.

The Ice Emperor was a scorpion, a scorpion whose beauty had reached the pinnacle. She had two colors on its body. One was the color of ice, and the other was a jade green color.

''Ice Emperor, long time no see...'' Tian Meng said with a warm smile on her face.

''Hmph, I never thought to see you again,'' Ice emperor replied while huffing as her scorpion tails arching toward Tian Meng.

''Hehehe, Did you miss me?'' Tian Meng smiled, making the ice emperor frowning.

''Hmph!'' Ice emperor staring at Tian Meng while an enormous amount of ice energy gathering on her pincer.

''Fuck off!'' She added while launching a powerful energy-based ice attack toward Tian Meng.

Ice emperor energy attack is not an ordinary ice attack, but a powerful absolute ice element based attack, which is very powerful.

''W-Wait!'' Tian Meng shouted with a little panic as the attack will not attack her but pass through her body and fastly approaching Zhao Feng and Ying'er.

''Zhao Feng!'' Tian Meng shouted because the ice emperor is using almost her full power in that attack.

''Well, Let's see...'' Zhao Feng said with a smile while stretching his body.

''Sister Daydream, I will show you the ability of my throne...'' He stated with confidence.

''Throne of Virtue and Mischief.''

Zhao Feng is calmly staring at the incoming attack as a big throne around 20 meters high appears in the air.

Two red spirit rings floating behind him as the first spirit ring is shining a little bit.

Ice emperor energy attack reach Zhao Feng's body, and in a split second, the throne of virtue and mischief shining with a brilliant white-gold light.


''Mirror Force!'' Zhao Feng shouted with a grin.