We arrive at a point in time where Carl and Ricardo were able to leisurely enjoy the scene. The view was nothing to scoff at despite its dark theme. In addition to serving as a hiding ground, the dark oak forest contained wild berries and apples that grew on its trees which provided much-needed food for its inhabitants.
After taking a nice long nap, our heroes wake up to a surge of attention. Many villagers asked questions about their backgrounds and wanted to exchange war stories with the two. They discussed with one another for hours on end until afternoon came by.
While Carl was reluctant to talk with the soldiers, Ricardo hammered away with the lies of him being this world's salvation and how he would cleanse all evildoers from its sacred ground. All the ruckus drew Ryan's attention so he dropped by to inform the two of their current standing as a species.
"Morale is great during a war!" he shouted. "but you might lower your 'exaggerations' since you couldn't even fight a basic zombie..." Ryan whispered to Ricardo.
Unlike normal people, the insult came off to Ricardo as a challenge instead of a warning. After becoming fired up, he publicly accepted the 'offer' and replied with "gimme your best shot brO, lets pvp".
*A menacingly posed Ricardo points at the grandmaster
Ryan happily laughed and obliged. Subsequently, the two fighters geared up evenly and took a stance while facing each other.
"No hard feelings kid. We playing tag so I won't hold back." Ryan mocked.
Making the first move, Ryan flashed towards Ricardo with speeds eluding an average person's line of sight. Upon reaching striking distance, he stabbed his blade forward, releasing a sharp uniform gust of wind thrusting at Ricardo's stomach.
However, Ricardo's response was nearly as reckless as Ryan's immediate lunge. He leaped into the air which caused the attack to barely graze him by his left knee. Although he avoided getting skewered, being airborne left him at a great disadvantage since he couldn't dodge the next set of moves from the grandmaster.
Ryan grinned upwards only to be grinned back at from the flying opponent.
"Checkmate" Ryan.
"nAHHH! YOU STILL TOO YOUNG!!!! epIc gAmER mOMenT!" Ricardo yelled with enthusiasm as Ryan withdrew his blade while preparing a barrage of swash buckles.
The insane player proceeds to bend his limbs through sheer will causing every swash to barely land. Now it was Ricardo's turn to counter and indeed he did with a mighty headbutt using the velocity from falling onto Ryan. The grandmaster conceded for he knew his opponent couldn't continue anymore.
Every spectator was stunned after witnessing such a ridiculous yet creative way to win a one on one because this strategy would only work if there were no more upcoming battles. Useless in a war yet effective in displaying determination.
"If I had a rapier this would've ended differently" Ryan whispered while sneering.
"gg ez, I big-brained a smurf" Ricardo gloated.
Following the duel, Ryan wanted to teach the duo more about swordplay and the player's bodies. He explained players were weak compared to most mobs and had to rely on 'kiting' as a cowardly tactic. Kiting prioritized evading the target, keeping them at bay, while only throwing out attacks when the opposition couldn't retaliate.
Ranged kiting was a simple, straight forward concept but required precision and good judgment to pull off successfully. Melee kiting was something only masters could hope to even achieve since it was difficult and very niche. It is only viable if the close-range weapon was slightly outside of the enemy's reach. If it was too long, then it would get caught up in all sorts of things.
Carl and Ricardo began their training and baffled Ryan once more since they were able to fluently wield iron claymores quickly. In terms of kiting, Ricardo was already on par with him, as for Carl, he needed footwork training.
Carl stayed behind to personally get tutored by Ryan while Ricardo went around demanding 1v1s with the other warriors. Time carelessly flew and our heroes have grown really tired. Their first day of training ended with a heavy drain on their energy.
At the time, they had not mentioned anything about their origin but deep down, changing this world was never part of their agenda. Getting stronger and gaining control was essential for the time being. They knew that goodbyes were inevitable even if it meant nothing to those who are fated to disappear.
After having a dinner of only fruits and veggies, Carl and Ricardo had a moment of privacy to themselves. Peace entered the tent in which the two were staying to chat. Both had decided to openly debate about the matter at hand.
*Moments into their discussion
"Look, Rick, I know you've been enjoying the thrill of this and whatnot..... Leaving this hell should be our main focus. To do that, we need to make ourselves a road map to follow." Carl spoke while keeping his voice to a minimum.
"I feel you bruv. I mean I've seen your fair share of 'truth' and we both know what will become of it..... I saw it. The vision. When I fell asleep this morning.... We've just been avoiding it this whole time" Ricardo responded. He then proceeds to rub his forehead while furthering his opinion "you... think..... he made it?"
"I didn't think he would. He's already long gone." Carl answered.
Ricardo's eyes locked in place while staring at his friend. A line of speech grimmer than anyone could've expected came out from the usually high spirited Rick. Before uttering it, Carl could already feel Ricardo's tightened fists holding his shirt collar.
"So you agree with my subconscious.... Fitch is dead... huh... that's a lot to take in. He was a real friend to me..... but I couldn't see his end"
"WHAT???? NO WTF! I meant the blond kid, you psycho! Fitch WAS and still IS graduated as a trained martial ART-TIST and a skilled surviva-LIST.... with soldier training from the drafting during his teens. He FOUGHT i---n a real war!" Carl shouted.
"Everything alright sirs?!" a villager on guard probed.
"NOTHING!" they both yelled.
"It'll be fine Rick, if two eccentric shut-ins could beat the second strongest in the food chain.... uhhhh.... BARE FISTED! I'm sure this is child's play for Fitch" Carl comforted his friend.
Without anything else lingering on their minds, both of them fell asleep.
Is that how fate truly works? Could their assumption be far from the truth? Was everyone dealt an even hand?
*A man awakens in a pitch-black room only greeted by two glowing eyes
"I refuse to serve under a lunatic. If that's your plan then I hope you rot in hell....."