Evil and scheming

"Miss, empress dowager wants to meet you." The maid knocked on her door, bowing politely she said.

Chen Juan looked up and saw her, she heard her words and nodded. Empress dowager, she knows that someone empress dowager, was an important person to Wan Xieren if she asks to meet her and come to her house personally.

"Help me to get ready." She got up from her bed, and went to her vanity table to get ready.

The maid bowed to her order and helped her. The pure and innocent look of her, those amber eyes of her, glittering like the sun rays in the early winter morning melting down the ice and coldness from night.

Her long dark black hair, like the moonless night sky, dark but with it's own beauty and glory. Her fair skin, gleaming like a full moon, complementing dark long hairs.

She wore a pastel pink hanfu which showed her gentle and graceful nature, matched with some simple jade jewelry.

She looked like a fairy, in them. Her graceful nature, preserving her innocence, she got up from her seat, slowly.

She set her clothes before leaving her room and meeting empress dowager. Her maid helped her to walk out.

She walked into the room where Wan Xieren's parents and empress dowager were sitting.

"Empress dowager." Chen Juan bowed in front of her with utter respect.

"Xieren, come sit here." The empress dowager was already in the last season of her life, but her beauty still immensable, she still had clear and beautiful skin even in her old age. And her gentle and graceful nature, she was a pure lady.

Even though she was an empress dowager, she was still a good hearted person, even When Xieren did so many things that most people would hate her, but she was still smiling at her and calling her to sit beside her.

Chen Juan can already see it, we can only know about the true nature of someone when unluckiness strikes our faith.

Chen Juan saw empress dowager eyes glistening with hope, if she didn't sit beside her, it's the same as being disrespectful towards her.

She didn't dare to do that, so she went and sat beside her, forcing a smile on her red, plump lips.

Empress dowager held her hands full of water and gentleness, Chen Juan was little astonished seeing empress dowager taking her hand. She looked up at her, muddled and eyes full of curiosity.

"Are you better now? I was so worried about hearing the news about you." Empress Dowager stated her thoughts out of worry.

"Thank you for worrying, I am already better than before." Chen Juan said in a soft tone, as gentle as she could. She didn't want to show her real personality to them and make them think she is mad.

From what everyone says, she was a crazy one, she loves adventure. She likes to be free, free like a bird under the clear sky. She was not a silent one, she was scheming fox, who plans and tackles out her enemies.

But Wan Xieren was more ladylike, and Chen Juan could tell that from her looks, she heard all her stories, Wan Xieren was someone completely opposite from her.

They were both like poles apart. Wan Xieren was a woman of few words, she liked to keep her problems to herself, or maybe she didn't have a Zheng Yuhan like her, who listened to her without complaining.

She misses him, time so fast that they don't even realize, it has been a long time since she had seen him. Last time she saw her, when she was being taken to the operating room, she was still half conscious but she still remembered the panic on his face.

He cared about her, but she couldn't say anything to him to give him reassurance. Now she doesn't even know when she will be able to see him again. Will he wait for her till she goes back or he will find someone else?

Thinking about him being with another girl was more painful than anything. If she goes back and sees him with another woman, what will she do? Can she even see it? Can she be again with him like before?

A tear fell from her eyes, thinking she may lose him forever, or never meet him again.

Chen Juan didn't realize she was still with people around her.

Empress dowager saw her tears, she felt pity for the poor child. It was her fault, she tied the knot between her and his grandson, she really liked her. The things she did were bad but she knows no matter what a woman does or her man to her, it will always be the woman at fault.

From the old time till present it still prevails that women can only do the wrongdoings. And empress dowager knew it better than anyone, she had already seen her life and she knows that women sometimes are not wrong and evil.

She knows Wan Xieren did everything just to get her love but no one pointed finger on her grandson who was the one that broke off the marriage and got another woman in his life, he never thought of Wan Xieren who tried everything to please him.

She still remembers when they were both young, Mo Xiuying wanted to eat fruits torn directly from the tree and he asked her to pick it for him. And she didn't even argue, she just smiled like a bright warm sun, and nodded to his words.

She silently climbed the tree just to get the fruit from the tree, even the maids and servants tried to stop but she didn't listen. She picked up the fruit for him, getting herself bruised, and she slipped her leg when she was coming down, badly hurting herself.

And after that weeks on her bedridden, with pain. While kids around her walked and played around freely.

No one sees her sacrifice she made all these years, they only see her being evil and scheming against other women only because of jealousy.