
Chapter 4

That evening, the dinner table was rather full, with Harry, all his girls, his extended family, and now Daniel and Sam.

"Isn't Colonel O'Neill joining us?" Daniel asked. Teal'c was having dinner with his family. It had been a long time and he was grateful for the opportunity.

"I don't think so." Harry said with a smirk.

"You did something, didn't you?" Fleur asked.

"Strange that you should ask." Harry said. "I dropped him off at Bella's with a bit of spending money."

Bella Couture was Fleur's aunt, a Veela, and Bill's girlfriend. Because of her close relationship with Bill, one of the founding fathers of Harmony, the club had used her name, with her consent. Bella's was the only strip-club in town and it was staffed by only Veela. It was, for that reason, very popular.

"You didn't?" Padma chided, trying to suppress her smile.

"He looked interested." Harry said.

"They'll make him spend all your money!" Daphne exclaimed. She was his secretary. She needed to keep these things in mind.

"I gave him the petty cash card and told him that he shouldn't go over the daily withdrawal limit." Harry said. The fact that it would stop at that limit was implied.

"He's not drinking is he?" Poppy asked, sternly.

"Likely." Harry said. When she made to object, Harry said, "You and I both know that that potion doesn't react badly to alcohol. You just like to discourage drinking."

"For the psychological reasons." Poppy said. "We don't want him to have a bad experience due to diminished capacity and then forever associate magic with it." she defended her perspective.

It was a strange coincidence that Jack should arrive just then. "Am I late?" he asked, walking in dead sober.

"You didn't stay at Bella's?" Harry asked, as he indicated for Jack to take a seat.

"I had a drink or two." Jack said. "Then there was an argument and things got ugly." he said.

"Did someone get hurt?" Poppy asked, concerned.

"Someone got some hair scorched off, and was escorted out." Jack said. "I decided two drinks was probably my limit at that point." he finished, tossing the card to Harry, who caught it.

"What have you been up to since?" Harry asked.

"I had someone call me a Carpet, but then I decided to see the town, so I asked the… driver?" he asked, wondering about which term to use. "Anyway I asked the guy to show me the town and stuff. This place is much larger than I thought."

"We're preparing for the future." Hermione said proudly. "We're expecting a lot of people and basic necessities, so we planned for expansion."

"How big?" Sam asked.

"Big." Jack said. "Like, a few cities, big."

"What do you need all that space for?" Daniel asked.

"Farms, production facilities, entertainment… You know… Stuff." Harry said.

"There are a few companies now, all dedicated to expanding space and putting up the right wards to keep the bio-dome stable." Padma said. "They have to consider every necessity, from air and gravity to water and irrigation. It's a big part of our industry right now."

"You have a lot of plant-life out back." Jack said.

"How did you-" Harry started, then he sighed. "The carpet operator." he said in realisation. They loved to grow their non-tobacco-based plants in the forest, since it was automatically fertilized. It wasn't illegal, but Harry suspected that Neville would be having words with the magical taxi drivers, when he was back. The forest had expanded, but wasn't as big as it could get. It was protected from view though, specifically from visitors, because of some things that were being done there.

"Did I really see a Pegasus in there?" Jack asked.

That's what Harry had been afraid of. "The magical creatures in there are new. We don't want to spook them, so that's why we usually keep people away." he said. "The Abraxan, or Pegasus, as you called it, is the only one of its kind in there at this point. We're seeing if it can acclimate before bringing in any more. It's still very young."

"It looked full-grown to me." Jack said.

"They get much bigger." Pansy said.

"It was Neville's idea." Harry said. "He's studying nature and all things natural. He finished his magical education and Ohper has been teaching him how to live in-tune with nature."

"Ohper, from the Nox?" Daniel asked. Every time the Nox came up, he couldn't contain his excitement.

"Yes." Harry said. "Neville has always had a green-thumb. Ohper saw his natural talent and has been teaching him on occasion. Only when Neville is available, though. He's kind of become our emissary with them, though they don't mind me all that much. They actually like him, though."

"Have you learned anything new from them?" Daniel asked.

"Yes." Harry said. "Not that I can talk about it with you." he added, before Daniel could ask. Daniel looked decidedly disappointed with the statement.

"You should know better than to ask, young man." Minerva McGonagall said. She still worked at Hogwarts, but on occasion she'd join them for dinner. When she had heard that the team of explorers Harry had been dedicating so much time to would be in attendance, she couldn't be kept away. "There's a reason for our secrecy, the same way you are not allowed to tell us about things you learn in your military." she pointed out.

"But you already know everything we do." Daniel said.

"That is hardly the point." McGonagall said. "Just because we know something, doesn't mean you're allowed to discuss it, for security purposes."

"Don't you know enough already?" Harry asked.

"Doctor Jackson wants to understand the universe." Jack said.

"Were you ever able to get the Repository Console to work?" Daniel asked, as the thought came to him.

"We used it to understand the ancient technology a bit better." Harry said. "We've still not managed to figure out exactly how it is powered or how to extract the information. Until we have more information, we put that project on hold. We don't want to damage the data accidentally, if it's in there."

"Could the Nox not help with that?" Sam asked, reasonably.

"I didn't ask them." Harry said.

"Why?" Daniel asked.

"Because we don't want them to think we're greedy about finding advanced knowledge." Susan said. "They are a peaceful people, and we respect people's perspectives and wishes."

"If we turned up with the repository, we'd simply make them think we're maintaining a relationship with them for what we can get from it." Harry said. "We don't need the knowledge. We want the friendship."

"Harry likes finding things out himself." Hermione added. "It's part of his nature."

"It's one of the reasons I love him." Luna said. "We explore things together, even if we have different interests. It's the journey, not the destination."

"Says the person who can go anywhere in the universe instantly." Sam said.

"Galaxy." Harry corrected. "For now." he added under his breath.

"Don't you want to see what else is out there?" Daniel asked.

"And make more enemies?" Remus asked. "Don't you have enough already?"

"He has a point." Jack said. "Let's see what's in our own backyard before we start snooping around our neighbours'."

"You have good instincts." Remus nodded at the man. "I can see why you're the team leader."

"I don't run an entire army of magical wolf-people." Jack said.

"Wolves." Remus corrected. "We're Wolves."

"No, wolves are wolves. You are people that turn into wolves." Jack said.

"Jack." Harry said, shaking his head. "The wolves are actually wolves. They have the instincts, senses, strength and reflexes of wolves, whether they are in human or wolf form. You don't know better, so Uncle Remus is controlling his temper, but you need to understand that what you just described was a werewolf, a cursed creature. They don't become wolves, they are wolves. It's a subtle difference to you, but it is a difference. Don't insult him."

Jack looked at the man and saw a clenched jaw, realisation dawning. "I'm sorry. I didn't know." he apologised.

Remus took a breath, before saying, "It's okay. You're new to this. Just, be careful with your words around the pack. They don't always have my control."

"He's Alpha for a reason." Daniels said. "Our pack-members are very proud to be part of the pack. We have a lot of loyalty to the Alpha. It is instinctual. There were a few werewolves, who were not part of the pack, when the curse was broken. Since then, every wolf on the planet has joined the pack and benefited from the Packs' special circumstances."

"That's why Daniels didn't rip your head off." Fleur said. The beautiful young woman saying something so violent, helped make the point even more pronounced.

Jack hadn't known the big man was a wolf. "Thanks for that." he said.

"Also, we're at dinner." Harry pointed out, smiling suddenly. "We wouldn't want to ruin any appetites."

The joke brought some levity as a couple of people, including Remus and Daniels, chuckled. Dinner continued from there as everyone chatted with everyone about their day. Harry was quiet through most of it, just listening to his family talk about their respective days. The SG-1 team were also discussing a few things that they had discovered about the Stargate.

Apparently not all their questions had been answered either, like how some things were discovered or how their devices worked. There were some things that were still considered trade secret, even if they now knew about magic. If they somehow found another magical and convinced him to talk to them, he'd be just as boggled by some of the things he was asked.


There was an incident, where the SG-1 team went through a Stargate and couldn't be contacted, even by Harry, since they were deep underground on a ruined planet. When they came back, it seemed that they had been replaced by robots. The robots needed to go back, as they were running out of power and Harry was loath to scan them, in-case he damaged them. No more people were sent through, but the SG-1 team eventually came back, the robots having forced the person who made them, to release the originals.

The situation had Harry pondering if he shouldn't start giving them better technology, or at least a permanent way to recall them, even while they were unconscious. It was decided to wait, though, until something could be done which would give you the ability to choose. Harry would have the scientists come up with something they could implant sub-dermally, at some point.


Alternate timelines. That got Harry's attention. On the most recent mission, Daniel had gone missing. Harry had tried to call the guy, but he was nowhere to be seen. His magic wasn't even able to pick up on his location. When he had come back a few hours later he was going on about an alternate reality, or timeline. Apparently the advanced dead race, which had seen its end at the hands of the Goa'uld, had the ability to move between different timelines. Similar but different.

This was something that Harry had needed more answers about, so the moment he could, he had brought the team onto the Saucer, where they had a discussion.

"And their world was being systematically destroyed by two Ha'tak and a bunch of smaller flying vessels?" Harry asked.

"That's what I saw." Daniel said. Nobody seemed to believe him. Harry seemed to want to, though. "Does your people have a way to do something like this?"

"Um." Harry said. "Well… let's just say I've experienced something that may be sort of like that, at some point. I really can't tell you more than that." After all, coming back in time and changing the timeline meant he knew at least something about the concept.

"Is there a way to prove that I'm not just crazy?" Daniel pressed.

"Yes, actually." Harry said. "There are a few methods. Truth serum, for example. I could also read your mind again. There's a magical tool that can pick up on deceit, but it's unreliable in my experience."

"Hold on." Jack said. "Read his mind?" he asked. This was a very worrying development.

"I don't do it to unwilling people, but there are people who can and would." Harry assured him. "That's why there's a prison for them." That seemed to put Jack at ease. It seemed he trusted Harry, at least.

"But how can we prove it to the General?" Daniel asked.

"There's very little I can do to prove it to him, but there may be a way to prove it to your teammates." Harry said. He took out his Comm. "Call Albus Dumbledore."

"Hello, Harry." Albus answered. "It's been a while."

"Hi Albus." Harry greeted. "Listen, I need to ask a favour."

"What can I do for you?" Albus asked.

"Can you get your Pensieve and meet me at the place where we take the Graduates?" Harry asked. "I can meet you in the place where we leave from in twenty minutes or so?"

"How urgent is this?" Albus asked, detecting a tone in Harry's voice.

"Reasonably so, sir." Harry said. "Possible end of the world, kind of urgent."

"I'll be there." Albus said, suddenly all business, before he hung up.

"The graduates?" Jack asked.

"Are we going to your school?" Sam asked. Something about a school for magical children interested her a lot.

"We'll only be there for a few minutes and you'll likely only see ruins." Harry said. "It's protected from view against mundane people."

Harry flew them to Texas and into the Second Garage, which exited onto Hogwarts, by the Broom shed on the Quiddich pitch. He opened the door and Albus walked in quickly, as Harry opened the hatch.

It seemed that while nobody could see anything, Teal'c's symbiote could feel something strange was happening.

"We'll discuss that later." Harry said, when he mentioned it. It was interesting, but not urgent. He flew them back out the Texas side and entered the Garage to the moon. "Welcome to the moon, yada, yada." Harry said, as he parked them.

"Watch your step." Dumbledore said, as he floated the Pensieve along with him, out of the hatch. "I'm told the gravity is normal for the moon."

Sam was the first one out of the hatch. Her life's dream had always been to be an astronaut. She'd gone further, but the moon was always something just outside her reach, somehow. Now she was exiting the hatch of a flying saucer, to see someone had the audacity to place a house on it.

"You didn't?!" she asked incredulously.

"This was a few years back already, Sam." Harry said. "My first mission to the moon had me place a few wards and dropping a house."

"But… it's the moon!" she exclaimed. "You have no right!"

"It's the moon, not your backyard." Harry said. "Until someone can stop me, I'll keep my house, thank you very much."

"It is not unusual for moons to be colonized, Captain Carter." Teal'c said, reasonably.

"Not ours." she said stubbornly.

"It's not something we shouldn't have expected." Jack said, as he bounced along. He thought it was neat. They'd even placed some plastic grass. It looked like a normal backyard, except for the fact that it looked out at the Sun, the Earth and the barren wasteland, which was the moon's surface.

"If it makes you feel any better, having a house here helped Harry solve the werewolf problem." Dumbledore said, consolingly.

Strangely, that did help. At least it had served a greater purpose. She nodded in thanks at the old man, who walked slowly in front of her, holding onto the rails, which Harry had installed for them a few years back. He could fix the gravity, but Harry had always felt that that would take something away from the experience. The house already had normal gravity.

When they walked in, with another warning from Dumbledore, Harry was already in the kitchen, but Dobby had beaten him to it this time and was making drinks to go around, all while he stayed invisible.

"Could you explain to me what this imminent threat is?" Dumbledore asked.

"Okay, where to begin?" Harry asked himself.

"Introductions, perhaps?" Dumbledore asked.

"Oh, right." He indicated the old man first. "This is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian too-many-fucking-names Dumbledore. My old headmaster."

"Do you hyphenate?" Jack asked.

"Colonel Jack O'Neill, US Air Force." Harry said, pointing at him. "Doctor/Captain Samantha Carter, or Sam, also US Air Force. Doctor Daniel Jackson, Archaeologist. Teal'c of Chulak. He's from another planet. He used to serve the bad guys. Now he fights against them."

They all greeted and then Harry continued. "Doctor Jackson recently had an experience wherein he believes he travelled to an alternate reality or timeline. In this alternate reality, things were slightly different, but similar enough to believe a threat he got wind of there, may be happening on Earth, soon."

"Thus the Pensieve." Dumbledore said in realisation. He still didn't know what was similar to what, but he suspected he'd find out. The fact that the large black man was identified as being from a different planet shocked him. Minerva knew more, but Harry seemed to delight in keeping him in the dark these days. "That is a very good idea. Do you mind if I join you?" he asked.

"Let's ask Daniel." Harry said. "It is his memory after all."

"Memory?" Daniel asked.

"The Pensieve allows a person to experience, again, what he had experienced before." Dumbledore said. "It will only show you what you remember, but will also show you details you didn't know you had seen."

"The subconscious memory." Daniel said, in understanding. Harry had explained it to him when they were in the underwater creature's cave. "How does it work?" he asked.

"You concentrate on the memory, and one of us takes it from your head, like a copy." Harry said, indicating between himself and Dumbledore.

Daniel squared his shoulders, before asking, "Which of you has the most experience with this?"

"I believe I do." Albus said. "However, Harry has learned a thing or two with the mental arts, and I suspect his understanding of the concept may offer us a clearer view."

Harry nodded in acceptance. It was likely. He had more experience with extracting information from willing donors of experience. He reached a finger to Daniel's temple. "Now, close your eyes and concentrate. Go to the memory of finding the device. You don't need all the details. Just skim over it from beginning to end, until you made your way back to the rest of the team."

In short order, Harry had extracted the memory and they were all told how to enter it.

A few hours later, they exited the memory, having relived it in real-time.

"That wasn't a dream." Teal'c said. "It was too detailed."

"This is very worrying." Dumbledore said. "Could you counter an attack of such a sort?" he asked Harry. "I don't think normal magicals could do anything to stop something like that." Alien overlords, coming to destroy and enslave! He was glad that Harry had decided to start helping these people. His advancements may prove to be what is needed.

"I have something, which is almost ready for application." Harry said.

"Your fleet isn't ready?" Jack asked, slightly worried.

"A few of them are operational." Harry said. "I doubt we'd need more than the Prometheus, however. Hopefully we can find some answers on the planet, where they departed from." He turned to Sam, as he pulled up a star-chart and pointed out the location of the Stargate address they had gotten. "How long for them to reach Earth?"

"Probably a year, but if they are already on their way, they could reach Earth at any time, since we don't know when they left." Sam said, as she inspected the image. It always astounded her the amount of detail they could see in these charts.

"Then we should probably set out soon." Harry said.

"Do you need me to accompany you?" Dumbledore asked, seriously. Harry may have more tools, but he had many years of experience with magic and combat, even if it wasn't against aliens.

"You've got children to protect, Albus." Harry said. "If we fail, for whatever reason, you at least know to be prepared."

"I'll start making plans." Albus said then, getting up. He looked at Daniel, "Do you mind if I keep the memory, so that I can show it to the other staff?"

"Not a bad idea." Harry said. "At least the Heads of House. If you want to prepare in secret that would be your best course."

"Okay." Daniel accepted. "But, it feels like I should be asking you not to show too many people?"

"Military secrets." Jack said. The SGC and everything in the memory should be considered a government secret. Or it would be if they believed Daniel. Fortunately it was of an alternate reality, or something, so technically they weren't giving away their secrets. Jack would just need to trust that a culture of secretive magicals would be able to keep this secret as well.

"That's right." Harry said. "Please only show it to the Heads of House. This cannot go international."

"How would your old headmaster take things international?" Sam asked.

"He's also the head of the Magical UN." Harry said, in reference to the ICW.

"And the Supreme Mugwump of the Wizengamot." Dumbledore reminded him.

"Head of Parliament." Harry translated.

"Many hats on that head of yours." Jack said.

"You are not wrong." Dumbledore said, smiling tiredly at him.

"Cheer up, old man!" Harry said. "I've got this in the bag."

"Oh, I have faith in you, Harry." Dumbledore said. "It's the enemy I don't trust."

Harry took the old man back to Hogwarts and then they got in contact with General Hammond, before they planned to leave for Prometheus.

"The Envoy is taking you to see this possible threat?" the General asked.

"He found a way to prove that Daniel didn't hit his head and dream this thing up." Jack said. They were on speaker-phone. "The whole team saw the memories of the events he described."

"Memories?" Hammond asked.

"Yes sir." Sam said. "There was far too much detail for it to be anything but what Doctor Jackson described."

"I'll have a team go back and retrieve the mirror." the General decided, referring to the device which had sent Daniel away.

"Sorry, General." Harry said. "My people have already cleared out that collection."

"What?! Why?" General Hammond asked.

"To keep things, like well-meaning strangers going to alternate realities, from happening." Harry said. "We'll inspect the technology and lock it away, if necessary."

General Hammond didn't like hearing that, but had to concede that it seemed like it was at least in the best hands. If the Envoy could help protect them from a threat that seemed to be imminent, that would have to be compensation enough. "Very well." he said. "Godspeed SG-1, Envoy."

"Speak to you later, General." Jack said.

"You'd better." General Hammond said.


Harry was having an argument with Remus. The man simply didn't want Harry to risk himself. This was too big for him to do himself. Unfortunately most of the older people in the room seemed to agree with him. It was becoming difficult for Harry to just accept these things. Without him, there'd be no way to stop something if it happened, but Harry had to accept that if they somehow failed, he'd need to be there to protect their world from the ships, when they came.

They finally reached a compromise. Harry would go, but he'd stay on the Prometheus and help coordinate. They needed the information of when the ships had left and they needed to confirm exactly how fast they could go, so that they could estimate arrival time and be ready.

The wolves geared up and four full platoons of wolves were ready to embark on a mission to find what information they needed, using whatever means necessary. The SG-1 team would stay on the bridge to help direct them. Teal'c's experience with the enemy would prove pivotal in knowing where to go.

Daniel typed in the address and they were soon looking at the planet, before transporting there. Harry needed to find the location from where the ships would have left and that meant Pyramids, since the pyramid-shaped ships needed them to land on and they were likely constructed on them as well, so he started scanning the surface.

There was a surprise waiting for him, however, when it turned out the ships or, at least two other, similar ships were still on the planet. This wouldn't change their plans much, though. The wolves still needed to confirm that two others hadn't left already and that these weren't meant for another mission.

The Eudaemon was released and it took up position above the planet. Not knowing where the Stargate was located, meant that it would take up position above the pyramids, since that was the most likely location. The Cacodaemons were then employed to start the scouting mission. Each Eudaemon only had one, but the Prometheus had several.

The SG-1 team watched, seeing for the first time the full operation. The Eudaemon, a three meter in diameter device made of quartz crystal, in the shape of a large snowflake with eight sides, left the Prometheus and took up its suspended position, a bunch of views from it appearing on the side of the bridge once its position was secure.

Then a smaller device detached, as Harry took control of its controller, the wolves taking the Prometheus'. The Cacodaemon looked like a silvery metallic… mini saucer, just a few centimetres in diameter, before it was shrunk to less than a millimetre, almost impossible to spot, before disillusionment activated. The form was not just chosen to look like the Saucer. It was specifically designed to take the optimum shape for the magic to ward it even better than the Saucer itself.

Because of its shape and size, it could achieve speeds far greater than the Saucer, along with a few other benefits, which made them basically indestructible. Harry had tested one and flown it around a planet with an atmosphere, inside said atmosphere, and had been able to complete a revolution in just a few minutes. Had it been a manned vehicle, the person in it would likely have been dead. The Cacodaemon didn't require inertial dampening, after all.

"So this is how you keep track of the teams?" Jack asked, as he watched the Wolves pilot the drone devices. "And these have weapons capabilities?"

"And then some." Harry said, taking the lead with his Cacodaemon, making it invisible to all but the others, for whom there was a glow to indicate its location. "Technically the ones from the Prometheus have greater capabilities, but the Eudaemon's Cacodaemon is not useless."

"The Prometheus's Cacodaemon are connected to the ship via relays, allowing the pilots to channel magic directly to their Cacodaemon, where the one from the Eudaemon needs to be given the magic beforehand. Like a clip for a gun." Remus explained. Harry had forced him to stay behind as well, so when the teams left, he'd feel just as useless as Harry did. That suited the Wolves fine, though. The Alpha was meant to protect the pack in other ways.

"So, the demon from the satellite has limited firepower?" Jack oversimplified, again.

"The Cacodaemon from Prometheus is only capable of casting as many spells as the wolf operating it." one of the wolves said. "Not every magical you've met has the magic pools of the Cub and the Alpha."

"The benefit being that we can exchange pilots, while keeping the Cacodaemon in place." another one added.

"Cub?" Jack asked.

"It's a nickname for me with the wolves." Harry said. "They like me , so they adopted me." he finished.

After an hour of scouting, Teal'c had pointed out a few places where it would be best for ground troops to make their entry. The wolves set up the locations and the ground troops were soon portkeyd into position, before going stealth, with the Cacodaemon still taking the lead to help out.

"All the wolves can go invisible?" Sam asked.

"Basically." Harry confirmed as many displays came online, showing what every wolf was doing, from their perspective.

The wolves were efficient and caught the enemy completely unaware. They were stunning them only. Most Jaffa didn't know that they were serving false gods, after all, and even though this was a military operation, the Wolves were not murderers. To kill from invisibility wasn't sporting, nor was it their way. They liked to corner their prey, cripple and go for the jugular, but not like this.

It took only half an hour for all the Jaffa to have been knocked out. Every single one of their weapons were taken and stored in Comm-boxes. No use destroying them and it had never made sense to Harry why the SG teams left them behind. They could be useful later, even if just for testing purposes. The downed men were also bound and sent to a new, temporary extension on Prometheus, which Harry had added, as holding cells… or a brig. They'd be kept there until they could be shown the truth of the false gods.

It came as a welcome surprise, when two specific Goa'uld were found in one of the pyramids. Skaara, now host to a Goa'uld called Klorel, the 'son' of Apophis, and Apophis himself.

"Two-for-one special." Harry said, smirking as the wolves captured them without them so much as realising that they had company.

"YES!" Jack exclaimed. Skaara had always looked up to him and Jack had grown quite fond of him, the young man reminding him of his own son. "Take that, you son of a bitch!"

"Your people are efficient." Teal'c said, a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Are you going to kill them?" Sam asked, knowing of Jack's connection to the boy.

"No." Harry said. "We're going to use some fun tricks we've picked up from Hathor and get Apophis to reveal the location of Sha're. Then we'll bring an end to his symbiote in such a way that his followers will have no way to doubt he's dead, or that his supposed divinity was fake."

"That will make the Tau'ri a larger target for the System Lords." Teal'c warned.

"Then the Envoy will claim credit." Harry said. "Nobody knows who I am or that I am associated with Earth." Teal'c nodded his head in respect. It was a devious ploy and would drive the System Lords into hiding.

He decided to share that thought, and Harry nodded. Perhaps they could wait, before telling people that they were killing off System Lords. Threatening them will likely only make them consolidate and cost more people their lives in the long run.

"We're ready to depart, sir." One of the wolves reported. "Should we blow up the ships?" he asked.

"Let's see if we can take one of them first, for research." Harry said.

"Perhaps you should send your troops to clear out the vessels first?" Teal'c suggested. "There will likely be engineers on-board the Ha'tak performing their duties."

"What were you going to do, lift those behemoths with Prometheus?" Jack asked. The motherships were huge, dwarfing the pyramids on which they stood. The Prometheus could fit into one of the motherships many times over, even at its biggest size.

"Oh." Harry said. For some reason he hadn't thought about all that. "New plan. Full use of Imperius is allowed. Get those ships in the air and then we'll take them both."

"Are you sure, sir?" one of the wolves asked.

"Are there laws against it on this planet?" Harry asked.

"Understood, sir." the wolf replied.

"Just remember, we only do this to the bad guys." Harry pointed out.

"What's the Imperius?" Daniel asked.

"Mind control." Remus said. "It's illegal on Earth. It gets you a lifetime sentence in prison. Ours or the Ministry's. I agree though. In this case, it's justified."

"I'm not going to argue." Jack said. He didn't like the idea of mind-control, but if they were doing it to the enemy, to save more lives… "Is it permanent?" he asked.

"No." Harry said. "Only until they are released."

"Until then, they can be forced to do anything, including all the worst crimes imaginable." Remus said. "That's why it's illegal."

"They were being controlled already, technically." Sam said. "Being forced to do exactly that."

"Which is why, in this case, it's justified." Remus repeated. He didn't like endorsing the use of this curse, but in this case, they needed to take the ships away, before someone else could find them, and the technology on-board would likely be invaluable to their scientists. They'd release all the people that they took control of, with the men who used the spell going for counselling, to ensure they didn't have the urge to do it again.

"Where did they take Apophis and Skaara?" Jack asked. He'd like to go see where they were being kept. Maybe ensure that they weren't carrying weapons.

"They are likely in separate cells already." Harry said.

"The wolves have a protocol to follow." Remus added. "Captured criminals are stripped and put away, unconscious."

"Their symbiotes may be able to revive them." Teal'c warned. "You must keep them under guard at all times."

"The stunning spell knocks the Goa'uld unconscious as well." Harry said. "We've tested extensively with Hathor. Don't worry, they'll not be able to wake up or escape without magical assistance."

It took a while, but they finally found the right people. The ones who were useless to them were released from Imperius and stunned, being sent to the detention facility, while those who could, operated the vessels and took them into orbit. Some of the wolves waited until the ships were high enough, to ensure they didn't miss anyone, should someone run to the site, at seeing the ships leave, but nobody showed up, so they ported back onto Prometheus, where they started a rotation to watch the many prisoners. The rest stayed on the ships to capture the last people when Harry was ready. They were busily storing anything of value, as they waited.

When the large ships were close enough, Harry had the last people ported out and then started to experiment. He had something he knew would work, but he had two ships, and he wanted to see what would happen. There was one ship with a Stargate, so he left that one alone. The other, he focussed his tractor beams on and started inlaying runes all around the perimeter. When he had everything he needed inscribed, he sent the power it would need into the runes.

Everyone watched as the ship started to shrink. It didn't happen quickly and Harry was worried that it would take too much power, but Bill, having joined as co-pilot, started taking over two of the beams and they soon had the ship shrunk to a tenth of the original size.

"I can't believe that worked." Bill said, as he huffed. That was still a bunch of power. "Do you think… that will fit in the hold?" he asked, wondering if Prometheus was large enough.

"I doubt it," Harry said, "but it will be easier to take them both, if we can shrink the other one down, too."

"Shouldn't we take one at a time?" Remus asked. He didn't want something to go wrong.

It turned out to be good advice. Harry nearly exhausted himself, dragging the one ship along, as they used the StellarNet to bring it back to Mars, where he parked it. The wolves would need to erect wards to hide it, but he could already hear Remus on the Comm, informing Percy that there was a delivery to take care of.

"I'm thinking you need to rest before we go get the other." Sam said, looking at a bleak and heaving Harry.

"You know what will happen to that thing if we leave it for ten minutes?" Harry asked. "Someone will show up and steal it, or it will blow up. That's how your luck always works."

"He's not wrong to be cautious." Teal'c said.

"But you're right to tell him to wait." Bill said. "We're both knackered."

"We'll keep an eye on it." Remus said, re-joining the conversation. "When Harry is rested, he can make the runes and then someone else can power them, before he drags it back here."

"Any chance we can have one of those?" Jack asked. "I mean��� you have two."

"It's not like you need two." Sam said, also hopefully. "And it's not like we can hope to compete with your interstellar capabilities."

"Give it time." Harry said. "We've got something in the works. When it's up, you'll have all the access you need."

"You're planning something underhanded, again?" Bill asked.

"No." Remus said. "Sirius is."

"Someone is keeping an eye, right?" Bill asked worriedly.

"His plan." Harry said. "My execution."

"Oh. That's okay then." Bill said.

"Sirius is-" Harry started.

"Your godfather. Sirius Black." Daniel said, remembering. "He's the mayor of Harmony."

"What does the Mayor of Harmony have to do with this?" Jack asked.

"You'll see." Harry said. "Now if you'll excuse me, my bed is calling." Harry was about to Apparate away, when Dobby appeared.

"Master is tired." he said. "You will go to your chambers on the ship. Dobby will bring the missuses."

"Good idea." Harry said as he got up on shaky legs. "More tired than I thought…" he said, before he stumbled and Remus caught him.

"And you were planning on going back?" Jack asked, in concern.

"Don't forget to watch… the prison-" Harry called behind him, losing steam as he went.

"I can't believe he shrunk that massive ship down so much." Sam said. "Let alone using his own strength, to pull it through… whatever form of travel this ship uses."

"He didn't need to carry the weight." Bill said tiredly. "He needed to tether it to the ship. Usually his tractor beams could do it, but with it using unknown technologies, he had to shrink, not only the form, but the space inside and around it, so that the tech didn't blow up. Then he needed to bring the space around the ship along with it, so that he didn't break the external systems."

"That's why he needed to shrink it." Daniel said in realisation. "It would have taken exponentially more energy otherwise, with the increased size."

"Is magic really that damaging to technology?" Sam asked.

"Like an EMP, or so I'm told." Bill said. "I know quite a bit, but nobody understands as much as Harry."

"Can someone take me to see Skaara?" Jack decided. He'd be staying on the ship, until the kid was moved. And then he'd stay by his side, where they moved him. He wasn't letting him out of his sight again.


Harry woke up in his bedroom in Harmony. Groaning, he looked around. He was not alone. Daphne was sitting next to the bed at his desk, tapping away on a terminal and occasionally switching over to her Comm, when a message came in. Harry just watched her for a bit. He seldom got to see her working.

"You know," he started after a while, "you look like a very efficient secretary."

Daphne didn't turn around. She had known the moment he woke up, having used a monitoring charm. She was rushing though, since she was heading up a project that would have what had just happened not happen again. She didn't understand all the technologies involved, but was very happy to have been part of the planning phase of this particular project.

"You did get me the training for the typing class." Daphne pointed out as she kept on typing on the keyboard at a decent speed. "I've been able to adjust to the Muggle technology and I'm keeping a digital copy of your schedule and projects these days, for the mundane scientists, so that they know when you start on anything they want to be part of. They keep on making suggestions on how to achieve things, and there's a project currently underway to simplify things for you, to bring other ships here in the future."

"Really?" Harry asked.

"I've taken the liberty of calling it Project Plutus." Daphne agreed.

"The Greek god of Wealth?" Harry asked.

"And Greed." Daphne agreed. She'd started reading up on these things when Harry's projects had a certain trend to them.

"What's Project Plutus?" Harry asked.

"You'll have to wait and see." Daphne said.

"I need to still bring the other ship in." Harry said.

"Not yet." Daphne disagreed. "Remus had the wolves evacuate the ship and then Bill towed it to a different location. It's currently parked on one of the moons of the planet. It's got a slow rotation and we have a bit more than a week, before we need to worry that it might get spotted."

"But, the on-board Stargate?" Harry asked.

"Isolated from the network." Daphne said. "Doctor Pike handled it. On the bright side, it seems that the Stargate technology isn't negatively affected by magic." she continued. "Anything based off Naquadah technology seems similarly unaffected. It has something to do with the superconductive capabilities of the element."

"That's useful to know." Harry nodded.

"It will mean that you do not need to use so much power trying to avoid damaging their tech." Daphne agreed, as she finally finished, closed the terminal, which looked like a sleek laptop, but even thinner. It could easily slip into a bag and take up as much space as a large notebook. The fact that it was based off magical and mundane technology, meant that you could use magic on it in some ways, like expanding the screen, to suit your needs. One of their scientific teams was working on a way to replace the screen entirely, with an illusionary display, while it worked like a muggle computer's output, allowing for multiple displays, while using only one device.

"You're sure that ship is safe where it is?" Harry asked.

"There were wards placed and everything." Daphne assured him. "Bill is currently taking a break as well. He was the only one Remus would trust to set them up."

"Good call." Harry agreed. "How long was I out?" he asked then.

"Oh, you just slept for a few hours." Daphne said.

"That doesn't make sense." Harry said with a frown.

"Doctor Pike set up an MGA to your house, so that you could recover more quickly." Daphne said.

"That was nice of her." Harry smiled.

"She's decided to keep it like that, since the other Arrays now feed everything in Harmony." Daphne assured him. "Apparently she suspects that you'll be needing the power."

"At least that explains why I'm still clothed." Harry allowed.

"Oh, Fleur has been here." Daphne said, referring to how she liked to strip anyone out of their clothing, especially if they had the audacity to fall asleep in her presence. At least, she did that with Harry and his girls. "Unfortunately you had some guests, and she had to keep herself in check."

"Guests?" Harry asked.

"The SG-1 team." she nodded. "They wanted to make sure you were okay. They've been taken back to base. All except for Teal'c. He's spending the evening with his wife and son."

"He does seem rather devoted." Harry allowed. "When am I due to go for the installation on Tollana?" he asked. He'd planned on taking a transport tunnel to Narim, as he'd promised, but he'd not found the time.

"That's scheduled for tomorrow, actually." Daphne said. "Daniels and his squad are taking his ship to make the delivery, as soon as you tell them how to find the man."

"I'll tell him what to look for." Harry said. He didn't mind someone handling the delivery. "He has to be careful, though. The defences on the planet are very powerful. The Tunnel also needs to be very heavily secured."

"We've already worked around the defences." Daphne scoffed. "The normal invisibility of the Eudaemon was getting some reactions, but our shields held only for the first shot. We brought it back before another shot could hit it, though, and pre-loaded it with an unplottable charm. It also needed an MGA, but it should remain undetectable to them from now on."

"Good work." Harry said, impressed. "Who sorted that out?" he asked.

"Bill and Doctor Pike." Daphne said. "But, that's enough shop talk." she said, changing the subject. "You and I are alone for the first time in a while, and I suddenly remembered that I forgot to wear underwear today." she said, with a devilish smirk, as she got up and dropped a pencil. "Oops." she said coyly, before bending to pick it up.


Harry left his room with a smile. Daphne had tried to outlast him, but she had simply passed out with a happy smile on her face, somewhere between her eighth and ninth exclamation of exultation. She'd be sleeping that one off for a few hours. It served her right for trying to take Harry on by herself. He could usually spend some time with all his girls in one night and none of them would be disappointed. Fleur, admittedly, took a bit more work than the others, but she usually waited till everyone else was sated, before she took him on, herself. She'd not complained once, though.

Harry stepped into the kitchen and found a fresh hamburger waiting for him, with a salad on the side. Harry had recently fallen in love with the things. They were easy and quick and when Dobby made them, they tasted better than anything you could purchase at any of the magical fast-food places.

That had been an interesting development. When magicals said fast food, they meant instant. You walked in, made an order, paid, got your food and walked out in under a minute. The best part was that everything was balanced and healthy. Harry didn't know the specifics, but he suspected it was done through transfiguration. The fact was, if you wanted to enjoy it, it was probably best not to consider where it came from. That's likely also why he enjoyed Dobby's food more than he did those places'.

"Thanks Dobby." Harry said to the air. He heard a snap of fingers and a glass of Butterbeer appeared next to the food. Harry smiled. The elf had started adding items every time Harry thanked him for something he had done. He'd tested the elf's dedication once, by repeatedly thanking him and ended up with a table stacked with more and more strange items. The elf had been sniggering by the end, and Harry was outright laughing when the book Hermione was reading in another room had joined the heap. She hadn't been impressed, but Harry had high-fived the little guy as they started banishing the items back to their proper locations.

This time, however, Harry simply sat down and ate his food. Harry had missed lunch, after all. He doubted he'd be hungry by dinner, but would join whoever showed up. It wasn't like he had a full family gathering every night. That was more of a weekend occasion.

He decided to make the rounds after that, visiting the labs first. Doctor Hawk had taken to her lab in Harmony, since that was where the StellarNet was based. She was enjoying the fact that she had it to herself most of the time, since other people using it wasn't interfering with her use of the magical representation of the galaxy.

She was still exploring the universe, trying to find planets to either mine, or which could support life, but had no inhabitants yet. It was not a small task and would likely keep her busy for years. While she was at it, though, she was updating the planets she found by having the StellarNet record the other sides of planets, so that they could see a full view of them, even if only the lit side was really in real-time. The recording feature took a bit of time, but also sent back some info which she needed for her records. Things like how long a day lasts or how long the planet took to make one revolution of the sun.

Having checked in with her, he went to find Doctor Pike. She and Bill had started working together a lot more. While Bill was in a committed relationship, he was enjoying learning the ways of magical engineering. Pike and he made a good team as well. She didn't need to explain all that much to Bill anymore and when they worked together, things would get done quickly. He was taking some time to rest, though, back at Harry's house, since it was now the equivalent of a fast-charging station for magicals.

Pike was busy directing magicals as they worked on modifying a Prometheus class ship. She'd already made her plans, using some technological means, assisted by a magical interface to design the latest modification, which turned out to be something that essentially did what Harry had done, by modifying the space in front of the ship, which it would then, instead of dragging it like Harry did, transport it by portkey, through a large containment structure, which he was told functioned like his storage cards.

Essentially, they were making a spaceship, which could, and would, suck up other, even larger ships, storing them in the hull of the Plutus.

��You really should have someone like me on hand, before you do something stupid like dragging a larger ship, even shrunken, through so many stars." Pike had reprimanded him.

"But I'm only a man." Harry defended. "I can't be expected to be as efficient as a woman." he smirked at her.

Pike seemed to accept that, though. "You are right about that, I suppose." she allowed. "If you had all our gifts, how would we women entertain ourselves?"

"How, indeed?" Harry asked solemnly, before smirking. "I just wanted to thank you for your time on this. It's a brilliant idea. How many ships do you think it will be able to store?"

"Well, initial tests show about ten." Pike said.

"That few?" Harry asked. They'd seen many large things stored in one small storage card in the past, when they'd initially tested the technology, even though everything needed to be expelled at once.

"Well, there are the dimensions we're talking about, to take into consideration." Pike pointed out. They weren't shrinking the object, after all, they were storing the entire space it was in. "Then you need to consider that we're planning on using this to store however many people are on the ships and the fact that the Naquadah is such a strange metal, capable of storing power. We've not fully tested its effects on magic. That's no small feat and, as you know, takes quite a bit more power."

Their initial test on living tissue had ended with a bit of an unfortunate side-effect. There was a loss of life. In other words, the test rats had fallen dead, once they were brought back. Hermione and Padma had worked on that until they had overcome the problem, by having the magic introduce a form of suspension, prior to transport. Unfortunately the extra magic had a cost on the available space in the storage device.

The Naquadah issue had been addressed by having the metal not affected directly by the magic. The runes Harry had drawn on the ship was only to tether the magic to an area around it, rather than being placed on the ship itself.

"Yeah, I suppose that makes sense." Harry allowed. "How long do you think before this bad-boy is ready?" he asked, looking at the sleeker looking model of the basic Prometheus design. Harry hadn't cared about external appearance on his first design, caring more for the structural integrity of one of the most basic shapes in existence. It was one of the first principles of structural engineering. Simple shapes were the strongest, triangles, for example, being among the strongest. That was likely why the Goa'uld preferred pyramids.

"Well, let's discuss that for a bit." Pike said, with a smirk. "I have a few ideas and was wondering if we could add a bit of a magical twist on things."

"I'm listening." Harry said, intrigued.

Pike explained her plan, and Harry was instantly on-board. He couldn't wait for their enemies to see this.

Next Harry went to Hermione and Padma's labs. They were drinking tea when he arrived, but they both got up to hug him when he appeared.

"Harry!" Padma exclaimed, as she held him. "I can't believe you did something like that!"

"What did I do now?" Harry asked.

"Don't play coy with us." Hermione reprimanded, as Padma finally gave up her space so that she could hug him too. "We know you were planning on dragging both those ships back with you. If you'd done that, you'd be in a coma right now, if not simply dead."

"Okay, I'm sorry." Harry said, hugging Hermione tightly to him. "I didn't think it would be that difficult, so I may have overestimated my abilities."

"Well, don't do it again." Padma insisted.

"We'll be needing you to dock Prometheus at some point." Hermione said. "We want to add an MGA to the ship. You can't expect your magic to be as effective or efficient in space if you don't have something like that on-board." she insisted.

The Magic-Gathering Array, or MGA, was a new kind of solar panel. Instead of layers of silicone, which was used in standard solar panels, Harry's MGA used a thin, almost microscopic layer of blue diamond. The principle of solar panels had been one of the first things Harry had worked on with Doctor Pike, and he'd found that even with the trickle he had felt all that time back when he'd first connected with the sun's light through a pin-prick of a hole on his ring, the panels were much more efficient at receiving and channelling magic.

There was no way to store magical power initially, but Harry had remembered that he had used his laser-beams to store spells, in what had later become Project Black Light, and thus he'd found a way to store magical energy. Unfortunately he'd yet to come up with a way to release the stored magical potential slowly, and whenever such a thing was attempted, there was an explosion of magical power, which then dissipated naturally.

Broadcasting the gathered magical energy had been much simpler, by simply running it through a rune-array, which broadcast it in an area away from the MGA. To emulate a normal magical environment, they just needed one square meter of the magically sensitive precious material, per square kilometre of area they needed to cover, depending on how efficient the star was and how far away you were from it, of course.

They'd set the standard on Earth, though, since it was a good indicator of what would be a magically optimum location. Standard magical irradiation at Earth distance was called 1ME, for one standard level of magical exposure. The fun thing, for Harry, had been to discover that the closer you were to the sun, the more energy the array could pick up and channel. For that reason, they'd set a four Eudaemon around Venus and had them mounted with MGA units trained on the sun, to gather magical energy and transport it via its systems, connected to Mars through the EPN.

As a result of this, Mars would never have any issues with its magical requirements. Harry's own home now had an array, which was simply placed on the surface of the planet, but large enough to gather magical power during the day. It fed its own concealment magic and had enough left over to make Harry's house the equivalent of a magical hub, at twice the amount of magic as could be found anywhere on Earth.

"I'm thinking we could set you up with a dedicated feed from a Eudaemon stationed around our sun, at some point." Padma said. "Really give you access to an unlimited amount of power."

"Just imagine not needing to worry about your reserves." Hermione said.

"We've not tested that theory enough." Harry declined. Something about the idea worried him. There was a missing piece there. He didn't want to mess with something like that until they understood magic better. Using the StellarNet to stay connected with their sun at Earth, was a bit too simple. In his experience, nothing was that simple. There was always a down-side. He was worried about the StellarNet not being able to handle the throughput, or a solar flare somehow disrupting all the connections. He'd try that one day, but not until they knew all the risks. The technology was simply too new to trust with something like that, however. The current system was fine, since it used a local EPN connection and never entered the StellarNet.

Both the girls nodded in acceptance. "But we can still set you up with an MGA on the Prometheus." Hermione pressed.

"Fine." Harry allowed. "I'll probably be grounded for a while anyway. I need to go see what's happening with the questioning of the prisoners."

The girls chatted with Harry for a while, before he was off again. The prisoners had been transported to a local detention facility near, but not connected to, Harmony.

When Harry arrived, he was surprised to see Severus Snape was in the interrogation room, just looking at the bound and gagged form of Apophis, who was scowling at him. Harry had to chuckle at that. The man was giving Snape all the access he needed. Severus was good at antagonizing people too, so he had no doubt that the conversation had started with Snape insulting the man in just the right way to get the response he was.

"Your people brought this man in." Jack said, as Harry walked in. "Something about being a trained mind-reader."

"How are you doing, Harry?" Daniel asked.

"I'm fine, thank you Daniel." Harry said. "My people came up with a way for me to recover more quickly." He nodded to the interrogation room. "How long has he been at it?" he asked.

"About ten minutes." Sam said. "He called him a disease and compared him to something called a Boggart?"

"Magical bogey-men." Harry elaborated. "Kind of. A boggart takes on the shape of your worst fear. They prey off of the fear it generates. The real insult there, is likely that a boggart is not considered a living being. They are considered amortal. Never dying, but never really living in the first place."

"So, immortal?" Daniel asked.

"Amortal." Harry corrected. "If you never had life to begin with, you can't be said to have been mortal in the first place, could you?" he asked.

Daniel had nothing to say to that. The idea was new to him, but he filed it away, as he did with most of the magical things he'd learned.

"What other magical creatures are there?" Sam asked out of curiosity.

"Hundreds." Harry shrugged. "The most impressive ones are also the ones you wish you never meet, like Dragons, Dementors or Nundu."

"Dragons are real?" Jack asked, breaking his attention from the staring match.

"Sure." Harry said. "I had to fight one once. I still have the figurine somewhere, I think…" he mused.

"It's in your trophy room." Daphne, who had been keeping an eye on the prisoner transfer, said. "We keep it with all your other awards."

"I've got a trophy room?" Harry asked.

"You didn't think we don't keep those certificates and medals, do you?" Daphne asked. "Remus's own collection has grown bigger than yours these days." she added. "But, to be fair, it's the wolves that earn most of them for him."

Harry thought about that for a while, before he smiled. "Cool." he decided.

"What awards?" Sam asked, interestedly.

"Things like knighthoods and letters of gratitude from leaders of magical communities." Daphne said. "A large amount of those were collected the night that Harry and the wolves saved the ICW from terrorists, but Harry refused to pick those up in person, when he was told what they had been trying to push for, when the meeting re-convened."

"What did they want to do?" Daniel asked.

"They wanted him to hand over his technology." Daphne said. "Something about killing immortal soulless beings. They couldn't ask for his knowledge, but with a majority vote they could outlaw it, which would allow them to confiscate and study it."

"I'm not showing up for people to try and capture me for my secrets." Harry said, as he changed his face to the old man he'd invented back when he was a boy. He'd made it so that he could go out in public without people asking him about where his parents were, or calling the police to try and take him home. "Usually I have to wear something like this, so that I'm left alone."

"Is that a hologram?" Sam asked, looking at his face in wonder.

"Magical holograms are called illusions." Harry said. "I've got a talent for them, because I've been using them since I was five."

"Can all magicals learn that?" Jack asked.

"I'm the only one I know with the ability to give my illusions a physical presence." Harry said, as his illusion stepped out of himself, and slapped Jack on the back. It continued to speak. "Very useful as a distraction." it said, as Harry vanished. Then it vanished. When the others looked back to Harry, he was gone. Then he re-appeared. "See?"

"That would be a very powerful tactical advantage." Teal'c said.

"You have no idea." the real Harry said from their other side, the Harry who had taken his place disappearing, again.

"Frea- Weird." Jack corrected himself, knowing Harry's aversion to the word 'Freaky'.

Harry nodded in acceptance, at that, just as Snape got up from his chair and walked through the door. To Apophis, it looked like he had walked through a wall, and when his bonds vanished, he went to it, but felt nothing but wall. Then he started screaming to be released, but he was quickly knocked out and taken away again.

"Hi, Professor Snape. What did you find?" Harry asked.

"Mister Black." Snape greeted. "He's taken the woman, Amaunet, to hide among her people."

"Sha're." Daniel corrected. "She's my wife. He put one of them in her body."

Snape nodded and continued. "I have some bad news for you, then. He has done something that is considered taboo among their people. Something called a Harcesis. A child born from two of their race, bearing the father's genetic memories. He fears that she would be killed, along with the child, whom he hoped to make his future host."

Daniel's face showed only shock. He had known that there would be things done against the hosts' wishes, but he hadn't considered that he would find her, having had a child with another man. His heart was breaking for his wife's dilemma.

"These creatures." Snape continued. "Their minds are strange. While I was in there, I could hear the host screaming, but I couldn't understand the words."

"No wonder he's looking for a new body." Sam said. "If it contains his memories, the resultant child will not mind being a host."

"Or it could turn on its father." Jack said. When people looked at him, he asked, "What? Would you allow a copy of you to take over your life?"

That got some nods in understanding. The SG-1 team could definitely understand. They'd gone through a situation where robotic copies of them had been made and tried to return to their lives, after all.

"Either way, we're going back to Abydos." Harry said.