The next day, an instance of Harry was visiting the Asgard, with the new battery he'd gone to retrieve. It had never stopped storing more and more magical power and he'd needed to place it in a container to protect their eyes, since it shone like a sun, even though it produced no heat. They informed him that its power levels were immeasurable by their means and he'd happily filled up another two of their batteries for them, siphoning it from his completely magical version. Filling them up took only about an hour, but it seemed that their version topped out at just over one-hundred thousand years of comparative charge, which was a great deal more than the thirty years the others had stored.
They did ask how he had achieved the feat, but he had to tell them that it was a once-off occurrence and that he couldn't safely tell them how it was done. The Asgard understood needing to keep such things secret, for fear of the damage one could cause with the knowledge and thanked him for the investment in power, promising to keep him updated on their own experiments on storing and gathering such power.
While he was there, Harry accessed Superspace, on a whim, only to realise that the layer had actually grown beyond the Milky Way galaxy. That would also partially explain the influx of power. It even seemed like the layer had separated itself from ascended space, like it had done in his galaxy. Apparently that change had also rolled out like his seeding of magic. That was good news, since he didn't want to think what other possible ascended beings would do with such immense amounts of power.
While he was doing that, another instance was with his clone, connecting it to some of the last of the available unity crystal, for One to inhabit. The crystal would be stored in the same location as the dragon crystals, which he had noted had started changing colour, from blue to green. It was a gradual change, and Harry suspected that it had something to do with the developing personalities of the dragons.
One was obviously pleased to have a real body he could call his own, since Harry no longer needed to use a clone. It was unfortunate that he didn't have access to magic, though, but he decided to become a researcher, to work on just that issue. If he could figure out how to emulate the original power of the unity crystal, for self-transfiguration, he would be on his way to figuring out how to use magic in other ways.
Harry did ask him if he'd have a problem with changing his appearance, though. Having someone walking around with his face, which was not connected to him in some way, was not something he liked thinking about. One didn't have any objections to that and Harry helped him choose his own appearance. He decided on being a brunette, with brown eyes and a few freckles. He was also a bit shorter and younger looking than Harry, with an altered facial make-up. He did look slightly like Harry, but only in a way that made him look related, but not from the same parents.
Having set One up with that, he also got him a room in one of the apartment buildings, to give him a place to stay, along with a weekly stipend. It wasn't much, but would allow him to live modestly. If he wanted more money, he'd work for it, like everyone else. One would be his assistant in his lab, until he'd learned all he needed, to support himself properly.
Harry found it strange that he had basically made himself a son. Someone that came from himself, with just enough magical knowledge to have an advantage when researching magical energies. If he applied himself he could go far. That though had Harry smiling. He'd take care of One, until he was ready to leave the nest properly.
Lastly, Harry got him a Comm, and gave him access to the public libraries, so that he could study that in his own time. He even copied the data One had compiled during his vigil so that he could look into his own interests again. Little did Harry know that One had a photographic memory, a thirst for knowledge and a genius-level intellect. That would serve him well in the years to come.
Harry's last instance, or more accurately, what he considered his real body, was with Jack, his son, Charlie, and his ex-wife Sara. It was not an easy explanation, having to skip a lot of information on how they had done what they had done. Sara had not taken it lightly and had started crying inconsolably, as she held onto her son, who was also crying and apologising for playing with his dad's gun.
Obviously they couldn't claim Charlie had come back to life a little more than four years after he had died, so Harry had offered to house them in Harmony. Thinking it was likely a good idea, since Charlie would not be able to see his old friends again, and they couldn't find out anyway, Jack had supported the idea. Sara, still not in her right mind, had refused immediately, thinking that something horrible would happen in such a strange new place.
Her father, who had come to live with her after the death of Charlie, had listened to what information they could give and had stepped in, deciding that it was likely a good idea to at least see the place, so Harry had taken them to Harmony in the Sphere. The old man had not said it, but he was also afraid that Charlie would be taken from them, if the wrong people found out. The experience of being beamed aboard the ship and the flight itself, which Harry had taken the long way, to give them a chance to talk things through, had been a revelation and the old man had really loved the idea of magic and everything that they might learn in such a place.
Learning that everyone in Harmony was expected to contribute in some way, had the old man worried about his own usefulness, but Harry assured him that he could get him a magical way to learn a new skill or two, which would then allow him to do things he hadn't ever thought he could. It wasn't something that was offered to everyone, but Harry recognised that the old man was the linchpin in this conversation. He was going to be the one to convince his daughter.
Jack was animatedly describing the flying scooters and the magical school to his son, by the time they arrived on Mars, and descended into the designated landing area of Harmony. It was a new addition, but had become necessary when more people started visiting, including, but not limited to, Thor and some of the other Asgard.
There were also occasions when the Wolves brought delegates by ship, rather than through transport tunnels. Those were being used only once permanent relations had been established between other planets and Harmony. Usually in an effort to bring people into the Alliance. It wasn't something Harry had decided, but he was informed and he followed protocol, just like everyone else, setting an example to show people that even he had to follow the rules.
They went through what amounted to customs and were scanned by magical and medical staff for anything that needed attention. It was a free service, to show people what they were signing onto, when they joined the Alliance, as well as giving their people data on the differences between the different humans in the galaxy.
The inspection had revealed that the old man had a failing heart and he was seen to Harmony General, before they could continue the tour. The problem had been taken care of by a potion and a bit of work by a healer, before they were sent on their way again. The issue was not life-threatening at that point, but it would have been in another year or two.
Seeing Harmony for themselves, having some ice-cream and seeing Charlie connect with other children his age at the park, along with the heart thing, had made their decision for them and Jack had paid a company to arrange the move of his wife's house to a different floor in the same building as where Teal'c's family stayed, out of his own pocket. It wasn't cheap, but Jack insisted. It was his family, after all.
Unfortunately the damage to his relationship with his wife had been done already, and Jack and Sara had to explain to Charlie that they were no longer together, but Jack decided to stay with them for a while, until they were accustomed to life in Harmony. Sara would also need to have some time to accept that her son was really back, just as much as Jack still needed to come to grips with it.
(AN: While I am loath to bring it up, we must remember that religion is a large part of people's lives, especially in the SG universe, and the next bit is just to show that it remains a part of the story, even if it happens mostly in the background. For the purposes of this story, this next little bit is to show that there are still aspects of many religions involved in Harmony.)
When Harry left their apartment, where they'd stay until their house had been moved, Sara's father accompanied him and thanked him again.
"I don't know if you really are just a young man with magical powers, or if you're an angel, but you were definitely sent by the Good Lord himself. What you did today, is a miracle and you'll have my respect and gratitude for the rest of my life, even as I thank God for sending you to us." the old man said, having placed a hand on Harry's shoulder.
"You are more than welcome." Harry said. "I just wish I could do this for everyone, but there are rules not even I can bend more than once."
"You have done more than enough, and I think you'll be excused this one time, even if I need to stand in front of the Big Man one day to state your case." the old man smiled at him.
"Thank you, sir." Harry said.
"Could you tell me, is there a Church here in Harmony?" he asked.
"As I understand it, there are, yes, for many denominations, for multiple faiths, including some places of worship for the Egyptian gods, which is another story you'll hear all about as you stay here. You can ask Jack about them." Harry said. "We do not mind people believing what they want, but we do not tolerate religious bigotry or violence. That is one of the founding tenants here in Harmony."
The old man nodded in acceptance. "I'm not asking out of religious zealotry. I just want to know if there's a place of worship, so that I can attend mass and thank God properly. Today is Sunday, after all."
"Thank you for understanding." Harry said.
"Are there laws or rules, which deny people from performing their religious duties and converting others?" the old man asked.
Harry sighed. He'd heard about this, but never actually experienced it. "You are allowed to talk about, and to peacefully try and get people to accept your faith, but you are not allowed to tell anyone that they are wrong in believing what they are doing, unless they are undermining someone else's rights. Any faith that attacks others, or inspires zealotry, as you call it, is frowned upon. If you can bring people to your point of view, with them freely choosing it, without being coerced, you are more than welcome. Just be willing to listen to their perspective as well."
"That's enough, Harry." Jack said, as he joined them. "Mike, there are many people here from many walks of life. Many of the people who live here have found out that they were worshiping false gods, so you'll have your chance, but Harry isn't a spiritual leader. He's just the one trying to help everyone, despite what they believe. I'm sure there are missionaries here already. I'll help you find out more, so that you can do what you feel you need to. No doubt they will be able to tell you more about the accepted ways to go about it, here."
"Thank you, Jack." the old man said. "I was never all that devout, but today has taught me that miracles can happen, even after all hope is lost."
"Well, get a job first, before you start riling up the neighbourhood." Jack said, a ghost of a smile crossing his face. "Now, come on, I'm taking the family out to lunch." He looked at Harry. "Do you want to join us?" he asked.
Harry had been getting uncomfortable with the conversation and was glad for Jack's intervention. "No, I think I'll be joining my fiancées for lunch." he said with a smile. Before Mike could question that statement, Harry smirked and apparated out.
"Coward." Jack mumbled.
"He's hedonistic?" Mike asked.
"Actually, that would likely describe some of his girls better." Jack said. "He told me once that he was using traditional magical customs to protect a few of his friends, by claiming that they were all in the running to become his wife. They were the ones who convinced him that they were better off all staying together."
Mike looked at the spot where Harry had disappeared, before he smiled and shook his head. "Well, good luck to him. Sara's mother was more than enough woman for me."
"You're not going to say something about his lifestyle?" Jack asked, wondering about the change.
"He's got multiple women in his life." Mike said. "That'll be its own punishment in time. That, or maybe, if it works out, it will be a reward for what he's doing here." he said with a chuckle. Jack couldn't fault that logic. If hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, Harry would one day be in the eighth circle… if he wasn't lucky, or smart. Somehow, he believed Harry, of all people, could pull it off.
Harry didn't end up joining his girls, since Sirius had cornered him and called in Remus, who was accompanied by Daniels. It was done carefully and was by no means a demand, but they did ask him for something at least. Remus pointing out that Jack's ex-wife, ex-father-in-law and deceased son were in town, kind of forced Harry's hand.
"Fine, but we're not doing this here." Harry said, as he apparated them all into the Sphere. The fact that he hadn't touched any of them had not been missed.
"Okay, how the hell did you do that?!" Sirius asked. Realising he had demanded that of Harry, he quickly added, "Because there is some underwear in the world that need to be apparated directly into my hands… from a distance."
Harry couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face at that. Trust the old dog to make that his go-to excuse. "Nice save." he said, as he started casting every bit of security magic he could on the ship, after which he activated the on-board StellarNet, still in there since the trip, and moved them to Alpha Origin.
"Thank you." Sirius beamed, not having noticed the move. "I do try."
"Okay, I think we're safe here." Remus said. He'd noticed the move. "Could you please tell us what's going on? You're doing things I've never even heard of before. Some of them are supposed to be impossible."
"Well, the apparition thing was actually something I invented a while back." Harry said. "I turned it into a spell, but you'll struggle to cast it on a piece of clothing. Sorry Sirius."
"Damn." Sirius said, actually sounding let down.
"And raising the dead?" Remus asked. "You didn't make a golem did you? That would just be cruel."
"I didn't make a golem, no." Harry said. "Well, I replaced Charlie with a golem, and the golem died, but not Charlie."
"And when did you do that?" Remus asked, narrowing his eyes. With Harry's other inventions, he could imagine how that was done, but not the when of it.
"When we came back from the past." Harry said. Before anyone could object, Harry held up a hand. "I'll need unbreakable vows on this. Sorry guys, but this is serious."
Harry was shocked at the instant acceptance. Sirius didn't even make a joke. Once the oaths were sworn and bound, Harry started talking.
"So, once I got magic working again and confirmed that Superspace was established and expanding with the magic, we came back, hired Pandora and, as a thank you to Jack, I messed with time in a way that the Asgard informs me maintains the continuity of the timeline, while saving a life and restoring a bit of hope to the universe. Then I put away the temporal transport mechanisms and hid them in Superspace, where only I can ever get to them." Harry finished. He'd done that last bit on a whim, but stood by his choice. There was no data on the technology, except for in his head, and that was a closed vault.
All Harry got from his audience was shocked silence. Until Sirius started smiling. "My godson invented Magic!" he exclaimed, before he started pumping his fists. "My godson created Magic!" he repeated. Remus and Daniels, had had to cover their ears. Harry was just glad the ship was soundproof. He'd not put it past his luck that an ascended was just within earshot, just a dimension away, in some twist of fate, allowing them to hear.
"To be fair, I was more like a tool of Magic's to create itself." Harry corrected.
"Even better. My godson was the one Magic turned to, to create it." Sirius said, at a more tolerable level, the smile not having left his face at all. "And now you're an ascended god of magic?! That's bloody awesome!"
"I don't know that I'd put it exactly that way." Harry said, not liking the sound of that, even as a small part of his mind did draw a positive comparison to the statement and his circumstance. "I prefer, I've gained access to something ancient and powerful, which allows me access to it."
"Something ancient and powerful that you created." Remus pointed out. "Fuck me, Harry. This is huge."
"Bigger." Daniels said. "You said you have a bigger mind now?"
"Well, Superspace keeps on trying to expand my mind and teach me stuff. I'm thinking that's a normal part of ascension." Harry said. "It is connected to this world, and it's connected to a storage medium I created. Somehow it decided that it needed to record… everything that happened in the galaxy since its creation, storing more information than the original device could possibly hold, likely in another form, or stored in Superspace itself. It keeps on trying to give me answers to everything."
Remus looked thoughtful about that. "I'm guessing you're still here because you don't like the idea of being handed the answers?" he asked.
"Once I open Superspace to Oma, I'm hoping she can redirect that." Harry said.
"What?! Why?!" Sirius asked. At Harry's questioning look Sirius looked exasperated. "You're still planning on giving someone you barely know access to unlimited power and information?"
"That doesn't sound like a smart idea." Daniels agreed with Sirius.
"Yeah, use that expanded mind of yours and think." Sirius said. "We've seen this too many times. Hell, even the other ascended who have all that power don't help."
"To be fair, I don't think they have this much power." Harry said. "Superspace is filled with magic. The ascended don't even know about magic. Or, at least, they saw the beginnings of it, but as far as I can tell, the moment magic started manifesting for real, they were blocked from it for some reason."
"You can always find out." Remus pointed out.
"No!" Harry exclaimed. "If you start asking me to allow this to change me fundamentally, I'm never speaking to you again."
"Wait, I wasn't asking you to find out from the 'Superspace'." Remus said, quickly. "You have this Oma Desala woman you can test with, right? Just do one of your experiments and see what's affecting her. You have the scientific knowhow, right? Isn't that your whole thing?"
Harry realised that he had jumped to conclusions in more than one way. "Sorry Remus. I… I just don't want to become like those other ascended. I'm trying very hard to resist the temptation of simply becoming more, but I don't want to leave my humanity behind, like they did. Even Oma sometimes talks like the simplest things are beyond her understanding. I don't even know if the ascended can love. Their race had striven for intellect and left their bodies and the ability to procreate behind. I don't want that and it scares me."
"Then descend or whatever." Sirius said, easily.
"I can't do that either." Harry said. "All that power and knowledge will eventually look for someone to use it. Magic is alive, after all. Without someone to… commune with, it may take the short step to the ascended plain and start connecting to people there. While I can resist it, I can also keep it in check."
"So, do your duplication thing and have one of you keep it in check." Daniels suggested.
Harry wanted to argue, but he really couldn't refute that. His mouth moved, but no sound came out, even as a part of him did just that, dedicating a portion of a 'secondary' mind to the process of keeping himself in check and acting like a buffer. That 'Harry' didn't need to focus on anything else, in that dimension with nothing to distract it. It was a simple process too. That part of him was quite content to watch as his 'real' body experienced life and simply refused the constant draw to reach that version of himself, the 'real' him.
Harry sighed, just seconds after Daniels had made the suggestion. "Wow." he said. He'd not noticed that he had been putting a constant strain on himself to keep himself… himself. It wasn't something that affected him, but it was like a binding. Now he was free of it. He could choose to commune, through the dedicated self that was there for that purpose, but he could also choose not to. "That's better." he said.
"Did it already?" Remus asked. Harry nodded, a blissful smile on his face. "That was quick."
"Actually, it was a whole thing, but the buffer is now in place. At the beginning I was worried that I'd get bored, doing that, but now I��m experiencing what I am, while I'm busy being a buffer there, so that I can be here with all my attention." Harry said. It made perfect sense if you knew what it was like to be capable of true parallel processing. Or, was that Multitasking? Anyway, Harry suspected a person who studied computers would understand the concept better. He was very happy to note that no answer tried to come to him without his asking for it. It seemed that the buffer was also making it so that his questions weren't getting out to Superspace.
"You're sounding like Luna." Sirius said.
"Yeah, I couldn't explain that when I was holding all the answers." Harry said, happily. Then he turned to Daniels. "Thank you." he said sincerely. "You have no idea how much that idea helped me."
Daniels smiled, glad he could help. "You're welcome, Harry." he said.
"So, now you're limited again?" Sirius asked, slightly disappointed.
"No, I'm still capable of many things, but I'm just not getting a constant feeling of knowing the answers to everything." Harry said. That, and he didn't feel like his mind was constantly under pressure to expand.
"What does that mean?" Sirius asked.
"That means, I can be with all my girls at once, in different places even, and pay them all individual attention." Harry said with a smirk.
Sirius seemed to finally have a reference he understood, which made the whole concept open up to him. "You lucky bastard!" he said.
"Hey, as soon as I figure out how to keep it temporary, you and I will be having a drink in Superspace, while you go gallivanting and maybe even doing your taxes, all at the same time." Harry said, with a smirk. Of course he'd want to share this, he'd just need a bit of time to figure it out the old-fashioned way. With good, solid, scientific trial and error.
"We have taxes?" Sirius asked, dumbfounded again.
"We really need to replace you as mayor, don't we?" Remus asked Sirius.
"That's what I keep telling you!" Sirius agreed.
There were obviously more questions, some of which Harry actually answered. Things, like why he had decided to go with only Jack, was one of those he chose to answer. Harry's family were not pleased to hear that there had been a possibility that they might have failed to come back. Harry simply vetoed that conversation, stating that any one of them would have done the same, which they couldn't argue against. It wasn't something they liked to hear, but it was definitely the truth. Daniels actually stood up for Harry, stating that he was a man now, and that he had the right to make those kinds of choices for himself.
That had led to a whole other conversation, where Daniels was finally brought up to speed on Harry's real past, including being sent back in time and changing the past. That conversation had led to many other topics being covered over the next few hours. Daniels' respect for Harry just grew with every other topic covered.
They were discussing why, if he could change the past, he didn't simply go back and save more people, when Daniels' Comm rang. The caller ID said it was the control room for the monitoring staff.
"Daniels here." the big wolf answered.
"Sir, we have a situation." the controller said. "Sokar is being attacked by a large Goa'uld Armada. The flagship identified itself as Anubis's."
"We'll be right there." Daniels said, as he turned to Harry. "I need to get to the Plutus." he said.
"Done." Harry said, as the Sphere moved to above the receiving area in Harmony. Daniels didn't wait to apparate himself to Plutus, still on his Comm and getting more information.
"Call Teal'c." Harry said into his own comm.
"Black." Teal'c answered.
"Sorry to interrupt, but we've got hostiles attacking one of our allies. Care to join us?" Harry asked.
"Where should I meet you?" he asked.
"Portkey to the Sphere." Harry said. Normally he'd call Jack too, but he knew that he was still with his family. It took only a few seconds for Teal'c to appear in the designated area. "Hi Teal'c."
"Who is being attacked?" Teal'c asked quickly, as he went directly to the gunner's position.
When the Plutus took off a minute later, with its staff having apparated to their positions, or having taken portkeys, for those staff who were not magic capable, Harry simply monitored their position as they used the StellarNet to go where Daniels had been told to. When the Sphere arrived, stealth enabled, it was to see two large armies of pyramid ships arrayed against each other, shots being fired in a constant barrage between the two. Sokar's personal ship had some magical protections and it seemed to be the biggest target, which was sparing the other vessels, to a degree.
"So, we want to help one of them?" Sirius asked, as Remus just watched as hundreds of shots of various sorts filled the intervening space, where the Plutus had just appeared. Suddenly the shots being fired stopped.
"What is happening?" Teal'c asked.
"Daniels probably had his technicians set up an illusion in the command deck of every ship." Remus said. It had been one of the new enhancements that they had come up with, to try and spare lives, by demanding compliance. The Alliance had gained quite a bit of notoriety and the Plutus was a feared and respected ship.
Harry had not set up a connection for such a thing, but he had other options. He simply connected to the monitor in the bridge of the Plutus, where Daniels stood in front of the captain's seat. He was dressed in a black uniform, with silver accents. It had the Marauders Insignia on the chest and some sort of rank indicated on his shoulder. He was speaking in a commanding voice and Harry only caught the tail-end of that conversation.
"-do you understand!?" Daniels finished.
Sokar's voice was heard then. "We informed the interloper that he was encroaching on Alliance space, Lord Daniels. He insists on pushing at our boundaries on a daily basis."
"You have no right to tell Anubis where he is allowed to go. This galaxy belongs to me, the true god above all." a raspy voice said. It was likely Anubis. "Destroy-" he began to order.
"I warned you, any further attempt to attack our people will result in your destruction and seizure of your lands, worlds and people." Daniels interrupted. "Captains of the Anubis army, if you want to live, don't follow Anubis's orders. If you want to die, like so many before you, continue as you have. I know you've heard about me. You know I don't make idle threats."
"Don't listen to him!" Anubis ordered. "Destroy them!" Before another shot could be fired, however, the Biliskner, Thor's magic enabled warship, appeared next to the Plutus followed shortly by the entire Marauder Fleet of Prometheus-class ships. Each of those ships, Harry knew, contained at least ten smaller vehicles, which would be piloted from inside the main ship. That meant no human losses would be incurred should the smaller ships be destroyed in any battle. They all looked like a cross between a jet and a death-glider with three forward-facing sharp points. They looked mean and they packed a punch.
Anubis was not going to show weakness or be intimidated by that display of support for Sokar's, admittedly, bigger armada. "I said destroy them!" Anubis demanded again. Unfortunately the Anubis generals and ship-captains were more fearful of their own master, than the army arrayed in front of them. The Pyramid ships started spewing forth energy weapon fire, as their own smaller vehicles started flying out and approached their enemy.
Daniels gave the order and the Sokar forces started exiting their own ships, as the Marauder's fleet did the same. No shots were being fired from their side, however, as Thor communicated to Daniels to hold off, while he activated a newly developed Asgard magical countermeasure. A giant shield of visible shimmering energy surrounded the Marauders and their allies, which stopped all the energy-fire being directed at them. Harry realised that they did have the knowledge for something like that, with what he'd given them and chuckled as he realised that Thor's ship must have been the recipient of one of the new, larger, Asgard magical batteries.
"How are you doing this!?" Anubis demanded. He'd never seen the kind of power being shown here.
"The alliance has many powers to bring to bear and many allies to call upon." Daniels said, even though he was impressed with what he was seeing.
"Asgard stands with the Alliance." Thor added his own voice. Though Harry couldn't see it, he could see the calm look and nod in his head, as was part of Thor's normal mannerisms.
"The Asgard has no right." Anubis said, trying to calm himself. "You are betraying the protected planet treaty. This space is not part of the treaty."
"You misunderstand." Thor said, calmly. "The protected planet treaty was nullified, when we joined the Alliance. This entire Galaxy is now part of protected space."
"I will see your people die, for this betrayal!" Anubis exclaimed again. He was frustrated, since he had no idea how this was being achieved. All batteries were still firing and he'd not seen one weak-point in the shield. All the ships that had come into contact with the shield had crashed into it, like it was a solid object. It must be functioning as some sort of force shield. Even firing his own ship's weapon, which looked like a form of directed arcing electricity, did nothing but skid off the shield and hit his own ships.
"Commander Thor, can we fire through that shield?" Daniels asked.
"We can open a space for movement through the shield, but that would make a weak point in our defences." Thor said. "There is another option." he said, then, realising that Daniels must have muted the connection to Anubis.
"Please, I'm all ears." Daniels said, with a smirk on his face. Thor explained the plan and Daniels agreed, developing an evil grin on his face. "Oh, I like that idea." he said.
They'd need to wait for the weapon-fire to stop, before Thor could activate his plan, however. "I will send my ships to create a barrier for you, Lord Daniels." Sokar offered.
"No." Daniels disagreed. "We don't sacrifice our people for a temporary advantage, or any other reason." Looking to the side, Daniels made eye-contact with one of his controllers and nodded. Said controller activated the link to Anubis's ships again. "You are welcome to waste your energy on our shields. It will make killing you easier when you run out of power." he said with a smile.
"You cannot hide behind your shields forever, human." Anubis sneered. "You will become vulnerable once that shield falls and then you will die." to punctuate his statement, his electrical attack fired again, twice, but still to no avail.
"We can always discuss the peaceful surrender of your people, Lord Anubis." Thor said reasonably. "Surely you have a care for their wellbeing?"
"My men will die for me, and do so willingly, because I am their god." Anubis announced, sounding quite pleased with himself, really.
"I've seen enough." Harry said.
"You've got that look again." Sirius said, rubbing his hands together. He loved it when Harry got all dramatic. He was just glad he was there to see it in person this time.
Harry had to think about it for a moment, but he had an idea that might be impressive enough.
He quickly sent a whispered message to Daniels, who looked shocked for only a moment, but then grinned even wider. He was going to love being involved this time.
He connected to the on-board magical battery, which had a very large charge, siphoning its power directly through himself before he focussed his will on the space between the two opposing forces and constructing an illusion just outside the human visual range. At the same time, he connected to the Plutus, where he connected into the link their operators were using to send the illusion to the bridges of the Anubis ships, hijacking the audio feed for his own purposes.
The first indication that something else was going on, was when the impact pattern of the enemy weapons fire started hitting something other than the shield. Anubis sent another shot of his main weapon, when he realised that the shield was being protected by something else. The lightning weapon connected to a large invisible construct, but when the weapon stopped firing, the electricity kept on running all over the invisible presence. The sheer size of the construct shocked even Anubis and he stood up off his throne, to walk closer to the window he was using to watch the battle.
He looked on in horror as the shape, still wreathed in lightning, became visible slowly, before solidifying into the body of a large man, with a thick brown beard and a shaved head. He wore a black uniform with a very recognizable insignia on the chest. That of the Marauders. The leaders of the Alliance.
"YOU HAVE REFUSED THE PEACE, OFFERED FREELY BY THE ALLIANCE." The deep rumbling voice of Daniels said, coming from seemingly everywhere, as Harry allowed his voice to carry and be amplified into the designated areas in the ships. At the same time, the lightning that had been running up and down his body, started moving toward the eyes of the gargantuan creature, until it was seemingly absorbed into it, the eyes glowing an unholy green for just a moment.
"This cannot be real! It's a trick! You cannot fool me!" Anubis cried his defiance.
Daniels reached forward with his mammoth hand and grabbed Anubis's flagship between his thumb and forefinger. Anubis didn't know how to react, when he felt the impact of what he had thought was a hologram, on his own shields, which crumbled a second later, as Daniels pressed his fingers together, before crushing the ship in its entirety, in what looked like a tiny flash of an explosion, to his eyes. In actuality, Harry had transported the ship into stasis, just moments before it could be crushed and had made the illusion of the rest. There were, maybe not innocent, but at least misguided Jaffa on board the ship and Harry was never one to condone the murder of those who didn't know any better.
The ships that had been firing on the giant, instantly stopped their attacks, but they kept themselves at the ready, in-case their god gave them other orders. There were no further orders.
As if to add insult to injury, the shield protecting the Alliance ships vanished for a second, only to reappear around their enemy. That was not the end of the show, though. Thor manipulated the shield around them and it began to shrink. The captains of the enemy ships quickly started moving their fleet together, to avoid the very edges of what they knew to be an impregnable shield.
Daniels' giant form held his arms out and around the shield, as if he was containing them in it. "NOW LAY DOWN YOUR ARMS AND WE WILL RETURN YOU TO YOUR PEOPLE IN PEACE. OR BE SENT BACK IN PIECES. CHOOSE."
"Did he just say that?" Sirius asked incredulously. "He could have said something so much cooler!" In reality he was jealous as all hell. That was the perfect line, for people who hadn't heard the pop culture reference before.
In short order the smaller attack vessels returned to the Pyramid ships and the captains of the ships declared their surrender.
All in all it was nothing more than an impressive display. Harry had basically beaten the Goa'uld using their own methods. Perceived power through use of technology that their opponents didn't understand.
Sokar, on the other hand, felt a sudden relief in that he'd only met Harry and never come up against Daniels. If Harry was the devil, then surely Daniels was a god above gods. He never would think of ever betraying Harry, for fear that he'd be dealt with by Daniels, who had been thousands of times the size of the demon, who's scorched hand-print was still a reminder that he was working for powers beyond his mortal comprehension.
The wolves who knew Harry, understood only that he had done something amazing again. It was a habit of Harry's to use something new, usually thought up on the spot, to put people in their place. Having seen the ship crushed, but leaving no debris behind had some of them suspecting what had really happened. Not that any of them knew how.
When Daniels' giant form had faded, leaving only the Asgard Shield in place, where Thor would keep it, until they had safely transported all the Jaffa and Goa'uld away, Remus turned to Harry. "Was that something new?" he asked.
"Not really." Harry said, disconnecting the borrowed communications he'd been using. "I used the on-board battery to empower that. I couldn't do it without a massive power-source, though."
"And the ship?" Sirius asked.
"Stored in the Plutus." Harry said. Portkeying the ship away and into storage had taken a lot of power from this distance, but he might have been able to do that with his own power and without a power-source, given enough time. The Plutus could have done it on its own.
"So, you did it again? With nothing more than illusions and a singular display of power?" Remus asked.
"Well, not really. Those shots from the ships took quite a bit of power to negate against the illusion, so I ended up redirecting their energy manually." Harry said. "That was enough power to decimate a large city, so I'm very happy to have had access to the shields and hull of the Sphere. I used that rather than trying to shield all that power myself."
"You redirected all of that to the Sphere?" Teal'c asked. They'd not felt a thing. Just how strong were the shields on the ship? Never mind that, just how strong was Harry?
"Well, the Sphere is the toughest thing I've ever made with all the Asgard and magical tech I had access to." Harry said. "Redirecting the force impacts was not easy either. Manual energy redirection was draining. I'm thinking that that will be my next new project. Sounds fun." he finished with a smile.
The others looked at Harry like he'd just revealed another secret of the universe to them. Harry didn't really mind though. He pulled up his Comm and called Daniels.
"Thanks for the assistance, Mister Black." Daniels answered the call. Harry could clearly hear the celebrating going on in the background, which was likely why Daniels had answered the call that way.
"No problem, Daniels." Harry said easily. "You got it from here? I was on my way to lunch when this thing started and it's approaching dinner time."
"Commander Thor has already started beaming the prisoners away." Daniels confirmed. "We'll be heading back home soon. We'll get the new goblins to sort these pyramid monstrosities."
"New goblins?" Harry asked.
"Ask Mayor Black. He's the one that arranged their immigration documents." Daniels said.
Harry looked at Sirius, who nodded. "I'll do that." Harry said. "And Daniels? Good job. I could see you had that handled nicely, before I stepped in."
"Thank you, sir. I'll be sure to tell the troops you approve of their work." Daniels said. He was only slightly upset that they never really got a chance to fight this time, but he also understood that Harmony had higher standards than the monsters they'd been fighting. He also knew there were other Goa'uld out there. He'd get more chances.
"Goodbye, Daniels." Harry said. He'd noticed that it had become suspiciously quiet on the other side, as the cheering subsided and people listened to Daniels' part of the conversation. Just before he hung up, there was another cheer. Harry turned to Sirius then. "Goblins?" he asked as he transported them back to Harmony.
"Well, Longtooth had some family on Earth still and they made a deal we couldn't refuse." Sirius said. When Harry just kept on looking at him, he explained. "Fine, we've had requests for quite a while and I just wanted to shut them up, so we've kind of accepted most of the goblin nation as citizens of Harmony."
"The deal, Sirius. What's the deal?" Harry tried again. He didn't mind the goblins. The ones they had had worked out wonderfully so far.
"Well, since we've got all these warding companies, who don't have all that much to do, since we've expanded the boundaries of Harmony to support growth for the next ten years or so, we arranged a spot for them on the other side of Mars, for them to establish their own town. In return, they have happily taken a deal to handle the more difficult work with the materials we gather." Sirius explained. "Goblins are the best smiths and metalworkers in the entire world and they kind of heard about the metals we've discovered in space, so…"
"They want to dismantle the ships we capture and help with mining the stuff." Harry finished.
"Yes." Sirius said.
"And their rates and fees?" Harry asked.
"Longtooth handled it." Remus said. He never really trusted Sirius to handle that kind of negotiation, but Sirius had actually done a good job with that deal.
"Longtooth is a goblin. Would he not have a conflict of interest in this?" Teal'c asked. He'd lived on Harmony long enough to know the bigger names and Longtooth was the biggest name, when it came to the goblins.
"Oh, that's the best part." Sirius enthused. "Since Longtooth is Harmony's Minister of Finance, he's taken a goblin oath to always do what's best for our interests. That's also why he let slip about what we're doing here. He involved his people, because he knew it would benefit them, and us."
Harry landed the ship before he nodded at Sirius. "Good thinking. We'll have to get him a raise."
"No way." Sirius said instantly. "He's paid in a percentage value of the strength of our economy. To give him a raise, we'd probably affect it negatively. By doing what he did, he was giving himself a raise."
"Bloody goblins." Harry chuckled. Leave it to them to enrich everyone, so that they could benefit. "Well, it looks like you'll be staying mayor for another term, Sirius."
"What? Why?! I did good, why punish me!?" Sirius begged.
"Yes, you did good, so people will want to keep you in your position." Remus agreed. "Thank Merlin that you have people handling your taxes. If you were taken to court for tax evasion, it would be a scandal."
"But, but… No!" Sirius lamented.
"Oh, quit whining." Harry said. "Let's get you drunk and call Madam Bones. That'll cheer you right up."
Sirius didn't complain about that idea. Amelia had been looking better and better to him the last while. She had a wicked tongue, which he secretly loved, and was an even better kisser, not that he'd be telling anyone about that incident, anytime soon. Little did he know that Remus had orchestrated the entire event and had a recording, for when the time was right. He was still one of the original Marauders, after all.
"Actually, call Amelia first." Remus suggested. "She dislikes being left out of a good party."
"Party!" Sirius agreed, instantly. "It's been a while! Let's give the house-elves a mess to clean up!" he exclaimed, before apparating away.
"Was that a good idea?" Harry asked.
"Harry, we've got a lot to celebrate." Remus said. "Your own achievements notwithstanding, Anubis's defeat today was a big achievement. He has been on our radar for a while and taking him down will go down in galactic history."
"We heard rumours that he was building an armada to bring to bear against the Alliance for months now." Teal'c agreed. "His defeat, and that his people were taken alive, will be a cause for much revelry on Chulak." Anubis had seized the opportunity, when most of the system lords disappeared. It had also been why he had only attacked, when he had thought he had a large enough fleet, having heard the stories of the Alliance.
"Okay." Harry said, with a nod. "Let's party, then."
There were announcements on all the magical stations, about the defeat of one of the galaxy's greatest foes and a public holiday was declared to commemorate the occasion. Someone released the footage of Anubis's defeat and news reports and interviews with some of the wolves who had been there, were underway in Harmony within the hour and most of the people in Harmony, even though they hadn't know about the specifics, celebrated the massive success as everyone discussed the video footage and the information released in the interviews.
Black Manor may have been a bit small for the amount of people who showed up for the celebration. Many people from the SGC, their families, for those who had them in Harmony, and many friends and allies had shown up. Even a few Asgard, in their more human-form clones had made an appearance to add to the celebrations.
Throughout the whole event, most of the people looked at Daniels as the one that defeated the entire army and Harry encouraged that, since he didn't like the limelight anyway. In his opinion the big man deserved the attention he received, even though he didn't like seeing his Aunty Poppy acting possessive, when one too many ladies started flirting openly with him.
Daniels took the attention with a tolerant smile, even as he denied that he had a big part in the whole affair. Harry just chuckled at that. Acting humble would only raise people's opinion of him. He knew, it had happened to him on many occasions.
As for Harry, he spent the first part of the party chatting happily with the many people who came to chat with him, as he entertained the children by conjuring jumping castles, moving toys and other child-friendly activities, which ensured that the parents could enjoy the evening without worrying too much about their children. He only got to enjoy that for a few hours, though, before the house-elves took over. Hermione had told him that they were feeling left out. House-elves loved children. It was part of their nature to want to take care of them.
Returning to the house, Harry found everything from drinking contests to areas dedicated to dancing, with loud music and flashing lights in one corner and more sedate, elegant dancing in another, with magical barriers to ensure nobody bothered anyone else with their idea of fun.
There was a buffet table with many dishes and different kinds of food, for people to snack as they felt the need. To accommodate people with different tastes, there were even a few off-world delicacies, prepared by some of the chefs that the Ladies of the house had arranged. There was even a dedicated dessert station with never-ending chocolate fountains and all kinds of treats.
Harry didn't know, but the girls were paying attention to what people enjoyed the most, and a list was already being made, for future events… such as a certain wedding that they were busy planning.
Sirius was chatting happily with Amelia, Remus, Tonks, Daniel and Sha're, gesturing as he told one story or another, while Amelia rolled her eyes at him on more than one occasion and Remus correcting stories he knew the truth about.
When Harry finally sat down, after dancing with all his girls at least once, in both dancing locations, he was surrounded by those same girls, who wanted to hear the story from his perspective. He told them of what had actually happened.
Hermione mentioned then, that she had been working on creating magical illusions with physical form, but had been completely unable to emulate Harry's special gift. Even after all that time, it seemed that Harry was unique in his form of physical manifestation in magical illusions. She had been talking to Sam, Carter, not Pike, about her own research into what she called Hard-Light Holograms, which could potentially do something similar. Sam had told her that it would be limited to physical touch, where Harry's illusions could produce heat and sound and different variations of pliability. Hard-Light Holograms would be solid, unbending structures, incapable of anything more than solid forms, which was a limitation of the technology.
She'd gone into that research as a counter to her own phasing magic. Since illusions weren't constructed of matter, it was possible that it could be used against people with phasing capabilities. It was something that all the researchers in Harmony tended to do. Once you create something, you had to learn the limitations and how to counter it, which would give you a greater understanding and add to your capabilities.
Harry would have offered to help her work on emulating his magic, but he felt that if it was truly unique to him, it was likely something he needed to keep as his trump-card. That, and he suspected that it might have something to do with Superspace. It had been there when he was a child and he'd created it with his own magic, to begin with, so there would likely always be some of his magic in there.
That conversation led to others, concerning what had been going on in the research departments of Harmony. While not all of the girls were researchers, they were all capable of understanding the vast majority of what was discussed. The girls had never told Harry this, but some of them had taken the time to learn more, so that they could take part in his conversations, concerning the more theoretical things that he got into.
Luna was very happy to declare that the first Harry Black movie was ready for release and that the next few were going to be a lot quicker in the making, now that they had the processes down. That also meant that they were ready for the next step in Harry's plans. That led to secrecy spells being cast and plans of a whole different sort being discussed, before they returned to the party. A party which showed no signs of slowing down by 4AM the next morning, but Harry and his girls had had enough by that point and wanted to get to bed, and other activities.
Harry had not had enough time with his girls, since his return from the past, so he happily spent said time, giving them all some personal attention.