
Chapter 12.5

The next day found Harry and his girls just enjoying each other's company in bed, until Dobby knocked on the door and delivered a late breakfast to them in bed. Dobby was of the opinion that they should spend more time at the activity they were obviously busy with, because he and the other house-elves were hoping for many babies to take care of, one day. It was for this reason that breakfast in bed usually consisted of energy rich foods and things thought to help in the making of little ones.

After delivering breakfast to his master and mistresses, Dobby returned to the kitchen, where he was still in charge of making snacks and drinks for the still ongoing party, arranging clean-up duties and keeping an eye on the goings on of the Harmony guild of house-elves. It hadn't been asked of them, but the elves had had an increase in energy, since Black Manor was a hub of magical energy and the master and his family had been unknowingly feeding the elves connected to them much more magic than they could spend performing just their normal duties.

They divvied up extra work, like street cleaning, taking care of the many gardens and parks and seeing to the general beautifying of Harmony, which was both a duty and an honour. Nobody even noticed that they were doing it, since that was the sign of a good house-elf, and because there were services set up for such things, with people who didn't mind that they never really had as hard a time as it really could be, especially considering the tasks were mostly performed by magic.

Of course, even with the large staff of house-elves, mostly former workers in the Death Eater homes, and some others released from service to 'bad masters', there was still more to do than only they could handle, which was why Dobby had taken it upon himself to start the guild. There were other families in Harmony, who had brought their own elves with them and those had been contacted to plan things like working together on larger tasks, which ended up extending the reach of the elves to most of the established lands of Harmony.

While Black Manor was especially high in magical potential, the rest of Harmony had levels that could rival places like Hogwarts, so the elves were more potent there than they had been on Earth, especially with the magic their families gave them. To be perfectly honest, if they hadn't needed the connection to a magical person or family, they could very well have survived here unattached, but that wasn't their way and they preferred their current way of life.

It was while Dobby was planning the rest of the day and seeing to his duties and those of the elves under him, that he noticed something strange. He seemed to pick up on things more quickly, and the elves around him seemed less efficient than they could be. He was considering this, when Harry appeared next to him.

"Hey there, Dobby." Harry said.

"Master Harry?" the Elf asked, in confusion. He was certain he was just in the master's room, where he was spending time with his missuses. He could feel him there at that moment, even, but he could also feel him right next to him. His connection could always lead him to his master, but he was in two places at once… or three? "Dobby doesn't understand." he admitted.

"Sorry about that, Dobby." Harry said. He hadn't thought of what his current status as an ascended being would do to the elf, until he felt a draw on his attention as the part of him in Superspace made him aware of it. "We should talk. Can we go somewhere private?" he asked.

Dobby clapped his hands and the other elves all vanished, to give him privacy with the master's son. Most of the elves were connected to Sirius, since Harry spent so much time away from Harmony, with Dobby usually accompanying Harry on long trips. Dobby snapped his fingers then, and a low buzz was heard for a second as his version of a sound-protective ward settled in. "We is being alone and private, master Harry." the elf reported.

"Thank you, Dobby." Harry said kindly, as he conjured a seat for himself and his elf, who reluctantly took the seat at Harry's gesture.

"How is Master here and also in his room with his missuses?" Dobby asked.

"That's a bit of a story, but I wanted to talk to you about it, before it came up around someone who shouldn't know." Harry said. Dobby nodded, to indicate that he understood. He realised that he had sometimes done things that made his master unhappy, not that he had known it at the time. "When I went away, I did some things that changed me and that made me more powerful, which as you know will affect you."

"Master Harry has become even more powerful?" Dobby asked with big eyes. His master was always so powerful. How had he become even more powerful? "Master Harry really is the greatest wizard ever." he said, even as he recognized that what he was saying was true. He pulled on the connection, as he normally would to draw himself to his master, to gauge the strength of the connection. He couldn't feel an end to the power. It was like he was close by, but also far away. Further than he could see or understand. Even so, the connection was as strong as if he was standing right next to the far away connection.

"Don't do that." Harry warned. "That's what I wanted to tell you. For me to stay who I am, I had to make another me, who is very far away, in a place that changes people. That other me is working to keep me from changing and being taken away. If you try to go to the me, there, you will likely not be able to come back."

Dobby's eyes bugged out again, as his thought process decided to follow a certain, ingrained route. "Dobby needs to feed Master Harry's other self! Dobby is a bad elf! Dobby should have known!"

"Dobby, calm yourself." Harry said, making a calming gesture. "The other me is in a place where there is no need to eat, or sleep or anything you need to worry about. He's also with me, so he doesn't need attention and he doesn't get bored. We're still one person, just also not." he said, before smiling kindly at one of his oldest friends, one that had once sacrificed himself for Harry. "The other me is very grateful that you are thinking of him, too, though. He says thank you, and not to worry about him." It was a bit of a lie, to help the little guy understand in a simpler way. The other him wasn't separate at all, being himself. Connected, but also not limited to the physical limitations of the physical world, like he himself wasn't, if he chose to be.

"He's not angry at Dobby? Dobby wasn't being a bad elf?" Dobby asked, his eyes brimming again. It sounded to him like master Harry was saying a part of himself had died or something.

"You're more than just a good elf, Dobby. You're my friend. He's quite content there, actually." Harry said. "We are enjoying life as we should. He's there to make it so that I can be here, while he sees and hears and tastes and experiences everything I do. So that I can have a life and one day have many babies for you and the other house-elves to look after." he said with a mischievous smile, as he remembered Hermione's statement from the previous evening. "Not that we're ready to have them just yet. We're enjoying the practice, though."

Dobby seemed to respond positively to that statement, and his tears vanished as he considered that. "He tastes what Master tastes?" he asked. "Did he like the bacon this morning, because Dobby thinks he could have made the bacon better."

"We both think the bacon was excellent, as always." Harry said, smiling. "So, can you remember not to try and go to him? To not mention this connection? To not pull too much from him?"

"I must not take other Master Harry's magic. He needs it to be with you." Dobby said, with a nod, deciding he understood the situation well enough. He'd not draw power from that master Harry again.

"Good." Harry nodded. "Remember, that Harry's power may change you too, so the less you pull from him, the better. I like you the way you are."

"Thank you, master Harry. You are too good to Dobby." Dobby said, his eyes brimming again. Harry just shook his head with a smile at the little guy, for his over-emotional responses. He secretly thought the elf could cry on command and did that on purpose.

"I could be a better friend, but I don't think you could be any better. You're already the best friend and house-elf anyone can have." Harry said, as he got up. "Oh, and let's keep this and the fact that I can make more of me a secret between the two of us. The girls know about my copying myself, but until we're married, this is family magic that they don't understand everything about, yet."

Dobby nodded, realising that he was to keep his master's family magic secret. "Dobby will not say anything." he promised, seriously.

"Goodbye." Harry said, before he faded out of existence.

"The greatest wizard EVER!" Dobby exclaimed happily, as he pulled himself together and snapped his fingers again, to cancel his magic and to allow the other elves back into the kitchen.


The party had finally ended early that evening, as people who had been happy to use magic to keep going, remembered that they had work to get back to the next day. Sirius had long since vanished into his wing of the house, with a certain Lady Bones, who had instantly refused to enter his room at seeing its state, and had dragged him back to one of the guest rooms, where they ended up staying until the morning of the next day, when people needed to get back to work.

The parents who had children, thanked the elves who had kept an eye on them, seeing to their needs and even setting them up with places to sleep in peace, while they enjoyed the party. Parents seldom took time for such things, but at the Black Manor there were such accommodations made available, so that people could enjoy themselves without worry.

Those that had gone home on the evening of the first day of the party, had taken transport rooms or flying carpets, with tipsy drivers who were sometimes even asleep, while the carpets did as they were designed to do, and took people home without incident.

By the next morning, the Black Manor was spotless and everything was back as it was supposed to be.

When Harry left his room, first, as usual, it was to find Desiré waiting for him in the den. She needed to talk to him. Similarly, he needed to talk to her.

"Good morning, Mister Black." Desiré said, with a respectful nod.

"Good morning, Desiré." Harry said back. "Have the elves given you something to eat yet?" he asked, noting that she didn't have food or a drink.

"They have come and gone." Desiré confirmed. She'd been waiting since early. She really needed to speak to Harry, as soon as possible.

"Okay, then." Harry said, nodding, before he sat down and started on his coffee, placing a preserving charm on his food, so that he could chat to the Ascended, who obviously had business to discuss. "I'm assuming you have urgent business to discuss?" he gave voice to the thought.

"I do." Desiré said. "It's about Anubis." she started.

"The fact that he's ascended?" Harry asked. He'd felt something off when he'd transported the ship into stasis. That had been the cause for the amount of power it had taken.

"You knew?" she asked.

"Not until I investigated what I had felt when he went into stasis." Harry admitted.

"Stasis?" she asked. She'd watched the recording herself.

"Yes, we try not to kill innocents, whenever possible. Anubis might be bad, but his Jaffa surely won't all be." Harry said. "Did you want to warn me about him not being dead?"

"Yes." Desiré said, a strange look in her eyes as she looked at Harry in a new light. "You could feel that he was ascended? That shouldn't be possible, unless-"

"Yeah, let's not discuss that just now." Harry said, looking over his shoulder at the door, where he could feel one of his girls approaching. "After breakfast." he said.

Desiré nodded in understanding. "Very well." she said. How had she not been able to tell? Harry was around her all the time and he was never really a mystery to her. Even in this magical construct, she'd been able to interact with the world normally, like a mortal, but her power was accessible to her, even if she had to be very subtle in its use, to keep the other ascended from finding out.

Harry went back to his breakfast as the girls joined them, and Harry chatted amiably with them and Desiré about his plans to work on an energy redirection project, which had limitless potential for defensive and offensive capabilities, if he was able to succeed in it.

Desiré, for her part, contributed ideas about things she felt would help widen the spectrum for Harry, but not necessarily how to achieve anything. As an ascended, and as someone who understood Harry to a degree, she never gave him answers that she felt was breaking any of the ascended rules, or which would spoil his fun.

By the time his breakfast was over, he decided to leave with Desiré, stating that they had something to discuss, about the captured Goa'uld. He had no issue telling them that there was something about Anubis that connected him to the ascended dimension, which meant they understood that Desiré had information she'd rather not discuss with too many people hearing. That didn't stop them from being curious, but they let them go without issue, resolving rather to let Hermione just add it to her never-ending list of questions, for when they were married, after which they went back to planning the event itself.

When Harry and Desiré got to his lab, it was to find One already busy reading on a display monitor connected to his Comm, while he inspected a large machine he was studying. He greeted them, and then went back to his studies, while Harry led Desiré into his office, where he had protections set up for privacy, so that he could access his most protected information without the chance of people seeing or hearing it.

Harry sat behind his desk and Desiré took her own position in front of him. She didn't wait long. "You are ascended." she stated.

"Yes." Harry said.

"How?" she asked. She would have known if he was in the process of ascending. Sure he had the potential, since he was as good as they came, which was a prerequisite for the ascended realm, and he was quite enlightened, but he didn't seem like he would even want such a thing. He'd even stated as much.

"It was an accident." Harry admitted. "I can't give you all the details, but suffice it to say, I made a new dimension, which I had intended to offer to ascended who wanted to be a part of the universe, not just watch it, but something changed and it turned into a magical version of what you know."

"Magical version?" she asked.

"Well, I needed to protect magicals from you ascended and I wanted the realm to stay a secret, so I made it work that way." Harry said. "Unfortunately, while I was setting up those protections, it kind of drew me into itself. Now I'm both there and here. Magically ascended and also not. Once I've figured out how to set up a space for others, without giving them access to the infinite power it has made for itself, I'll be offering you a space, so that you can continue your work, but without the oversight of the idiots currently in control of ascension."

Desiré, no, Oma Desala had never even considered that to be possible, had not known that it could even be attempted. The ascended realm was as old as time. It had come into existence at the beginning of the universe and was as vast as all of existence, even though the ascended tended to stay together in the Milky Way Galaxy. For Harry to have created it and have it be capable of what he claimed, he'd have had to… "You went back in time?" she asked incredulously. It was against all the rules. Never mind that she couldn't fathom how you'd go about such a thing as creating an artificial realm. Then again, she didn't know magic, couldn't from the sound of it.

"I didn't want your ascended friends finding it and using it, so I needed to go back to before they were in this Galaxy. I didn't know that it would spread itself so far." Harry admitted. "I think Magic itself used the knowledge I had to create pathways for itself to spread throughout the universe, traversing through subspace or Hyperspace to access further and further. That hadn't been part of my plans, but Magic obviously had its own plans."

Oma was quiet, then, as she pondered the implications of such a thing. If Magic was sentient, could choose to travel, spread throughout and explore the universe, and Harry had given it access to his, admittedly large knowledge of how both magic and science worked together, there was very little that he couldn't achieve, with access to such a dimension of power. She didn't doubt his intentions, but her own experience told her that she needed to ensure she didn't repeat the mistakes of the past, should he succeed in making a place for her and others like her in this new realm.

"Anubis was my doing." she admitted, then. "He fooled me into helping him to ascend. Now he wants to destroy all life in the galaxy and start over, creating life anew, in his image."

"He's capable?" Harry asked, not having expected such a thing. How would that even be done?

"There is a device, which was used to seed life in this galaxy." Oma said. "It can be used to achieve the opposite as well."

"That's why humans look like the Ancients." Harry said in understanding. They'd recently found a woman frozen in the ice in Antarctica, close to where the second Stargate was, even if it was a mile under the ice. Diagnostic spells had revealed that she was in perfect stasis and had been for millions of years, but also that she carried a deadly pathogen, so they'd not chosen to revive her. Rather they had stored her in stasis, until they had a vaccine figured out. Nothing they had tried had worked so far, but Harry didn't really care, since that wasn't his division. If all else failed, he'd eventually simply make her a new body and have her live through that.

"You knew?" Oma asked.

"We've found certain evidence. I doubt you ascended would have noticed, since the team that found it had magical protections, which would have negated your ability to see it." Harry said. "Do you know where this device is?" he asked.

"I do." Oma said.

"You're not going to tell me, are you?" Harry asked, with a sigh. He'd need that information, before he allowed any ascended into Superspace.

As if reading his mind, Oma nodded. "I believe I can trust you, but I have been fooled before." she pointed out.

Harry pondered this for a while. "Okay, then. How about this? You tell me how to protect from it, and I help you put something in place which will not allow either your own people, or mine to ever get close to it again. We set up a way to allow it only to be used, if both of us decide it is needed."

"You can do that?" she asked. Harry was right. Such a solution would appeal to her, because she knew she'd never decide to open it up again. Harry felt the same.

"I can." Harry agreed. He'd set up two Fidelius protected wards around the location, with him as one secret keeper and her as the other. Oma would need to test it to see for herself, but Harry was sure he could convince her with that display. In the meanwhile he'd set her up with all the documentation she could need, to read up on the charm.

"Then, I think we can do that." Oma finally said. "Before that, however, we need to decide on how to deal with Anubis."

"If we brought him out of stasis, could he escape magical protections, like I have around your Monastery?" Harry asked.

"He's not fully ascended." Oma clarified. "Not anymore. The Others punished him and myself, by allowing him to partially manifest in your world. He is not allowed to do anything he couldn't before, as a Goa'uld, but he breaks the rules, by using knowledge he gained as an ascended. My punishment is that I cannot do anything but watch as he goes about destroying everything."

"Assholes." Harry said, thinking about both Anubis and the other Ascended. "Okay, then. Can he escape, though?"

"If I cannot escape, he'd not be able to." Oma said.

"Perfect." Harry said, as he took out his Comm. "Call J. Daniels." he said. When Daniels answered, Harry informed him not to take the ship out of stasis yet, which it turned out, they had discussed, but wouldn't be doing for a few weeks, since they had many Jaffa and Goa'uld to work through. Harry would ensure the proper protections were in place, before they did that. Then he'd stick Anubis in a phylactery, if he could, and give Tom some company. The two deserved each other for what Anubis had been planning.

"And just like that, my biggest mistake is stopped in his tracks." Oma said, a sigh of relief escaping her. "I cannot thank you enough."

"Let's discuss your normal procedures for helping people ascend. We don't want a repeat of your past mistakes, do we?" Harry asked.

That conversation led to the revelation that intent-based wards would have stopped such a thing from ever happening in the first place. They also discussed what Oma felt was acceptable, for an environment in which she could work. If Harry was able to do as they discussed, the Superspace would have a dedicated layer inside itself, which would work much like the ascended realm, but would still be unreachable to them.

Unfortunately, Oma would need to likely become human, before she would be able to ascend into the new realm, or her move might draw the attention of the others. For that to happen, Oma would need to prepare herself. If she was careful about it, she may even be able to spread word between the other ascended who did not approve of the current rules. There were a few of them, after all, mostly those who she had helped ascend.

Before they broke up for the day, Oma had two more bombs to drop. The Wraith and the Ori.

The Wraith were a parasitic race of humanoids, who ruled a galaxy called the Pegasus Galaxy on Earth. They were the reason for the fall of the City Ship Atlantis and the Alterans who had gone to that galaxy. They went into long stasis sleep cycles, while they allowed the human 'stock' to grow and repopulate, before they awoke and reaped again.

The Ori were ascended beings that operated out of the galaxy where the Alterans originally came from. They held themselves above the mortals of that galaxy as gods and fed on their faith, giving them godlike powers of influence and made them many times more powerful than normal ascended. Should there be a fight, the ascended of the Milky Way would be defeated easily.

She only told Harry about all this, because she had realised that the influence of magic would allow them to either avoid those galaxies, or to try and help. Neither would be an easy task by normal means, but Harry's people and allies might be up to the challenge. Unfortunately there wasn't a lot of information about those threats, since the Ascended kept to their own Galaxy and had invested quite a bit of power to keep the Ori from realising they were even there, granting the same protection to the mortals of their Galaxy. At least it seemed they were good for something.

They left that meeting late in the afternoon, with Desiré deciding to return to her pod, so that Oma could focus all her attention on planning her move and to contemplate the information she had been given, while Harry still needed to figure out how to ensure the Superspace never became a playground for other monsters. There was also something of a discussion about her descent from her current state, which Harry said they could discuss later.


A few weeks later, Anubis's ship was released from stasis, into a large warded field, effectively cutting him off from any form of escape. Harry didn't even give him a chance to speak, when he apparated directly onto the bridge, instantly sealing him in a separate storage disk.

It took a bit of work from there, but two weeks later, Tom was introduced to an illusion of Anubis, who was in actuality contained in a pocket dimension, which Harry and Pike had put together. The long and the short of it, however, meant that he was just as contained as Tom was, the wards and the Fidelius ensuring that they couldn't be found, nor escape.

Harry didn't want to risk anything though and had removed the Hallows, only to discover that they were completely drained of whatever magic they had once contained. The stone was just a normal piece of volcanic glass, while the wand was just a stick. Having returned home, to check on the Cloak, revealed a normal piece of ordinary, if outdated, clothing.

He intended to spend time on that immediately, but his other self informed him that the Hallows had been part of his ascension. Harry suspected that it was just a horribly convoluted part of ensuring that he found his way to the Superspace. Magic itself must have wanted it, or, perhaps, needed it. Either way, Harry had sighed and transported both the stick and the stone into Alpha Origin.

This realisation had given him an insight to a problem that had been bothering him for years. The Elder wand may have been the cause for the massive reaction Albus Dumbledore had had when he was cleansed of influencing magic. Such a device, no matter how intelligently crafted, would still leave a print on the person it was bound to. Dumbledore had won the wand's loyalty, which would no-doubt have affected him, as it had stayed connected to him for many years. Harry was the last owner, but he never used it, so doubted it had connected to him prior to cleansing Dumbledore.

At least he could put that mystery behind him. Now he just had to figure out how that same wand had connected to him, unless Magic had just been a bitch and connected him because he'd been the last mortal to handle it. Something told him that that wasn't the whole story, but that same tickle that had told him that he needed to go back in time, before he was connected to Superspace properly, told him that he'd get the answer without looking for it, so he put it aside, not really caring to look for an answer that he would likely only find when Magic decided it was time.

Trying to clear his mind and to find something fun to do, he decided to postpone his research into redirecting energies, and to focus on another project he had in planning since his last big mission.

The next few months were spent in research, even as his girls set a time for a year from the moment he had told them to start planning the wedding, for said event. They didn't want to feel rushed and felt that a year-long notice period would allow all their allies and guests to book the event.


When Harry was finally done with his latest research, he invited SG-1, Doctor Pike, Doctor Hawk and his family to see his latest invention first. Harry had invited them to come to the Sphere for the trip which would take them to the dedicated location for his invention. He didn't tell them what they would be seeing either.

As they arrived on the morning of that Friday, Harry couldn't contain his excitement. He just knew that Doctors Hawk, Pike, Carter and Jackson would be excited by this. He had no doubt that he'd be receiving many questions about how it was possible, but he decided not to think about that, since he'd not be giving them the answers anyway. One, who was also there, had no intention of giving Harry's secrets away either.

Doctors Pike and Hawk had been the first to arrive, an hour early, followed shortly by his own girls. SG-1 arrived half an hour early. Remus, Daniels, Sirius and their significant others showed up just before the event was set to begin. He greeted them warmly and allowed them all to chat, without answering any questions and then had them take their seats, before taking his own.

"Can't you at least tell us where we're going?" Hermione asked.

"We're going to Alpha Origin." Harry said. "It's what I named the star closest to my research lab."

"Is the name significant?" Pansy asked.

"I have reason to believe that something happened there, long ago, which allows for this particular feat of magic and technology to be possible only there." Harry said, evasively.

"You're keeping secrets again." Hermione huffed. She knew him well enough to pick up that he knew more than he was letting on, besides the obvious, anyway.

"Always, my dear." Harry smirked, as they left Harmony and he activated the transport to the star mentioned. Moving from there, he flew them, not to the planet, but to the space station he had been building to house this particular project. As they approached the station, it only became visible to those with him, once he passed the wards.

"Fidelius?" Sirius asked, trying to act nonchalant at approaching what looked like a giant, upside down spinning top, with windows in all directions at the base of the structure. Those who knew, recognized that the top was layered with magical solar panels, which had them thinking that whatever they were about to see took a lot of power to function, which was the point.

"Yup." Harry said, as he flew them to the large base, where there was a place to dock.

"Why don't we have a space station?" Doctor Hawk asked.

"We do." Pike said easily. "It's used as the official reception area for people who want to visit Harmony, but who want to come by their own means, rather than be brought by the wolves."

"Why don't I know about this?" Pike asked.

"It's not something we use for research." Harry said. "It's got dormitories and some facilities, but it's not a research station. The wolves use it as a check-point. It's not even in our sector of the Galaxy. The idea is to keep the location of Harmony a secret. They use a transport tunnel to hide the fact that we aren't based on the planet below the station."

"Clever." Hawk said.

"Thank you." Daniels said. It had been his idea. Harry had approved as well, but he hadn't had much of a hand in it. Bill had handled that one, since he was capable.

Harry docked them and took them into the large station. It wasn't a mammoth facility, but it was definitely not small either, being large enough to house around fifty people with space for supplies to last those people for a few months at a time.

Seeing that the influence for the decorations had come from the inner design of the Sphere, made the girls smile. Harry might not have the same sense of style, but he could at least emulate what he learned. Harry skipped over pointing obvious things like living areas, the kitchen and the facilities, out. Instead he took them right through to the topmost floor, where he'd setup his surprise.

There was a thick metal door, with what looked like a tablet on the side, where Harry placed his hand. A second later the doors unlatched and opened themselves.

"Fingerprint-scanner?" Pike asked, looking at the obvious magical design.

"Just something I was testing." Harry said. "The Fidelius should protect the station, but there is always the risk of someone bringing someone or something that they don't know about. The tablet scans your blood, cross-references it with a magical imprint and then checks your intent. I'll be setting it up so that it will allow only people in who were scanned in, after this."

"I'm assuming this is dangerous?" Remus asked.

"In the wrong hands." Harry nodded. "Knowledge is power, after all." He waited for them all to enter and triggered the door to shut. "Alpha, how are things?" Harry asked the room.

"Everything is as it should be, Mister Black." a nearly emotionless female voice said. "The demonstration is prepared and ready."

"Thank you Alpha." Harry said.

"Who's Alpha?" Sirius asked. The voice had sounded so cold. Lifeless.

"I am the static artificial sentience created by Mister Black, who runs this station." the voice said from all around. "Mister Black named me Alpha, for the sun, Alpha Origin."

"You made an artificial life to run this place?" Sirius asked. "Is that safe? What does this place do, anyway?"

"Well, Alpha isn't alive, really." Harry said. "When I made her, I made her with the knowledge of her purpose and how important it is to keep everything here a secret. She was made in a way that makes her unchanging. Her base personality and priorities will never change, but she has room to grow and learn besides that, to a degree."

"I have space to learn in a flux diamond crystal hard drive Mister Black designed, after the success of One." Alpha said. It was basically a large recording crystal, like the ones they used for their computer systems, but with a different interface and using Doctor Pike's encryption and compression techniques.

"I am pleased that I could serve as inspiration." One spoke up.

"I am pleased to meet the inspiration to my design." Alpha said, still rather emotionlessly.

"And what is it that needs all this security and new inventions?" Pike asked, getting excited at the things she was seeing. Harry had been holding out on her. She never really forgot, but this reminded her that Harry was no slouch and that she really should include him more in her own research.

"You'll see." Harry said. "Alpha, please start the demonstration."

"Of course, sir." Alpha said.

The lights in the room dimmed. In the centre of the room, over a circular area with railings, a pinprick of light formed and grew brighter. As everyone stared, the pinprick suddenly grew until a representation of the Milky Way galaxy became visible.

"This is our galaxy, our home." Harry said. "We live near the rim of a cluster of stars that span just over one-hundred thousand light-years." As he said this, the picture zoomed in on the solar system they call home. The planets were spinning around the sun in fast forward, to better show the movement of said planets.

"This is our solar system. It's older than 4.5 billion years and it's constantly moving and changing." Harry continued. "Since the beginning of human evolution, there have always been questions about how certain things came to be and how they have changed."

The picture zoomed in on the Earth. "This is our planet. It's been our home for over six million years, but we've only explored about 10% of it. Most of it is covered in water and most of that has also not been explored."

The picture zoomed in again and changed to look up at the sky, at night. "From the surface, we can only see a small percentage of the actual galaxy with our bare eyes."

The image changed again, to show the solar system. "But what if I told you, that we now have the ability to see not just all of it, but also how things have come to be as they are?"

The solar system stopped spinning and started to go in reverse. "What if we could peer into the past and see how things were a couple of thousand years ago?" Harry said, as the rapid spinning stopped and the image zoomed into the Earth again. It was different somehow, and the Earth seemed to be changing before their eyes, as the continents drifted slowly apart, before it stopped.

The image then zoomed in and before them stood a pyramid, and before it hundreds of people in what was probably slave garb, pulling large pieces of stone toward a temple of some sort. There were Jaffa standing around them, with what looked like slightly more primitive versions of the staff weapons they carried still and there was a Goa'uld ship on a pyramid. "What if we could not just prove our theories, but see it for ourselves?" Harry finished.

"How are we seeing this?" Daniel asked in awe.

"This is the Temporal Window." Harry said. "Alpha Origin was where magic seems to have started in this galaxy, around two hundred million years ago. When it started, it created something interesting. A subspace pinpoint in time and space. I have learned how to, shall we say, connect to that pinpoint and look through it to any time in the interim.

"But that is not all." Harry continued as he saw questions were about to explode around him. The image split. Now they were looking at two images, one, where the slaves were still working, with the Jaffa watching, and another, where there were dead bodies lying around the same area, mostly slaves, but some Jaffa as well. The Goa'uld ship was not there in the second image.

"What you are looking at, is a different timeline, where an uprising had driven the Goa'uld from the Earth. Our timeline. The other, is one where no such uprising happened." Harry said. "The Temporal Window does not only look into our past, but all possible ones that occurred after Magic started spreading throughout our universe." Harry finished again, for the last time.

He had not known that that would happen, when he added the temporal instances to the device he had placed in the star. He'd thought it would be limited to only their timeline, not that he had even considered it, but that seemed to not be the case, and Harry should have known better, considering there was magic on the other timelines they had visited. He hadn't seeded magic there, after all, so he should have known that they were all connected to the point in which he had been there before all those other timelines came into being.

There was a stunned silence again. Even those who knew about Harry's secret adventure didn't know how to react, even if they knew not to say anything about what they knew.

It was Pike who spoke up first. "Fuck you." she said.

"What?" Harry asked, not understanding.

"Here I have to dedicate hundreds of hours just to set a permanent destination with our technology, into other timelines just to observe them without the Mirror, and you can just browse to them like it's another of your bloody indexes!" Pike exclaimed, exasperatedly. They had chosen to lock the Mirror away, after figuring enough of the technology out to replicate it, with their own security protocols. It had been her idea. Quantum singularities were simply too unstable to trust. If they accidentally locked onto a timeline, where their mirror was connected to another singularity, it could have done more damage than could be prepared for.

"Hey, I'm not the one who insisted on locking the Mirror away." Harry said, defensively.

Pike's eye twitched. "Fine." she huffed, after a bit. "But I'm done doing things the old way." she finished.

"I'm not going to argue about that." Harry said.

That's when the questions started up again. It took Harry quite a few hours to explain what he had created, if not how. He'd also taken the time to tell them that certain time periods would not be available, on certain timelines, including the last hundred years on their Earth. Other timelines would be available, but Harry didn't want people looking in on private moments from their Earth, especially his own past and everything related to the Magical world. There were also a few places locked out of all timelines, like ones of religious significance. Harry didn't want to encourage people to look for things that could make or break the basis of religions. He didn't see that ending well for anyone.

Besides that, it would be free to explore. He had to point out that the Temporal Window was not just centred around Earth either. Other worlds and cultures thereon would be open to them as well. There was a permanent block on nudity and sexual happenings as well, for obvious reasons. He didn't want people using it to see their favourite celebrities or models in the buff, after all.

This was not just an Astrophysicists' wet dream, but from an Archaeological perspective, it was a treasure-trove of information. Daniel was obviously the first one to start asking questions about what had led to the uprising Harry had shown them, and Harry had to point out that he hadn't really looked into it, seeing as the challenge for him had been in the creation of the system, not what all it would be able to reveal to them. Alpha had found the instances, as was part of her duties. It was also not as simple as asking a question. There was no way to know what one timeline would show until it was looked into. They would be capable of going back to whatever timeline they had been looking at before and add that destination to a database, to go back there, but that would be up to them.

Harry also had to point out that there was likely an infinite amount of timelines, so finding anything specific would be near to impossible, unless you'd found it already. The most important thing would be their ability to look into their own past, to learn what had really happened. Unfortunately, they would also not be able to use anything they learned through the Temporal Window as proof, since they'd have to provide evidence and confess where it came from. Also, anyone that used the system would be bound by a contract not to reveal what they learned, or how, except to people with clearance. It was simply too dangerous to allow knowledge of this place to spread.

That didn't deter Daniel and he was still adamant that he'd love to have access to the Alpha Origin Station.

The others had their own insights and questions, and Harry did his best to answer them. Some wanted to know how Harry had found the birthplace of magic, but he just said that he had used something he had recently invented, but was not going to discuss, for security purposes.

By the time evening fell, Daniel was already sitting at a station he had claimed, discussing with Alpha some things that he'd been wondering about for ages and she'd simply brought up an image that went back to whatever he had been asking after, at his station. Harry had had to drag the man from the room by his arm, when he basically refused to leave his seat, revelling in the confirmations he'd already seen, first-hand.

Harry then had Alpha register Doctor Hawk on the security system, and pronounced her the mission commander of the Alpha Origin Station. She hadn't even asked him why. She'd been at her own station, looking at a representation of the Galaxy as it showed her a perfect record of the last two-hundred million years-worth of stellar movement.

Harry did ask her to work with a team, who she'd have to assemble and then they'd need to set rules and limits on use for the station, taking into consideration everything from a healthy work environment, to codes of conduct and security. She promised not to let him down, with a certain fervour he had not seen in her before. She'd also be the only one, besides Harry himself, who would be able to add people to the system.

The trip home was a quick step through a new Transport Tunnel, which led into Harry's lab, for the time being. When asked why they hadn't taken the trip there through it, Harry pointed out that he'd spent some time building the station and wanted to show off. It wasn't like anyone going there would ever see the outside, after all. He'd be the only one that could find it, anyway.

One immediately went back to his station, when they arrived. Apparently he had some work to finish. Harry suspected that he'd be through the Tunnel again, before they were back home, to chat with Alpha outside the main chamber. He could understand it, though. Alpha and he were the only two of their kind in the universe. He'd likely make friends with her and then beg Harry to make her a body at some point as well. He didn't really see the harm, but he would refuse to give her a Unity crystal mind, even if he had more, because he couldn't risk her 'programming' changing. It was a security feature after all. She had the ability to grow in some ways, but that data would always be located on the designated storage medium, which would always be secondary to her primary crystal, so that she would always maintain her priorities.

They had dinner that evening, with the entire group who had gone, discussing the repercussions of so much available knowledge. There would need to be many protocols for maintaining security, and Daniels had immediately volunteered some people to stand guard by the tunnel, once it was placed in a designated location, likely in the middle of their highest security location in Harmony, the basement of the research facility, where weapons prototypes and abandoned research of that kind was kept securely.

Harry had received a few looks from his girls throughout the day and knew his questioning wasn't over, but none of them had questioned him about their suspicions, just yet. Hermione had a thoughtful look Harry knew all too well. She had drawn some conclusions and made some calculations, based on when he went on his secret mission and had likely come to a conclusion that they were connected somehow. Knowing that Harry had mentioned creating a new dimension and the fact that magic had originated at that star two-hundred million years ago, would likely have her worried.

That evening, while Harry lay in bed with his girls, Hermione and he had a whispered conversation and Harry confirmed that he had gone to that star to help him establish the dimension. He didn't go much further than that, but he told her, unequivocally, that he was not planning on ever doing something like that again, which soothed her fears quite a bit.

Besides that, the other girls had a bunch of questions. Harry had started using his abilities to create false life and there were worries that he was starting to go too far. Harry assured the girls that he had made Alpha with the specific purpose of ensuring that his new technology was never abused. She was in-fact, the ultimate authority on Alpha Origin Station. Humans could be compromised. Alpha was incapable of changing her base priorities, so he knew for a fact that she would keep things from ever getting out of hand, or people from abusing the system for personal gain.


Doctor Hawk came through in style, having assembled a team of mundane and magical scientists three weeks later, who were all excited at the prospect of learning more about the universe, with different people in different roles, with different responsibilities. There would be a proper chain of command and a proper procedure for exploring through the Temporal Window, with Alpha taking note and updating a database Hawk and Harry had access to.

There would also be a proper request procedure, wherein people needed to submit requests and gain approval, before any information was sought through the system. Any extra information that was gained would be reported as well, with Alpha checking on occasion if anything was missed. Everyone would know that there was complete oversight, so that people didn't try their luck.

Daniel was disappointed that he had not made the cut, as Doctor Hawk was looking for people with the correct priorities and background. He was a brilliant man, with a vast knowledge of the ancient world and even a lot of insight into ancient alien cultures, but he was also part of the Stargate program and ultimately reported to the United States Government or their representatives. The team going to Alpha Origin were all citizens of Harmony, with no ties to other organizations.

He did have clearance to request information, though, and was given a high priority, based on the fact that he was one of Harry's friends. When operations started up, he found that he would get answers within an hour of requesting information and said information was usually accompanied with video footage or pictures, which he had access to for as long as he wanted it, within reason.

It wasn't ideal, but Harry had refused to step on Doctor Hawk's toes on this. It was her duty now and he'd known her long enough to know he could trust her judgement.


Harry returned to his other projects after that, putting the whole thing aside, as he focussed primarily on his project to redirect energies. It proved to be a difficult task, something that would take quite a while, since he wanted to redirect all energies that could be brought to bear on anything he decided to protect.

In the following months, nothing that could be considered a problem really arose, and life settled into a nice routine, where people performed their duties and discoveries were made.

Luna's movie had been running trailers in the Magical and Mundane worlds, both, and was released during this time. The fact that the Mundane people thought that it was fiction, meant that it was well received. The fact that actual magic was shown on the movie, made it realistic enough that Luna and her team, including the actors, received nominations for awards, but they had been warned that accepting such things would unfortunately be impossible. If the awards people wanted to give it to them without them present, that would be acceptable.

The movie was intended for all audiences, so the truly evil happenings in Hogwarts during Harry's first few years were changed to less serious things, like bullying and youthful recklessness, for the purposes of keeping the actual happenings from coming to light, and to protect the victims involved.

The end of the movie hinted at a sequel and the story started gaining a large following. Luna was surprised at how much money this one film started bringing in for her, since she'd not done it for the money. The people involved however, started earning quite a bit, since they were being paid a percentage of the profits from the film. This also meant that Harmony suddenly had celebrities, even though people did know that the movie was about someone they all respected already.

Harry had also approached the Unity Crystals on their homeworld about giving them bodies, like the dragons had, so that they could interact with the world like humans did and one of them had decided to try it. It unfortunately didn't work out, since the sentient alien Crystals didn't understand how to interact with humans and had felt quite uncomfortable, not being used to doing things in this manner. They had returned to their homeworld, but having seen what Harry had done with the other crystals, had offered to help them produce more, for future projects. Apparently that was something that they could do, given time, and they had been able to create quite a few more crystals for Harry to take with him. He was very grateful.


Almost a year had passed and the nuptials were just a week away, when Harry was taken from his lab by force, to attend the bachelor party Sirius had been planning for months. To say it was a big event, was an understatement. Almost all the bars in Harmony were in on the act, as Harry was taken from one location to another, to drink and party and perform dares that embarrassed him just enough so that he didn't want to leave.

The crowd of men following the procession of partying consisted of most of Harry's male school friends, almost all of whom had access to Harmony, either because they worked there, or because they lived there, the male soon-to-be in-laws for all his brides and a few of their friends, a few of his old professors, including Hagrid, Flitwick and Dumbledore (for some reason), and finally his family, consisting of Daniels, Remus, Sirius and even Dobby.

The streets were lit up for the evening and the Weasley Twins, because who could keep them from the event, were in rare form, as they set off hundreds of fireworks every time the group moved from one bar or location to the next, loudly announcing that people should make way for the king, while the other Weasley men kept an eye on them, to ensure they didn't do anything anyone would regret. Even Ron, who was still single, but had actually made it into his favourite Quiddich team and had a few fans by this point, including a loyal female fan base, was there for the occasion.

Neville was there as well, but he was the calm amidst the storm of raging alcohol abuse, even as he slipped a few pranking charms Harry's way when he let his guard down, which actually happened a few times.

Sirius had overestimated his own tolerance, and before the evening was over he'd had to resort to magic, to allow him to continue the festivities. By the time they reached the strip club, Bella's, most of the men were properly inebriated. The strippers, of course, knew of the event and who it was for, so out of respect for the Ladies of Harmony, they had some light entertainment planned, with no excessive amounts of nudity or flirting.

All-in-all, it had been a rousing success, with everyone enjoying the evening, never even aware of the fact that Daniels had had a few squads of wolves following them and scouting ahead to ensure security and privacy from people who might decide to take a picture or two. Not one Comm had made an appearance, though, as it seemed most people respected the First Founder of Harmony too much, to take pictures of him when he was not at his best.

Even with potions and application of charms to protect from such things, Sirius had ended up having too much fun and Remus delighted in putting his passed out form in a pool-chair, in the middle of the lake in Longbottom Garden.

Harry had enjoyed the event, even though it seemed that in his current state of ascendance, he was able to limit the effects of alcohol on himself. He knew that he could choose to be completely immune, but that would spoil the fun for everyone, so he had allowed himself to become sloshed, while his higher processes kept an eye on him from Superspace, to ensure he didn't do anything he would regret.

He was very glad for the fact that he was able to wake up the next morning without a hangover, and sent a grateful thought to himself, who sent a mental smirk back. Strange as that thought had been, it had become the norm for Harry to consider the situation as a partnership between himself and another him, who was constantly busy setting up a space in Superspace for the Ascended he intended to welcome there.