???: Interesting. Little boy, how did you end up here?
Even though the way in which those words were said was maximally unthreatening, the moment I heard them I felt so much pressure that it became unbelievably hard to breathe. Then I slowly turned to see the person or creature that said them. And when did so I saw a mysterious person whose face was hidden by fog. His outfit was maximally bizarre. It consisted of multi-colored Tuxedo that looked like it was sawn from pieces and parts of other suits, he was wearing a mechanical clock as a bow tie and had a cone-shaped wizard's hat that contained reflection of the night sky.
Shinji: It is an honor to meet you highly esteemed Dominator of Spirit world. The Lord Of The Mysteries.
And while saying those words I made a half bow.
Lord Of The Mysteries: Ho, so you even do know who am I? Now you have me even more interested. Have a sit lets take our time and have an interesting discussion. After all, I don't have guests visiting me here very often.
And with those words, a silver table appeared before us, filled with various delicacies and to sits opposite.
Shinji: You see milord, that is currently not my first life. In my past life, I lived in another universe and there I read a book about the adventures of a certain person. This person was the next owner of Sefirah castle.
Lord Of The Mysteries: Interesting. You continue to surprise me, young man. Now, if you will. I would like to hear everything in detail.
And so, I did. I recited the full 1323 chapters of the novel that I read. Without leaving anything, and while doing so I did not touch anything from the silver table. After all, one thing that I learned from the novel is that when dealing with powerful hidden existences is to be maximally respectful and try to get as much favor as possible, but never trust. It may be easy for beings of the same level as one before me can kill me with just a thought, however, it may be just too boring for them. And so, they will bring my demise in a more entertaining way.
Lord Of The Mysteries: Good. As payment for information, I will answer 10 of your questions.
Sinji: My first question is how I did I transmigrate to this world, and how I can return back to my original?
Lord Of The Mysteries: Hm. Those are two questions but fine for the first time I will answer them as if they are one. You were dragged here by the mistake made by Matou Zouken, in the ritual that was designed to increase the magical potential. And the beings of the same level as I am can safely send you back. But I don't want to do so. For now.
Shinji: "It looks like I will not be able to go back in the near future. So, I should use my remaining questions in order to gain as much useful information needed for my survival." Sir what are split personalities of Primordial One and Outer Deities active in this era in the vicinity of Earth.
Lord Of The Mysteries: A clever question. Instead of asking if I am one of the personalities of Primordial One, you asked a question whose answer will contain this information. Other than me there are two more personalities of Creator active in this era. And because Earth is the place where our body resides, we are all active here. They are Goddess of Origin, Mother of All or how you now her Gaya, and Phantom of Knowledge, Arcana of Madness known as Alaya. And outer deities that are currently in our solar system are Son of Chaos, Mother Tree of Desire, Ring of Comeuppance, Primordial Hunger, and High-Dimensional Overseer. They have taken control of Venus, Mercury, Uranus, Io, and Jupiter.
Shinji: "That is shocking. In order for you to understand why I suppose I should give a brief rundown of Lord of The Mysteries lore. In that world, the universe was created by Primordial One who due to having conflicts within his many personalities s has entered a slumber here on Earth. From his body, several sources of power originated. Humans have found a way to obtain those powers through the consumption of specific potions. Those potions are decided into 22 pathways. You see every time when you consume the potion you obtain only minuscule part of the power contained in the pathway. Each pathway contains 9 levels or 9 sequences. You start by drinking sequence 9 potion and finish with sequence 0. Humans that consumed such potions are known beyonders. At sequence 0 you would be considered to be deity by the novel's standards. However, there is a level even beyond that. Every sequence is part of one of nine groups that corresponding to the power level of outer deity. Furthermore, starting from sequence 4 potions in each pathway of the group become interchangeable. In the novel the was a big number of outer deities that have come to earth in order to obtain one of nine treasures of Primordial One known as sefirot's. However, if they get them the Earth will be destroyed. The only thing saving humanity in the novel was that the remaining psyche of Primordial One was protecting Earth, but with each year this protection slowly erodes. Now to the reason for my shock. You see in the novel the number of outer deities observing the Earth was bigger, and one of the missing ones Mother Goddess of Depravity had total control over the powers that Gaya has. That means that when she reaches our solar system the conflict between her and Gaya is eminent and most likely this is the starting spark of apocalypses that will destroy current human civilization and will pave the way for new civilization and society where the events of novel will take place. And for me, a person who spent the last 6 months studying conventional magicraft the possibility of Gaya losing to someone is something unthinkable. On the other hand, the fact that Alaya the collective unconscious of mankind is also part of Primordial One that controls the domain of Knowledge the deity of knowledge if you will is not so surprising. After all, in the novel, it was stated several times that humans originated from the wisdom of Primordial One. So that is just confirmation of that statement."
Shinji: Why I am not corrupted by outer deities? "In the novel just knowing their names would have lead to the corruption of anyone below sequence 2. In other words, they can take over control of both body and soul of anyone below that level with the only precondition for it being their targets knowledge about them."
Lord Of The Mysteries: That is quite simple, the number of Outer Deities in our system is smaller than in the novel that you told me about, and on tap of that the psyche of Primordial One is still strong with 3 of his personalities still active. So, for at least next 5 thousand years as long as you are on Earth there is no danger from your knowledge.
Shinji: "Good, that means I will not be corrupted any time soon". Now my next question. Is spirituality and Od are the same thing?
Lord Of The Mysteries: Yes. The energy that you know as Od or mana is the same as Spirituality used by beyonders to power their various abilities. By drinking the potions you will slowly turn yourself into Mystical Creature or Phantasmal Species as you know them. So, yeah if you become beyonder you will gain magical core and will have a magical potential higher than the majority of modern maguses.
And after hearing that I for the second time forget how to breathe.