It was tempting. Very tempting to become a beyonder and obtain both powers of pathways and magicraft. But being beyonder is not without its own downsides. The constant danger of going mad and turning into a monster is something that follows beyonders for the rest of their existence. However, didn't I already take a great risk by coming here? There is always was the possibility of Sefirah castle having an owner. And this owner could have been someone with animosity to humans that would have turned me into a lifeless marionette and would have found answers to any questions it had directly from my soul.
Shinji: My 5th question is what is the potion formula for sequence 9 of reader pathway Reader?
My 6th question is what is the potion formula for sequence 8 of reader pathway Reasoning Student?
My 7th question is what is the potion formula for sequence 7 of reader pathway Detective?
My 8th question is what is the potion formula for sequence 6 of reader pathway Polymath?
My 9th question is what is the potion formula and advancement ritual for sequence 5 of reader pathway Mysticism Magister?
My 10th question is what is the potion formula and advancement ritual for sequence 4 of reader pathway Prophet?
Lord Of The Mysteries: So you decided to become a beyonder. Are you are not afraid that I will tell you useless formulas? After all, some of the ingredients that will exist in the 5th era in the world of the novel, do not exist now in the current era in your world. You know what. I have a deal. If you agree to work for me, I will give you not only formulas and rituals but also the list of ingredients that exist in the modern era and can be used instead of ones that don't. You even will be able to obtain higher-level formulas or other rewards if you do a good job.
Shinji: Oh, Mighty Dominator of the Spirit world for what purpose do you need the help of insignificant worm like me?
Lord Of The Mysteries: To protect Earth and humanity. You see, even though we various personalities of Primordial One always in conflict with each other There are two traits that we all share. First is love to create, because if it was not so the universe would have never been created. And the second one is the love for our creations. If we did not have this feeling anything we ever created would have ceased to exist right after its creation. And my love for our creations is the same that Gaya has for life on Earth so for me, There are no differences in value between the life of Outer Deity and normal human. If They succeed trillions of humans, animals, plants, and bacteria on Earth will die, but if they fail only a handful of creatures experience any form of harm. So, what is your answer?
Shinji: I would be honored to do so.
Lord Of The Mysteries: Good.
And at the next moment knowledge of how to concoct potions needed for advancement form sequence 9 to all the way to sequence 4 with which ingredient can be found in the current era and which will appear in the far future as well all necessary rituals appeared in my head.
Lord Of The Mysteries: Now, you will be able to obtain higher-level formulas and rituals as a reward for the completion of tasks that I will give to you. As you have become my follower I will give the privilege to ask one more question.
Shinji: "I don't have any important questions left, for now, let's ask a general question that will give me a better understanding of power levels" How strong are magi that reached true magic and servant compared to beyonders.
Lord Of The Mysteries: That is quite a tricky question. On one side the magi that reached root have spiritual or magical reserve roughly equivalent to sequence 2 as well as the number of powerful abilities, for example, the fifth magic Magic Blue allows user to freely time travel and second magic Kaleidoscope to travel between parallel universes that contain alternate versions of the user or people to whom he is closely related. However, at the same time they remain human so can be easily even killed by normal weapons. So, I would say that fully battle-ready magi that reached root are equal to sequence 2 while in their wort condition they are equal to a normal human. Servants on other hand spirits so they are harder to kill and the power level is more stable. They are generally on the level of sequence 5. However, some outliers are as sequence 1 thanks to their noble phantasms.
Shinji: "Interesting", My lord if it is all I would like to learn about my next mission.
Lord Of The Mysteries: I have two long term missions for you. You are Matou so you should know about Fuyuki Holy Grail War. Your first mission is to cleanse the grail from any form of corruption bought by Angra Mainyu. Human beyonders are going to be our main weapon against Outer Deities, so any danger to humanity should be eliminated. The second mission is to win the war and use grail to send a message to Gaya, Alaya, and even me. As you guessed we don't get along well. So direct meeting and discussion between us is impossible. After our conversation, the Alaya will turn her attention to you, and through you, the collective unconscious of mankind will learn about possible future. But Gaya still needs to be informed. And though sending message to all three active personalities of Primordial One you will stimulate his psyche and thus prolong the amount of time that we will be active, on top of that the period of time that our remaining psyche protects Earth will increase.
Shinji: As you will.
Lord Of The Mysteries: Now before you go I will teach you ancient Minoan, it is language that can steer the powers of nature. And my honorific name. Recite it in Minoan if you need to tell me something. My honorific name is:
'Origin of Mysteries,'
'Unbound by Time and Space,'
'The Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth,'
'The Dominator of Spirit World.'
And with those parting words, I descended back into my body. But this time I was protected by Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth and thus did not hear anything that I should not.