Chapter 7

Fuyuki met me with uncomfortable silence. While leaving alone in the UK I have already forgotten how little does the Matou family care about me. No one even came to pick me up, and when I entered the mansion no one greeted me. So, I was quietly unpacking in my room under Bast's watchful eyes when Sakura came to inform me that Zouken is waiting for me in his workplace.

Shinji: So, it looks like time has come. Come on.

Bast: Meow.

Sinji: Yeah, I will be careful. "as you may have guessed, Bast is currently hiding her ability to talk. For now."

And then my slow descent into the depth of the abyss or how is more commonly known as Zouken's workplace.

-----------Zouken's Pov-----------------


Zouken: Come in. Oh, Sinji. So much time has passed since last time I saw you that started to wonder if you are still alive. "No, I didn't. You little brat have spent so much of our family's money that every time when we received a bill, I wondered what are you even doing with so much money?"

Sinji: Sorry grandfather. Independent life ended up being so interesting that I even forgot to write to you.

Zouken: Sure sure. You should have had so much fun there. Please enlighten me on what type of fun costs 95,059 dollars.

And then scene that Zoken would have never, even in his wildest dreams imagine happened.

Shinji while still smiling lifted his right hand and said.

Shinji: Eldur

And then a ball of fire 10 cm in radius materialized just above his hand. After this small demonstration, Sinji slowly lowered his hand while a smug smile appeared on his face.

Then the silence followed. Zouken was literary so shocked that he could not say anything for the full minute.

Zouken: "But How?! I tried everything that theoretically could have given him the ability to use magicraft. Wait. He is showing it to me. That means he is going to tell me. Eh, Sinji for the first time in really long while you made me proud of one of my descendants." So that is where you did spend all of that money. Good. Sinji how did you do that?

Shinji: Well, grandfather. You should know more about Phantasmal Species than me. They are creatures that deviated from their original form due to the impact of factors alien to their ecology. I did the same thing to myself. Some potions are brewed without the need of interference from magus's magic, just though the mystical properties of it's ingredients. I did a number of various experiments on small animals before succeeding with Bast and then after my success, I did so on myself.

Zouken: Bast?

Bast: It would be me master Zouken.

Zouken: "Hm, now I am even more shocked to this kitten is a sapient magical beast that is loyal to Sinji. Manipulation of living creatures is our specialty. You are really a Matou Sinji." Did you name her after ancient Egyptian Goddess Sinji?

Shinji: Yes, is there is a problem. The previous owner of the name is long dead. And I wanted a beautiful name for my partner and first familiar.

Zouken: No. "Heh, he used the name of the Goddess for the cat. So much pride. He reminds me of myself in his age."

Shinji: Grandfather thank you for never losing hope in me. If you did not continue my education, I would have never been able to do what I have done. So as gratitude this is the formula of potion that I used one myself.

With those words, he took out the folded paper and gave it to Zouken.

Zouken: "Interesting, so that is how he turned from a magically useless piece of meat, turned into a promising young magus. He even thinks that my previous lessons were some sort of cheering up for him. Good, it can be used. A talented magus like him with utter loyalty is always useful."

Shinji: Grandfather I have come tired from the road and if you excuse me. I would like to have some rest now.

Zouken: Yes, you can go. Have good rest Shinji.

------Shinji's pov------

The moment I entered my room I had a sigh of relief.

Bast: Looks like your plan has worked. According to my observations, Zouken fully believed in what you said.

Shinji: Yeah. "If you think that it was a stupid idea to tell Zouken about my powers than you are an idiot. There is no way for me to effectively hide them. Furthermore, in order to improve as a magus, I need Zouken's backing his money and connections and even protection. So, no stray magus thinks of using me as a lab rat. The potion formula that I gave him is sequence 9 Reader, and even though it is from the pathway that I chose the beyonders of this sequence in the reader pathway are one of the most unthreatening in the lower levels. On top of that when beyonders of the same pathway fight the abilities of a person with a lower sequence will be suppressed. So, I will have an advantage over any of the beyonders that he will create with this formula. And what gave me the confidence to fool Zouken. Two things. First is Bast, she is a Spectator a beyonder that specializes in reading people's expressions like an open book so I practiced this dialogue with her until even she would not easily see through my play. Second is The Lord Of the Mysterious. I asked him for a blessing before going to Zouken. And for 'Him' it is easy to increase my luck to such extent that Zouken will not find any inconsistencies in my story. So yeah. I am pretty confident in my play successful fooling Zouken. Making him see me as a very loyal dog. And that is perfectly what I need."

Bast: So, what is your next step.

Shinji: My? Not ours?

Bast: I am a Spectator, I should try to remove myself from events around me as much as possible.

Shinji: True, you may try to look after Sakura and also go around the city observing them should speed up your digestion of potion. And while you are at it, it would be good if you collect data on Einzberns, Kotomine Kirei, Tohsaka Rin, and Emiya Shirou. But while you are doing it be careful. And I will try to get as much knowledge from the old worm as possible.

Bast: Understood.

And so, my first day back in Fuyuki has come to an end.