Mysterious Akashic Records:- The Book of Legends (Parte-1)

Tian grew up in a blissful life, even though he and possibly everyone in the village knows that he is the adopted son of Tang Hao, that didn't make people love him any lesser...

Tian was just way too cute not to be loved.

He is the cutest child the village ever seen in their life, The entire village loved him like their son, Tang san loved him, even Tang Hao loved him even though he never showed it...

The big-eyed curious child loves to read, He loves it way too much, it's like an obsession, and the boy reads terrifyingly fast... along with the frightening ability to solve puzzles or anything the requires brain.

Even Tang Hao and Tang San admitted that Tian is a very bright child, he always read and despite his young age, he was allowed to work in the library the moment he showed his large puppy eyes.


They live in the Village of quiescence, Their Dad is the village's Blacksmith...


"Tang Hao you there?", an elderly voice came from outside...

Tian- "I'll get it"

Tian lept from the table and ran to the door and yanked it open to reveal an ancient man in the process of nocking again.

Tian- "Carrot grandpa! Why are you here? Do you want some breakfast?"

The Carrot Grandpa smiled and rubbed Tian's head, to which the little 5-year-old boy liked...

The old man was on the shorter side with white hair and used a cane to get around.

Old Man Jack- "I am here to make sure your Older Brother goes to the spiritual awakening ceremony"

Tian- "Grandpa... What's that?"

When Tian said that, Jack lightly hit him on the head for his stupidity... and began yelling at Tan Hao.

"Hao are you so useless that you forgot to tell your children about one of the most critical times of their lives!!! Little San follow me, and Grandpa Jack will lead you to the ceremony, and I will tell you about it on the way"

"Dad, Can I go too?", Tian asked excitedly

"No", Tang Hao didn't even once look like he cared.

"Please?", Tian asked again with the large misty puppy eyes that could melt anyone's heart

"Go, do whatever you want", Tang Hao said

Tian grinned and immediately put on his slippers

"Hurry Brother we are getting late", Tian said excitedly


Both The Elder and Tang San were quiet, how many times, have they seen this scene, This boy can get anything, as long as he shows those eyes.

"Tian, walk slower, Don't forget we have an elderly with us", Tang san sped up and catch up with Tian.


The boys follow Old Jack out of the house and to the Spirit Hall's building in the village.


They approach the fanciest building in the town. The building is the fanciest because it was built and maintained by the spirit hall, but people from the spirit hall were rarely there.

They joined the rest of the children that had turned six years old that year outside of the building. They waited for the representative from the spirit hall to appear so they could awaken the spirits of the children. After a while, one of the children saw a steak go across the rooftops.

"Let's make this fast, I have other places to be soon. My name is Lang Ren and I am here to awaken your spirits. So follow me"

The man then opened the doors to the building and brought them inside. The inside was grand for a village of Holy Spirit Village's size. There was an intricate runic circle on the ground with four pillars with crystals beside it. Behind that was an alter looking structure with a crystal orb on it.

Ren- "Line up kiddos and prepare your selves for the deciding factor of your lives"


After Lang Ren to line up, all of the children ran to get in line pushing each other until a line had formed and due to this, the Tang san had been forced to the end of the line.

Tian was wide eyes and nearly drooling at the site. To a Nerd like him, who likes to study and study more.

This is a pure heavenly place.

"Tian Behave"

"Buu Buu", the younger brother pouted folded his hands, and went back to Carrot Grandpa, looking to the side.

Tang San chuckled at how cute his baby brother is, as he rubbed Tian's hair.

Ren- "First-person, hurry to the circle and remember to do exactly what I tell you. First, you will come into the circle. Then I will activate my spirit and channel spirit energy into the formation. Then when I say summon your spirit from your left hand. After that recall your spirit to your hand and come up to this crystal to see if you have any spirit power. I highly doubt any of you have any, but we still have to do it just in case you do. First-person."

After Ren said that a boy larger than most was pushed from behind and into the circle. Ren suddenly began to take on a more wolfish appearance until he looked like a weird wolf-human hybrid. As this transformation was taking place two rings appeared out of nowhere and began to float. After the transformation had been completed the runic circle began to shine as did the crystals around it.

With great enthusiasm, the boy called out his spirit. The boy's spirit was a handkerchief. The boy called it back in and ran up the spirit testing crystal and placed his hands on it. Everyone waited with bated breath, but in the end, nothing happened.

Ren-Handkerchief tool spirit, rank 0 spirit power. You have a trash spirit. Next.

This pattern continued with the rest of the children. Some awakened hoes, shovels, bluegrass, and one even awakened a fork spirit. None of them had awakened with any spirit power. The line dwindled in length until the Tang San was the only two left to awaken his spirit.

Ren- "Next person come here, You are the last, so, let's make this quick.

Tang San walked into the circle and like before Ren transformed and then the circle began to glow. This was when San knew something was different with him than the others. Of course, he felt the spirit in his left hand but he felt that he had one more.

As San tried to summon his spirit he felt the other spirit try to come out with it. He tried to stop it, but they had an unstoppable momentum. As he was fighting the futile battle to keep them in, San suddenly felt the Blue Silver grass holding back the hammer, like the blue silver grass is calming the hammer down.

He then summoned the spirit from his left hand as he hid the mark on his right hand behind his back. He didn't know what the last one was, but the blue silver grass is calming the second spirit. The spirit that came out of San's left had was Blue Grass.

"Sigh!! another trash tool spirit"

San placed his hand on the crystal just like everyone, as it began to glow brightly, and an almost blinding light came out of it. Ren was so shocked he was virtually speechless.

"Essence level Harmonization", Ren Muttered

"Huh?", the carrot grandpa was confused after all such a little village, never saw talent like Tang family

"The highest level of essence level a person can achieve when they awake their spirit... What a great talent"

Heavens!!! But still, it is a shame. Even though you might be able to become a spirit master, your path will be filled with many thorns. You all can go to your parents and tell them the news. If you decide to become spirit master, then I will meet you again at the spirit hall. Goodbye"

After he said his parting words, he suddenly disappeared from view supposedly going to the next village. All the children filtered outside the building to meet their parents who were waiting to hear about their spirits and to see if their children had any spirit power. As Tian walked out, he was optimistic that their father would be there and then he could show his dad all the cool things his older brother can do now. San was not nearly as hopeful, But he did want to ask their father some questions. As the boys stepped out of the building, they saw the Village Chief waiting for them

"Carrot Grandpa", Tian ran and hugged him

Tian grew up in a blissful life, and everyone only showed love to this 5 Year Old Kid.