Mysterious Akashic Records:- The Book of Legends (Parte-2)

"Come with me boys, Grandpa will take you home. Tang Hao your useless father, didn't show up to see his own son go through one of the most important times of his life. Don't worry I will send you two to the academy, and the village will pay for both to go. Oh, boy Tang Hao you are getting an earful when I get a hold of you."

Tian- "Grandpa Jack, what are you going to fill papa's ears with."

San- "Tian, Grandpa Jack is going to give dad a lecture on what he did wrong."

"Huh? He did something wrong?"

Jack- "Wait a minute, Tian you don't think he didn't do anything wrong, he didn't come to your brother's awakening ceremony"

Tian shook his head, "That's because papa must be tired, and he must have gone to sleep already"

Tian looked at san, "Brother, he didn't do anything wrong right?"

Tan San smiled a bit, "No, he did not"

Jack teared up, 'Such good children, That guy must have saved the country in his last life to have such incredible children'


The twins and Jack took the path to the home. As they entered, San went straight to the kitchen as Hao spoke.

Hao- "You boys are back, where is the lunch?"


"Leave, you are being too noisy"


Tang san whispered to Tian, "Tian go and show your big teary eyes to the elder"

"Grandpa", Jack saw the little 5 years old Tian, with his large eyes in his overgrown garments with glasses on looking at him... and a lump struck Jack's throat as he calmed down.


Tang San smiled as he nodded and went back to the kitchen, 'I knew it, no one can resist Tian's Charm'

"Anyway, Good news, Tang San is going to be a spirit master"

Tang Hao has entirely ignored him...

"When will you send him to the school", the elder finished

"What school? we are too poor", tang hao was just too drunk and sleepy

"Both of your kids will be going with village scholarship, you don't need to pay"

"Oh as long as they don't stop doing the work then I guess it's fine"


"So Noisy, Do you even know what spirit harmonization is?"

"Of course I know... It's...It's... Tian tell your father"

"The people who have essence when they awake their spirit are called spirit master, they can train their essence until it reaches level 10... essence harmonization is when the person has already reached the highest level when they awake", Tian explained adjusted his glasses from the middle.

"Did you read it in the books?", asked Hao without a care in the world

Tian nodded slightly blushing

"Very well, then why didn't you know what is the spirit awake ceremony"

Tian looked down blushing, "I just never thought that to wake the spirit we need to have a ceremony, it never said it in the books"

"Dad food is prepared", tang san came from the kitchen

"Leave, it's time for food"

"Hm... San, if this useless father of yours refuses to send you to the school tell grandpa ok"

"Sigh... He finally left", Tang Hao sighed a huge sigh of relief, as he stares at Tang san




"Dad?", Tian asked Timidly

"San when the spirit is awakened, there will be spirit mark on your body, what's yours?"

"River grass"


Tang Hao's body suddenly trembled all at once, and in his eyes also showed a trace of sparkling brilliance...

"Dad? What's wrong?", asked Tang san

"Blue silver grass, blue silver grass."

Tang Hao, again and again, murmured these few words, abruptly lifting his head. In his eyes showed a strong light San and Tian had never seen before.

Then he looked back at Tang San, before shaking his head, "Won't do"

"B-But", Tian wanted to say something, but a hand was put on his shoulder, as Tang san shook his head. With his brother saying no to this, then what could he do.

Tang Hao, his eyes still closed, indifferently said, "Do you also feel very disappointed? You also want to go and become a spirit master?"

Tang San was taken aback somewhat,

"It's not important, dad. Becoming a blacksmith is also good, it can also support us. You promised me to teach me how to forge farm tools, right?"

Tang Hao slowly opened his eyes. In the center of his eyes, Tang San saw an agitated mood.

Unconsciously, Tang Hao's right fist was already held tight, and his face which already appeared grey and old showed a trace of ice-cold air,

"Spirit master? What use is becoming a spirit master? Not to mention a mere waste spirit, even the fiercest spirit or the most powerful spirit is of what use? Still only a good for nothing, that's all"

Tang Hao's mood was very agitated, his whole body quivering. Tang Tian saw in his father's eyes something glittering.

Running over, Tang San and tian gripped Tang Hao's fist, "Dad, don't be angry, I don't want to go be a spirit master. I'll always accompany you and Tian and we will do chores and make you the food so that you won't have to be troubled ever again"

Taking a deep breath, Tang Hao's agitation left as quickly as it came, and he calmly said: "Bring out your spirit and let me have a look."


[T/N: Rest is same as Manga, where Tang San showed his Hammer and grass spirits]


Three months' time passed very quickly, and just as Tang San could begin to wield the hammer thirteen times, Tang Hao began to instruct him on how to forge tools.

Tang Hao's teaching method was very direct: exactly like before he would do it once, then let Tang San do it again, and as long as he saw some of the basics were learned he did not interfere with his practice, never having many words of direction. Only at crucial parts, did he say a few words.

Precisely because of this, every time Tang Hao gave pointers, Tang San remembered it all the more clearly.

During this time, Tang Tian read more and more books, His brain was like a bottomless pit hungry for Knowledge.


Tian was standing at the gate, His eyes were misty and he looked like he was going to cry at any moment.

For a while, he Just watched Tang San leaving the village.

After a while, He went back in.

He watched Tang Hao sleeping, as he said quietly, "Father, Brother is gone"

"Hm", Hao didn't even turn back to look at the little boy.

"Dad, I will cook food for today, Don't be sad for long", Tian went inside the Kitchen


Tang Hao sat on the bed, and looked towards the Kitchen, as he sneered, "Cheeky Brat..!! Just like his mother, Know it all"

He watched the photo of Little Tang San and smiled a little. Only Love could be seen in those.

"Dad, Breakfast is ready"

Tang Hao moved.