(1 Year Later)
Today, Tian is six-year Old, and he was jumping high and low, Today, is the day he was anticipating highly
Today is the day, he is supposed to awake his spirit.
There were Hard knocks on the wooden door.
"Carrot Grandpa", Tian hugged him
Jack grin and rubbed Tian's head
"Are you ready for your important day, Tian?"
Tian nodded
"Then let's go"
"I have to tell father first"
"Tell what?", Tang Hao came from inside, right after crafting a sword.
"Hao, you useless thing, have you forgotten that today Tian is 6 years old, and it's his awakening ceremony date"
"Dad, Can I go?", Tian asked excitedly
"Don't yell, I am not deaf yet, and Tian will not go to awakening Ceremony, He has to cook the food for today", Tang Hao said
Jack was so angry that he could not wait to kick this guy out of the village
Tian wanted to say something but seeing the agitated look on Tang Hao's face...
He ran and hold Tang Hao's pants, "Dad, don't be agitated, I won't go"
"Tian, don't listen to your Useless father, come with me, I will see how he stops you", Jack said directly.
Tang Hao said nothing but stand there.
"Carrot grandpa, I don't want to go to that Ceremony, you can go home"
"G-Grandpa", Tian looked down with red cheeks and his eyes were misty as if he was going to cry.
"Don't yell at Kid... anyway he said he does not want to go, means he does not want to go"
Old Jack sighed, "Tian, Grandpa is sorry that he yelled at you, and Hao, Tian is your Kid, and he listens to you the most, He won't go to the ceremony if you don't allow him to, I hope you think again of what you are doing, Tian's future rides on this"
After saying his piece, Old man went back, If Tang Tian does not want to go and awake his spirit, then he can't do anything about it.
"Dad, are you angry", Tian asked looking at the man, with his large eyes that were enhanced by the glasses. Not to mention, his overwhelming cuteness and baby charm are too much for anyone to handle.
"Do you want to become the Spirit master as well, Are you disappointed that Dad didn't allow you to go to the ceremony?"
Tian shook his head and Hugged the man's leg, "I am not disappointed dad, This life is also good, I will stay with you, cook for you and look after you... and then whenever Big Brother comes, We will stay with each other, Just like before... anyway, Income from the Library and blacksmithing can allow us to live comfortably, Once you are tired from making weapons, I will look for other works", He buried his head into the man's embrace, "Dad, you and Big brother are my world dad, I Love you the most, and since big brother has left, I will take his place, I will never leave you"
"Come at the backyard in 10 Minutes", he said that and directly left
Tian tilted his head confused but still nodded his head.
After 10 minutes, He saw, Tang Hao, making a circle...
"You came just at the right time, Come and stand in the circle"
"But I thought?"
He ran and stood into the circle, and the process started the same as it did a year ago with Tang San and other kids.
The Circle started glowing...
A verticle slit mark appears on Tian's head, as a Third Eye Opened, and a spirit was awakened.
The spirit that Tang Tian had summoned was a Book tool spirit.
Tang Hao gulped, looking at that book, 'He is truly her son alright, not only he has her face, even the spirit and the obsession of Books is the same as hers'
"Put your hand on the crystal over here"
As Tang Tian placed his hands on the crystal, it began to glow brightly, and an almost blinding light came out of it.
"Essence level Harmonization... he truly is her son", Hao Muttered
"Tian, Summon your Spirit for me"
Tang Tian flipped through his hand and without a warning without lightning or without any kind of special effect as if it comes out the thin air, a book appeared in his palm.
Seemingly lack of special effect, truly downside Tian's confidence, after all, he was all but a 6-year-old kid.
Tang Hao Trembled, this is the book... The same book as her, the Mythical spirit as she called it.
"The Legendary Mysterious Akashic Records", muttered Tang Hao
"Nothing... Let's go back in"
"I thought, only spirit master, or above can do the ceremony"
"That's right"
"Then how did we?"
"I won't tell you", Tang Hao directly told him
"Oh... Then why did we do it at home?"
"Because I didn't want people to see that Third Eye"
"Third Eye?"
"You don't need to know about it, Book Tool Spirit are quite common as well, No one will pay the little attention to your Forehead, as long as they are not concentrating on it... Tell Little San to keep his mouth Quiet, he is the only one who knows you so well that he will notice that extra eye on your Forehead, That Third eye must not be revealed at any cost"
"Tian, Promise me, You won't let anyone find out about that Third Eye", Tang Hao said Agitately
Tian smiled, "I understand dad"
"Good, Now go and prepare the Breakfast for me"
"Yes", Tian hurriedly ran back to the kitchen
Watching that little figure, running towards the House is amazingly Cute. And even bring the smile on Hao's face.
3 months passed by, Just like that again, and Tian was just too obsessed with the new book, It was amazing.
Akashic Records as Dad calls it, is essentially infinite in nature... as the Book contains everything. 3 Months, he was reading Akashic Records for 3 months like an Obsessed person, Coupled with his Terryfying Reading skills, He could have finished the thickest books.
Bu this book just never seems to end. This makes learning all they contain impossible, and even trying to look up a certain piece of information can be extremely challenging. But to someone Like Tien, whose passion and obsession lies in reading Books, This was a Heavenly Treasure, He could Read All day, and still not get enough of the Book.
Tian looked up and saw that the Timing is right, He ran to the kitchen to prepare the lunch for Dad.
(Meanwhile, In the Woods)
Hao- "If we are going to fight, can we take this farther away, I don't want to have meaningless deaths."
???- "Clear Sky Doluo, Do you really not know Why I am here?"
"How could I not know, you are here because you sensed her son's aura... but make no mistake, He is my son now, and you hurt my son, and I will hunt you to the ends of the earth."
"Do you have the strength to?"
"You wanna try? Azure Dragon Douluo"
Azure Dragon Douluo smirked, "Don't worry, Her son, I will not let die easily on me"
"What Do you want, Long Tian"
"I have come to fulfill my promise"
"What is it?", Long Tian asked feeling confused
"Your Promise to Tian's mother was that you will marry your children if they were born boy and girl, and brothers or sisters if they are born boy or girl... I am correct right?"
Long Tian smirked, "Yea, so?"
Tang Hao is deadpan, "Tian is only 6 years Old"
Long Tian giggled, "Yea, My daughter is 6 Year Old this year as well"
"You insane pedophile, they are not even 10 yet, and you came to marry them"
"What's wrong with that? My marriage was arranged when I was 7 back then"
"Sigh... Times have changed old man, If Tian does not like her, or If she does not like Tien, I will not abide by the promise... Besides, they will not start to date, Until they are 18"
"So Late?"
"You should Move in accordance with the time... anyway, I am sending Tien to the nearest beginner academy as part-time students, alongside his older brother... while I watch over them in the shadows."
"Very well, Since you are watching over them anyway, I will send My Daughter there as well"
Tang Hao nodded.
"If they fall in love on their own, I will have no objections. But other than that, If they like someone else, we will forgo the Agreement between his mother and you"
Azure Dragon Douluo nodded his head, "Of course, If my daughter will not be happy in this marriage, I will not force it to her."
Tang hao clicked his teeth, "Don't say it like that, They are still just 6"
"Still, old enough in my eyes"
"Sigh... you sure are a Blockhead", Tang Hao's body flashed and disappeared from the Jungle