"Tian, Come Here"
"Yes Dad"
"Get your things ready, tomorrow old Jack will take you to Nuoding city."
Tang Tian was dumbfounded for a moment...
"Nuoding city? Why there?"
"It's where Little San is studying"
Tian's eyes were wide opened, "We are going to see Big Brother?"
"No, You are going there to study"
"Not going"
"I won't go, I won't", Tian just crossed his hands and pouted
This... just makes him look even cuter.
Tang Hao gave him a look and said: "Do you not want to study more? Old Jack can take you to Nuoding city's primary spirit master academy to become a working student. There you can study whatever you want"
"I can study as much as I want now, Akashic Record is enough to end me for a lifetime"
"I won't go", he looked down, his eyes were misty and he looked like a cry baby
"Do you not want to leave me?"
"But if I leave, nobody will make your food, Nobody will take off your shoes when you are drunk and asleep, Nobody will... Hic... Hic"
Tang Hao coldly said: "Do I still need you to look after me? You just leave. This is your chosen path. Every year Holy Spirit village has a quota of one, do not waste it. I have handed over the forging methods to Little San, I am afraid I can pass nothing to you. You can look for a local Library to work in town. It should be enough to cover tuition and food expenses"
"I won't go... I won't go... I won't go... I wo--
Tang Hao just hugged Tian, "Do you want dad to cook for you today?"
Tears flow from little 6 Year Old, Tang Tian
(Next Day)
"Dad, Will you come to meet us", Tian said with red cheeks and large eyes as he was looking down
"Hm... Old Jack will be here at any moment. Remember your Promise, Never ever let anyone notice the Third eye on your Forehead"
"You... Didn't answer"
"Dad? Will you not come to meet us"
"Can we come to meet you instead?"
"Tian, Let's go", an Elderly voice came from the front door
"Go, Old Jack is here"
"I won't go", Tian shook his head
"Will, You not come to meet us?"
"I will... I will always watch you both"
Tian nodded and turned around to walk.
"Yes, Dad?"
"Once you have your First ring, The Innate ability of book will activate on its own. From then on, your Eyes will continuously retrieve the true and unaltered information about everything. Weather be of Past or Future, Your Eyes will see everything, So be careful of what you say, No matter what you see, You must decide whether you want to disclose it or not"
Tian nodded
"Also... Remember, I will always be there with you two"
Tian nodded again
On the road, Tian kept reading the Akashic Records. He didn't even once look up from the book.
"Tian, What do you keep reading?", Jack asked Tian while walking towards the Town
"Carrot Grandpa, This is my Spirit, Dad said that I should read this, Instead of Normal Books, He said only my spirit can make me satisfy my hobby of Reading"
'This is not passion alright, This has long since entered the level of Obsession, but sure enough, His spirit is the book, There is no other spirit that matches this boy's Obsession', Old Jack smiled and kept walking
They reached the Town, only after walking for a week, During this time, other than eating and making food for himself and grandpa, Tian, didn't even once look up from the book itself.
"Tian..!! In a moment grandpa will take you to the academy and then return. When you are alone at the academy you must listen to your teachers, as well as your Brother, you must not leave the academy without permission."
"Can I not go home?"
"Of course, You can, In fact after the first year, You can come and go freely... That's the reason Tang- san couldn't come back this semester because he couldn't, But starting this semester, he can come back as much as he wants"
"Alright, enough of me, Let's go to academy gates"
"Grandpa, you are leaving this soon?"
Old Jack said with a wry smile: "A hotel is not for us poor people to stay in. When grandpa sees you next time, I hope you will already have become a spirit master, so that you and Tang San can be the points of pride of our Holy Spirit village"
"This? Little brother, we have come from Holy Spirit village. This child is our village's working student for this year, you see. We need to go through."
The gatekeeper frowned, and somewhat queerly said: "So, a grass nest can still produce a golden phoenix? Does a tiny village also have people with spirit power? But, I don't believe it, you cannot fake it."
A trace of anger flashed in old Jack's eyes, but he still swallowed the insult, That dang Tang Hao didn't give Little Tian, the certificate, In fact, Old Jack didn't even know, when the hell did the two father and son duo attended the ceremony. He was not there either, so he didn't ask for it either way, "You..."
Even if Jack had a better temperament, at this moment he was already unable to restrain himself.
"You are intentionally making things difficult. what Holy Spirit village, I think Beggar village should also be similar"
"What did you say?"
Tian for the first time ever since coming here, Looked up to see the two guards, and He frowned, No one can talk to Granpa Carrot like this.
"What? Not convinced ah, I said you came from beggar village. What's wrong? You look at this little destitute Old man, all the clothes are completely patched. I think you are still looking for a place to go begging, right? Our Nuoding academy is not a charity. Quickly beat it, quickly beat it."
While speaking, the gatekeeper lifted his left hand and shoved Jack's chest, about to drive the two people away.
But a Little Body came between them, and the hand pushed Little Tian away.
As he fell on his ass.
"Tian... You are crossing your Limits..!!"
Gatekeeper kept staring at the cute little guy, who wore Overgrown Garment, with little Red cheeks, and large eyes that were enhanced by the glasses.
The Boy is just so cute that You could actually cuddle him to death. The Gatekeeper felt a little bad for Pushing the Cute Kid.
However, he quickly recovered...
"So, what If I am", Gatekeeper moved ahead
"It means you can get fire Immediately"
Just then, a rather hoarse sounding voice rose, stopping the gatekeeper's movement.
The gatekeeper was at first dazed for a moment, then immediately following, the anger across his entire face suddenly transformed into fawning. The change was so quick, it was hard to imagine. Bowing and scraping towards the speaker he said:
"Grandmaster, you have returned."
Tang Tian turned his head to look: an average of figure, somewhat thin-looking man had at some point already come to their side. It would seem, this person appearing forty to fifty years old, with short black hair with three seven separations, very ordinary looks, both hands held behind his back. His body possessed a kind of peculiar manner, with both eyes half-open he seemed a bit sluggish and dispirited.
"You are Tang Tian?"
Tian nodded his head, Thinking this man is a bad person as well
But the so-called Grandmaster smiled, "Tang San especially asked me the favor to get you, Since, he knew something like this would happen"
"You know big Brother?"
The Grandmaster nodded and looked at the Old man, "You can leave old man, I will take him"
"This... Thank you, grandmaster..!!", Old jack said
"Tian, Don't trouble, and be Obedient alright?", Tian picked himself up and nodded, and somehow, for some reason or another, the Closed book never left his hand.
In fact, the book is like a glue, stick into the hands of Little Tian
Grandmaster took a look at Little Tian and nodded.
Following him, Tang San finally entered this academy.
"Teacher, thank you."
Tang Tian said to Grandmaster.
"Teacher? I am not an academy teacher."
Grandmaster turned his head to glance at Tang Tian, speaking coolly.
"Not a teacher? Just now did you not speak on behalf of the academy?"
Grandmaster shook his head, all along today he had been nothing but exceptionally patient, and again squeezed out a trace of that unsightly smiling expression, "Who said one must be an academy teacher to represent the academy?"
Tian nodded, "I understand"
"What do you understand?", Grandmaster feeling confused asked him
"That you do not want to talk about it, So I shall not talk about it"
Grandmaster could not help laughing, and said: "For a six-year-old child, you sure know how to talk."
"My dad said that I must decide what I should Speak, and What I shouldn't"
Grandmaster smiled and rubbed his head, "You are clearly a very Clever Child, in fact, Little San told me a lot about you, He said you are the smartest child in his village, Smarter than him."
Tian shook his head, "No, Big brother is better than me in everything, Even Grandpa thinks so"
Grandmaster chuckled, "What about, your father?"
"He... He never said anything actually, He just said that in the future, I will definitely become someone who will know everything"
Grandmaster chuckled, "With the way you keep reading your Book so obsessively, It isn't wrong... Say, is it your Spirit?"
Tian eyes shined, "Yes, It's my own spirit, I am reading it for so long yet, I still didn't even finish it... This book is so loooonnggg"
"I have never seen such a Spirit... Is it a mutation of Book spirit"
"Grandmaster, You should Study more, Look, you don't even know the most basic tool spirit"
Grandmaster stare at the Innocent Tian and chuckled
"Alright, I will bring you to any place you ask, and the rest you can find yourself"
Tian didn't even think for a second, "I wanna be where Big Brother is"
"Because this way, I can meet him and also, he can show me places, that you don't wanna show me"
Grandmaster laughed and laughed.
The Tang Brothers are so interesting... First Tang san, who is so mature and Intelligent beyond his age. Then comes the Little Brother Tang Tian, Even more, Intelligent but Naive according to his age.
Both are very intelligent. But their Intelligence runs differently, Tian is book smart, while Tang San is street Smart.
When Tian reached the room of Little Tian, he saw his big brother, combing a pretty sister's hairs.
"Brother", Tian yelled and run towards San
"Tian... Tian", San hurriedly hugged him.
The Little Pretty sister came to them.
"Hello, Pretty big sister, who are you?"
"I'm Xiao Wu, Wu of dancing", she grinned happily
Tang San coughed and said, "Tian this is Xiao wu like she introduced, Xiao wu, this is Tian, my little Brother"
"Cough... Cough", Xiao wu coughed twice, as if to remind something.
"Uh... Tian, Xiao wu is actually this dorm's boss"
"Boss? Brother, How come you have a boss already?"
Xiao wu grinned even more, "It's because I beat him"
"I can't... Believe it, Someone at your Age, can beat you?"
"I don't believe it either", Tang San said deadpanned
Tian looked at Xiao wu and said with a little blush and wide misty eyes, "Please take care of my brother"
"Gaa... Sister Wu leave me..!!"
"Look at you, so cute, and precious"
"Leave... Leave me", Tian's voice was getting hoarser and hoarser
Xiao wu just keep hugging him tighter and tighter, making Tian face green with the lack of Oxygen