Igodomigodo Is Our Land (Part 2)

Another case, was an aftermath to the first event. Then, the queen, Oloi Esagho and the queen, Oloi Idia had encountered each other by a street. Then, the gist around was that queen Esagho had gone to confront queen Idia about her son's, the prince Igodomigodo's misfortune. Since she, Oloi Esagho was one of those finger pointers.

However, a brawl ensued and a crazy fight burst out, in which the two queens at loggerheads, tugged, and eventual stripped themselves naked. Luckily for them, there were no male figures around and their guard were not on duty that day, because of some ongoing sacred rituals and festivals at the time.

Much like the fist incident, when the accompanying guards bore the brunt, the maid escorts of the queens at that time, were flogged for not gratifying the queens and for prodding the situation to degenerate into a slugfest. The queens were however commanded not to ever visit, untill further notice, the lake which had been the purpose for their journey to that street.

However, it was a lucky day for the queens guard because if that day had not been a public holiday for all male citizens, they would most likely have been with queens and would have seen the their nakedness, which would have secured thoroughly, the means for their decapitation. Since the penalty, on any male other than the king himself, for seeing the queen nakedness was death by beheading.

Although, it could be said that the palace was Insensible. However, the palace couldn't entirely be blamed or chastised for it's callous and barbaric managements and judgement. As a matter of fact, those were a different days and times were morals, law and all forms of societal values, institutions and beliefs were established and managed by the monarchs and royals.

In a regalia of six separate huts, there was a huge, crudely ornamented hut, Standing at the center. Inside the neatly furnished hut, two women were in a susurrant mouth to mouth discussion,

"Do you really believe that plan will work?" one of the women said to the other. "Of course it'll surely work, my queen."

"Good! That damn bitch. Did she really believe she could go Shot-free? How bold!

Humph. Let's watch and see what she's going to do now that I've already decided to hurt her. After this I'm sure she'll advice herself, to never, in her miserable life, offend me again." Raging, wth fiery murderous eyes, and swollen snake-like facial muscles, queen Idia spoke.

Her beautiful face contorted expressively to displace her most astonishing facial appearance.

"My queen you don't need to bother too much about, queen Esagho..."

"Shut up!" the other women had not even finished talking when the queen yelled.

"Have I not already told you not to call her queen again? for God's sake she can't be a queen, she's so imperfect. I'm the only queen in our country! do you understand?" queen Idia cautioned the fair woman angrily.

"I'm sorry my queen, what I meant to say was that Esagho is not in your league, She's not worthy to even breath your same air. I wonder what spell she cast to charm her way into the palace." the fair maid fawned as she corrected herself.

"you're right, I wonder how she became the first wife. I know she must have used Izu (magic) to charm my lord. Not to worry though, as her spells will soon be eradicated. Then she'll surely be rebuked by my lord."

The Once beautiful and understanding queen Idia had become harden.

Chains of activities over the period of five years had made her this way. the most remarkable was the passing away of her loyal caretaker. Cynthia, the old woman who had supervised that day when she delivered her only son yet. the old woman who had been like a mother to the queen, had nurtured and cared for her since she was a teen, and had served her, up to when she finally got married to the king, and she continued to serve the queen, until she died, some four years after the queen had been delivered, a son.

The death had weighed down on queen Idia since she was so close to the poor old woman.

However, the fair maiden nurse, another friend, who also helped her a lot during her child's birth, came through for her during those hard times and helped to console her. Soon they developed a close but complicated relationship, and the fair nurse soon became her right hand woman.

The fair nurse who was not as forgiving or as morally upright as the former chief nurse, Cynthia. Had overtime, influenced the queen into some ill practices. Thus the queen had gradually become a resentful and scornful woman.

"Ok, now you'll go ahead and ensure that, the prince is arrested, then we can execute our plan and poison him." Whispering, queen Idia ordered the fair maiden nurse.

"Ok my queen. I'll be on my way now." the fair maiden nurse replied before she stood up and left the hut.

In a yard two children of six to seven years of age, were playing a game were they threw stones and jumped with one leg on rings of circles drawn with a stick on the ground.

Suddenly one of the children stopped and started staring at a spot in space. His eyes were changing colours rapidly, from red to blue to black then light green. After a while the eyes became silver grey, then it stopped changing.

Suddenly, the child who had been standing motionless before, started moving as if enchanted by some forces, to a place where he had been staring before.

"Ogidigbo what are you doing!!?" the other kid, standing next to the prince, cried out.

However the enchanted prince continued walking forward oblivious to the kid's question.