Crucial Meeting.

Meanwhile, the group of more than thirty warriors were still battling, with the octopus-like creature.

The team which was made up of a large number of independent young warriors, had already suffered more than twenty losses, in the single combat, with the octopus-like creature. Nonetheless, they were still fighting.

Although it could be seen from their pale face and slow body movements, that the team of young warriors, were already suffering from fatigue and exhaustion.

The octopus-like creature, however, didn't look stressed at all. It had only suffered, several minor bruises.

"Every body fall back! We can't win against this creature, it is too powerful and dangerous!" One young boy shouted aloud, to his other team mates.

With the demise of their leader Jada, and the missing, of the strongest, young warrior Igbins, leadership was automatically transferred to him since he was the fourth strongest youth in the team—The third strongest man, just like Jada, had also already been slain.

The youth, mightily, threw his spear forward, activating all his physical strength and mental prowess, to summon enough power from his ancestral spirit backing, for empowerment, to hastily back away, from where the octopus-like creature was fighting—Once he noticed the creature, tried to resist his assault.

Then within an instant, the youth, was already standing at a qualitative distance away from the creature.

The other young warriors who were still engaged in combat, with the octopus-like creature, upon hearing what that youth said and seeing his action, also started to ready themselves to pull out from the fight.

However, just as they were all busy, calculating the perfect moment to pull out, they suddenly felt a surge in the energy around them.

The temperature dropped instantaneously, then the wind started to swirl crazily, and picked up intense pace, blowing up, even more clouds of dust.

The new team leader, who had managed to disengage from the battle and was standing, waiting for the others to pull out, suddenly felt a chill run throughout his body.

He started getting, a feeling that something terribly powerful, was rushing towards him at a super speed that even he, couldn't escape.


Almost instantaneously, he felt a speedy breeze blow passed him, then in a flash, he saw a vague, transparent body of light seeming like a human man flying ahead towards the center of the fight.

"Uhn!" He probed with his vision for clarity, as he exclaimed reflexively.

However, within a split moment, he experienced the same feeling again, and saw several vague, transparent bodies, that exuded so much power, like the first one, flying ahead.

"Ha!.. It seems they are not coming for me afterall." He heaved a sigh of relief, as he murmured to himself.

He had been totally startled, by the appearance of those transparent beings before.

They gave off so much energy, that he knew he would die almost instantaneously if any of those beings came for his life.

However the transparent beings didn't seem interested in him at all.

They moved towards the octopus-like creature, like a flash of light.

The other young warriors, who were still fighting against the beast, noticed the weather change, and also felt the same strange feeling of fear for an overbearing power rushing towards them.

Then within an instant, the transparent human shaped beings, manifested beside them.

Bang! bang! bang!

In the split moment, it took those transparent beings to manifest, they successfully launched different attacks, and landed several powerful blows to the Octopus-like creature's body.

Then, in a short while, after receiving several, different kinds of attacks, the octopus-like creature that had been guzzling down blood and flesh of it's slain victims, while fighting and booming with so much vigor, started bleeding profusely all over.

It's breath became so faint, and tasking, and was now more like a snort of gauze, hot air, expelling from it's nostril.

The transparent beings were wielding different weapons of sword, axe, knife, spears, and bows and arrows.

Each time they stuck, there was a bang sound, followed by the sputtering of red blood, gushing from the octopus-like creature.

Everything happened in such a short time that, the other young warriors, when they saw what happened—Hurriedly stepped back, away from the fight against the octopus-like creature.

They didn't dare, even to stand shoulder to shoulder with those transparent beings. However, a while later they saw several young men, who were not older than they were, come out from the forest depth and walking towards them.

This group of young warriors, were dressed in grey uniforms, and they were led by a young boy, not older than twelve years old.

The group, walked casually and without so much swagger, towards them.

When they were face to face, with the new group of young warriors, one of them exclaimed unconsciously.

"It's prince Idubor's team!" pointing towards the adversaries with shaky fingers, the young boy who spoke, was bleeding from his left arm.

"Everybody stay were you are. The prince has commanded us to kill off this Spineless Grey Octopus first." One young, burly warrior from prince Idubor's camp declared aloud, not demonstrating even the slightest haste.

It was Sally, who spoke. His mannerism smelled superiority, over the other group of young warriors.

By now he already understood, just how much, the prince loves to be treated and introduced with respect. Therefore, by putting on airs towards the other group, and yet, declaring that he was commanded by the prince to do a task, he was purposefully, but indirectly giving so much glory to the young prince Idubor.

"My Prince?" Sally said to prince Idubor questioningly. As if requesting for a reply.

The prince Idubor already knew Sally's intentions, although he'd wanted to fight before, however, now that Sally had given him so much regards, he opted to just stand by and watch.

"Alright, you can go ahead and kill that Spineless Grey Octopus." prince Idubor said approvingly to Sally.

"Ok my prince we'll go now." Sally turned to the Prince Idubor, bowed slightly then ushered the others towards the Octopus-like creature.

The creature, had already been surrounded and subdued, by those transparent human shaped beings, giving off light.

The group from the other side were all just dumbstruck and awed, by what they were witnessing.

They had their mouth agape from shock, but they couldn't even, sputter, any word.

They had been fighting the octopus-like creature, which this prince Idubor's group, just now, called Spineless Grey Octopus, for so long and had not been able to make any considerable damage to the creature's body at all.

Moreover, it had even killed, and ate, at least twenty of their people. And yet this new group, led by a prince, no older than twelve years, were boasting, that they were going to kill it off, as if it was just a child's play to them.

"Don't even bother about that beast, just leave it to those transparent beings only they can kill it.

The creature is too strong, it cannot be killed by any one of us." One young warrior, from the other group, finally managed to speak up.

Although he was panting heavily, he took a long breath, to mutter, those words.

He was the acclaimed, new leader of the group, who had ordered his people to pull back from the fight, earlier.