28. Big bucks

David created an ad that said do you want to watch a level 100 beat everyone in the 100-200 level league and become the first place, I advise you to come and watch my matches. I advise you to bet on me all you got and if you lose any money I will pay you back.

After cramming all these things in one little paragraph, David got an ad for 10000 gold and kept on going with his life. 10000 gold meant 1 million people reached so unknowingly David had basically filled out the whole arena for the rest of his life if the ad worked out. If the players wished to they could make their match history visible to others and David did just that, he also fought in a few more matches to show that he would not be beaten. There were a few level 190ish enemies that he had already beaten.

People who wanted to see if the kid was just bulshitting or was really good looked at his match history as he also left his player nick which was level100Wonder and saw that he was indeed good.

This all was happening in the morning the day after the amazon fight and David was offline for an hour in which he went to the cafeteria and ate some food.

David logged into the arena function and started his matchmaking. The exact second he logged in he could see thousands of people filling the arena in a heartbeat. The went down and the enemy was beaten in 5 seconds. The exact thing happened in three more matches when David decided to look at his winnings.

Your total accumulated money is: 2400 gold

Fees and taxes have already been reduced.

David when he saw this realized he did a good job by buying that 10000 gold promotion. His current arena had 6000 spaces so David was earning about 0.04 gold from the average viewer. He looked at the seat number upgrade and found out that 2.5 gold meant 1 seat. He realized that 1 seat would make up its money back in 60 matches, which was a lot for others as their fights took long and short for David as his fights took like 20 second tops. With the matchmaking and the waiting at the end, the final you win screen. Everything summed up together took about 2 minutes.

David spent all his savings which amounted to about 25000 gold to seats. He had bought 10000 more seats which meant that he almost tripled his revenue from his fights, he would have no problem filling up the arena as he had never lost and even advertised this.

David kept doing 50 fights every day which took him about three hours as he didn't do everything pixel perfect with no time lose. He was pretty lax, he would go drink and pee, chat with people through the bracelet, have spars with Noxaa and Julius. This situation kept on for only five days as he had reached 12000 points which was about the 1000th places points. This meant that he could no longer just queue up and had to challenge people who could not decline fights.

As the people in the top 1000 didn't live under rocks and were actual functioning humans beings and alive individuals, they also knew of David's fame, by now he had beaten more than 10 level 195-196s and he had beaten people who focused on mystical abilities, people who focused on any stat and even a few people that was over their level league as David had kept the upper level enemies on. Highest level person he had to face was a level 224 enemy and they were still lacking on terms of stats against David.

At this point David realized once more that Benjamin had used a worthy thing on him, so worthy that even his recent earnings of about 200000 gold as he kept buying extra space and maxed out at 46000 people and as soon as he maxed it out it jumped to 50000 all his money from the first three days was spent on upgrades and the last two days profit for David was 200000 gold.

It was not easy for your average joe to make money through this system but he was no average joe, by having more than three hundred win streak David was known as the invincible god. Normally people in the top 100 would get a formal nickname from the academy that has something to do with their skills but not for David, he had gained this formal nickname as he had never been beaten and people liked to exaggerate things too.

David rested fro a day and after decreasing the academies tax percentage he decided to jump right into his first top 1000 match. He started looking st people in the too 990-1000 as they were the only people he could fight. He chose a guy that couldn't decline the match, this enemy happened to be the 990th the highest he can fight. He had a non-formal nickname as the bloody berserker, his fans called him that but the system hadn't assigned it just yet.

They entered the fight and David started to size up his enemy, his enemy was a 2.5 m tall human that also didn't lack any muscles and fat. He was what you would expect a berserker to be but why was the bloody there, the guy just wore black clothes. The countdown trickled down and finally reached 0.

David didn't want to give his enemy time to prepare so he became the Berserker in this case. His enemy also rushed towards him albeit quite a bit slower. Just as they were rushing towards each other, David saw that there was a blood red mist covering the enemy, and it was getting absorbed into his body, this was most probably a two way skill, for covering and powering up. David reached his enemy and as the enemy had the reach advantage with an axe he dodged first and then tried to punch. The dodge was quite successful, he dodged the axe that was coming from his left side by ducking beneath it and tried to land a left crochet to his enemies ribs. The enemy took a step to his left and dodged the punch. From this short fight they both knew David would win as he dodged and attacked quite easily but he had dodged the punch barely, but the berserker was hyped and he decided to fight anyways.

The berserker made a plan to make distance between them by stepping back and attacking at the same time. He tried to do what was on his mind but he was followed closely by David who dodged the axe quite easily. The berserker again saw that he was about to be punched and tried to dodge but already being on a moving motion, he was unable to divert all the momentum to the side he wanted and fell short on his dodge. As David's punch landed. He felt all his ho and breath leaving his body as he was thrown back tens of meters and when he finally fell down, he was still alive but all the blood mist around him had vanished and he had fallen down to about 20% health.

At this moment the berserkers will to fight had been broken, the current 400th place whom he had also fought with wasn't nearly as good as the kid in front of him now. He directly pressed the concede button and was replaced by David in the top 1000 placement list. David didn't expect auch a qualitative change from his enemies because he was just going from 1000ish to 990 but his enemies did go up a lot in quality, this man was a brute force fighter that didn't die in one solid hit. If he was using a mystical ability rather than his blood mist, it would have been way harder for David. David started looking at the top 1000 list to find his next victim as it would be nothing more than that. He found out that everyone in the next 10 places had protection and they didn't need to accept any matches for varying days, three people had 1 day protection and David decided to wait for 1 more day and fight later.

David logged of and went ahead with his average day. He worked out for two hours or so, then he started working on his skill levels, this day was a bountiful day as he leveled up 5 different skills, David was indeed missing the good old days where he could level up skills by tens in one day. Now even with his overpowered skill-exp bonuses it was hard to level up stuff. After leveling his skills, he met up with Julius, who had reached about level 200 and Noxaa who was level 200 too. Every month they would feed Noxaa to fulfillment and her stats without any multipliers were almost two thirds of Davids with the multiplier and was much more higher than Julius' stats.

Julius was sad about being the least powerful member of the group so he had focused on leveling and searching for fortuitous encounters and after he reached level 200 and gotten his occupation upgrade, he was now able to see very clearly where he could find these sorts of encounters and he came here today to actually explain that he would be away for a while. He was going to look for these encounters.

With skill sets like these David had really found the best of what the academy could provide as allies and also as friends. David could already see the days where they would roam the world like it was their backyard. They all had powerful abilities, Julius wasn't physically strong like them but David guessed that with his wyes that he could find some good stuff to make him op as fuck too. After their few hours of chit chatting they parted.

David went back to his dorm to find that there was four books and a note left inside the room.

The Academy would like you to combine these skills, if you decline you can just give the skills back to the librarian. The skills themselves are for physical enhancement for short periods of time, we saw that you were lacking this kind of skill so we opted to sending you these two skills.