His Highness, Prince Alex Von Ainsworth, Has Arrived!

The ballroom of the Sea Horizon hotel was very big and it was perfect for special occasions. Since it was a special day, everyone did their best to dress up. You could even say that this event became a "Prom Night" for the freshmen and they didn't want to miss such a grand opportunity to have fun.

There were already a fair number of people inside the ballroom, but most of them were gathered in the buffet area. Long tables lined up the sides of the vast room and the center was left free for those who wanted to dance with their partners.

Abbie was slowly making her way towards the event venue with Alice and a few staff members of the hotel. She was not used to walking while wearing a ballroom gown. She needed to pick up the skirt to walk, but her palms were starting to sweat, making it difficult to keep hold of the smooth fabric. As long as she didn't run or do any fancy moves, she would be perfectly fine...maybe.

As the entrance of the venue neared, Abbie gripped her skirt a little more firmly as she took deep and steady breaths to calm her nerves. Her steps became much more steady, but Alice still noticed her anxiousness.

"Relax, this is nothing compared to diving in a dungeon filled with trolls," Alice said with a smile.

When Abbie heard Alice's comment, a smile finally appeared on her face. Indeed. Compared to the dungeon battles she experienced, wasn't a Prom Party a walk in the park?

Abbie rolled her shoulders back and raised her head as she confidently stepped inside the ballroom. Without any warning, brilliant flashes of light dyed her sight in white. Tens of shutters clicked simultaneously as people holding cameras pushed their shutter buttons with wanton abandon. The sudden flashes of pure white brilliance disoriented the poor chubby girl until she didn't know which way was left or right.

The commotion ceased as quickly as it came and Abbie was left there standing in a daze. When she snapped out of her stupor, she glared in Alice's direction and saw the blonde beauty covering her mouth with a hand. Alice's body shuddered as she did her best to hold back the chuckle that was about to erupt.

Abbie's expression when she first entered the room was priceless. She made a mental note to get all the copies of Abbie's photos once they were developed.

"Why didn't you warn me?" Abbie asked with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. She didn't know what her face was like when her picture was taken, but she had no doubt in her mind that she looked stupid in them! "Were you entertained?"

"Yes," Alice admitted. "Don't worry. There will be more 'entertainment' later on."

Abbie snorted and walked further into the ballroom with heavy steps. In fact, she was not the only one who experienced this disorienting experience. Everyone who entered the room was given the same treatment and some of their reactions were way worse than Abbie's.

Abbie's entrance made people turn their eyes in unison. Even Britney had to do a double take when she saw her. If not for Abbie's body size, no one would be able to recognize her. The sides of Abbie's hair were braided to create a crown. The rest cascaded down her back in beautiful waves.

Her skin looked very delicate and had a radiant glow, her eyes were clear and was very captivating. Everything about her was beautiful. But, that beauty was easily dwarfed by her body size. Still, if people were to ask if Abbie was beautiful tonight then their answer would definitely be a big YES.

'If she were a bit slimmer, this girl would definitely make the heads of every boy turn,'' Britney thought while appraising Abbie. 'Just where did she get that amazing dress?'

Everyone thought of the same thing. Abbie stood out because of the way she dressed, making her the center of attention.

Abbie felt the gazes of everyone land on her, but her body fat repelled them all. She scanned the room, but didn't see Alex. Alice had informed her beforehand that Alex would appear later.

Still, the chubby girl wasn't able to stop herself from trying to find that devilish young man who kept on touching her heartstrings. She wanted to see the reaction on his face when he saw her.

Hannah was also in the crowd and stared dumbfoundedly at Abbie. The beautiful lady with long blonde hair, and blue eyes, were wearing a red cocktail dress that highlighted her features. She was already beautiful, but her choice of clothes made her stunning.

There were rumors that Abbie's fiance might also appear in the ballroom so she made sure to dress up prettily in order to seduce him. After the initial shock had passed, Hannah curled up her lips in ridicule.

'So what if you dress up like a princess? Even if you put the best clothes on a pig, in the end it will still be a pig!' Hannah laughed inside her head as she sneered in Abbie's direction.

Suddenly, a commotion happened in the entrance of the ballroom. Aiden walked in and the girls who saw him screamed like crazy fans who had seen their idol. Aiden only gave these girls a brief smile before clearing his throat to make an announcement.

"His Highness, Prince Alex Von Ainsworth, has arrived!"



"His Highness?"

The sound of murmurs spread inside the ballroom after Aiden's announcement. Their gazes focused on the entrance of the ballroom in order to see who this Prince was.

A handsome man with red hair and light green eyes entered the room. A devilish smile was plastered on his face as the flashes of the cameras illuminated his profile. He walked with confidence and his smile never wavered.

With a step, the hearts of the ladies fluttered. With another step, the gazes of the men became heated. Alex was oozing with charm and every part of his body screamed "Who's your Daddy?"

Although it didn't show on his face, Alex fell into a daze when he saw Abbie in her dress. Only his strong will power allowed him to quickly recover and walk towards her direction. If possible, he wanted to instantly teleport to her side and shower her with his love and affection.

However, he obviously couldn't do that. At least, not in front of other people. Alex had been high-profiled for the past two days and most of the students recognized him.

"He's a prince?"

"Abbie's fiance is a prince?! No way!"

"Is this a dream? Let me pinch someone to confirm."

"Ouch! Hey! Why are you pinching me?! Pinch yourself!"

"Who could have thought…"


Aiden smirked as his announcement brought out the desired effect that both he and Alice were hoping for. Since Alex's name had already been exposed to the world, why not expose it all the way? This was Alice's plan once she realized that there was no stopping the comments about Abbie in the online forums.

The only protection she could give her chubby friend was to ensure that Abbie's schoolmates knew that she was engaged to a Prince. That was a layer of protection in itself and would also act like a charm that would ward off others from making fun of her.

Thinking of bullying the fiance of a prince? Are you tired of living? What? Abbie doesn't deserve Alex? Hehe, that's not something for you to decide!

"Sorry for making you wait, My Love," Alex said as he held Abbie's hand.

'So Cheesy!'

Abbie and the rest of the peanut gallery screamed internally.

Amidst the crowd, two people were clapping and cheering for Abbie and Alex and they were none other than Amanda and Zoe. Alex turned his head and gave the two girls a mischievous wink which made the two ladies swoon from where they stood.

As if on cue, the manager of the hotel appeared on the small stage that was set up near the foot of the stairs leading to the ballroom.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this event was sponsored by our resort and we are very honored to have His Highness, Prince Alex, gracing us with his presence. Now, without further ado, I hereby announce the start of tonight's party. Music please!"

The chamber orchestra started to play a lively tune which brought everyone out of their trance. Alex's and Abbie's hands intertwined as he led Abbie towards the buffet. He knew there was still plenty of time, so he didn't mind letting his beloved have her fill. After all, later tonight, he would be the one to eat her up.