I’m In Love With You, And Now You Know

The corner of Britney's lips were twitching as she looked at Abbie who was currently eating a drumstick using her hand. Although she expected the chubby girl to not give a damn about what others thought of her, she was seated at the same table as the prince. Wasn't there such a thing as proper table manners?

The pretty girl looked at the star of tonight's party, his royal highness, Prince Alex. The red-haired prince was looking at Abbie with an affectionate gaze and was even helping her heap food on her plate.

Like every girl, Britney, too, dreamed about a prince charming who would sweep her off her feet. Right now, a real prince was seated across her table. However, the said prince only had eyes for one girl, and that girl was busy 'pigging out' without a care in the world!

"Life is unfair," Britney sighed. "Why are all the good looking men taken?"

"Hey, do you think Prince Alex has a brother?" Lackey A asked. "Maybe we can ask Abbie to help us form a connection?"

"That's right!" Lackey B supported Lackey A's idea. "Isn't there a small boy around Abbie with the same surname? Perhaps they are related?"

"Huh? Don't tell me you're going to make a move on that child? Are you a shotacon?" Britney questioned.

"Of course not. FYI, I don't want to go to jail," Lackey B immediately explained. "I just think that there's a possibility that Prince Alex has a sibling. If Abbie managed to get herself a prince, why couldn't I get one too?"

Britney and Lackey A couldn't retort to Lackey B's words. Indeed. If Abbie was able to snag herself a prince, why couldn't they do the same? The only question was whether Alex had siblings or not.

"Should we ask?" Lackey A suggested.

Britney shook her head, "Now is not the time. Let's wait for a good opportunity later."

Alex and Abbie were seated at a table and there were four bodyguards surrounding it. These men were the ones Alice brought from Exodia and they were told to act as Alex's bodyguards tonight.

The men didn't have any qualms because Alice was their employer. They were also aware of Alex's "real identity" and they found the entire thing interesting. Their boss sure knew how to pull people's legs!

Alice and Aiden were also seated at a table. However, they were seated in the far corner of the room. They wanted to act lowkey in order to not attract any unwanted attention to themselves. Both of them were just as eye-catching as Alex, especially Aiden who looked like Legolas from LOTR.

"Do you think that nothing will go wrong tonight?" Aiden asked.

Alice who was sipping on her fruit juice gave the elf a side-long glance. "What do you think of me? An omnipotent being?"

"I just thought that you had everything figured out."

"The only thing I know is the fate that awaits you if you annoy me."

Aiden immediately shut his trap due to Alice's threat. 'I'm just asking ok? Why are you threatening me?'

"Still, I hope that nothing goes wrong tonight." Alice narrowed her gaze. She had already prepared counter-measures in case something did go wrong, so she was not too worried.

"Our part will start soon," Alice said. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," Aiden replied.

"Good. We'll begin after they finish their dinner."


"Here, try this too, Abbie." Alex offered a serving of baked scallops. "I tried one earlier and they were good."

"Um, I think I'm already full," Abbie said with a smile. She didn't lie. After taking out a bit of every dish in the buffet table, Abbie felt full. The chefs of the hotel did a fantastic job and she couldn't find fault in any of the dishes she tried.

If she were to say something she regretted that would be that her stomach was unable to have space for more!

"I see," Alex replied as he placed the platter down.

"How about you? Are you already full?"

"I don't have a big appetite."

Abbie nodded her head in understanding. Alex was a summoned hero. That meant that he didn't need to eat in order to live.

'Perhaps this is the reason why he's immune to Dorm Head's cooking?' Abbie mused.

Alex was quietly observing Abbie. The dress that Alice prepared suited her very well. Her hairstyle, too, was exquisite. His face looked composed, but his heart was beating wildly inside his chest. He didn't expect that Abbie could look so… perfect.

"What are you looking at?" Abbie gave Alex the "spill the beans" look which made the handsome young man laugh.

His laughter caught the notice of the people who were observing them from a distance. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that almost everyone was paying close attention to Alex and Abbie's table. They wanted to know more about this Prince who appeared out of nowhere.

Alex didn't reply, instead he took out a handkerchief and used it to wipe a little bit of sauce at the side of Abbie's lips. He knew that Abbie wasn't able to move right now because she was full, so he decided to go to the next phase of Alice's plan.

"Wait for me here," Alex said as he stood up from his seat. He walked confidently towards the small stage where the chamber Orchestra was located. He briefly glanced in Alice's direction and saw the blonde beauty's thumbs up gesture.

That gesture meant that everything was ready. Alex nodded his head in understanding as he neared the conductor of the orchestra. The conductor was already briefed by Alice earlier and was only waiting for Alex to take the stage.

As soon as he walked up the stage, Alex removed the microphone from its stand. His sensuous and smooth voice spread inside the ballroom.

"Good evening everyone. I'm sorry to have gatecrashed your party."

Alex's words were received with cheers from the girls and a wry smile from the boys. This was the first time that the majority of the guests in the hotel had heard Alex's voice. His voice was very charming and it made the girls giggle.

Hannah felt her heart stir when she heard Alex's voice. The man standing on the stage looked so dashing, so perfect, which made her feel that he was born in this world only for her. She gave Abbie a hateful glance before shifting her attention back to the man that she had marked as her own.

"Tonight, I would like to be a little selfish and dedicate a song to my beloved fiance, Abbie. The title of this song is [I Like You So Much, You'll Know It]," Alex said as he glanced at the conductor. "Maestro, music please."

The conductor smiled and nodded his head. With a steady hand he lifted his baton and the orchestra members readied themselves. With a wave, a cheerful and melodious music reverberated inside the ballroom.


I like your eyes, you look away when you pretend not to care.

I like the dimples on the corners of the smile that you wear.


'This song…,' Abbie felt her lips curling up into a smile. 'Isn't this song on that telenovela I watched with Alex once?'

The telenovela was a recommendation by Abbie's roommate, Diana. One time, the three of them watched it inside the dormitory room and Abbie commented that she really liked the music. She didn't know that Alex took her words into his heart and memorized the lyrics of the song!

Who would have thought that he would use today's event as an opportunity to sing this song and dedicate it to her? Abbie would be lying if she said that she wasn't touched by Alex's feelings for her.

She leaned on her seat and gazed lovingly at the man who was singing a song on stage just for her. This song was a very popular one, so most of the girls who heard it recognized it immediately.

Their eyes widened as they glanced at Abbie in envy. For a man to sing this song to her, wasn't this the very epitome of cheesiness? They wanted to puke sugar and bite their handkerchiefs in jealousy.

'Someone, anyone, sing this song for me, too!' This was the collective thought of all the girls inside the ballroom. Even Hannah felt an ache in her heart as she heard Alex sing a song that was dedicated to a girl that was not her!


Love you every minute, every second

Love you everywhere and any moment

Always and forever I know I can't quit you

'Cause, baby, you're the one, I don't know how


Abbie wasn't able to stop herself from smiling. The way Alex sang was very good. His voice was good, his enunciation was perfect. She could feel his intimate feelings flow through her ears as he sang the familiar lyrics. If someone was to describe Abbie's current state right now, it would only be one word: "Eargasm".

Abbie's ears and heart were melting. In the end, she wasn't able to stop herself from singing along with Alex. Their gazes locked on to each other as they sang together. Although there was a distance between them, Abbie's words reached Alex's ears and the smile on his face widened as he sang the song with her.

The two held each other's gaze as Alex sang the final verse of the song.

"I'm in love with you," Alex sang. "And now you know…"

A great cheer rang from the crowd as a thunderous applause reverberated in the ballroom. Alex and Abbie looked at each other and the feelings in their hearts overflowed with love.


A/N: The title of the song I used in this chapter is "I Like You So Much, You'll Know It" by Honey Jemlan. All rights go to their respective owner.