Abbie, I Can’t Wait Any Longer

Alex recognized the lady that appeared in front of him. Her pleading eyes were imploring him to accede to her request. If it were any other man then they would have gladly accepted her invitation and enjoyed a memorable dance with the beauty.

However, Alex was no ordinary man. In his heart there was only room for one person and that was Abbie. He gave Hannah a polite smile as he spoke the words in his heart.

"I'm sorry, but I can't accept your invitation," Alex said. "My fiance gets very jealous when I interact with girls aside from her."

Hannah didn't want to give up so he used reason to counter Alex's words, "Surely your fiance is a very understanding lady. Since it is the lady that his highness personally chose as his fiance then her heart should be as wide as an ocean. She shouldn't be offended if his Highness danced with me. Unless of course, his highness fiance is a narrow minded person."

Alex frowned when he heard Hannah's words. The beautiful girl in front of him praised Abbie first then used a low jab to strike at her. If he accepted then Abbie was a magnanimous woman with an open mind. If he rejected her request then Abbie would be branded as narrow minded.

The thing that Alex was worried about is Abbie's reputation. They had set this event in order to destroy the bad rumors that were surrounding her. The majority of the people inside the ballroom were from Abbie's university. If another bad rumor spread about her then her school life might get affected.

To be honest, Alex just wanted to just ignore Hannah, but the people who were still inside the ballroom were paying close attention to the two of them. Hannah's words were loud enough for everyone to hear. She purposely did this in order to corner Alex into having a dance with her.

"Your Highness, it is just a dance. There's nothing to worry about. I will not steal you from your fiance," Hannah said. 'Not now, but soon.'

Hannah saw Alex waver and the smile on her face brightened. Reluctantly, Alex extended his hand towards her. With a triumphant smile, Hannah was about to grasp her Prince Charming's hand when a meaty hand grasped it first.

"Sorry, but he promised to save the last dance for me," Abbie said with a smile. "Forcing yourself onto a man that already has a fiance, aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

Abbie's voice carried a hint of veiled anger. She saw and heard everything that happened and it caused her blood to boil. For this b*tch to corner Alex and make him dance with her was something she wouldn't turn a blind eye to. If she wanted to corner someone then she, too, could play that game!

"What are you talking about?" Hannah replied with a smile of her own. "I was just asking his Highness to a dance. Surely, you wouldn't be so petty as to forbid him from dancing with another girl right?"

"If it was another girl then yes, I wouldn't forbid him to dance with her," Abbie admitted. "Didn't you see that I allowed him to dance with another girl? Not one, not two, but three girls. I'm a very understanding lady and I trust my fiance with all my heart."

Abbie didn't lie. She allowed Alex to dance with Alice, Amanda, and Zoe, as a way to return the favor that the Sea Horizon Resort had done for them.

The chubby girl glanced lovingly at Alex and kissed his cheek. The girls who saw this blushed and wished that it was them who kissed Alex. On the contrary, Hannah did everything in her power to keep the smile on her face as she cursed Abbie inside her heart.

"Let's go, Alex," Abbie said as she guided her man towards the center of the ballroom. "I know that you saved this last dance for me."

Alex smiled and allowed Abbie to take him to the dance floor. Both of them knew that Alex didn't mention anything about saving the last dance for Abbie. However, since a pesky b*tch was so persistent, Abbie decided to take the matters in her own hands. She would not allow a lady like Hannah to defile her beloved!

Hannah knew that making a scene here would be detrimental to her reputation. She decided to take a step back and return to her table. The second most beautiful girl in the university knew that if she walked out of the ballroom, people would think of her as a petty person.

So she endured everything with an amiable smile on her face. She was acting that she was supporting Alex and Abbie and even commented to the girls seated beside her that they looked good together.

On the dancefloor…

"Stay away from that girl, do you understand?" Abbie warned Alex. "She's a two-faced person. I hate two faced people."

"As you command, My Love," Alex replied. He could tell that the jar of vinegar dancing with him right now was very sour due to jealousy. Truth be told, Alex was relieved when Abbie came to his rescue.

In truth, he was about to give in to Hannah's request because he didn't want to create a scene. Fortunately, his Master wasn't sitting idly and swept him off his feet.

'Shouldn't I be the one sweeping her off her feet and not the other way around?' Alex thought as he danced with Abbie.

The song ended and the two gracefully exited the ballroom with everyone's eyes still looking at them. Abbie and Alex didn't want to linger a moment longer and waste their precious time together.

They were already told beforehand that they could use the hotel's private elevator to go to the VIP room that had been specially prepared for them. The suite that the manager had reserved to them was very luxurious. It has its own private bath, a balcony, living room, and a bedroom.

The two headed to the balcony and gazed at the beautiful stars in the sky. Unlike the city, the sky that could be seen from the resort was free from pollution and was very clear. The full moon and the countless stars shone down upon them. They could even see the faint trail of the milky way on the horizon.

Abbie was enveloped in Alex's embrace as the two of them looked at the stars together. Abbie was in front, and Alex was at the back. Their intertwined fingers were joined together not wanting to let each other go.

Suddenly, a bright and beautiful flower dyed the sky red. It was the signal for the start of a firework display that the resort had specially prepared for the two of them. The dazzling lights illuminated the heavens.

The freshmen watched the display and gave the resort a big thumbs up for such an amazing ending for their last night at the resort. If they only knew that they were just benefitting from the efforts made by the management to impress the Prince and his fiance then they might have raised their middle fingers instead of their thumbs!

Abbie watched the fireworks with a smile on her face. She leaned against Alex's strong and toned body as she gazed at the sky. Alex, in turn, kissed her cheeks and whispered words of love in her ear. The words that he said made Abbie's heart feel full from happiness.

She was feeling very happy right now and finally understood the quote "dying without regrets" at this moment. When the fireworks display ended, the night sky returned to its calm and peaceful state.

"Abbie, I can't wait any longer."


Abbie gave the moon one last glance before she followed Alex towards the bedroom. Her heart was beating wildly inside her chest, but she had made up her mind. When she entered the room, Alex lovingly placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Abbie, I love you."

"I love you too."

The chubby girl took the initiative to place her hands on Alex's neck and drew his head closer to her. She kissed him on the lips while standing on tiptoes. Both of them savored the sweet kiss that they shared together. They knew that once this night was over, their relationship would never be the same again.