The Divine Auction House

Standing in front of the Divine Auction House, Myr and Chloe garnered a few looks, but a little bit of killing intent from Myr made everyone so far stay way from the both of them.

Looking through her inventory, Myr sees a hundreds of thousands of divine transcendental items, such as weapons, accessories, jewelry, tomes, grimoires, and clothes.

Wearing a storage ring for show, Myr and Chloe open the front doors, where they were met with the sight of a bustling interior. Before walking up to the front desk, Myr had Chloe wear a faceless mask that could negate any detection, sensory, and even seer magic, skills, and abilities.

Putting one on herself, they both approach the front desk and an irritated teller gruffly tells them "State your business or leave, we don't have time for window shoppers."

Frowning in response to the teller's attitude, Myr takes out a divine transcendental dagger and waves it in front of the teller's face.

"I want to sell this, but I wasn't sure where. Apparently this isn't the place to be, so, goodbye."

The teller looked at the dagger and his eyes widened. "Wait! I sincerely apologize for my rudeness earlier. May I know both of your names so we can register you in the Auction House? I don't recognize either of you, though it's common for people to wear masks or completely conceal themselves and use fake names, so I'm not judging."

Myr smirked under her mask. Erecting an unbreakable barrier that made it so no one could see through, the teller noticed this and started to sweat. Myr then took her mask off and gave the teller a shit eating grin. "Does this tell you anything?"

The teller immediately recognized Myr and started trembling. "I.. I.. I'm deeply sorry for my inexcusable behavior I showed to you, Great Goddess Myr. I know what I did was unforgiveable, but I ask that you limit your judgement to only my life."

Myr stared at the teller as if she were looking at an idiot, which she was. "Who the fuck said I was going to kill you? I only lose my shit when someone genuinely offends me. I wasn't bothered by your remarks earlier, I just disapproved of your attitude earlier because that sort of shit will get you killed. Now, register my name down as Shiro and my wife's name down as Kuro. Also, call your manager or whoever is in charge, as I have a bunch of items I want to sell that are around the same quality of the dagger here, and most of them of better quality."

The teller immediately bowed his head and responded "Right away Lady Shiro."

Myr dispelled the barrier after putting on her mask. Watching the teller leave, Chloe asked Myr "What do you think we'll get for all of the items you want to sell?"

Myr shrugged her shoulders. "I really don't care. As long as it's enough for us to live comfortably here, I don't care in the slightest."

Myr then thought 'Systi, are you done upgrading yourself? I need your help.'

{*Yawn* Yeah, I'm ready, just got done a couple of minutes ago. I just scanned your memories, and holy crap did you cause quite the uproar. I'm monitoring the information channels right now across the entire realm and so far, no one knows you're here except that Red guy, the absurdly large chested Estarte, and the idiot teller. I suggest keeping it that way, because even though it's known that you have a family, there are several dozen suitors that want to marry you, or want to sleep with you at least once}

Myr gritted her teeth but quickly calmed herself. 'Yeah partner, that ain't gonna happen. I'll kill anyone who tries anything funny to me and my family. Anyways, could you pull some more spins for me? Set the criteria for divine transcendental equipment, accessories, jewelry, clothes, tomes, and grimoires. 10,000,000 pulls should be enough.'

{If that's your only criteria, you're gonna be getting a ton of items, probably around a million or so, and they could be anything, though if they're that grade, then they're going to be some of the best items that the gacha has to offer for now. Once you raise your soul tier to level 8, it'll open up even better items. Here we go!}


Myr grinned under her mask as she chuckled a little. Noticing Myr chuckling, Chloe had a warm smile on her face, as she knew Myr was either using her system, as Chloe herself got one as soon as she became a goddess, or cooking up a scheme that would ruin someone's day.

A middle aged man walked up to Myr and held out his hand to shake Myr's hand. "Hello there Lady Shiro, I am the manager of this here Auction-"

"Bullshit you are, you're his assistant. If you want me to auction my items here then you'll stop wasting my time and take me to him. I'm getting slightly annoyed with your petty procedures."

The man gulped down his saliva as he thought 'She saw right through me, even though I have a divine skillset revolving around masking, deception, lying, and persuading, Lady Shiro saw right through me in an instant. I better do what she asks, I don't want to die just yet...'

Nodding his head, the man smiled and properly introduced himself this time. "You are indeed correct Lady Shiro. My name is Wu Song Lee, but please call me Song Lee, and I'm Manager Wong's assistant. I apologize about before, but you must understand our cautionary procedures when you showed the teller that dagger you're holding."

Myr snorted and waved her hand dismissively. Procuring what was formerly Red's access card that he had signed over to her, Myr made sure to list her name as "Shiro" to match her name at the Auction House.

Taking a look at the card, and the ranking on it, the assistant raised his eyebrows and asked "Lady Shiro, how are you only allowed access to the bottom floor of the auction floors when you're clearly powerful enough to see through my deception in an instant, and most likely have enough strength to kill me with a single slap?"

Myr grunted out "A troublesome idiot named Red needed help with a date-"

Song Lee looked at Myr in shock and exclaimed "Y-You helped Red, the most iconic symbol of a male virgin, get a-a-a date?! With whom was it?"

Myr was taken aback slightly and confusedly said "It was with the Poet Estarte. I have no clue what she saw in that idiot, but I guess he was a little handsome, and he has a heart of gold, but needed a lot of coaching and a wardrobe change for him to look presentable. Right now, they're probably having lunch at her place. He gave me his card and signed it over to me as payment. He made a comment about him being eternally grateful to me, and Estarte herself sincerely thanked me. If I'm going to be honest, they make a cute couple, though it's pretty obvious which one is the dominant one, heh."

Song Lee had to sit down in a nearby chair and was still in shock. "One of the biggest male virgins in the entire Divine Realm, Red, has finally found a mate, and it was with one of the most beautiful women around. Outstanding..."

Looking at Myr with the a fervent gaze, Song Lee took out a black, white, and gold access card and tapped it against Myr's current card, and she saw the information being transferred to the new card and saw her old one crumble to dust.

Handing the new card over to Myr, Song Lee explained what it was and what it was used for.

"That card I just gave you is our most prestigious access card we have to offer. It grants you the best seats around on any auction floor, and even if the floor is full, you'll be given a spot regardless of whoever is in there, as room will be made for you. Only 3 people have this card besides our top staff, myself, and Manager Wong. It also doubles as the most secure banking card in the entire Divine Realm, and there's no fee to use it anywhere, even if there normally would be. It's soul bound to you now, so nobody else can use it except for you and whoever you give explicit permission to."

With that out of the way, Song Lee took Myr and Chloe up to see Manager Wong.

Once at Manager Wong's office, Song Lee knocked on the door 3 times and an aged voice said "Come on in, I heard about the commotion caused by the teller."

Song Lee opened and held the door open for Myr and Chloe and closed it after entering himself.

Manager Wong looked like an aged, yet stupidly buff eastern man. Looking at Myr, he asked "I presume you're Lady Shiro. Seeing as how Song Lee gave you the only other black access card we had left, I take it you're the one who helped that virgin Red find a mate?"

Myr nodded and chuckled. "Calling him a virgin would be an understatement. The idiot was totally new to love, and although he didn't know it himself, I know he was genuinely attracted to Estarte."

Manager Wong wasn't bothered by Myr not using formalities, but was rather relieved that there was someone who was willing to casually talk with him.

With a deep booming laughter, Manager Wong beamed at Myr. "It's nice to see someone who's not afraid to speak to me casually. Ah, it's been eons since the last person arrived, and he got killed off in a dispute over an item he had won here at this auction house. Ah, excuse me for getting off topic, I'm growing old. I hear you have some valuable items that you want to auction off here? Normally the Auction House would take 10 percent of your earnings, but seeing as how I like you, we'll only take 5 percent. It's been a while since I could just talk with someone, hahaha!"

Myr chuckled. "Sure, that works for me. I have to say, you may be old looking when it comes to your hair color, but your figure itself tells a different story. I can sense that you're a tier 7 entity, and a peak one at that. Speaking of your hair color, I have something that might help you."

Pulling a box full of "Touch of Grey" hair products for men, Myr sets the box down, takes a unit out, and shows it to Manager Wong. "All you need to do is comb this stuff into your beard and hair, and it'll give it the color of black with some gray marks on it. it'll make you look a lot younger."

Manager Wong stroked his beard. Deciding to try it, he brought out a comb and started combing it through his beard and hair. After using an entire bottle of the stuff, Myr made a mirror and turned it to face Manager Wong, who was shocked that he, despite the billions of years alive, could look this young and handsome again.

Beaming at Myr, Manager Wong laughed once more. "Hahaha! I look young again. How much for the rest?"

Myr shook her head and said "For not being like I had imagined you to be, just take the box. I'll let you know when I get more and deliver it to you here at your office. Consider this a gift of good faith, as I know a man of your caliber keeps his promises and takes his vows more serious than his safety, and I feel like I can trust a man like you."

Beaming for a third time, Manager Wong bowed to Myr. "Then I thank you for this wonderful gift. Now then, let's see what sort of items you'd like to auction off."

Grinning, Myr snapped her fingers and brought forth a multitude of items, all of which were the divine transcendental grade, and almost made Song Lee and Manager Wong's eyes pop out.

Stroking his beard after he had looked over every item and confirmed it's quality, he turned towards Myr and said "There's a special auction floor that handles items of this quality constantly. I'll send these items here and have them listed down as showstoppers, which is just code for "Don't piss off Lady Shiro and you'll get a small cut." That'll convince everyone to treat you with respect, as they should anyways. I do apologize about the teller though, if you'd like, I can have him punished."

Myr snorted. "I wasn't annoyed that he talked to me like that, as I really don't give a shit. I was annoyed that if it was someone less forgiving than myself, he could've lost his life because of his stupidity. You don't need to punish him per say, but just retrain him and drill it into his thick skull that he could very well cease to exist if he runs his mouth like that again."

Nodding his head, Manager Wong let's Song Lee know to have that teller retrained. Guiding Myr and Chloe over to the best and largest auction floor, Manager Wong led them up the stairs to one of the 5 Black Rooms that were the Luxury rooms.

Opening the door for Myr and Chloe, Manager Wong smiled warmly at them both and said "If you need something to drink or eat, just press this button right here. If you would like to bid on an item, press this button right here and say the amount you would like to bid. If you want to allow someone into the room, press this button here. For any other inquiries, press this button here. Now then, I'll have your items processed for the auction, and I'll make sure you make a lot from this. The auction itself starts in 2 hours, so please, make yourselves comfortable."

With that Manager Wong leaves as Myr and Chloe looked at each other and giggled.

"You hungry Chloe? Because I'm extremely hungry."

"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry myself. Let's see what they have to offer."

Looking over the menu, which was more expansive than both of them thought was possible, they each ordered over 40 dishes in total, as Chloe just got some wine as her drink, and Myr got some interesting looking juice.

10 minutes later, their food was brought in by many waiters wearing very fine suits and gloves. They brought the food in under very pristine looking cloches and opened put them on the table and opened them, taking the trays and cloches with them.

Looking at all of the food, and smelling it, both Myr and Chloe dug in. Myr first ate her several filet mignon steaks from an animal called a "3 Headed Silver Steer". The taste was phenomenal to say the least. Tender, soft, and juicy, the steaks were the best she had ever had, besides the ones Mama Mia made. Chloe started out with her beef bulgogi made from strips of meat from an animal called a "2 Headed Spiked Bull". The seasoning was perfect, and the meat itself was bursting with flavor, savory and sweet, and a hint of spice due to some peppers being used when it was marinating.

Both Myr and Chloe moved onto their fish dishes, and they both sighed in pleasure at the taste of bliss in their mouths. Myr got 3 platters of sushi made from a fish called a "9 Eyed Fatty Tuna", and the sushi basically fell apart and melted in her mouth. The rice was sweet, and what she assumed was the Divine Realm's version of wasabi and veggies gave it a nice kick and crunch. She also got steaks of fish that she couldn't even read the name of, but it tasted like heaven. It was soft, buttery meat that was sweet and went along nicely with the sour sauce provided.

Chloe also got sushi, but it was from a fish called a "Twin Tailed Numa Shark". It had a rich and bold flavor, yet the fish itself was delicate and fell apart easily. The veggies, wasabi, and rice used in her sushi had a slightly tart yet sweet taste to it, complimenting the meat. Chloe's additional fish dishes consisted of steaks from a fish called a "7 Finned Alabaster Truntle" and had a very potently savory flavor. The soy sauce that they provided went along perfectly with the fish steaks.

Dish after dish disappeared and pretty soon, both Myr and Chloe were full, and happy. Noticing the noise outside dying down, Myr knew that they had finished just in time for the auction to start.

"Gods and goddesses, demons and anything in between, the auction is now starting! This time, we have a whole assortment of items, most of which could be counted as prime items, so we ask that you refrain from killing eachother until you're OUTSIDE of the Auction House. Any rule breakers will be swiftly dealt with. Now, let's begin!"

A very pretty woman wheeled the first set of items out, which were a pair of intricately carved ear rings that gave off a soothing aura.

"The first set of items to appear are a pair of hand crafted, divine grade healer's ear rings. Boosting anyone's healing abilities by 10 fold as their passive effect. Bids start at 10,000 low Divine Crystals!"

The bidding stopped at 12,340 low Divine Crystals.

None of the items that showed up interesting Myr or Chloe, so they just ordered more food and happily ate it while they waited for Myr's items to pop up.

After a period of 2 hours of bidding for the other items, Myr's first set of items that she was auctioning off took the stage.

"Here we have a set 9 rings that is aptly named "9 Lives Rings"! When worn, each of these each will, without fail, completely and utterly nullify 1 lethal blow, in exchange for 1 ring's durability. The rings themselves cannot be damaged in any way, shape, or form, and are bound to the first user who puts them on! Starting bid for such an exquisite accessory set is 1,000 supreme Divine Crystals!"

"5,000 supreme!"

"15,000 supreme!"

"100,000 supreme!"

"100 Heavenly."

The latest bid made a complete silence descend up on the entire auction floor. Seeing as how nobody else bid for a good 10 seconds, the auctioneer banged his gavel and said "SOLD FOR 100 HEAVENLY DIVINE CRYSTALS!"

Item after item was auctioned off, the prices steadily rising as some of Myr's items she had auctioned off were getting increasingly crazy with their effects, and best of all, no drawbacks to the items uses and abilities, unlike most divine grade equipment.

As the last item sold, the auctioneer banged his gavel and shouted "That concludes it for this year's auction in the VIP auction floor! We thank you for coming and may good fortune befall you!"

Getting up, Myr and Chloe put on their masks and when they opened the door, 8 tier 7 guards in full armor and heavily armed, escorted them down to the payment booth, where Myr would receive her payment.

A teller pulled them aside into a completely separate room, which drew quite a bit of attention from the other people present, and shut the door.

Obviously nervous, the teller said "The items that you auctioned off are bound to cause more than a few conflicts, though you don't have to worry about it being traced back to you. Even if it is, the Auction House will take full responsibility for anything that happens if you or your family ever comes under danger due to this. The amount you made tonight is a grand total of 1,034,050 heavenly Divine Crystals and 4,350,803 supreme Divine Crystals after we took 5 percent of your earnings tonight. For future reference, 1 heavenly Divine Crystal is worth 1,000,000 supreme Divine Crystals, 1 supreme Divine Crystal is worth 1,000,000 high Divine Crystals, 1 high Divine Crystal is worth 1,000,000 mid Divine Crystals, and 1 mid Divine Crystal is worth 1,000,000 low Divine Crystals. You don't need to worry about this however, due to your Black Card automatically converting the amount of Divine Crystals as needed. All in all, you're now one of the richest beings in the entire Divine Realm in terms of the sheer amount of Divine Crystals in your possession. All of your Divine Crystals will be stored inside of your card, and you can bring them out as your leisure wherever you are. Any questions at all?"

Myr shook her head and smiled at the teller. Taking her card back after the teller deposited the Divine Crystals into it, Myr took a heavenly Divine Crystal out and tossed it to the teller. "Consider that your tip for being helpful. Now then, we must be on our way. Places to be, things to do, and sights to see. Take care."

Myr and Chloe got up and walked out of the room with the teller still staring at the heavenly Divine Crystal in a stupor, which they both found funny.

When people saw them exit the room, some murmurs started about what sort of items they won or what sort of money they earned. This instantly put both of them on guard, but neither of them showed it. Making it out of the auction house was easy, and as soon as they walked out the front doors, Myr teleported both her and Chloe to the nearest shopping center.

Taking off their masks and changing their clothes to more casual ones that they could still fight in, both Myr and Chloe walked hand in hand with each other into the shopping mall, where they would spend more than their fair share of time wandering around and seeing what the entire mall had to offer.