Direct Ascension

"Hey Chloe, I want to try something" Myr said while they walked around after spending the better part of 6 hours shopping and buying whatever caught their eye.

Chloe looked at Myr and asked "Oh? What do you want to try?"

Myr shrugged her shoulders. "I kind if want to try and eat a Divine Crystal. They look like sparkly candy, and to me, they smell sweet, and I like my sweets."

A group of gods and goddesses passing by heard Myr and were horrified. "Um, Miss! You don't want to eat them!" one of the goddesses said running up to her.

Raising her left eyebrow, Myr pointedly asked "And why exactly would that be?"

The goddess looked even more worried now. "Because they're meant to be absorbed through cultivation. Even gods and goddesses of magic, mana, and other forms of energy know how to cultivate using Divine Crystals! Besides, while it would take only a fraction of the amount of time needed to absorb them, it would wreck your body!"

Myr shrugged her shoulders, took out a heavenly Divine Crystal, which shocked the group of gods and goddesses, and popped it into her mouth and chewed.

Raising her eyebrows, Myr was quite content with the taste. "Hey, these are really good! The outside is hard and crunchy, but the inside is like gooey candy! Sweet, and it tastes like... strawberries? Interesting."

Myr then swallowed the Divine Crystal and barely felt a slight tugging sensation in her core, but that was it.

Looking at the goddess, Myr asked "Nothing. I don't feel stronger at all. I feel perfectly fine. Now if you're quite done meddling in business that doesn't concern you, kindly piss off, you're ruining my wife and I's date."

With that, Myr and Chloe walked away, leaving the group of gods and goddesses stupefied that Myr's body didn't become crippled.

Chloe turned to Myr and asked "You think you were a little too harsh there? She was only trying to help you out, though I do agree that it was kind of annoying."

Myr scoffed and retorted "That dumb bimbo that just talked to us didn't seem all that bright. Besides, something about her irked me to no end. It's not that she didn't know who she was talking to, but more along the lines of that she just butted in without warning. I hate it when people do that."

Chloe sighed and rubbed around Myr's ears. "There there, don't get all testy now. I know, let's get something to eat then head back to Orario. I'm sure the others are worried about where we went. After all, it was kind of sudden, though I'm sure Tenshi, Nox, and Team Neko did just fine convincing everyone that we would only be gone for a little bit."

Myr nodded her head and smiled. "Sure, something to eat sounds great right about now. Look, there's a bar and tavern right over there, let's see if there's any good burgers."

Chloe looked at Myr funny. "What's a burger? I know you cook for us a lot, but I've never heard you use that word before."

Myr was shocked for a moment before she realized that a lot of the food she cooked for her family never involved one of her favorite foods, the burger. Chuckling, Myr pulled Chloe along while saying "If they have burgers, you're in for a treat. They're a little greasy, but not too much so. You can put all sorts of toppings on them as well to make them even more tasty."

Once they were inside, they noticed that the only females that were inside were actually the staff. Not caring in the slightest, they made their way up to the counter where they flagged a waitress.

"Do you folks have burgers here?" Myr asked in a hopeful tone.

The waitress nodded and gave them each an expansive menu full of food that you could expect at a bar and grill. They ordered several burgers each and some pizza, which made the waitress give them a worried look, but neither of them knew why.

After the waitress took their orders and brought them their drinks, Myr and Chloe were chatting about what sort of fun things they would do when they returned here some time, when a group of 5 gods, all young men appearing to be in their 20's, boisterously walked into the bar, and the gods that were already there parted ways for them to walk through.

The group of 5 gods that had just walked in noticed that Myr and Chloe weren't paying attention to them, and they were about to make a scene when one of them pointed out "Hey boss, they look cute."

They didn't expect Myr and Chloe to hear them though, which caused the two of them to prepare to take out their respective weapons, and get ready for a fight.

The young looking god who Myr assumed to be the boss, walked up to them both and sat down next to Chloe, while another one of them sat down next to Myr. Myr noticed that the waitress was giving her a pitying look, which didn't make Myr feel any more relaxed.

"Hey there cutie, what's your name? I'm the illustrious Bal Zen, a god of war and honor. Mind if I buy you a drink?" said the young looking god sitting next to Chloe.

Chloe in turn didn't even turn towards him and bluntly said "No, the goddess sitting next to me is my wife. I might not be able to put up much of a fight against a tier 5 entity like yourself, but she'd just need to slap you once to kill you. Mind your manners in front of her and know your place, for she's much less patient than I am."

The god frowned at this momentarily before smiling again. "Aw come now, it was only a little small talk, nothing bad right? Besides, sometimes it does you good to experiment! So what do you say, may I buy you a drink?"

Myr was too busy paying attention to Chloe's situation that she didn't notice the man sitting next to her reaching for her tail. When he grabbed it, the god suddenly found himself without feeling in his arm. Looking at it, he saw Myr holding the entire arm that was cleanly cut from his body, in her hands, while she glared at him.

"Dipshit, try that again, and I'll slice you to ribbons. There are very few people willing to give you any trouble around here, I'm sure of it, but I'm not someone you can afford to offend. Now leave, before you die right here, right now. I'll butcher all 5 of you for daring to make a move on my wife. That's not before I parade your broken bodies around the entire realm like lousy decorations, and hang you by your balls from the top of the Auction House!"

Myr then hit the god with his own arm and sent him flying out of the bar. This caught the attention of the other patrons, and the other 4 gods that Myr presumed to be the god's friends. Everyone looked at her in horror, and the gods that were there before Myr and Chloe were thankful that they didn't do anything to offend Myr.

The god that was hitting on Chloe became enraged. "You filthy whore! Who the fuck do you think you are?! I'll kill you!"

Myr turned around, and faster than anyone could see, blinked over next to the man and held a knife to his throat. Normally, this wouldn't bother him, but the feeling and aura that the knife gave off left him genuinely scared for his life.

Myr growled out "Who I am doesn't matter, all that matters is you either leave right fucking now, or all 5 of you die, and I'll make sure you suffer. An offense against my wife is an offense against me. Now that I think about it, I'll tell you my name. My name is Myr Aeternum, a goddess that I assume you've heard of as a so called "rising star". That's not just for show, there isn't a thing I can't kill or erase, and if there is, I can at least suppress them to an extreme degree. I'm currently tier 7, but can easily match a tier 10 god or goddess' power. I hate playing these card, but you've pissed me off. Now beat it, or do you want to die?"

Everyone in the bar except Myr and Chloe stiffened up and turned white in the face. Bal Zen looked frightened beyond measure, and secretly, or at least he thought secretly, pressed a distress button his grandfather gave him. His grandfather was a tier 8 entity, and because he was betting on Myr bluffing, he called his grandfather over.

A flash of light appeared and an older looking man with a long beard and adorned in full armor appeared and looked around for his grandson. Seeing who was holding a knife to his throat, Bel's grandfather paled and hesitantly said "Great Goddess Myr, whatever my grandson has done, I'm sure it doesn't warrant his death. How about we talk this through over some tea."

Myr turned to look at the new arrival and instantly guess that he was Bel's grandfather, as he looked too old to be his father to her.

Myr snorted. "What he did does indeed warrant his death. He first tried hitting on my wife. After he was politely told to piss off, he tried it again, then had one of his friends grab my tail. The trash who grabbed my tail lost his arm, and I plan on hunting him down to finish the job. If you can bring that fool to me alive, then I'll forgive what your idiot grandson did, after he cuts off his right thumb. I hate people like him, arrogant, small minded, overly selfish and rude, and not caring about anyone's feelings but his own. You're lucky you showed up when you did and are polite, otherwise I would've killed both him and you. Now get to it, I'm giving you 5 minutes before blood is spilled."

Bel's grandfather nods and blinks away. It only takes him a minute to find the god that got his arm cut off by Myr. He teleported back and dropped the god down in front of Myr. Seeing as how the god was alive, Myr nodded and handed Bel a knife.

"Cut off your right thumb and you'll be forgiven. Don't cut it off, and you and your grandfather dies. Your grandfather may also cut off your thumb, so which do you choose? The loss of a thumb for a few hundred years, or the permanent loss of you and your grandfather's life? You have 5 seconds to decide."

The god instantly grabbed the knife, and without hesitation, cuts his thumb off and sets it before Myr. Seeing that he actually did it, Myr nods and takes back her knife and waves her hand to shoo him and his grandfather out.

Bel's grandfather thanked Myr before teleporting away so his grandson could seek medical treatment, though it would ultimately prove futile as Myr had applied a powerful curse on the Bel's thumb that prevented any sort of healing from a god or goddess that was tier 9 or below.

Chloe hugged Myr as the waitress, still a little bit in shock from what she just saw, brought their food out, and watched and Myr and Chloe dug in as if nothing had ever happened. Everyone thought that Myr had a few screws loose, until they realized that they all had some screws loose, though some people more so than others.

A younger looking god that looked like he was in his late teens, walked up to Myr and hesitantly asked "Um, Great Goddess Myr, could I... could I have your autograph?"

Myr turned to look at the god, which made him flinch, but he still held out a smithing hammer. Remembering back in Orario and the smith from the Hephaestus Familia who did the same thing that the god in front of her right now was doing, Myr chuckled and motioned for the god to give her his hammer, which he did, all while watching for signs of if he would need to run or not.

Inspecting the hammer, she noticed that while it was very well made, it had some nicks and chips in it that for some reason really bothered Myr. Tapping the hammer with her right pointer finger, she sent a surge of nanomachines over it and instantly repaired it, as well as increasing it's strength to a ridiculous degree, and even giving it some offense, defensive, and miscellaneous positive enchantments to make it better than ever. She then carved her signature into the side of the hammer and gave it back to the god.

The god noticed that his hammer felt more attuned to him, which made him extremely happy, as now he knew he had a chance to compete in his pantheon's smithing competition now that he had a hammer that naturally fit him.

"Thank you Great Goddess Myr! I'll never forget this as long as I live!" the god exclaimed while looking fondly as his hammer.

This amused Myr as she gave him a thumbs up and went back to eating her burgers. After a few more minutes of eating, Myr and Chloe wiped their mouths off, and Myr paid for her and Chloe's meals. Due to the trouble caused by her, she made sure to tip the waitress 1 heavenly Divine Crystal, which she tried to refuse until Myr asked her "Are you really sure you want to refuse my offer? I hate getting gifts I give thrown back in my face" which promptly made the waitress shake her head and accept the tip.

Once outside, Myr decided to eat some more of her heavenly Divine Crystals, and before she knew it, she had eaten all but 10,000 of them. Wanting to save some for shopping or whatever else she may need, Myr began to start snacking on her supreme Divine Crystals, all until only 1 million remained.

Once she had eaten her fill, she started to feel strange, as if she were gaining more and more power by the second. Shrugging her shoulders, Myr tried to shut off the increase of power, only to find that she couldn't. With a neutral expression, Myr tugged on Chloe's sleeve, and when Chloe looked at her, she bluntly said "Chloe, I think I ate too many of those crystals. I think I might be ascending soul tiers again."

This elicited a sigh from Chloe as she and Myr darted up into the furthest reaches of the realm that they could easily go to, and Myr had enough time to put up a plethora of protective enchantments around Chloe before she felt herself get sleepy, and within a few seconds, fell asleep, unsure of how long it was going to take for her to ascend.

The last thing she saw before she blacked out was a wall of what appeared to be crystal surrounding her.


'Mmm, I don't know quite how to describe this. It's weird, but I'm pretty sure I'm not where I was before. Wait, FUCK! CHLOE, THE OTHERS, DAMN IT ALL!'

Bursting out of her curled up position, Myr instantly donned her adventurer's attire and looked around, only to see Chloe, and a multitude of other gods and goddesses staring at her with wide eyes.

Seeing as how she wasn't alone with Chloe, Myr was about to start throwing a fit when Chloe came up to her and hugged her.

"I'm glad to see you're awake, and before you start thrashing the gods and goddesses that are here, they weren't spying on you or I at all, and rather came to guard your crystal while you were evolving soul tiers, as that's when you're basically the most vulnerable. They're all tier 10 entities, and you yourself are now a tier 10 entity, though you have the strength to do basically anything you want right now, or so they tell me. I even got a boost from your ascension. I'm now a soul tier 8 being, though I could hold my own against a late stage tier 9 god or goddess."

Myr nodded, and quickly checked out on Systi. 'Partner, you there?'

{Yeah, I'm here. You REALLY need to stop with this ascension bullshit. This is the, um.. I don't know how many times this has been, but I've been upgrading constantly as of late. Can you maybe chill for a few thousand years? Please? Because I'm not sure how much more I can take of you ascending and me having to keep upgrading myself. Seriously, you need to chill and mess around with people. I managed to freeze your world before you ascended, so the entire record is frozen, but not sealed, though it wouldn't matter if it was sealed, as you'd be able to unseal it with nothing but intent alone. My second task functions are also fully upgraded as well. I'll show you what you missed.}


Nodding her head, Myr smiled, knowing that her goal was now accomplished. Knowing that she had every skill, power, ability, ect. without limits, made her feel giddy with excitement.

Chloe naturally caught on instantly and chopped the top of her head, causing Myr to look at her in confusion. "What did I do now Chloe? I didn't do anything yet!"

Chloe looked at Myr with furrowed brows and a smirk. "So you admit you were planning something. Alright, well, we had better head back to our world. I don't think anyone or anything could ever even threaten you now. Your system filled me in on the basis of what your main ability does. How many powers do you have now?"

Myr tried filing through all her available powers that came with [Complete Arsenal], and failed to do so after a couple of minutes filing through trillions of abilities per second.

Looking at Chloe, Myr smirked and said "I possess every power. Period, no exceptions, no limits. The only thing I don't posses is being straight up omnipotent. I'm pretty sure I can now travel between omniverses, and even plane of existences. Let's see here... Ah, I got the perfect ability to show you and everyone else present."

Myr turned around and simply snapped her fingers, as countless magic circles filled everyone's direct visions, and senses. A second of silence descended, and then, a storm. A solid wave of beams, blasts, bullets, missiles, and other various projectiles came out of the magic circles and fired of into one direction. Myr only kept this ability active for 3 seconds before waving her hand and erasing all of the projectiles she fired off.

Turning around, Myr grinned and said "That's an ability called [Bullet Hell]. It lets me fire off an unquantifiable amount of projectiles of every type continuously until I decide to deactivate the ability. I can even send out projectiles that can instantly erase anything it touches. Pretty cool right?"

Chloe went up and hugged Myr and said "That's indeed amazing! You need to show me some of your more insane, but still manageable powers and abilities later!"

Myr giggled and nodded her head. Both her and Chloe then teleported to their world, leaving the present gods and goddesses to shiver and silently vow to keep what they just saw between themselves, not wanting to incur Myr's wrath, because although they've been alive for longer than even some of the most senior residents of the Divine Realm, they didn't want to die just yet.


Back in Orario, Myr unfroze the record and as soon as she did so, her communication jade lit up. Clasping it in her hand, Myr heard Loki's voice. "Myr?! Where the HELL have you been?! Everyone's been worried sick about you!"

Myr felt guilty and quickly explained what had happened to Loki, obviously confusing her as she had never heard of the Divine Realm, though was surprisingly calm about it, though whether this was due to her being used to Myr doing crazy things constantly, or whether she just didn't care enough about her daughter's business because she knew Myr could more than handle herself, was left to be cleared up.

Myr and Chloe's daughters then came into her room and started asking a lot of questions at once, to which Myr just held up her hand and smiled at her curious daughters.

"Gather around girls, mom has a story to tell you."