Rakia's Error (part 1)

All of the gods and goddesses on the planet could feel two power sources, one massive, and one that might as well be the universe itself going towards eachother, and almost mixing of a sorts, which isn't far from the truth.


Fists, feet, legs, arms, tails, and the occasional headbutt could be seen being exchanged between the two most powerful beings on the planet at the moment.

"You're doing a pretty good job at keeping up Chloe, let's turn it up a notch!" Myr shouted with a wild grin on her face.

Chloe laughed and got into a ready stance. "Quit talking and let's turn it up then!"

Sonic booms could be heard crashing throughout the sky and shattering whatever peace there may have been. Even the gods and goddesses in heaven could feel the power signatures of the two cat girls, and it terrified them.

Strikes were being thrown at several times the speed of light, all of which caused the fabric of space and time to rip, tear, and warp, as they turned up the intensity little by little, and eventually had to go into space, lest they break apart the planet.

Funny enough, they could hear eachother just fine in space, though they were ultimately too focused on what they call their "light sparring".

Their spar continued until Myr snuck in a sly hidden fist as she was raining down hard on Chloe, striking her in the stomach, sending her flying at ten times the speed of light, and a little bit faster at that. Myr's punch threw Chloe through a couple of wayward planets.

Blinking over to Chloe, Myr continued to rain down on her hard with a flurry of strikes, as she knew that Chloe was only lightly marked, and not even bruised at that.

Chloe countered with a flurry of her own strikes, as they were once again locked in a stalemate. This time, Chloe threw a hidden kick in after she established a fake pattern for Myr to "analyze", and it worked.

Chloe's kick sent Myr flying off even further into space, shattering entire planets, asteroids, and even through some black holes. While she was crashing through whatever she hit, Myr was mentally kicking herself for falling for the pattern trick, that Chloe used last time they had their weekly spar.

Coming to a stop, Chloe almost instantly appeared behind her and sent a viscious hook towards Myr's head, to which she ducked and sent a hail of punches so fast that they left thousands of afterimages. This threw Chloe off, but not to the point of being overly surprised, only a little when a few of them connected.

While Chloe herself wasn't aware of this, Myr could clearly see the glowing silver aura surrounding Chloe, and this left her in shock.

'Fucking hell, [Ultra Instinct]! Granted I have it as well, but this is absurd! I guess this must be one of Chloe's hidden skills. I think I may have pushed her to power up a bit, though I'm glad, now we can freely fight side by side.'

Myr ups the speeds of her strikes, to the point where they were constantly creating micro-tears in the fabric of space-time. She started to add kicks in as well, and this proved to be almost too much for Chloe to handle, even with [Ultra Instinct] active. Myr wanted to see just how far Chloe could push herself, as she knew that Chloe's energy was draining faster and faster the more serious Myr got.

Releasing a bit more of her power, she started to infuse a miniscule amount of her aura into her strikes, and Myr could tell that any more and she may end up seriously hurting Chloe, which she didn't want.

Suddenly stopping her strikes, Chloe instantly canceled her [Ultra Instinct] and upon doing so, felt extremely light headed. Wobbling a little, Myr quickly held onto Chloe as they both smiled at eachother and kissed.

"You never cease to amaze me Chloe. Never stop." Myr said with a glimmer in her eyes.

Chloe responded with a smirk. "Oh I don't plan on stopping, though I'll take a break when I manage to beat you one of these days. I'm pretty hungry right now though, that new skill that I activated, [Ultra Instinct] I think it was called, drains a lot of my energy, even more when the opponent I'm fighting against is leagues stronger than I am, like you. I'm gonna need a lot of food to recover my strength, and some rest. Care to help a lady out~?"

Myr giggled and said "Of course. I'll cook you all the food you want when we get back, give me a moment."

Snapping her fingers, Myr teleported her and Chloe back to Myr's mansion in Orario, where Loki, Hephaestus, Ourania, and Freya could all be seen sitting on a couple of her couches in her living room, chatting away while some WaiterBots brought them snacks and tea.

Seeing this, Myr cleared her throat, which lightly startled everyone present, though not enough to make them drop their snacks and tea.

Loki was the first to notice Myr was carrying Chloe. "kukukuku, usually it's the other way around Myr, what's the occasion?"

Myr sighed while Chloe gave her a tired smile. Myr said with a big grin "Chloe here exhausted herself using a new skill she got that let her evenly match me up until I started using about 15 percent of my total strength. 16 percent was where we had to call it quits. To put it into perspective, I'd need less than .05 percent of my total strength to turn this planet into dust, never to form again. So you can imagine how strong Chloe is able to become when she's in a pinch."

Everyone stared at both Myr and Chloe with perfect deadpans. Chloe awkwardly chuckled. "Well Myr, now I know how you feel, though I don't know how you're so thick skinned that this doesn't bother you."

Loki snorted. "Chloe, Myr has always been this thick skinned. You should have seen the time when she strung a man upside down, naked, in front of the Guild when she found out he was trying to spy on you from afar. It was pretty funny, HAHAHAHA!"

Myr looked horrified. "MOM! You promised not to tell her!" Myr felt a tap on her shoulder, and when she turned around, she saw Chloe looking at her with a complex expression. Knowing that she screwed up, Myr held up both of her hands and said "Hey, I know that look. I only did it on an impulse. Besides, I had a good reason, a very valid one, besides that he was trying to spy on you. He tried approaching Nox to try and get her to sleep with him, and I just so happened to overhear him trying to convince her. Luckily Nox is a good girl and punched him in the gut like I taught her to and ran off."

Hephaestus, Ourania, and Freya all spit out their tea with Myr's revelation about what she taught Nox to do, wondering what other things that Myr had taught her daughters to do. The only one out of the 4 goddesses who wasn't affected was Loki, who Myr told exactly she taught her daughters to do for whatever situation they might find themselves in.

Chloe tried to look angry, but couldn't hold it in any longer, and burst out laughing. "You.. You taught Nox to punch anyone in the gut that tried to solicit anything sexual? AHAHA! That's hilarious!"

Myr sighed a breath of relief, knowing that she wouldn't get scolded. Smiling at Chloe, she was about to ask her what she wanted to do today when she suddenly felt a single ping in her sensory magic she set up around Orario in a 300km radius.

Sensing that it was someone who was a soul tier 4, Myr felt slightly irked as she had a sneaking suspicion about who might have set it off.

Using her viewing magic, Myr saw that it was indeed Ares. Not quite sure if he was thinking of attacking, she decided that she would set up some defenses, as even though it wouldn't be necessary, she wanted Chloe to be full strength, so she made sure to set up some obstacles that Rakia's army would have to pass in order to reach Orario. Nothing that would kill any of them, just enough to thoroughly annoy and hinder their progress.

Chloe, amidst eating more food than anyone had ever seen her eat, noticed the fluctuations in Myr's aura and asked "Myr, is something the matter? I can tell that you're fairly annoyed right now."

Everyone turned to look towards her as she scratched the bridge of her nose. "Well, I just felt Ares trigger my sensory magic, and I'm pretty sure he's going to try and invade Orario again. Don't worry, I set up some drawbacks for his little army. Nothing lethal, but I don't think they're gonna want to fight amidst a horde of lesser banshees, tar pits, and a literal ton of tripwires, snare traps, and fall pits."

Loki snickered and went back to snacking on some tea biscuits, which had 0 calories which Myr was proud of making, and sipping on some wonderful tea.

Chloe shrugged her shoulders, and in-between bites of food, she said "I'm sure it'll be fine. Besides, you've already fought in two pseudo wars, let the adventurers handle this one like they always do."

Myr sighed and shrugged her shoulders as well. "Fine, I'll let them take care of Rakia's army, but I call dibs on gutting Ares. His constant attacks on Orario are grinding my gears, and I'm not gonna let him do it any longer. There's a limit of my benevolent patience."

Ourania, Freya, and Hephaestus gave Myr a look that screamed "What the fuck do you mean "benevolent" patience?"

This got Loki, Myr, and Chloe to chuckle as they all dug into more food. Seeing this, the other 3 just sighed and returned to their snacks and tea.

Myr broke the silence. "Hey Mom, what are everyone's levels now? Have they been taking their training seriously, or do I have to give them some motivation?"

Loki smirked. "Not surprisingly, Finn, Ais, and Riveria all hit level 8 recently. The rest of them are level 7, with surprisingly Bete being in the lead of my level 7's. Something about wanting to be able to stand on top of the entire race of wolf demi-humans. The gear you gave him, well, he takes EXTREMELY good care of it. Tione and Tiona are all late level 7's in terms of stats, and Tiona still has a 0 for her magic stat, though she more than makes up for it in raw strength and speed. Gareth is now a monster when it comes to raw strength and dexterity, while Anakitty is actually now a level 6. The rest of my Familia is level 5 now."

Freya nodded. "My Familia members have been training non-stop as of late. They're rarely in the mansion any more, as all they're doing is training. Ottar has made it to near peak level 10 stats, and pretty soon, as in I'm guessing a year's worth of time, he'll be able to become a demi-god through sheer stats alone. Allen is now a level 8, and his speed is out of this world. Hedin and Hogni are both level 7, as are the Gulliver brothers. Tammuz, Heith, and Vanir are all level 6 now as well."

Hephaestus chimed in. "Yeah, Tsubaki is now level 8. She's a powerhouse when it comes to strength, dexterity, and surprisingly her magic. She's gained several fire type spells, as well as some summoning magic. How she managed to pull that off, I have no idea. All I know about it is that it lets her summon fire elementals, the violent types, that are peak level 8, and will get stronger as she does. The rest of my Familia members are hovering around level 5-6, as I made it mandatory for them to train if they want to stay with me."

All of a sudden, a very chipper Mama Mia came in with her greatsword that had chips, dents, and was even partially melted, all while her clothes, hair, and skin was caked with monster gore.

"Yo Myr! How are you doing hon? Say, I might need some maintenance done on my armor and sword here, and Hephaestus doesn't know what it's made out of so she can't help. Care to lend an old lady a hand?"

Chuckling, Myr snapped her fingers and Mama Mia's sword, armor, and clothes all washed, fixed, and adjusted themselves to fit Mama Mia, who still looked gorgeous.

Seeing everything was fixed and clean, she laughed. "HAHAHA, thank you Myr, always such a sweetie. I overheard you talking about levels right? Well, I myself am now a bona fide level 8 Adventurer. It's great to have my old body back again, now I can train all I want when I'm not working! I'm even dating a wonderful man right now!"

Myr was shocked, but happy for Mama Mia, as was Chloe. Mama Mia spotted Chloe eating what appeared to be a whole assortment of food, and raised her eyebrows. "Chloe, I don't remember you having such a big appetite. What happened?"

Myr giggled and said "It's best not to disturb her while she's eating. She just used a skill that let her evenly match me in strength for a few minutes, and as such, it drained her of a ton of energy, so food is usually the best way to replenish it. This is the 3rd table of food I've conjured up."

Mama Mia laughed again. "HAHAHAHA! It's great to see her eating her fill! Ah, I remember there were times when she was so concerned with her weight that she would skip meals!"

Myr looked at Chloe and frowned, to which Chloe quickly looked away with a slight blush. Sighing, Myr said "Well, now she doesn't have to worry about her weight. She's a soul tier that's only two below mine, making her leagues stronger than even Ourania over there. I'm most likely the strongest being in existence now, so having a skill that lets her match me in strength will drain an unquantifiable amount of energy, enough to make each and every one of you ascend to gods and goddesses of an even higher caliber."

Snorting, Loki said "Myr, I don't think any of us goddesses here besides you and Chloe want to get any stronger, we're fine with what we have right now. We'll leave the freakishly strong niche to you and your family."

Chuckling, Myr was about to sit down and eat some more when Finn came running in through the front doors. "Loki-sama! Rakia's army was spotted about 200km from here! Should I try and gather the top adventurers to fend them off?"

It was at that moment he saw Myr and Chloe, and realized that he just barged into her home like it was Loki's own mansion, which caused him to go red in the face a bit until he saw Myr chuckling.

He was about to sigh in relief when everyone saw a dull flash and one of Myr's Intelligence Officers teleport behind her to the left.

"Boss, we got some inconvenient news for you. Not only is Rakia's army closing in fast, but they brought along siege technology, though very poor by our standards, from the Iron Mountain. A few of our spies have reported though that it was not the future king who ordered it, but rather a group of nobles within the Mountain. I don't believe they knew that we would be back, or if they even thought their actions through. Should we go with Operation Second Sun?"

Loki raised her eyebrow and asked "Myr, what's this Operation Second Sun? Is it another invasion plan?"

Myr glared at the Intelligence Officer who seemed to shrink back under her glare. Breaking away from looking at the officer, Myr sighed and turned towards Loki and showed her a short clip of what Operation Second Sun was, which basically meant she showed her the effects of Tsar Bomba in her own world, except modifying it a bit to make it much more deadly, powerful enough to make the Iron Mountain and the area several thousand miles around it uninhabitable.

This caused Loki to turn white as a ghost and start shaking, and look at Myr with a little bit of fear in her eyes. The other goddesses, Finn, and Chloe all looked at this, confused as to why Loki of all goddesses would react like this.

Loki then turned serious and said in a quiet voice "Myr, if you follow through with this, you might as well never visit me again. I can understand your rage at what went on over there, but most of the population is innocent and had nothing to do with it."

Wincing at all of the horrified stares she was receiving, as everyone knew that Loki loved Myr to bits and pieces, and for her to make such a statement, anything that had to do with Operation Second Sun must have been horrifying to even the Goddess of Chaos and Trickery.

Myr sighed and waved her hand towards her Intelligence Officer and crisply stated "You're excused. You know damn well what that operation is used for, that being if the Iron Mountain somehow creates any WMD's and uses them against large populations. You can expect some punishment for that little slip up you made, because it not only caused unnecessary panic and fear, but it also revealed a crucial assurance policy we have. Leave.. now."

The officer gulped and silently teleported away. Looking at everyone, Myr spilled the beans. "Operation Second Sun is a last resort contingency plan I've had for quite a while. It involves something called nuclear weapons. Those types of weapons are bombs that when detonated, rival some of my weakest tactical class magic, and the bombs I own are many times stronger than any tactical class magic that can be casted by any mage other than myself and Chloe. They're powerful enough to leave a crater several tens of kilometers deep where the highest point of the Iron Mountain is, and the area at least 2,000km around the center of the blast would become a wasteland from the fallout, or the result of the explosion, become unfertile for hundreds of years into the future. Like I said, it's a last resort contingency plan in case the Iron Mountain creates WMD's, or weapons of mass destruction, like my nuclear weapons, and uses them in warfare. My troops are all on a strict policy where they can only engage if they're engaged first, mainly to prevent incidents like that from escalating."

Everyone was horrified that Myr had knowledge and access to those kinds of weapons. Chloe hugged Myr from behind and said "Myr, I know you would never use them, even if it meant we lost a few lives in the process, so why? Why did you create such weapons?"

Myr sighed again and said "Insurance, protection, and prevention. I'm not totally convinced that we're the only species in this universe, and in the off chance that this planet is invaded by whatever may be out there, and I'm gone, I'll order some of my elite units to man and launch these weapons at whatever may come to this planet with the intention of causing mass harm without hesitation. I haven't had a chance to scan the entire universe yet, and I won't. This worlds needs to improve on it's own, for when my family and I are gone. Either way, I don't plan on even testing out one of my weapons."

Everyone sucked in a cold breath of air, as Loki furrowed her brows and said "What do you mean when you and your family leave? Are you going somewhere?"

Myr winced and said "That's correct. In the case that I die, as does the rest of my family, I'll still have my army stationed in my personal realm. They'll be able to travel to and from there at will, and will handle any protection details that involve this entire planet and your heaven. Now, enough of this sort of depressing talk. I'm pissed now, so I'm gonna go wait for Ares to show himself so I can hang him upside down and beat him senseless, though his skull is thick enough to keep invading. I'll leave the riff raff that is his army to the heavy hitters of the adventurers. They're currently 193km away, enough time to pass out some toys for everyone involved in this battle. They're personal shield generators that will deactivate upon entering the dungeon, but can be activated at will and form a personal protection field around an individual. They'll protect from any attack from a peak level 8 adventurer and below."

Sighing, everyone looked at each other and nodded. Loki then looked at Myr and grinned. "I agree, enough with this depressing talk, it's not like you at all. Besides, we all know that you would forever hate yourself if one of those weapons had to be used. We trust you Myr, don't forget that, it just scared me a lot knowing that there were such weapons that even a level 1 adventurer could use, though if you say you're not going to use them, I believe it, we all do. Now get your ass in gear and kick that fool's ass, he's annoying as fuck, and we can't have that now can we?"

Myr laughed. "Indeed. Well then, ladies, let's move!"