Rakia's Error (part 2)

A flurry of activity could be seen at the Guild, with so many heavy hitters around that everyone who saw them knew that it was either an issue in the dungeon, or that Rakia was invading again.

Myr was seen standing in front of the heavy hitters of various Familia's and then said "Alright folks, Rakia is invading again, which is nothing new, so it's your job to slap them around a bit until they retreat, or surrender. I'll be handling Ares and whichever other gods or goddesses come with the intention of invading Orario, so you're all free to deal with his army however you want. Since you all have the personal shield generators, and you know how to use them, I'll be passing out plenty of grenades and stuff like that to any supporters that want to join in on this routine one-sided beatdown. The rest of you, well, give everyone else a good show."

All of them nodded as they got their weapons and gear ready. Myr was looking around and saw Bell talking to Ais. Seeing this, Myr smirked and got an idea. Walking up to Bell, Myr tapped him on his shoulder, which at first startled him, but then got him to smile when Myr asked, "Little Rabbit, you wanna join Ais in on this? It'd give you some good experience."

Bell excitedly nodded and replied "Of course! Thank you Aunt Myr! I promise I won't let you down!"

Myr nodded her head and decided to ask Bell a question. "Say, Little Rabbit, what's your level now? Around 3?"

Bell looked confused. "Um, no it's not Aunt Myr. I become a level 6 a few days ago."

Myr spit out the water she was drinking and coughed a little. Looking at Bell as if he were an alien, she asked "How the HELL did you manage to become level 6 in that short of a time? The only one who had been quicker than you to get to level 6 is ME, and that's saying A LOT!"

Bell scratched the top of his head with a single finger and gave her a sheepish smile. "Hehe, I, umm, I cleared my way down to the 100th floor and then I made it to floor 101 where I fought a really big and scary looking rabbit creature that stood on two legs, was holding an axe, and had a very scary smile."

Myr lightly bopped Bell on the head and pulled his ear while saying "You idiot! That was an ultra rare monster to appear called Gumbo Bunny! It had strength rivaling a peak level 9 adventurer! How the hell did you kill it?!"

Bell winced after Myr let go of his ear, and while rubbing it, said "I didn't hit it much, I only dealt the killing blow. I kept running around and it kept hitting the walls, and every time it did, some big rocks fell on it's head. I only hit it once, and that was when I suddenly felt a lot lighter, and saw some sort of white glow around my weapon. It got knocked out of my hand, so I used the thing's axe instead, and I killed it with that."

Myr pinched the bridge of her nose and patted Bell on the shoulder. "Bell, you activated one of your innate skills called "Argonaut", though it doesn't sound like the normal ability at all. Normally, not only would it take 4 minutes for a full charge, but it would automatically cancel the skill if you were attacked and/or lose focus, not to mention, even with a full charge, that wouldn't be nearly enough to kill off Gumbo Bunny. Take off your shirt for a second, let me have a look."

Bell turned red in a face but complied with Myr. When people saw Myr with her hand hovering over Bell's back, it garnered a few looks, but that was it, especially after Ais glared at anyone who looked over at them.

When Myr saw what the effects of Bell's Argonaut was, she nearly choked on air. 'Bell's Argonaut allows for a full counter equal to the amount of attacks aiming for him with the intent to seriously hurt or kill him, is an instant counter that takes no time to charge, and if faced with an enemy that's over 2 levels above him or by beings that have broken the limit of the Falna, it allows for an instant kill if the conditions are right, which would be that the enemy must have killing intent aimed towards him, must either be a monster or a human with a decent amount of sins, and must be actively attacking him. However, the previous three conditions can be considered null and void if a secret condition is met: Someone he cares greatly for is either on deaths door, or is in imminent danger of dying due to the enemy. What the fuck...'

Myr tapped his shoulder to signify that she was done reading about Bell's skill, after which he hurriedly put his shirt back on and asked "So Aunt Myr, what did my skill say?"

Myr told him everything she knew about his version of Argonaut, which greatly pleased him, knowing that he would have a means to protect his loved ones and people he cared about even better than before.

Ais was impressed to say the least, though you wouldn't be able to tell by her impassive expression.

Myr just sighed at all of this and walked away after giving Bell his own personal shield generator. Afterwards, she saw Hestia chatting with Hephaestus, and decided to join in. She walked closer and heard Hestia complain "Hephaestus, Bell is training non-stop now. I can't get him to relax nearly as much as I used to, something about how he must be strong enough so he can earn the right to stand by Ais' side. It's frustrating!"

Hephaestus rubbed her chin. "Hmm, well in any case, it's a good thing he's training. That rabbit used to be a handful, though now he's even more responsible than Myr was when she first got here, which is good."

"Who's irresponsible when she first got here?" Myr asked from behind both Hestia and Hephaestus, making them both jump.

Myr cackled at their reaction, and while Hestia got over it quickly, Hephaestus knocked Myr on the head and growled "Dumb cat, don't scare me like that, you know how much I hate it when you pop up out of nowhere and startle the hell out of me."

Myr rubbed the top of her head for effect, even though it didn't hurt her in the slightest. Faking a hurt tone, Myr asked "Okay, I'm sorry, but did you really need to hit me that hard?"

Hephaestus just glared at her until Myr clicked her tongue and shook her head. "Tch, no fun, besides, it was a little prank, no biggie~"

Hephaestus deadpanned and flatly asked "Oh? So is the one time you made my hammers fly around my workshop faster than even I could keep track of "no biggie" as well? How about the time when you kept popping into my workshop behind me and leaving various different spiders handing right above where my face was? You know how much I hate spiders."

Myr coughed and looked away and whistled. Hephaestus had an imaginary tick mark on her forehead as she jabbed her thumb towards Myr and said to Hestia, "This is the exact type of stuff I'm talking about when I say that although she's strong, Myr is severely immature, even now after she has a family."

Hestia looked over to where Hephaestus had jabbed her thumb and said "Um, Hephaestus, I don't think Myr is there any more, but I do see a piece of paper where she stood."

Looking over, Hephaestus sees the piece of folded paper on the ground, and against her better judgement, opens it, and earns a face full of confetti with a loud party horn sound as glowing letters popped out from the piece of paper that said "I regret nothing" on it.

Across the way and next to Chloe, Myr heard Hephaestus scream in frustration and defeat, which caused her to cackle. Also hearing Hephaestus' scream, Chloe could only guess that Myr had played some kind of prank on her that she didn't find amusing whatsoever, which also got her to chuckle as well.

Just then, Bell came running up to Myr out of breath and said "Aunt Myr! There's this weird green colored rabbit that just hopped out of the dungeon! Do you know anything about it?"

Myr deadpanned at Bell and asked "Was he repeating the words "All your world are belong to us" by any chance?"

When Bell nodded, Myr sighed and snapped her fingers, causing the green colored rabbit to appear at her feet. Picking it up by the ears, Myr growled "I thought I told you what I was going to do with you if you ever showed your fucking head up here on the surface again. So which will it be, monster bait, or getting thrown on the grill?"

The rabbit just smirked and spit towards Myr's face, which she dodged and brought out a grill and lit it, looking at the rabbit which was now sweating bullets, knowing that Myr wasn't bluffing.

"Okay okay, I get it! I get it! I promise I won't come up here again! Pease don't eat me!"

Myr tilted her head and said with a scary smile "Oh I'd never dream of eating you, but I know several people who would. After all, I heard food is a really good apology gift. Now then, how do you want to be grilled?"

The rabbit started struggling and began to cry. "I'm sorry! Please don't grill me!"

Twirling the rabbit around by it's ears for a full minute, Myr then flung it across the way, into the sky, not caring in the slightest where it landed or if it would survive. Upon seeing Bell's questioning look, Myr sighed and said "That little pest is one of a group of those things that kept stealing the vegetables I tried growing in my garden. I captured them all and told them that I would grill them if they ever came back up here to the surface and I caught them."

Bell nodded his head and said "Alright Aunt Myr, I better get ready, see ya!" and ran off to find Ais.

Shaking her head, Myr put away the grill and got ready for her one sided fight with Ares and whoever else he brought along.


Standing on top of the walls surrounding Orario, Myr was the first to spot the army of Rakia making it's way quickly towards Orario, with Ares, a goddess that Myr could only guess to be Aphrodite, an unknown goddess that was carrying a huge doubled headed battle axe, and a god that Myr had no idea who it was until she scanned the god in question and raised her eyebrows in wonder. 'How the hell did Romulus become a minor god of war and empires? With him, they might just last more than 30 seconds.'

The rest of the heavy hitters were lined up along her on top of the wall, with the supporters down below in trenches that had been dug by Myr with the snap of her fingers. She lent them mortars to use so they could gain some pseudo exillia that could be converted to regular exillia by Myr after the battle using a special device that she had made on a whim but never put into use.

Once the army of Rakia came fairly close to the trench positions, Myr popped an orange flare into the air to signal the mortar crews to get ready. Ares, seeing the flare go up, halted his army. Walking up, Ares looked at the top of the wall, and when he saw Myr, he frowned.

Smirking at this, Myr stepped back, and ran off the wall, pushing herself forward using the wall as leverage, which crumbled a little bit of it that she used. Landing a few meters away from Ares, Myr smirked and held a hand up to ear that was cupped.

Ares then growled "Seeing as how the queen bitch is here, the terms for surrender are out the window I guess. Have it your way then."

Myr just stuck her tongue out and as soon as Rakia's army started moving forward again, Myr hopped backwards about 50 meters, which made Ares, Romulus, and the unknown goddess chase after her. The rest of Ares' army yelled out their war cries and charged towards the wall.

Popping off the red flare she had, Myr smirked as distant *thunk* sounds could be heard, next was the high pitched whistling, and then explosions tore through the Rakia Army's ranks.


The entire groups of soldiers were thrown into complete chaos as men were dying by the tens, then hundreds, and then thousands until the mortars stopped firing, as they had used up all of their ammunition. That was when Myr, who was constantly dodging viscious killing strikes thrown by the 2 gods and goddess in front of her, shot up the green flare, which signaled the heavy hitters to jump down and charge Rakia's army.

This proved to be a huge morale boost to the supporters on the ground, and a massive morale decrease for Rakia's army. All of the heavy hitters, Mama Mia included, sprinted towards the approaching army and began to absolutely trash them.

Normally, they might have landed a few glancing blows at a couple of the adventurers, but this time, there were many more soldiers, as Ares had been fervently gathering and amassing his soldiers, though they were even less of a match against the heavy hitters of Orario.

As Orario's finest were laying waste to Rakia's army, Myr was still toying around with the 3 deities that were beginning to get severely frustrated that they weren't even able to land a single blow against Myr.

Seeing her suddenly stop, Ares scoffed and asked "Are you done running away now, coward?"

Myr giggled and smirked as she said "Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me, bitch."

This set off Ares to an extreme degree as he charged towards Myr in a blind rage, as all of the taunts she threw at them while she was messing around had gotten to all of them, especially Ares, who she had been taunting the most.

Myr disappeared from their vision, and then they suddenly felt a slap on all of their backs, and turned around only to see Myr with a device with a trigger on it. Turning to face them, Myr stuck out her tongue and gave them a playful wink as she squeezed the trigger.


Thousands of volts surged through the devices that Myr had attached to their backs and after 3 seconds, pulled them all together and bound them using electricity. Taking this opportunity to poke some more fun at them, Myr brought out an old fashioned camera that printed out the pictures from the front, and turned it around while giving the camera the epitome of a shit eating grin while she snapped a picture.

Loki, who was watching this via one of Myr's aerial drones, was cackling like mad, while the other gods and goddesses that were watching just deadpanned when they saw Myr just messing around.

They further deadpanned as they saw her pull out a wardrobe and freeze the 3 deities in place as she drew mustaches on them and put a pirate hat on Ares, a top hat on Romulus, and a sideways baseball cap on the unnamed goddess. Taking another picture, Myr continued to do this with outfit after outfit, until Ares somehow came loose and socked Myr right in the jaw.

Turning to face Ares, Myr secretly wrote "Worlds biggest loser" on his chestplate without him noticing. Not being able to contain it, Myr started laughing and pointed towards Ares' chest plate, Looking down he saw what Myr had wrote on his chestplate and became enraged. By now, the other two with him had gotten loose and all 3 of them started attacking Myr again, only this time, Myr did more than just dodge.

Blocking a blow thrown by Ares, Myr threw a viscious palm strike into his abdomen and blasted a clean hole through his body, sending him to heaven as she also sent a mess of violent energy into his body, preventing it from healing and regenerating.

She then threw a flurry of punches and kicks at Romulus, who couldn't even block one strike. by the end, and before he was sent to heaven, people could see his body riddled with deep dents and holes leaking blood everywhere.

Myr then finished off the third goddess off in a far more gentle way, by simply dissolving her body, all while killing off her pain receptors. All the goddess felt was complete and utter peace. Seeing the goddess mouth something to her, Myr realized that she had mouthed "Thank you" to her, right before she completely dissolved, and was sent to heaven.

By now, the army of Rakia had long been trashed to the point of them either surrendering or fleeing. Everyone got to see Myr completely humiliate the god of war, and it sent them a lot of joy knowing that the one who did it was the strongest being on their planet that they knew of, and that all of them knew her as a friend.

Myr turned towards everyone and smiled and gave them a thumbs up. A series of thumbs up and grins could be seen being sent right back at her, which caused her to laugh. Snapping her fingers, the terrain was fixed, the field was cleared of debris and bodies, and everyone was teleported inside the walls and back to her mansion for a huge feast, something that everyone knew was going to happen, but were excited about nonetheless.

After all, who wouldn't want to eat at a powerful goddess' mansion after a not so tough fight that felt more like a walk through the park? Obviously all of them of course!