Recap, Preparation, Departure

Myr got up especially early this day, just to check, double check, and triple check she had all of the necessary gear needed for her and her family's "extended vacation" as she called it.

Chloe was also up as well, going around telling everyone that they knew that they'd be gone for a while, and couldn't be contacted when they left, though they would return.

This surprised a few people, though most of them knew that no matter what Myr came across, that she and her family could handle whatever was thrown at them.

"Luckily I have now the ability to freeze a Record that I have complete control over, though I'm curious what exactly entails me having "ownership" over a record. I could always know which Record I'm going to visit next, but that wouldn't be fun at all. Surprises are quite enjoyable, when they don't try to mess with me that is..."

Slapping herself on her forehead, she muttered "Fuck, now I just threw down a flag, damn it all..." Grumbling to herself for a few minutes as she packs her tools, gear, and projects she was working when she had time, she sent them all into Nekopara, into her personal workshop space.

Making sure that everything was spotless, only then did Myr move onto a different room, whether it be cleaning, sorting, or repairing, she methodically went through each and every room, saving her daughters' rooms for when they woke up.

She recently found out that each member of Team Neko had gained pseudo divinities, with Chocola having a pseudo Life Divinity, Vanilla with a pseudo Death Divinity, Coconut with a pseudo Strength Divinity, Azuki with a pseudo Stealth Divinity, Maple with a pseudo Music Divinity, and Cinnamon had a pseudo Destruction Divinity, much to Myr's amusement.

Tenshi and Nox both had ascended to soul tier 4, with Tenshi getting Life, Light, and Mechanical Manipulation Divinities, while Nox got Death, Darkness, and Biological Manipulation Divinities. Myr was very proud of her daughters becoming so strong. She also vowed that if they ever found a man or woman that they liked and had feelings for, that Myr would kill them if they hurt her daughters in any way.

Remembering when Team Neko were still Seeker Mines, Myr marveled at how far they've come. Every girl in Team Neko were loved by nearly everyone in Orario, not only because they were cute and beautiful, but they were so iconic as those who truly knew them remembered when they were just balls of metal that rolled around and talked.

They all had their quirks, as Coconut was a little clumsy at times but strong enough to slap Ottar around like he was a rag doll, Azuki liked to complain about her height and threaten to beat anyone who made fun of it, but was secretly glad she was small, as it allowed her to be stealthy in otherwise easy to spot areas, like when she occasionally played pranks on people she didn't like, though nothing too scarring.

Chocola and Vanilla were like two peas in a pod, and rarely left eachother's side. Chocola was definitely the more outgoing of the two, while Vanilla was far more quiet than the chatty and lively Chocola, though that didn't mean that she was cold, she was just more reserved.

Cinnamon liked watching TV and movies, and her chest somehow grew out as well, though Myr didn't know how. When she thought about it, Cinnamon did have a tendency of destroying women's self esteem when it came to chest size, so she hypothesized that was the reason why she got a pseudo Destruction Divinity.

Maple liked reading, and acted a lot more maturely than her sisters in Team Neko, and was a pretty good example of a tsundere, though she would deny that whenever it was brought up. She was a little bossy at times, but ultimately did everything she could to make sure her and her sisters could be happy.

Tenshi was, well, Tenshi, with there not really being any other way to describe her first daughter, as she was definitely her own character. She didn't like becoming any larger in her humanoid form, mainly because she liked appearing small and weak, only to see the shock and horror of her opponents when she turned into her true form, which had only gotten more terrifying if you were on the receiving end of her weapons. Her usual attire consisted of combat boots, kneesocks, short shorts that only went down to her mid-thigh, a belt with "Tenshi" written in kanji as her belt buckle, which meant "Angel", the direct translation of her name, a tight fitting shirt that she wore over a sports bra that Myr made her wear, and usually coat that looked quite similar to Myr's overcoat that she wore as part of her adventurer's attire.

Tenshi's fighting style when she was in her humanoid form was just like Myr, up close and personal, though will gladly use magic if she's bored or wants to show off. As such, Tenshi was able to produce the striking part of spiked brawler's knuckles, which she used to pummel her opponents. Besides Myr and Chloe, Tenshi was the one who knew and mastered the most hand to hand combat forms and types, including partially mastering Myr's personal fighting style, which was an amalgamation of every single fighting style that she knew of, which was, well, every and all of them put together. Tenshi herself preferred to use her upper body however, so she mainly focused on that, though her lower body fighting was also devastating.

Nox was more quiet than Tenshi was, though that didn't mean she rarely talked, she just didn't talk a lot to people that weren't her family, though chatted quite well with the Loki Familia, as well as Freya, as they both had Death Divinities. He usual attire consisted of a pair of custom sneakers that made her walking, running, and sprinting practically silent, short socks, long pants that were slightly loose to allow her to move her flexible body, a sports bra that Myr made her wear much to her chagrin, a tank top underneath a long sleeve, tight fitting shirt, and a military style jacket with loose sleeves. Her fighting style involved the use of weapons, lots and lots of weapons. From hidden blades, to spring switch derringers, concealed throwing knives, pistols which she was especially fond of, hidden gun mechanisms in the soles and heels of her shoes, collapsible swords and blades, and she was even learning how to use wires as weapons. That doesn't mean that her hand to hand combat capabilities were lacking though, because as soon as you came too close for her to use her weapons, she knew lots of Kenpo, Aiki Jutsu, and Karate, all of which she used in tandem with eachother.

Done with her little recap, Myr decided to just wander around one last time before she froze the record and took her family on an extended journey. Her first stop was the Hostess of Fertility. Walking through the doors, Myr was greeted by an almost full pub, with Anya, and Syr serving people and Mama Mia in the kitchen.

Mama Mia saw Myr walk in and waved towards her and gestured to the seat that she always had reserved for her and her alone. Smiling, Myr walked up to the bar and sat down. Right afterwards, a mug of her favorite juice was slid over to her, which she expertly caught and took a sip of. Looking up, she saw Mama Mia give her a small wink and chuckle.

Shaking her head with a smile, Myr continued to sip away at her juice after she ordered a plate of spaghetti. Suddenly, she instinctively turned around and struck at a man who was behind her with a knife in his hand. Disarming him, she pins him to the ground by driving stakes made out of her nanomachines through his clothes and into the bar floor.

All of the noise died down and every watched the man struggle, trying to take the stakes out of his clothes that were pinning him to the ground. Myr tapped him on the head with her foot and asked "Did you not hear about how strong I was? Did you not know that I completely humiliated Ares, a god of war? What made you think that knife that's not even worth of cutting dirt could hurt me? If you don't start talking, the pain will start coming, and believe me, I can make you spill whatever it is without you even knowing what happened."

The man struggles some more and tries to look up at her, only to have his head forced into the floor by her foot. He answered, albeit with some trouble.

"You... you took away my business, you took away my job! I had it all, money, women, fame, and you took it all from me!"

Myr raised her eyebrow and forcefully breached his mind, scouring through his thoughts, memories, and emotions. Seeing his past job, Myr scowled and said in an icy tone "I see. You were a slaver, working for the Red Light District, which Frey and I laid waste to ourselves. Illegally trading, owning, and selling slaves that were wrongfully taken from their homes and lives, torture, extortion, blackmail, rape, child trafficking, and overall just being a complete dick. I see, I see. Well then, that makes my job easier. Ace, Smiles, come on out, I know you're behind the front wall over to the left. Take this fool and feed him to the 27th floor."

Ace and Smiles, who were indeed hiding behind the front wall, deactivated their cloaking devices and picked up the man by his armpits, as Smiles, who was still wearing her mask, leaned in and said in an audible tone "Judging from Boss' emotions right now, I'd say you did a fucky wucky real bad buddy. Don't worry, what goes around comes around, hehehehe"

Just the tone Smiles used made the man turn pale in the face, turning around to face Myr and beg for his life, he only saw Myr writing down something on a clip board. Turning it around, the man saw his name, and next to it in red ink were the words "Marked for termination" next to her signature.

Ace and Smiles disappeared in a cloud of smoke, as Myr sat back down, but not before saying "Sorry about that folks, next few rounds are on me!" which expectedly got everyone excited and got them to quickly forget what just happened, though it was mainly due to Myr's memory manipulation ability.

After her meal at the Hostess of Fertility, Myr headed over to the Hephaestus Familia's workshops, and managed to sneak in without getting caught, or so she thought.


A very heavy, very large hammer hit her in the head and went sailing back into Hephaestus' personal workshop. Rubbing her head for show, Myr chuckled. "I guess I had that coming."

"Damn right you did. I just found that little wooden box you left me as a present. I'm not amused whatsoever Myr" Hephaestus said while glaring at her.

Chuckling again, Myr got up and dusted herself off and said "Well, I just thought I'd pop in and say goodbye. My family and I are going on an extended trip, though it will only seem like an instant to you folks over here."

Hephaestus nodded her head and said "I heard. Chloe was just here a couple of hours ago. Scared the crap out of my guards. One of them made the mistake of trying to slash her with his sword. If I remember correctly, he has 40 broken bones and 23 bruised ones. If you could give me one of those healing pills that would be nice."

Myr giggled as she tossed a container carrying a single one of her healing pills, which were very well known but were costly to anyone not in at least a B ranked Familia.

Catching the container, Hephaestus smirked and said "I hope where you're going, you give them just as hard of a time as you do to us. Do that, and I think I can let your past pranks slide."

Myr gave Hephaestus a thumbs up and said "I'll keep that in mind. Take care Hephaestus. Oh and one more thing, did you know that metal can dance?" With that question being left in the air, Myr teleports away, which causes Hephaestus' eyebrows to furrow as she walks back into her forge, only to see a bunch of ingots of metal forming a very crude humanoid form and doing a tap dance.

Myr was halfway across the way when she heard Hephaestus scream her name in frustration, which caused her to cackle, garnering her a few weird looks, but seeing as how everyone else heard Hephaestus' scream, they could only guess that Myr had just played a prank on the smithing goddess.

She then popped into Freya's mansion, where she was immediately detected by the wards. Ottar, who was nearby, felt the fluctuations in the surrounding mana and went into the room Myr teleported into and did a small bow.

"Lady Myr, Lady Freya has been wanting to talk to you. If you'll please follow me."

Myr nodded and followed Ottar to the dining room, where she saw Freya wearing an apron and pulling something out of the oven that was lit. Sensing Myr, Freya turned around and smiled.

"Welcome Myr. Care to try some of my pie I just made?" Freya asked with a warm smile.

Shrugging her shoulders, Myr casually said "Sure" and sat down as Freya set a slice of her pie in front of Myr. Taking a fork, Myr cut a piece off and ate it, only to frown as she struggled to swallow the piece she had eaten.

Noticing Myr's frown, Freya asked "Is it not to your liking?" to which Myr forced a smile and asked "Before I answer that, did you defrost the frozen berries before adding them, and did you by any chance use vinegar instead of syrup?"

Confused, Freya went to the countertop where she made the pie and brought over everything she had used, which Myr had provided her. Seeing everything Freya had used, Myr's smile froze as she took off her blindfold and brought her hands together in a praying position.

Confused again at what Myr was doing, she was about to ask when Myr put her blindfold back on and turned to Freya and said "To answer your question, no, it wasn't to my liking, and nobody else would like it either. You need to defrost the berries first, and you used vinegar instead of syrup for the berries. You also needed to use baking soda instead of l extra flour for the crust. Here, just watch."

Myr snapped her fingers and an apron appeared around her. Washing her hands, Myr began to expertly craft the crust, then used some of her magic to defrost some strawberries, blueberries, and black caps, pour the syrup around them and mix, and then layer some more crust on top of the filling. She then blast cooked it and then sprinkled powdered sugar on top and lightly toasted it, giving it a pleasing smell, almost like a candle that smelled like sugar.

Setting the pie in front of Freya, Myr suddenly had a thought. "You purposely messed up just so I could make you a pie, didn't you?"

Freya chuckled and just cut herself a slice and dug in, leaving Myr speechless. 'I just got the rug pulled out from under me. Well done you crafty woman, well done.'

Sighing, Myr chuckled and bid Freya and Ottar farewell before teleporting to the Ganesha Familia's house. Knocking on the door, Bucky answered it and when he saw Myr, he smiled and hugged her. "It's good to see you again Myr. Thank you for introducing me to Shakti, I've never been happier."

Myr gave him a warm smile and said "Of course. So when can I expect my godchildren?" with the goal to tease him.

To her surprise, Shakti came up to the door, and when Myr saw the slight bump in Shakti's belly, her smile became much wider. "Well I'll be damned, congrats you two!" Both Bucky and Shakti blushed and smiled at her.

Smirking, Myr was about to ask when they were due when all of a sudden...


Ganesha was running to greet Myr when Tracker came out of nowhere and tripped Ganesha, causing him to fall down the stairs in a comical manner.

All 3 of them deadpanned and watched Ganesha stand up, albeit a little wobbly, and walk over to Myr and laughed. "HAHAHA! I'M HERE TO GREET YOU, HOW WONDERFUL! IT'S A WONDERFUL THING ISN'T IT? MY DEAREST SHAKTI IS FINALLY ABOUT TO START A FAMILY OF HER OWN, AND I, GANESHA, SHALL BE A GRANDFATHER, HAHAH-BLERGH!"

Shakti kicked Ganesha in the gut, causing him to bend over forward clutching his stomach. This caused Tracker to crawl on top of Ganesha and curl up into a ball, knowing that Ganesha wouldn't move as he didn't want to hurt him by standing up and knocking him off.

This caused the 3 of them to smirk and talk a little bit longer before Myr waved goodbye and bid them well. Her next stop was her Mom's mansion. Entering the front doors, she was immediately greeted by a half naked Loki, passed out on the couch with a bottle next to her. Seeing her mother snoring while barely clothed, Myr sighed and covered her with a blanket.

Finn walked to down to check on Loki when he saw Myr tending to her. Seeing this, Finn waved hello to Myr, to which she waved back and gently took the bottle from Loki's hand. Sniffing it, Myr smelled a drink so potent it caused her to silently gag.

Soon, everyone came down to talk to Myr, and catch up on whatever they felt like talking about. Soon afterwards, Loki woke up and found herself covered over by a blanket, with Myr sitting next to her. Smirking, Loki pinched Myr's butt which caused her to yelp and jump up and across the room.

Cackling, Loki was about to poke some fun at how "cute" Myr sounded when she got whapped in the face with a pillow. With a red face, Myr said "MOM! Why?!"

Loki just cackled a bit before giving Myr a cheeky grin and said "How could I not? I saw an opportunity and seized the chance, just like you told me to one day, remember?"

Myr remembered she did indeed tell her Mom that, and could only sigh and sit back down. The conversations that followed ranged from food, to fighting, to Bete finally getting a girlfriend again, a cute wolf girl, and how Riveria almost completely cut ties with her family after they found out about a group of elves trying to sabotage Myr's supply line with explosive magic.

The last part caused Myr to laugh and explain that it would take a lot more than explosive magic to hurt her supply lines and convoys, which caused everyone a great relief, as not only did her supply lines deliver important goods, but also vital supplies for expeditions from far away places, such as the elves' specially made bows which fetched a very high price tag, but everyone who owned one only had good things to say about them.

Wrapping up her talks with her Mom's Familia, Myr bid everyone farewell and good day before finally arriving back at her Mansion, where she began to cook a wonderful breakfast for her and her family. By then, everyone was up, and Chloe even joined her in the kitchen as they cooked together and discussed what sort of places they might be travelling to.

After breakfast, Myr had everyone go into their rooms in Nekopara, and called back every member of the Hunters, and prepped them to be ready at any given time.

Taking a deep breath, Myr snapped her fingers and froze the record. Taking one last look, Myr teleported herself to Nekopara and, with a few keystrokes and commands, sent her realm into the next world. What the next world would be like, she had no idea, but surprises never hurt anyone, right?