Titanic Heads Will Roll

Feeling the shift and sudden stop of Nekopara, Myr wakes up from the short nap she was taking and gathered her family and the Hunters around in the living area.

"Alright folks, we're here. Where exactly "here" is, I have no idea. Chloe, I want you to keep our daughters near you just in case. Hunters, I need you to gear up in anything I tell you to once I get a look around. Be ready to deploy at any time. Any questions?"

When no one spoke up, Myr nodded and teleported to the front gate of Nekopara. Taking a deep breath, she stepped through it, and what she saw both made her excited and annoyed.

'Well, not what I had in mind, but I'll make this work.' she thought with a slight smirk as she looked at an iconic wall. 'Wall Maria, how nice. I guess this'll be the perfect world to cut loose. This'll be a perfect world for the girls to practice their combat skills.'

Tapping on her watch, Myr said "Hunters, gear up, we have a "titanic" problem."

Ace could be heard saying "Boss, that was a fucking awful joke, but yeah, we'll be ready. Smiles, Hex, I need you two heading out towards the south. Ghost, Midas, you two will head west. Skull, Crimson, you two will head east. Divide, Hush, you two will head north. I'll be attending Boss, now move!"

Ace's comms were cut after that and Myr knew that they'd all be ready in under 10 seconds. Sure enough, after 10 seconds was up, the Hunters appeared behind her, all in their customized maneuver gear and cloaks, along with their signature ballistic masks.

They all saluted and Ace stepped forward. "Boss, the rest of the Hunters will be heading out now, I'll be staying with you. No need to get your hands dirty with any riff raff, though if you want to cut loose, then by all means, give them a show. We'll engage when you give the order."

Myr turned around and nodded. "Sounds good, now, get a move on, I'm not sure at what point in the timeline we appeared in, though by the looks of it, it's not too far from the start. My family will be coming out when I give the all clear, so at that time, I want you to keep tabs on them, either from a distance, or up close and personal if things get dicey for whatever reason."

With that, 8 out of the 9 Hunters spread out in their assigned directions. Ace took off his mask, showing his handsome face, one that would make just about any woman's heart swoon.

"The air isn't as clear as Orario, but it's certainly quite nice, isn't it Boss?" Ace asked with a small smile. Myr nodded and gave him a small smile back. "Indeed. I have a feeling that I'll miss my home more than I might expect, but this is what I chose to do, so I'll just have to deal with it."

Ace snorted. "Boss, cut the bullshit. I know you'll miss it, but not nearly as much as you think you might. You created us Hunters using yourself as a template, so in a sense, we know more about you together than you might know about yourself. You'll be fine."

Smirking, Myr turned around and gazed over at the land beyond the wall while quietly saying "Hmm, you just might be onto something there. Anyways, how about we cause some chaos? This'll be good practice for any... "less conventional" missions I might send you and your Hunters on."

Ace laughed and with a cheeky smile said "Oh I'd love that. I stored plenty of spray paint in my watch. Should we do the usual, or go above and beyond to make an entrance?"

This got Myr to chuckle and holding her hand out, Myr said "Let's go above and beyond. Now give me a black spray paint can, we got work to do."


Erwin was having a fine day, at least as fine as he could with the constant threat of another wall breach. Looking over all the paperwork on his desk, he sighs and mutters "At least nothing ridiculous has happened today."

Just then, his door was slammed open and a pissed off Levi walked in and slammed his hand down on Erwin's desk.

"Commander, I'm not exactly pleased with what someone just painted on the roof. We only discovered it when a routine patrol caught two cloaked figures using some device to paint the roof, you might want to check this out so you can explain when I kick someone's teeth in."

Erwin raised his eyebrows but otherwise had an impassive expression on his face. Nodding, he stood up and followed Levi and leapt up after he had put on his maneuver gear to a nearby roof, and saw what the two cloaked figures had painted, and it made him almost crack a smile.

A picture of Levi's head with a very inappropriate expression was painted on the roof, in color, with the words "I'm a fidget spinner" written below it. There were a few people trying to scrub the paint off, but to no avail. Seeing all of this, Erwin looked at Levi and calmly said "I can see why you're upset. This certainly is very uncouth. I'll have some people work overtime to try and get rid of it."

Just then, a Survey Corps member zipped up towards Erwin and Levi and saluted while saying "Commander Erwin, Captain Levi, I just received word that another drawing like this one has been spotted on the main church's roof. You might want to come and take a look for yourselves."

Nodding to eachother, Erwin and Levi both take off and maneuver up to the top of the nearest building to assess what the painting was about this time, and this time, it was Erwin's turn to grit his teeth.

An image of a book called "Irwin Smith: Growing up female" was painted at the top, and right below it was an image of Erwin's face, except it had cherry red lips, purple eyeshadow, long eyelashes, and a pair of pearl earrings.

Erwin and Levi nod to eachother and put word out to keep a look out for the two culprits who might be responsible for painting the offensive images.

The two "criminals" responsible for the "offensive" artwork could be seen laughing about their masterpieces. Myr gave Ace a cheeky smile and said "What else do you have in mind, that was fun, did you see the look on their faces? AHAHAHA!"

Ace chuckled and gave Myr a wicked smile. "Heh, I think I have an idea. How about we set some firecrackers connected to a tripwire to everyone's chairs? That sounds like it'd be fun."

Myr gave a wicked smile back and said "Sure, let's do this."


While the two trouble makers were, well, making trouble, the other 8 Hunters met up and discussed what they had saw.

Smiles grunted and said "Do you think Ace is getting some right now?" Hush, who was drinking some water, spit it out and said "Hell no! You know Boss hates even the idea of having a harem, not to mention you of all people know about her feelings about having a relationship with a man! You were modeled after her near insanity inducing torture she had to go through!"

Smiles held up both of her hands and said "Woah there Hush, no need to bite my head off, it was a joke. I know that Boss would never do hanky panky with a man, besides, I'm pretty sure I'd get my ass beat if she knew I even made a joke about it."

Ghost snorted. "If you were that worried about getting your ass beat, you wouldn't be you, and we'd probably have to dispose of your body."

Hex and Divide were silently making bets of who would throw the first punch, when all of a sudden, Crimson says "Guys, shut up, I'm picking up several dozen signatures approaching us and too fast of speeds to be a coincidence, I think we've been made."

Just then, several dozen Military Police members could be seen surrounding the 8 Hunters, with one of them shouting "You're all under arrest for unlawful possession of maneuver gear and disrupting the peace! Come quietly or we'll be forced to kill you!"

The 8 Hunters looked at eachother and laughed. They each took out 2 smoke bombs and threw them down at the same time. After the Military Police were done coughing, and waving away the smoke, they looked to where the 8 Hunters were and saw... nothing, they weren't there anymore.

Cursing, the lead person of this particular unit ordered his troops to spread out and search for the Hunters.


After Ace and Myr were done setting up their pranks, Myr suddenly got a feeling that she should go to a certain little "hide out" used by two people who were known only as the Armored Titan and the Colossus Titan.

Letting Ace know of her plan, Myr sprinted off across the rooftops and silently landed next to the spot where Reiner Braun and Bertolt Hoover were sitting, planning their move to kick a hole open in Wall Maria, specifically the gate.

Putting on her own customized Ballistic Mask, Myr silently leapt down and landed behind Reiner. Bertolt looked up and saw a female with snow white hair, cat ears and tail, and a white, eyeless mask. Pointing to behind him, Reiner turned around and saw Myr just leaning casually against the wall.

Looking towards the two, Myr held up one of her hands and said "Yo. Nice to meet you, Armored Titan, Colossus Titan, or should I say Reiner Braun and Bertolt Hoover. Before you ask, no, I'm not one of you Titans. Something with such a weak bloodline would never be fit for me to become. I'm just here to let you know that I'll have to fight you two at some point, so go ahead with your little plan to kick down the gate and kill a bunch of people, though don't expect many to die. I have to have fun somehow after all. Oh, and Reiner, I hope you know how to fly."

With that, Myr leapt up out of their hide out and vanished. The two of them looked at eachother as Reiner asked "Do you know who that girl was? She didn't appear to be human, and she gave me some majorly bad vibes."

Bertolt shook his head and with a worried look on his face, responded "I have no idea. All we can do is go through with this. I wonder what she meant by "I hope you know how to fly" though..."


With all of Myr's Hunters and herself gathered, Myr let everyone know what was going to happen. "Alright, I want you all to be ready for action. The Colossus Titan and Armored Titan are going to work together to break a hole in Wall Maria. I need you 9 to kill off any stray Titans that make it through, and try to keep casualties to a minimum. If you see a Titan with a very creepy looking smile, don't kill it, it's vital that it eats a single woman to start the main timeline events. I'll handle the Armored Titan. This is our chance to make ourselves known, so show off you skills, and a bag a bunch of kills, we need to impress."

As soon as everyone nodded, yellow lightning struck down outside of the Wall Maria, and the Colossus Titan appeared and kicked a hole through the gates of the wall. Titans started to flood in as all available Military Police, Survey Corps, and Garrison Regiment rush over to try and mitigate casualties, only to see that there were bits and pieces of the wall hovering in the air, and only falling down when the civilians had gotten far enough away to be considered safe.

This scared them a little but mainly made them feel happy that so few people were dying.

Just then, 10 figures with weird colored cloaks and masks flew overhead using maneuver gear better than they had ever seen before. Erwin and Levi saw the 10 figures and knew that they weren't a part of any branch.

Deciding to see what the 10 unidentified people were doing, Levi and Erwin took after after them, but even though they were both considered prodigies with their gear, they were barely keeping up with them.

Suddenly see them all break off into different directions, they both decide to follow the lead figure, who happened to be Myr. Sensing the two following her, a smile crept up onto her face. 'Alright, let's give them a show.' she though as she suddenly dipped down and started slicing the napes of every Titan's neck she could see, doing impossible maneuvers that would knock any normal human out by the g force alone.

Seeing this display, both Levi and Erwin had cold sweat running down their backs, when they saw the figure they were chasing turn around and wave at them, before continuing her Titan massacre.

Though their instincts told them not to, both of them wanted to make contact with this Titan slayer, as within the first 3 minutes of fighting, Myr had slew over 50 titans, and was still killing them non-stop.

Myr was having a blast slicing her blades into the napes of Titans, most of which didn't even know what hit them. Titan after Titan fell by her blades, and taking a quick glance at her watch, Myr saw her kill count and her Hunter's kill count ad up to a whopping 769, which greatly pleased her.

Finally coming to a stop, Erwin and Levi come to a stop behind her as well and drew their blades.

"Who are you, and how do you know how to use the maneuver gear so well? Which side are you on, and where did you come from?" Erwin asked hesitantly.

Myr took off her hood, and both Erwin and Levi were surprised by the cat ears and tail. Turning to face them both, Myr gave them a cheeky smile and said "I'm known by many names, but you can call me Myr. I work for my own side, and I hate seeing innocent lives lost, so I decided my soldiers and I would interfere and save as many as we can. It's not much, but it's honest work."

The two prodigies looked at eachother and nodded. Levi turned towards Myr and said "We'd like you help, but you'll need to be questioned by us after this is over with."

Myr said "Nope, not gonna happen" with a cheeky smile as she zipped off, as she knew the Armored Titan was about to make an entrance pretty soon. Following her, Erwin and Levi were both shocked when another flash of yellow lightning fell down and a weird looking Titan with armor on it's body appeared and started to charge at Wall Rose's gate, only to be sent flying by a punch that broke the sound barrier.

Seeing who threw the punch, both Erwin and Levi felt cold sweat down their backs and forehead again. Myr had taken off her maneuver gear and gave the Armored Titan a feral grin.

"I hope you can fly dipshit." Myr said as she picked the Titan up by the nape of it's neck and flew 200 meters into the air and said "Have a nice trip!" as she let go of the Titan and kicked it down past the top of the wall at supersonic speeds.

When the Armored Titan hit he ground, most of it's armored plating formed cracks and fell apart, as it laid still and disappeared a little while after. Myr came back down to the ground and snapped her fingers as several tons of food appeared, the hole in Wall Maria was fixed, and Myr, along with her Hunters, vanished into thin air, leaving everyone who witnessed their prowess in combat to wonder just who, and what, they were.


Back in Nekopara...

"Alright folks, you did great. A high kill count, minimal casualties, and we sent a message that we're on humanity's side, with a few conditions of course. Now let's go home and get ourselves a drink and something to eat, I'm hungry."

All of the Hunters cheered as they set off towards the kitchen, where Myr herself would cook everyone supper, a large feast to commemorate their first battle in the new world.