"Where is my daughter?" Jane's Mom asked, trying to grip the doctor's collar forcefully but she was held back by her husband.

"Honey, calm down." Mr Alfred inputs, trying to calm her down. "Gripping his collar won't tell us where Jane is, calm down."

"Calm down!?" Jane's Mom hissed. "Calm down when we can't find our daughter in her ward? Where the hell did he keep our daughter?"

Chris was on his wheelchair, his mind not really at what they were saying. What's troubling his heart was how Jane disappeared from her ward, how? When? She was there yesterday afternoon but how she disappeared was still a mystery to him.

Tears stung Fortune's eyes as she couldn't process what was going on, she was speechless at the situation going on, why isn't the doctor talking and where the fuck is her sister? Why can't they find her in her ward? Vincent and his parents were also paranoid at the situation.

"Ma'am calm down." The doctor said, faintly. "Get a grip of yourself and follow me, I will show you your daughter, don't worry."

"Why do I have a feeling that everything isn't okay?" She glared at him skeptically. "Is everything okay? My daughter is not in her room, tell me where she is?"

"Calm down ma'am, I will take you to your daughter."

"I hope she is okay, doctor?" Chris's Mom chipped in. Worry written over her face.

The doctor kept quiet and after some minutes he spoke up again. "Come with me."

They followed him but Chris was reluctant to go along, his heart was beating hard against his chest. He dreads for the worst but hoping for the best, he prayed silently for her to be okay. He can't live with the guilt he killed someone's daughter not only did he murder his brother and wife but he won't survive it if something should happen to Jane.

She has passed through a lot in her life, ever since he walked into her life. He had been a bad luck to her.

Vincent noticed him lagging behind and walked to him, noticing the sweat on his forehead, he already knew what's going on in his mind. He squeezed his shoulder hard but in a comfortable manner. Chris looked at him and he was met with his reassuring smile. That alone lifted the weight of guilt in him. "Don't worry bro, she will be fine. You don't have to be sad."

"But what if something happened to her?" He asked with all the negativity in him.

"Shushhhh…." Vincent placed his finger on his lips, silencing him. "This isn't the time for negativity. She will be fine, have faith."

His brother's words soothed his heart and he made up his mind to face the worse but there's still room for hope. He followed them to the direction the doctor was going but something was off. The doctor kept going deeper and deeper in wherever he was going to. He finally came to a stop at a door, on top of the door a word was being scribbled " 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒖𝒆 ", at the sight of the word. He trembled with fear, why would the doctor lead them here? Immediately he felt cold inside, he felt like dying. He already knew what's in there for them to see. He looked over his shoulder to his and Jane's parents. He could see the same expression on their faces.

"Why would you bring us here?" Jane's Mom asked. "Don't tell me my daughter is lying in there because it won't be funny to me."

"Come in first." The doctor said calmly, he was relaxed like it was nothing to him. Although Jane's Mom reluctantly complied to his words, she entered. The doctor took them to a body lying on something that looks kinda like a big table, there was number attached to the body on her feet.

"Here's your daughter." The doctor announced, still looking chilled.

"You must be out of your mind. Jane's Mom thundered, turning stiff. This isn't my daughter, my daughter isn't dead, I know she isn't….. where the hell you kept my daughter..." She broke down in tears and gripped the doctor's collar angrily. "You lying cheat, where the fuck you kept me daughter?

Chris almost lost his balance on his wheelchair, what he dread finally came through. She's dead, Jane's dead. He took her beautiful life away from her. Out of shock and the drama her Mom was displaying, he lost consciousness. He can't take it anymore, he fucking can't take in the guilt and pain in him. He killed her.

"Bro, son, Chris?" Many called out to him as they saw him collaspe on his wheelchair. "Son, wake up." His Mom called out to him but he wasn't responding.

"Doctor what's wrong with my son?" His Dad asked, filled with bewilderment. How can he loose consciousness all of a sudden?

"Let's take him to his ward." The doctor, Chris Mom said Dad including Jane's Dad took him back to his ward while Fortune, his mom and Vincent stayed back. Their eyes glued on Jane's body, her wrapped up face, they couldn't tell if this is Jane or someone else. Her bandaged up face made everything difficult for them.

"I can't believe my sister is gone, I won't see her again." Fortune glued her eyes on her sister's corpse not processing the whole situation. Her sister is gone and gone for good, she's not ever gonna come back. She felt all emotions, feelings left her, she felt dead inside, she couldn't tell if she should cry or laugh. The whole situation was a puzzle to her, when it finally registered in her brain she won't ever ever see her sister. She screamed with fully force, jolting Vincent and her Mom who are beside her.

She shook her sister several times but Jane wasn't waking up. All her energy drained. "Sis, you can't leave me like this. No no no you can't, you are coming back whether you like it or not." She raised her hand which was coiled into a fist to hit her sister's heart to make her breath back to life but Vincent held her.

"Fort, you need to calm down, you're not in your right mind." He insinuated, holding her hand tightly in as much as she tried to wriggle her hand from him but his grip was so strong. "I know how you feel, I know how it feels to lose someone close to you but you have to put yourself together."

She looked up with her teary eyes to meet his eyes, she looked at him as if he lost his mind. "My sister is lying here lifeless and you are telling me to put myself together, she's the only sibling I have. I have no other sister or brother, only her." She emphasized and pointed at her sister's corpse.

"And you're telling me to calm down, you're telling me to put myself together?" She almost thundered. "Tell me have you ever lost someone so dear to you? You have your brother and your parents love, you basically have everyones' love."

He gave her a weak smile, she doesn't know, she doesn't know he had an elder brother who died in a car accident like her sister. He wanted to defend herself but he held his tongue back, talking about his brother's death will only not remind him of how close he was with his brother but also make matters worse. He was more close to his elder brother than Chris.

"I understand you and I understand what you are going through." He gently puts her hand down and pulls her close to him, he rested her head on his shoulder and consoled her. He lets her pour out her emotions. "Cry it out, let it out." He pats her on her shoulder and continued comforting her.

Fortune didn't care whose shoulder she was crying on, the thing that kept breaking her heart into tiny pieces was the thought of not seeing her sister ever, how will she cope without her presence? Her sister is basically her everything, she can't survive without her. She raised her head from his shoulder and looked at her Mom. Her Mom was just staring at her sister's corpse, the tears in her eyes has already dried up. She was looking at her like a maniac, she knew if she lets her that way. She will be mentally unstable…..she knew the shock of loosing one of her daughters left her speechless but she got to scream it out. She got to let the tears roll down.

She walked to her and snaked her arm around her shoulder, trying to comfort her. "Mom, I know what's going on in you but let it out, cry it out." She urged. "Mom, Jane's not coming back, she's dead."

Her voice was breaking when she said that, she's here consoling her Mom when she can't even control the tears rolling down her eyes. They have the mind of their own and they know this is the time for tears.

Vincent tried to hold the tears building in him, he wiped the single tear that rolled down his eye. He can't add to their problem. He watched as she consoles her Mom and the sudden urge to wipe the tears in her eyes overwhelmed him.

Her Mom removed her arm from her shoulder, without saying a word she left the room. Fortune and Vincent were puzzled at this, they wondered why the sudden behavior of hers.

"Mom, Mom, Mom." Fortune called and ran after her. He followed behind them. "Mom I understand but you have to pull yourself together."

She tried to catch up with her but to her astonishment, her Mom was leaving the hospital and she kept staggering on her way out of the hospital. She might collaspe if care isn't taken.

"Mom!!!!" She screamed out in shock when she saw her Mom slumped down on the base of the stairs.