She widened her eyes in shock at what just happened, everything was happening so fast she could hardly process what was going on. First was her sister, now is her mother. She quickly descended the stairs to where her Mom laid. Vincent rushed to her and helped her carry her Mom up. He carried her over his shoulder and walked back up to the wards, Fortune followed behind, sobbing.

With the help of a nurse and doctor, they took her to a ward but the doctor shun them out of the ward, Fortune insisted on staying beside her Mom but the nurse won't let her in. Immediately his father rushed out of Chris's ward when he heard her sobbing and screaming out for her Mom.

"What's wrong?" He asked, shocked to see his daughter crying and Vincent trying to console her. They stood outside the ward, waiting patiently for the doctor or the nurse to come out.

"Dad, Dad," She freed herself from Vincent's hold and hugged her father tightly, letting the tears pour down and smear her face. Mr Alfred, confused on what was going on tried to comfort her by stroking her hair. "Dad, Mom won't wake up, she passed out immediately and I don't know what's wrong with her. Dad, please I don't want anything to happen to Mom, I won't survive if something happens to her."

His heart tightened at the outburst of his daughter, his wife must have fainted out of overthinking. Mr Alfred raised his eyes upward and tried to control the tears trying to escape his eyes. He can't become weak in front of his daughter. One of his daughter is dead and his younger daughter is here trying to cry herself to death, he got to be strong for her.

"Dad," Fortune called and raised up her eyes to look at him. "Mom will be okay, right? She will, right?"

The way she asked that question, she wanted him to be positive and he can't let her see how his own heart is dying at the situations going on. Everything was going so fast he could hardly pinpoint what was actually the problem. How his own daughter got into an accident and died overnight. He was fed up with everything, his own wife is inside battling with her own life, sometimes life can be so cruel. The way things take turns for the worse always render him speechless and hopeless.

If God exists…..why is he letting bad things happen to good people? His daughter's life turned upside down the moment Chris walked into her life, the moment that so called Rock star walked in her life. He never pried into her personal life, he never questioned her decisions but at the expense of his own daughter's life he won't keep quiet. He let him walk into her life and now see what it brought upon his daughter, some love are just not meant to be.

He endured everything his daughter had to go through because he believed in his daughter, he trusts his daughter. He believed Chris was good for her because he was blinded by the stupid faith he had in their love. If only he knew it will cost him his dear daughter's life, he won't have let him come close to her. He would have listened to his wife when she said he wasn't the right choice for her.

He pushed the thoughts at the back of his mind and look at his younger daughter who was still in his embrace sobbing hard. He got to focus on the present and tackle the problem. He drew her a little bit away from him to get a better look on her face which is now smeared with tears, her nose was red like a tomato and her eyes were red and swollen including her ears. They're reddish too due to the effect of how long and hard she cried. He cupped her face with his hands, staring into her glossy eyes and trying to be strong for her.

"Honey, don't cry, everything's gonna be alright." He smiled hoping she listens to him and stops crying. "Everything's gonna be okay, just don't cry anymore, if your Mom sees you crying. It will hurt her….."

"What about Sis?" She stared at him with those glossy eyes of hers, behind those eyes were questions, pain, hurt and hope. She wanted to believe all of these was one big nightmare but the seeing her dad stand before her, Vincent by the side, the scent of the hospital, the doctors and nurses running up and down to attend to patients. It was clear it's reality.

Mr Alfred's shoulders dropped immediately at her question, she completely rendered him speechless with her question. Where and how on earth is he gonna answer that question? He forced a smile on his face, still cupping her face. Honey, I know how tough is it for you to loose your only sister, I understand your relationship with her and I know you're hurting right now but I guess everything in life happens for a reason."

His eyes grow distant as he finished those last lines, he pulled his hands away from her face and took three steps away from her. He sat down on the bench there and motioned to her to join him which she complied too. All these while, Vincent was watching the father and daughter go soft on each other. His heart sank and he kept cursing fate, he knew how it feels to loose a loved one. His heart tightened the more as he watched the tears roll down Fortune's face.

This is the second time he cursed himself for being useless, he couldn't do anything to help her. If he was blessed with the gift to bring people back to life, he won't hesitate to bring back her sister and his brother and wife. He hates the sight of tears, he hated it so much and it destroys him if he saw any on his loved ones face. An exasperated sigh escaped his lips, he clenched his palms as they coiled into fists and he returned his attention to the door of her mom's ward. He stared hopeless at the door, waiting for a miracle to kinda happen.

He lost faith in God the day he let his elder brother and wife die in that horrible accident making the poor child Rose an orphan. Why does God always let the good people die early and leave bunch of evildoers to be roaming around the face of the earth, seeking who to devour? To some extent he's starting to believe God isn't real but a myth that ancient men came up with.

"Daughter, you know I keep asking myself why good people die early but I haven't gotten the answer yet. I guess that's how life is, we have to take it like that, life is full of ups and downs, it's full of uncertainties but all we got to do is be happy no matter the circumstances. Yes I know your sister is dead and not coming back, I mean she will never but we got to accept our fate. Things are bound to happen and we can't control our destiny." Fortune stared at her father as he continued talking, in as much as his words were ripping her apart, she got to accept the bitter truth. Anytime the thought of not seeing her sister again crosses her mind, she goes completely numb.

"All we got to do now is pray for your Mom to recover and fix the date for your sister's funeral." His voice keeps breaking and she noticed the pain behind his voice. She felt a lump building in her throat and a bitterness in the pit of her stomach at that word "funeral" She embraced her Dad once more, breaking down in tears. He strokes her hair, "All will be well"

Just then the door of her Mom's ward open, reveling the doctor and a nurse. Vincent quickly rushed to them and bombarded them with questions. "How is she, is she doing okay?"

"Yes she is." The doctor smiled and clapped him on the shoulder. "Don't worry she's fine but she's sleeping. She will wake up soon just don't disturb her."

"Phew...." Vincent lets out a relief sigh.

"But what lead to her being unconscious?" Mr Alfred asked as he and his daughter joined Vincent in interrogating the doctor.

"She lost consciousness because of overthinking." The doctor smiled. But not to worry she's fine now, we have calmed down her nerves and she's sleeping. Might take long tho but she's fine now."

Relief surge through Fortune and her father. "Can we see her now?" She questioned with all eagerness in her.

"Yes you can but I suggest you let her have her rest and don't try to disturb her with questions because you family members are fond of doing that." He clapped Vincent once more on the shoulder as a way to cheer him up before leaving.

"I guess I have to return to my brother's ward and see how he's fairing."

"Thank you for your help." She smiled at him sweetly for the first time today and that alone warmed his heart. "Without you, I won't know what to do, thanks I really appreciate."

"Not a big deal, I'm happy I could help and also happy your Mom is fine." He backs away from them and retreats to his brother's ward.

"He's a nice kid." Her Dad watched him leave.

"Yeah, sort of."