Chapter 4: Wet Dream

Kevin's POV:

"Kevin? Kevin baby? Where are you?" Called a voice. Angel? "Keeeeevinnnnn?" She called. I looked around but didn't see her. Then I felt someone came up behind me and wrapped they're arms around me. "Miss me Daddy?" She asked. "Very much." I said, without thinking. Since when did me and Angel get together? She kissed me.

It felt great. "Angel what are you doing? Where are we?" I asked. I heard a child's voice. "Bye Mommy! Bye Daddy!" Called the voices. One was a boy's and the other was girl's. Mommy? Daddy? Angel turned her head towards the stairs and smirked. "Come on Daddy. I want you to show me how much you missed me." She said. Fuck it. If this us a dream, I'm not wasting it.

She pulled me upstairs. I looked around and saw pictures of us. Our graduation? Our wedding? I seen another one. It was Angel holding a baby. Another one of Angel holding another baby. I was in both pictures. All of these pictures. What the hell is going on? When did me and Angel have kids? Angel snapped me out of my thoughts when she kissed me.

She then reached down my pants and grabbed my dick. I kissed her, hard. Her grabbing me & stroking me made me even harder. God this girl really has my hooked. She then got down on her knees and started sucking me. "Ahh fuck Angel." I groaned. She just smiled and looked up at me. Seeing her underneath me drove me wild. I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I started kissing her from her face to her thighs.

I kissed her pearl to tease her for a little. She got irritated and groaned. "Uugggh Daddy pleaaaaase. I missed you so much." She moaned. I looked up at her. "How much did you miss Daddy?" I asked, kissing and biting her thighs. She moaned. "A looot." She said. I kissed her pearl one last time before sitting up. "Tell me how much you missed me. I wanna hear you beg." I said. She groaned. "Daddy I missed you so much. You don't understand. It drive me wild, you being away from me. I couldn't take it. I actually considered going up to see you. I wanted to.....uggggghhhhhghg." She moaned loud.

She couldn't finish because, without warning, I attacked her pearl. I ate her like it was my last meal. She was a moaning, shaking, mess. She even tried to move back, but I grabbed her legs and pulled her back. It drove me wild, hearing her moan my name so loud, I'm pretty sure my great grandparents heard it. I kept eating her, as she tried to push me away. She held onto my hair to try to get me to stop. Nope, I wasn't having it. She came at least 5 times before I decided I was done.

I looked up at her, she was still shaking and moaning. I bit my lip. Seeing her shake and moan like that, has me harder than ever. Whoa. I love seeing Angel like this. I should fuck with her more often. For rest of my life even. "Oh my God Daddy." She said as she tried to sit up. "Nah babygirl. You bout to really get it." I said, as I got between her legs. I kissed her, and played with her pearl. She kissed me back and pulled me closer.

"You ready baby?" I asked her. "Destroy me Daddy." She said. It was enough to send me into a frenzy. I took off my shirt, as she took out my dick, and placed it in her mouth. "Fuuuuck Angel." I moaned. This girl got skills. I pulled away from her and fucked her, doggy style. I pulled her hair. She moaned senselessly. "I unnnnnngggggghhhh." She moaned. I fucked her harder.

I turned her over and fucked her. I put my hand around her throat and lightly choked her. She wrapped her hand around my arm and used her other to squeezed my hand tighter around her throat. I didn't wanna hurt her but fuck it. She wants it rough, I'll give her rough. She screamed my name. It turned me on even more. But then her voice got deeper. Then all of a sudden I heard an alarm ringing. I woke up to Manny calling me.

"Kevin?! Kevin man wake up!!" He yelled. I sat up fast and got light headed. I held my head and looked around. I'm still in my room? "Kevin get up dude." Tyler said. I looked around, disoriented. "You got school remember?" He said. Did I just have a wet dream about Angel? Yes. Yes you did. I got dressed and headed to school. I didn't feel like eating breakfast so I went to the library. Then I looked over and saw Angel bump into Charlotte. She sat on the floor, quiet, as Charlotte yelled at her.

Seeing her like that made me mad yet excited. I called her weak and pathetic, then walked off. She should've stuck up for herself. Yeah she should've. But why didn't she? She stood up to me when I called her a freak. I walked to my next class, sat down and instantly felt anger. Why am I angry? I looked around at the other students. My eyes instantly looked eyes with a blond girl. She looked at me with so much hatred in her eyes. I smelled the scent coming off her. Cherry blossoms. Ugh. Fucking werewolf. Then Angel walked in with her head down low.

I stared at her. She cried softly. Everyone else didn't hear because my hearing was 20x better. I felt bad. I didn't mean to make her cry. I felt bad. I put my earbuds in and was on my phone. Class went by quickly. So did my other ones. That blond haired girl was in 2 of my classes. Her name was Kacey. I went to the library and saw Angel. She was looking much better. She was happier, it made me smile. I talked with her but she was quick to leave. I caught her around the waist. She looked down at my arm. I pulled it away. She wasn't concerned about it being around her waist. She was concerned about my cuts.

I made them when my caretakers went to sleep. I made a lot cuts on my arm last night. I had to do it fast because Manny was still up. He was the only one who knew about my midnight cuts. I lied and said that I have crazy cats. I offered Angel an imaginary cat but she said she's more of a dog person. She said she loves pit bulls, because they were natural born fighters. I told her that they're something she's not. She got pissed and called me out. I was taken aback. She snapped at me. She didn't feel that way earlier. I got pissed off and left. Who the fuck is she to say that to me? But you gotta admit, when she's pissed, she's sexy. So? Who gives a fuck? I walked out to my car.

"Where do you think you're going? You have class. One more class Kevin." Mitchell said. I looked at him, the seen more caretakers showed up. I didn't stand a chance against all of them. I groaned and walked back inside. I walked to my class and sat at the back. Angel walked in, looking upset. I rolled my eyes and got on my phone. Her and that Kacey chick started talking. I didn't care.

Class was almost over when Kacey asked Angel to come to her house this weekend. Oh hell no. What can I do? I met this girl few days ago. Angel is OURS!! Settle down Randy. Its just a girl. Angel has a new friend that she wants to spend with. Even it is an untrustworthy witch. Then bell rung and I went out the door. I went to the car. I didn't want to see Angel. "Kid, what's your deal with Angel?" Manny asked.

"Nothing. I just don't like her." I said. He shook his head and sighed. "Kid why can't you admit you like this girl? You have feelings for her. You think I didn't notice how you said her name this morning? You got wood from dreaming about her." He said. I blushed and looked away. He laughed. "What? You thought none of us noticed that shit?" He said. I looked around to the guys. They were snickering and laughing at me.

"Fuck all of you!" I said, as I put in my earbuds, and blushed harder. I look out the window at the trees going by. We got to the house and I walked inside. I saw my little sister sitting on the steps. "Sarah, what's wrong?" I asked her. She looked up at me then back at her hands. Ever since my incident, and my suicide attempts, she couldn't look me in the eye anymore.

She talked without looking at me. "Um, mommy told me to ask you, told me to ask if um, you could, um, take me, to the um, store to get, um some candy please?" She asked. Wow. She's really scared of me. I don't like that. Yeah, you're own sister is terrified of you. That's not good. I reached for her and she flinched. I sighed. "Sarah, you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm not ever gonna hurt you." I said. She sniffed. Then I had an idea. "Hey Sarah? How about this weekend, me and you spend the day together?" I asked her.

She looked up at me. "Really?" She asked. I nodded. "We can do anything you like."I said. She smiled and hugged me. "Thank you Kevin." She said. I had Joshua take her. I went upstairs to take a shower. As I walked to my room, I heard moaning. It wasn't my mom because she had to work late, plus the voice was too deep for hers. I walked closer and recognized the voice. It was Tyler's.

"Yeah, you like that?" He asked. What the hell? "Yes, just lie that. Take it all Angel, baby girl." He said. WHAT THE FUCK?! HE HAS ANGEL IN THERE?! Then I sniffed the air. Her sweet vanilla scent wasn't here. I read his mind. He's fantasizing about her. I sighed in relief. Why am I so worked up over this? I don't care if he fantasize about her. Yes ya do. Angel is OURS. NOT anyone else's. Shut up Randy. I walked off to my room. I slammed my floor, and turned around to see Manny was sitting on the edge of my bed. He sighed. "Kid, there's no denying it. You have feelings for this girl." He said. I groaned in frustration.

"So what? Its just a silly crush. I'll get over it by the end of the week." I said. He shook his head. "So I guess you heard Tyler's little fantasies about her? Yeah he's been brewing them since he first saw her." He said, as he laughed. "I'm ready to rip his head off if he keeps it up." I said. I realized what I just said. "Not because I'm jealous or anything. Its just embarrassing for him." I said. "Not as embarrassing as having morning wood and having wet dreams about her." He laughed. "Ha ha. Now get out so I can change. Or stay and get weird." I said. "Kid I'm already weird. I don't trust you to be by yourself." He said.

I took my shower and changed in front of him. I was uncomfortable but he didn't leave nor did he watch me. He was on his phone, texting someone. I walked behind him, to see. He then cut the phone off. "Kid, did you know its rude and an invasion of privacy to look at people's phones?" He asked as he stood up. "I was just curious. It was your boyfriend wasn't it?" I asked.

He stared at me. "Sorry. I kinda read your mind the other night. It was him wasn't it? Manny I don't mean to pry into your life dude. I'm really not. But I trust you with my life so maybe you can do the same." I said. He stared at me. "Maybe tomorrow kid. Right now, you should be in bed." He said, as he left and another caretaker took his place. I claimed into bed and drifted off to sleep.