
Throwing the magazine in the bin, was the only thing he could think of. So that is what he did, before he stood up from the chair and walked over to the wardrobe. Pretending to get ready, as he heard the footsteps of their mother approach.

Flicking through different colored shirts and angling his lower body away from the door.

"So you are up." Their mother exclaimed as she walked inside their room.

"Yes, I just wasn't hungry." Corey responded and picked out a light pinkish colored shirt. Tossing it on his bed and started to look for a pair of jeans.

"Well, don't forget to brush your teeth." Was the only thing she said, before walking out, closing the door behind her.

Both of the twins let out a sigh of relief. With their mother gone, Corey walked over to the bin and retrieved his magazine.

"Corey?" Cole said, mumbling a bit. Afraid to ask what was on his mind.


"Are you gay?" Corey froze, when he heard his brothers words. Not able to process what Cole had just asked.

Corey wanted to answer. He really wanted to, but he couldn't figure out how. With what.

'Am I just supposed to tell him yes? Is there some sort of protocol to follow? I need to answer. But am I ready to admit it.'

Cole glanced over at Corey, seeing his brother, tense and anxious. A wave of slight regret swallowing him.

"You know what, nevermind." Cole answered himself, already dressed, so he left the room. Leaving Corey alone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This day. An important day. Ashton felt disappointed since he was going to be late. His father is still sleeping on the floor.

'Life isn't on my side.' He thought as he walked down the road leading into town. He tried to hitchhike, find someone kind enough to stop, pick him up and take him there.

But it was no use. Everyone had their own goal. People today, they aren't behaving like the good old days, at all.

People were more selfish and didn't stop to look at everyone around them. It hurt, it hurt like hell.

He and his family have always been dependent on their surroundings. Not able to get by without help.

Ashton stopped for a moment, looking around him. Taking in his surroundings. Cars driving past him, all at a rapid pace.

People hurry. They want to keep their day going. Keep their life going. For everyone it wasn't like that.

For him, his life stopped almost two years ago. It had already gone downhill since he was one year old. But it stopped. Everything he thought he knew, it changed.

People say that pain disappears, but where? Where does it all go?

No one could ask that question for him.

So he just kept on. Starting to walk again, elbowing his way through life. Not wanting to hurt anyone along the way, but still somehow doing it.

Stress relief, anxiety decreasing activities. Someone to talk to, that didn't know. That has no connections. That was a complete stranger to what his life had been.

He wanted to start over. Rewind the time and do it over. He knows he can't, but a boy can dream.

After walking for what felt like forever, he finally arrived. The Village Church.

Slowly he walked past the gates and straight towards the end of a rather small graveyard.

Ashton glanced at the stones, shiny and well taken care of. Shaking his head at them. Feeling helpless and pathetic.

Arriving at the far end, he directly seated himself in front of a worn out gravestone. Cross legged he glared at the two names, carved but hiding under a layer of thick green moss.

|Natasha Aurelius|

Loved mother and wife.

|Annabella Aurelius|

Missed by many. Loved by few.

His mother died during childbirth. She was fourteen years old, when she got pregnant with Ashton. His father fifteen and Natasha said, "No way I'm getting rid of this kid."

Both teenagers, none of them coming from a good family.

And one year after Ashton was born, she found out that once again, she was pregnant. One year older, still refusing to abort or leaving it up for adoption.

Annabella was born and their mother lost her life.

Their father, sixteen years old. Alone with two kids. Their maternal grandmother helped him, until he turned 18 and had a job.

Ashton, six years old, had been forced to take care of his younger sister and deadbeat dad. The father, drinking and shooting up heroin.

Fourteen years old, he had got the job at Katie's comic book store. Having to keep the income coming in, since his father didn't leave the house-Caravan- anymore.

Eighteen years old and he lost his sister. His little princess.