It's almost afternoon

Corey sighed deeply, as he left the car, followed by Cole. Together they walked towards their faculty building. Both of them stayed in their shared silence. Neither of them wanted to be the one who broke it.

Everyone at school knew that Corey and Cole were the trophy students.

Corey: An academic genius. Cole: The best quarterback the university has ever had.

No one on campus would have the guts to get near them, afraid of starting a fight or upsetting one of them. Because the faculty. The uni couldn't afford to lose them. So they were left alone.

Their surroundings were rather quiet. It wasn't a surprise, the classes had already started. But the twins couldn't care less, their teachers didn't care if they were on time or not. So why should they?

Corey felt a slight jolt of pain, as something hit his right knee. He stopped abruptly, so he could take a look. He saw a stone on the ground, 'probably the thing that hit me.'

"Corey?" Cole's voice echoed, as he turned around and saw his brother. Standing still and staring at a rock. Cole's eyes moved up and saw how a red liquid had started to soak through Corey's pants, by his right knee.

Corey looked up, seeing his brother, who was walking towards him. Upon arriving, Cole kneeled down and without thinking, he ripped up Corey's jeans by the knee.

Cole gasped at the sight, an open wound had formed right below the kneecap, it wasn't that deep. But the blood flow was huge.

"Did someone throw this at you?" Cole took the stone in his hand.

"How would I know, it just hit me out of nowhere."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you say that you were suffering? I could have helped, stay by your side more often. Never leave your side. I would've done anything to stay by you and keep you here with me." Ashton sobbed intensely, as he embraced the gravestone. Holding it tight in his arms.

"Mary loved you, she still does. Tony would kill someone for you, Nathan always had your back and I?..... For me you were my everything, someone who kept me alive and fighting. I'm still fighting for you.

I'm doing my all to take care of myself. I miss you so so much. You would have been nineteen today. But you're not. You stopped at seventeen. You will never grow older.

There are still bloodstains on the floor in the caravan, that I wasn't able to wipe away. A constant reminder of what happened that day.

I can't look at the floor without hurting. Without remembering. How I found you. On the floor lifeless, covered with your own blood. A razor resting above your left hand. Arms and legs cut open.

Dad was sleeping on the couch, he was there the whole time. He let you die. WHY DID HE LET YOU DIE!?" Ashton screamed out in pain. The feeling of a knife cutting into his chest and twisting it. Leaving nothing but a mess of a human.

"Ash?" A deep voice screamed out from the distance, "I knew I would find you here."

Ashton stayed silent, clutching the gravestone, not wanting to ever let go.

"Ash? It's almost afternoon. You will be late for work." That finally caught Ashton's attention, bringing him to let go of the stone. Looking up at his friend.

"Tony….." He sobbed, "I miss her."

Hearing that, Tony threw himself to the ground and took Ashton into his arms. Soothingly stroking his back

"Let's get you to the store."