^~Ear rape
"*Smiles* This!"
^~Action while talking
|3rd Person's POV|
A deafening silence surrounded the four women, two having their eyes widen from surprise and disbelief, ond had a smirk that told that she had won, and another was shaking whilst looking down at her lap, her fists clenching to the point where her knuckles had turned white.
Olivia: ".....after hundreds of thousands of years....they finally gave you a chance again....didn't they? A chance brought by her?" it wasn't loud, but Salem had heard her clearly, her smirk turning into a frown.
Salem: "So...you knew?" the pale woman inquired, the thoughts of Olive knowing she has a child with her have plagued her mind ever since she received Narcissa years ago. Back then, she didn't want Olive having the satisfaction of knowing that she has a child again. Especially with herself of all people.
Olivia: "The brother gods had approached me before, in one of my reincarnations. The Elder God asked for a drop of blood. I, of course, had given them without any kind of apprehension. But...they did say that they'd use it to give you a chance. Didn't think it would be in a form a child..... Our...child?" a glint crossed her olive green eyes, her lips not knowing to form a frown or a smile. Olivia, or rather, Olive, just knew that the gods would give her wife -she believes that Salem still is, and that as her wife, she is responsibility for bringing her down- a chance, but didn't know how. However, she found out that it was through Narcissa, realizing how much she looked like Salem when she was still human, not knowing that Narcissa was also a spitting-image of Salem in her current grimmified form.
Salem: "....yes. Our...child." she admitted, the weight on her shoulders that she didn't realize she had, disappeared. She wasn't aware that this matter was eating her out, not calculating that Narcissa had softened her heart to the point where she worried for Olive, her wife? They'll cross that bridge when they get there.
Salem: "Well, then. I believe that Narcissa and I must go back home. It is only a few hours before her bedtime, and I'm sure her sisters are getting worried about her." without letting them let out another word, Salem had abruptly stood up from her seat and left. The other three women were too shell-shocked at the knowledge of Olivia and Salem having a daughter, and apparently, she had sisters, meaning, Olivia has more than one daughter with Olivia. Only if they knew that Narcissa's "sisters" were two grimms that has human forms and were technically adopted by Salem.
Said woman had already left the room, following the connection that she and Narcissa had, made from magic, and found her in a room in the second floor with two children close to her age. Looking at the two, she noticed that each of them resembled one of the two women with Olivia earlier. She deduced that the young redhead was the warrior's daughter, the silver eyes that she had further proved that, and the blonde was most likely the bandit's daughter, but maybe it was her twin's, her information about them wasn't that deep.
With them in the room was another blonde, who looked strict, especially when she had her back as straight as a ruler as she observed the children play house. Apparently, Narcissa was the "mommy", the young blonde was the "daddy" and the redhead was their "daughter". Honestly, it was cute, but Salem was getting hungry and she worried for her other daughters back in her castle.
Salem didn't really have a scroll, so she couldn't send a message to them, and hopefully, Watts and Tyrian weren't forcing an army of grimm to come for them. The grimms under her command didn't really like taking orders from other people.
Salem: "Narcissa dear. It is time to go home, it is nearly dinner, and I'm sure you wouldn't be able to wait for uncle Khaleed's lasagna. Today's Friday, after all." the sudden appearance of Salem spooked the two children and the woman, and said children nearly shrieked as they saw the pale woman, the older blonde getting ready to whip out her "weapon", when suddenly, Narcissa yelled out.
Narcissa: "Mommy!!" the child ran up to her mother, pulling her into a hug. Putting her arms around her daughter, Salem did the same.
As the two continued their affectionate act, the two children had slowly, calmed down, seeing as they're knew friend had called the terrifying woman "Mommy". They were still afraid, the woman's pale skin paired with black veins and scary red eyes surrounded by black was something new, and humans are naturally scared of the unknown.
Glynda, having watched the display in front of her, didn't let her guard down and was prepared to attack, but seeing as Narcissa was in her arms, she hesitated.
Narcissa: "Can I bring my new friends? I'm sure Mo-mo and Li-li would love to meet them!" her voice was filled with hope, and Salem nearly gave in, but sadly, her new friends were the daughters of her enemies that she was forcing into an alliance. She also had to keep up her appearance. Salem didn't want anyone other than her daughters to know she spoiled them, even if it was tempting to bring children the same age as her daughters back to the castle to interact with them.
Salem didn't want them to grow anti-social, and she knew that they needed friends. Her henchmen were just irrelevant, and her servants(Tyrian, Watts, Khaleed) were like family, and they were too old. Children the same age as Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Andromeda would understand them better, like the two children who were slowly approaching her. But, as she said, they were the daughters of her enemies.
Salem: "Where are your manners, princess. Introduce me to them first." she chastised her daughter strictly, pinching her cheek with enough strength to hurt only a little bit. She wanted her daughters to grow into wonderful women, and they needed their manners. Salem had also dug deep into her memories to remember how her mother had taught her. A week from now, she plans to teach her daughters how to keep their back straight like how a proper royalty were taught.
Narcissa: "~UwU~" complying with her mother's demand, she escaped from her mother's pinch and went to grab Ruby and Yang. The sisters were understandably apprehensive at first, but they followed Narcissa after she gave them a smile of encouragement. Salem was a scary woman, it was understandable why the children were stiff and slow when they walked in front of the pallor woman.
They didn't know Salem, and they were scared, particularly because of how she looked, but she was apparently their newfound friend's mother, and as children, they trusted Narcissa. So here they were, standing in front of their friend's frightening mother, who had a frown that made her look even more terrifying.
However, before any of the two could cower in fear, the woman had smiled. She smiled, and she suddenly looked beautifully aesthetic. Her smile just turned her horrifying look into something they would be comfortable with.
Narcissa: "Mommy. This...*points at Ruby* is Ruby, and this is her older sister *points at Yang* Yang! And their my new friends! *Turns to the two* And this is my mommy!" her voice was so amiable that the little fear that they had after Salem had smiled disappeared, and they couldn't help but smile.
Ruby, not being weighed by fear anymore, hid behind her sister's back, while Yang had smiled widely and hugged Narcissa.
Yang: "Nice meeting you, Narcissa's pretty mommy! Like Ri-ri said, I'm Yang and the little cutie behind me is my little sister, Ruby!" the older out of the two was friendly and outgoing, so she was able to speak to Salem without much a problem. The woman herself smiled widely at the praise and wished that this Yang would truly become Narcissa's friend, and the little cute, harmless-ish version of the silver-eyed warrior, too. And hopefully, they'll be friends with her two other daughters as well.
Salem: "Hmm. Well then. Yang, Ruby, I am Salem. Thank you for taking care of my daughter for me, but sadly, we must go home now. And, no princess. They can't come with us. This is their home, and we need to get back to ours. Now, come on, Andromeda and Bellatrix are waiting for us." she knew that her daughter wanted to bring her new friends along, but it isn't the time for that. She knew that this will make her sad, however, Salem had already thought of something.
Leaning down, she put her lips beside her daughter's ear, and whispered, 'If you'll be a good girl, then you and your sisters can come and play with them tomorrow.'
This immediately made Narcissa smile as wide as she can, stunning her friends. Turning around to hug her mother once more, Narcissa used a powerful weapon. The puppy dog eyes!
Narcissa: "ฅ(OﻌO)ฅ REALLY!?" it didn't take a genius to figure out that she absolutely loved the idea. Maybe years of only knowing and talking to a limited amount of people made her this excited.
Salem: "Yes. Now, say goodbye to your friends while I have a small discussion with...my friends." smiling at her daughter, who immediately lunged and engulfed the two girls in a hug, Salem left and planned to go downstairs to have a little talk with the children's mother, but as she was about to go down the steps, the three women she left earlier had come up.
Salem: "Ah. Good, this makes things easier. My daughters and I will come here tomorrow. We will have another discussion about our 'alliance', whilst my daughters will convince your daughters to become their servants." she revealed her desire with a tone that made you stay quiet and just listen. And that's what she wanted. She didn't want to openly admit that she was setting up a playdate for her daughters. That would be too out of character of her.
Raven: "No child of mine will be under anyone." surprisingly, the woman who left her child once at the hands of her friend for a few years had stood uo against her.
Summer: "Narcissa's cute and all, but my daughters will not become her servants!! And what makes you think that I would let that happen!!?" as a mother, she would never, let her daughters come into harms way, and she would especially not make any of them become the servant of anyone.
However, against the raventte's cold glare and the silver-eyed warrior's outburst, Salem had just smirked.
Salem: "Hundreds of thousands of grimms, my dear. Hundreds and thousands of grimms. That, or your daughters falling into servitude." the smirk on her face was so infuriating that Summer had nearly blew a fuse, but luckily for her, she was stopped.
Olivia: "We understand. Please come tomorrow so that we could iron out the details." the small smile on the white-haired woman's face irritated Salem, as if she knew what she truly meant by what she had said.
Summer: "WHAT!!? OLIVIA WHY WO-*A hand covers her mouth* mmmmmffuuuu-mffuuu!! Mmmmmnnnn!!!" her flare-up was sudden, but understandable. Summer would have strangled Olivia if she hadn't gotten a silent plead. Pleading that she will explain later. The silver-eyed warrior didn't like Salem, she never will, especially now. If it were only her and Salem now, she would have let loose, doing everything she could to kill the immortal witch, even if she herself died. Salem was a menace, and even Summer's forgiving and kind nature wouldn't let her walk away from her crimes.
Salem: "Good. Now, we must leave. Let us have a...'peaceful' exchange tomorrow." with that, Salem had left the three women and went inside the room to get her daughter. As she entered, she immediately noticed the three children hugging each other.
She smiled, seeing how she made new friends, and hopefully, tomorrow, Bellatrix and Andromeda would accept these two sisters as their friends, too.
Salem: "Say goodbye now, little angel." she didn't want to break sich a cute sight, but they had matters to attend to.
Narcissa: "Uuuww~. Bye Ruby! Bye Yang!" there was reluctance in her voice, but she was still happy as she can get to play with them tomorrow, and this time, her sisters will be with them. She felt excited telling her sisters about her new friends!
Yang: "Come play with us sometime?" the young blonde really, °really° liked Narcissa, especially because she acted the same as Ruby, innocent and shy, but more talkative and less timid. Yang also liked Narcissa because she's the first kid that Ruby had eased up to.
Ruby: "Pl-please?" this was her first friend that she very much enjoyed to play with, she mostly avoids her other friends because she was afraid of how they thought of her. She was five years old, yet she's already pretty self-conscious of herself.
Narcissa was about to answer, but her mother had cut in between them.
Salem: "Don't worry, child. Narcissa will come and play with you soon, and this time, her sisters will join you." the pale woman smiled once again, liking this young silver-eyed warrior more than her mother, especially because she was cuter and harmless. She even went as far as "booping" her tiny nose, Ruby flushing red at that action and looking down to the ground.
Salem: "Well then, this is goodbye, for now." in a flash of black, Salem and Narcissa disappeared from their spot, a black dot suddenly appearing in their window that slowly shrunk, until it disappeared, however, no one noticed that as everyone was surprised at their exit.
|3rd Person's POV|
As Salem and Narcissa neared the castle after an half hour magic flight, Andromeda and Bellatrix were sitting on the steps in front of the castle.
Andromeda: "Uuuuuuuuggggggghhhhhh~~~! Are they here yet?" the young human-grimm complained as she swung her legs lazily, arching her back as she gazed at the blue-ish red sky.
Bellatrix: "I am sure that- oh!? Mo-mo! I think they are here!" seeing a black dot in the sky that gradually grew bigger, the child had stood up and squinted her eyes to get a better look at it, hoping that it was their mother and sister, informing her twin as she did so.
Andromeda: "Really!? They're here!?!" jumping up and down as she celebrated, she stood on her toes as she leaned forward, a hand above her eyes as she did the same as her twin did.
Then, to their joy, the black dot had soon turned into a flying humanoid figure, a smaller figure in its arms. However, they immediately noticed these figures as their mother and sister, and they jumped in bliss as they soon had landed in front of them.
The "twins" having quickly glomped the two in a tight hug. Nuzzling their cheeks onto their sister, they let out a satisfied pur before pushing themselves away gently.
Andromeda: "Ri-ri! Where were you? Are you hurt?" as she asked her question, she looked for any kind of injuries. And whilst Andromeda made sure she wasn't hurt, the "eldest" out of the three cupped Narcissa's cheek.
Bellatrix: "You forgot what mom said about following strangers, didn't you?" inquired the cat-grimm girl, her voice stern yet loving as Narcissa scratched her free cheek out of embarrassment, Andromeda finishing her "check-up" at the same time.
Narcissa: "Hehehe. But she was really nice! Ooh! I also made new friends!" announcing this so suddenly, the twins were surprised, but then they suddenly squealed, Bellatrix's being a bit more restrained than her twin.
Andromeda: "Reeaaallllyyyyy~~!?" her golden-red eyes seemingly shined, wishing that she too, could hopefully have a new friend. She loved everyone(Salem's servants and her family) in the castle, but she wanted to meet new people.
Narcissa: "Yep! And we can play with them tomorrow!" she was as happy as she can currently be, her hands holding Andromeda's as they jumped, their lips stretching into a wide smile as they jumped and jumped, wishing for tomorrow to come earlier. Bellatrix just watched with a content smile as the two went off to their own world, but she too, was wishing to meet her sister's new friends.
Salem: "Come on, princesses. We must eat. You can talk about Ri-ri's new friends while we eat." with a smile, she led her daughters inside, a plan on how she'll make sure that Olive and friends would work with her to eradicate rouge grimms. She was hesitant of it, but it would be a safe and easy way to secure Olive on her side, to use their daughter's cuteness to bring her to the "dark" side. She was not totally doing this because she was a bit lonely being a single parent. No ma'am.
¦Word count: 2,883+4¦
[A/N: Seems like most people are in for Salem being the main waifu. Let's see if she'll have a competitor for this spot.
BTW, what do you guys and gals think of the Grimm sisters going to Beacon the same year as team CFVY?]