










^~Ear rape

"*Smiles* This!"

^~Action while talking



|3rd Person's POV|

Salem had not mentioned a place for a meeting, so Olivia and the rest had decided that they must be having the "negotiation" in Summer's home. And, since they didn't want any kind of complications, they were tight-lipped about the matter. No one but them knew that their best bet against Grimm Queen had technically kidnapped her daughter, who is also Olivia's daughter, and that they were being threatened to an alliance. Also, they especially didn't mention anything about this to Ironwood, particularly about Olivia and Salem having a daughter.

Not only would he not believe any explanation they would bring, Ironwood would most likely hunt down the young child and conduct experiments on her. They wouldn't want that to happen to a child, an innocent one at that, from which they had personally experienced. And the sins of the parents aren't for the children to bear.

Olivia: "In the instance this is actually one of Salem's ploys, be prepared." It was early in the morning when Olivia and Glynda had arrived in the Rose-Branwen household, and that's just what the white haired woman had said upon entering.

Unlike Salem, who was emotionally starved, Olivia was more resistant against their daughter's charm, so using the child against her wouldn't have much of an effect on her, the woman had thought to herself. Sadly, she's wrong.

Raven: "I'm prepared to send the kids to the camp as soon as I see anything suspicious." Though she didn't need to say that, Summer could feel slightly more relaxed. Salem was a dangerous foe, and as much as she wanted for her daughters to not be here, she felt that they had to be their, and hopefully, they wouldn't suddenly be following Salem's daughters like they were servants.

Summer didn't want to believe that children could manipulate someone, but honestly, children are unpredictable and especially since °these° children. Salem's children. Salem seemed to be the type to teach her children tactics, warfare, killing, etc. when they aren't even teenagers yet.

Summer: "I just hope nothing bad happens." Ruby and Yang were in their backyard playing with their toys, none of their(Yang's) friends had come over as Summer didn't want to involve anybody else. If anything bad happens, they could get Ruby and Yang away as fast as possible via Raven's portals, and that was already a risky thing, and adding more people to protect will just make it impossible.

Raven: "Don't worry Summer. If it makes you feel better, I called Quill last night and should be here any minute now." The ravenette had tried to tease the shorter woman to lighten up the mood, and in some way, it did. A blush had appeared on the red-heads cheeks, though it was faint. The Bandit Leader had known about the woman's crush about her twin for years, dating back to their time in Beacon.

She felt kind of sad, she shipped her sister and the red-head beside her at that time, and she loved to tease the two, with Summer being a bumbling mess whilst Quill would be a drunken bitch. Sadly, as the last line of the Silver-Eyed Warriors, she was obligated to produce an heir, and Tai, knowing about the red-head's problem, had seduced Summer while he and Raven had dated. Obviously, Summer didn't do a thing, she was much too great a friend to give the blonde a chance, but after giving birth to Yang while her clan were having troubles, Raven had to leave.

As much as she wanted to come back for her daughter, the troubles her clan had were something she needed to solve. And once she'd come back for her daughter, she then found out that her best friend had been impregnated by her daughter's father, and was left without a notice. Quill, who would occasionally play with her neice while her twin was away, when finding out about the matter of Tai leaving Yang, his daughter, Summer, and a 1 week old Ruby to fend for themselves, had tried to find him. Sadly, she couldn't.

Quill had hated Tai while he and her twin dated, because of his playboy tendencies. She treated him as her best friend before he and her twin had become an item, but once he laid her hands on Raven, their friendship had slowly crumbled. Then, when she found out that he immediately went for Summer after Raven had disappeared, she was more furious about him, rather than with Raven who had left Yang. Then when he left Summer to take care of two babies by herself, never seemingly to return? She was livid, and she wanted blood. His blood.

Let's just hate everyone hates Taiyang Xiao Long, even his daughters. But enough of that, he isn't who we're supposed to be taking about now.

Summer: "R-really?" Raven had suddenly felt nostalgic with Summer's sudden bashfulness. This was how they were back then. Raven teasing Summer about her twin and the red-head would turn into this. Wishing for Quill to be beside her. Raven didn't know what Summer saw in her drunkard of a twin, but hey, she actually married Taiyang and look where that got them. At least the good thing out of it were the two little girls in their backyard.

Raven wasn't a great mother, even for from a normal one. But she loves her daughter, and she couldn't wait what she'd do in the future. And as her daughter, she was sure to put Yang, and Ruby, with the consent of Summer, under rigorous training after they reach the age of 8.

Raven: "Yep. She even said she's excited to see you again." The ravenette decided that she wouldn't add that Quill had drunkenly mentioned that she missed "her little own bundle of sunshine." as she was sure the shorter woman would probably faint. Even something as simple as I said made her this happy.

Summer: "H-hehehe. W-well, while waiting for...Salem, why don't we take a rest-*Bang!*" The silver-eyed warrior had wanted to suggest something, but as she was about to finish, she was interrupted by the sudden loud bang from the door being quickly opened.

Salem: "We have arrived, so you don't have to rest. I would like to finish this as fast as possible." The sudden appearance of the woman had startled everyone, but luckily, they didn't follow their instincts and bring out their weapons as their eyes widened when they saw the children beside Salem.

Narcissa was as adorable as ever, but this time, she had two girls with her, twins apparently. The two girls with Narcissa looked the same, but they gave off different auras and different expressions. On Narcissa's right was a cute girl, but was most definitely going to grow into a gorgeous beauty, whilst Narcissa was going to grow into an adorable cinnamon roll. The girl had a mature disposition, unlike the happy-go-lucky Narcissa. Then, on Narcissa's left was another girl, the twin of the other girl beside Narcissa. She, however, looked more mischievous and rebellious.

But, the most surprised out of the four was Olivia. Salem hadn't clarified yesterday if they had more than one daughter, so Olivia was slightly scared.

Salem: "Where are your children, Rose." She was calm, unlike the three women who were frozen from the surprise of the two new children with Narcissa.

Summer: "U-uh th-they're outside in the backyard. Yo-you can just go straight there following this hallway." Pointing at the door farther away facing the the entrance absentmindedly, she took a moment to process Salem having more than one children, and none of them seemed like a snob or evil. They all looked like normal children, who were more beautiful and cuter than the rest.

Narcissa: "Hi auntie! We'll go play with Ruby and Yang!" Quickly grabbing her sisters' hands, she dashed towards the door leading to the backyard, too excited to properly greet the adults and introduce her sisters.

Salem: "Hmph. Forgive them, they were just too excited to finally have servants that they would train by themselves." There was no shame in her voice, and this caused Summer to flare, however, she was stopped by a crow that had landed in a nearby window, its red eyes staring at the five. Summer had forgotten her anger and nearly smiled, but one shake of a head from the crow made her stop in her tracks and don a serious expression.

Salem: "Well then. Shall we?" Without another word, Summer had led them all to the living room. A crude place for a meeting like this, but what would you expect of a normal house? Salem scoffed, but she already decided what she would do, so she'll see the end of it, but not before giving a "casual" glance at the crow.

|Yang's POV|

-I already miss Narcissa.-

Ever since yesterday, I couldn't get Narcissa out of my head. I mean, the girls like Ruby! But not as shy and more social! I really like her eyes! Their like the ocean! And she's really nice and friendly! Even Ruby likes her and she talks to her without hiding behind me.

But I'm sad that I couldn't get to play with Narcissa more. Last night, though it was annoying to teach it, Narcissa, Ruby and I played "House"! I was the "Daddy" -better than Taiyang!-, Narcissa was the "Mommy" and Ruby was our daughter!

I didn't think any kid wouldn't know about "House", but I stand corrected! It took a bit of time, but after I taught her that it was all about acting, we finally got to play! Even if Ruby and I didn't have a father to imitate, mommy Summer taught me how when we played before and she told me that I was a better father than my actual father! Sometimes, Ruby would be the "Daddy", or the "Mommy", and sometimes I'll be the "Mommy" or the "Daughter", but I liked being "Daddy"!

Then, while playing "House", I noticed that Narcissa was really good at being the "Mommy". I asked why, and she told me that she just acted like how her mother acted to her! And if Narcissa was really acting like her mother, then she must really be a great one, even though she looked scary the first time we met her.

It was our first time seeing a person with white skin and black lines around her body! We were scared! Especially because of her weird eyes! But when Narcissa's mother smiled, she actually looked really beautiful! Mommy Summer did say "Don't judge a book by its cover."!

Anyways, I was with Ruby in our backyard playing catch with Zwei! I wanted to have friends over, or go to one of my friend's house with Ruby, but mommy didn't want us going away from home for today. I didn't know why, but even mommy Raven told us to stay, so we stayed.

Ruby: "Go get it Zwei!" My little sister yelled as she threw the tennis ball as far as she could, nearly reaching the forest behind our house.

Zwei: 'Must get BALL!!'

As Zwei went to get the ball as fast as he could with his tiny legs, I sat on the ground, imagining about Narcissa being here as I closed my eyes.

Narcissa: "We've come to play~!"

-I could even hear her voice.- I thought to myself as I "imagined" Narcissa, now with my eyes open, pass through our backdoor with two other girls that looked like each other. Twins, I guess. Don't know why I imagined Narcissa with two other people, but I was too focused with how cute she looked with a one piece red kimono dress.

Ruby: "Hhyyaaaa! Narcissa!!" I 'imagined' how my little sister had screamed in glee, finding herself in the arms of our new friend as she ran at her, a gentle smile making its way up Narcissa's cute face as she caressed Ruby's head.

After a while, Narcissa having introduced her two companions? to Ruby, which the younger girl had shyly hidden herself in Narcissa's embrace at the start, I then continued with "imagining" Narcissa making her way towards me with a huge smile, and that just made my heart melt. I didn't think that my imagination could make "imaginary" Narcissa look this cute!

Narcissa: "We've come to play!!"

¦Word count: 2,100+4¦