

|3rd Person's POV|

"Are you really going to Beacon earlier than us?" Asked a very sad Ruby, eyes glistening in tears as she practically crushed Bellatrix's bones. As much as she wanted to be hugging Narcissa right now, no offense to Yang, but Bellatrix was practically the perfect big sister to her.

"We are, Runes. Our mom thought it was for the best." The oldest out of the the three Grimm sisters soothingly gave her answer, patting the youngest's head out of the group affectionately while simultaneously showing the same affection to the little redhead's nickname.

"But!...but..." A teary whine came from the little speedster, nuzzling her nose against Bellatrix's chest longingly after.

"Mother said that it was for the best. And though I think it's bull-, mother is right. We're too dependent with each other. We practically have a telepathic link by now at how much we don't even need to look at each other's eyes to know what the other's thinking. And that's good, but even I think it's a bit much. We'll need to be more...aware of other things? Other than each other? I think that's some part of it? Yeah." Andromeda confessed, biting back a curse with Ruby here, putting her weight against Yang's back as they both sat against each other on the floor.

"But why! I mean, even though I'm definitely offended that they think my temper is a problem, I can't deny that they're right. Remember when that kid nearly flipped Cissy's?" The only blonde in the group asked while curling her knees closer to her chest.

"You nearly broke his arm, and that was while his aura was active, in an instant." Helpfully added the remaining girl in the room sitting on the bed, looking out the window with a distant look.

"Yeah. Good thing it was during sparring. Avoided suspension." Yang muttered, eyes now on Narcissa's melancholic, yet ethereal profile. The moonlight did wonders to her exquisite face, especially now that she had sported a tri-colored hair resembling a black forest theme. It was a unique combination that suited her developing personality. Narcissa was a hard to understand girl, always unpredictable in some level, while being normally predictable. Like there were two different Narcissa's in one body.

"Mmmm." A hum was Narcissa's only response, obviously distracted.

"Will we still stay the same?" Then, as usual, a sudden question came from Narcissa. She had a knack for suddenly dropping questions, most that were mildly philosophical.

"What do you mean?" Asked Ruby, leaving Bellatrix to sit on a beanbag and opting on crawling towards Narcissa on her bed. Ruby felt a little glad that her sheets were fresh and smelled nice. She didn't want Narcissa's sweet sent getting tainted of anything stinky because of her.

"It's going to be nine months, we'll have at least four days with each other every month, but we'll mostly be away from each other for nine months. Won't there be changes?" Finally, Narcissa pulled her eyes away from the aesthetic, yet scary view outside the window, and focused on Ruby. And said girl's breath hitched at the intensity of Narcissa's gaze.

As much as the older girls wanted Ruby to keep her innocence, they can't hide everything from her, especially with two of them being flirty and the internet. So now, Narcissa looked positively sexy in a casual and distracted way, if that was a thing.

"There shouldn't really be much change. And we'll always find out if there was! Even if we are far away from each other, we'll always find one another! No bad guys, grimms, monsters and adults can keep us away from each other! Especially me! I'll always be there for you!" The smallest girl out of the group confidently declared, standing up from her bed with a smile and raised fist.

And, being the infectious little cinnamon roll she was, smiles came out naturally as she was glomped into a group hug. The older girls loved the youngest of their group to death. Though Narcissa may be the center that connects them all, Ruby was the support she had to keep them remain connected.

"Yeah! We'll video call every night! And you can even text us during classes!" Came the excited exclamation of Yang, all her negative thoughts being slowly thrown down the drain.

"Yep! We'll definitely always be together! No adults can ever stop us! We're the Big 5! Hahahaha!" Then came the gleeful addition of Andromeda, playfully mentioning their group's name that were given by their childish peers.

"No matter what, we'll always find a way. Right, girls?" The calmest out of the five, Bellatrix, gave with a dazzling smile.

"Totally! Those who says otherwise wouldn't get cookies and ice-cream! We're definitely, never, ever going to truly separate!" Was the happy agreement of Narcissa, her red-orange eyes glistening with joy.

And as the girls continued to hug, a soft snort came right outside Ruby's bedroom. Being the most stealthy, Raven was voted to check up on the girls. Having watched the whole ordeal, Raven only muttered a single, two-word sentence.

"Useless lesbians." The ravenette helplessly muttered in a way that was both annoyed and amused. Never would she have thought that her daughter would turn gay. If it were the old Raven, she would have wacked some sense onto her daughter and made her look for a man. Not for being a traditional old had, but to give birth to a strong child like she had done.

As soon as Yang was born, she immediately left Taiyang and went after the sexiest woman she could get her hands on, bar Summer since she was too sweet in a way that she wouldn't suddenly have sex with their teammates ex out of nowhere.

But, she should have guessed, in a way, like mother, like daughter.

Then, seeing that there wasn't a problem, Raven left the girls to their own devices feeling that what she had done was just a waste of time. However, she could look at the bright side and realize that she's another thousand lien richer because she had one another bet with her casual lover Glynda pertaining the relationship the girls had.




|3rd Person's POV|

°.°.°.°.°.°.° .°.°

"Well...we spent most our summer hanging out, like usual." Started Andromeda as she entered Vale with her family -which includes the Rose-Branwen family too-.

"No training, sparring. Just stupidity and fun." Added the eldest of the three sisters, posture prim and proper just like her mother.

"Still can't believe that this'll end. I'm definitely going to miss you girls." Yang said as she kept herself latched against Narcissa's back, discreetly trying to take in as much of said woman's scent as much as she can, desperately wanting to make sure she'll never get to forget it.

"I'll miss our Cookie and Ice-Cream Overload days..." A sad mutter came from Ruby, one hand melded against Narcissa's as she led the group. The two sisters were given their moment with Narcissa by the twins, acknowledging that this will be the last chance they get with Narcissa for at least a week. As dramatic as it is, being separated from each other was something they were definitely not used to.

"Mm-hmm. Even though you being in a sugar rush is a pain, you're still adorable. I will really miss the two of you." Narcissa admitted with a hint of melancholy. She had never had been separated from her friends for a day, much less five days. She just hopes that nothing bad would happen to either of them without her and her sisters around. Ruby was a clumsy girl and Yang was easily angered, hence the reason why she had to stay a year more in Signal to learn how to manage her anger.

"Uh. Come on kids. We don't have all day. You'll get to be touchy feely in the weekends. We're getting close to the terminals." Then came Raven's voice, cutting the atmosphere in half and turning the mildly happy moment they had to a gloomy one.

Raven didn't look regretful at what she had done, even when Salem, her twin, and even Summer glared at her, but inside, she was internally beating herself up after seeing her daughter's and Andromeda's expressions. Still, she remained cool and didn't try to apologize for what she had done, especially when the Bullhead Terminal was now within sight.

"We're here." The ravenette gruffly informed what everyone already knew, but did it nonetheless to distract them from the gloomy atmosphere, if only for a moment.

The Bullhead Terminal was currently packed, obviously the teens aspiring to be Huntsmen and Huntresses with their family and friends. It was somewhat overwhelming for the three who were younger than everyone else entering Beacon, but they were absurdly strong women.

Since childhood, Salem had trained them to be the best, and with their Grimm genes in them, they had taken drinks out of the Grimm Pool, which was proven to give them more aura capacity, but the how was still a question, especially when Aura had a direct connection to souls. So, with it, they had no reason to fear, plus, their other mother was the Headmistress of the academy, and though Olivia wouldn't use her authority, she could still intimated the students if things had gotten out of hand.

Now feeling a bit empowered, the three held their chins up, posture the same as a royal should. Their mother was a princess, a Queen, and a general, and they were making their mother proud by being gracious and noble, catching everyone's attention with every elegant step.

For years, the three sisters had begun wearing more casual clothing sinve their meeting with Yang and Ruby, but now, they had reverted to wearing more formal attires, expensive dresses with exquisite designs that showed off their bodies while being modest at the same time in fact. Their budding breasts were covered, showing no cleavage, and so was the most part of their collarbone. There was no slits in their dresses, and they were practically covered save for their arms and neck, but they still looked otherworldly.

From the beginning, they had already been catching attention, and as soon as they had reached the crowded terminal, all eyes were on them. The adults marveled at them, the men were more appreciative at the young women's looks, some having perverted looks that were quickly swatted away by their partners or friends, while the women were somewhat jealous but was more in awe. They absolutely adored their clothes, however, they rather put their attention on their wearer.

Of course, the four other women with them had also caught attention, being beauties themselves, and so did Yang and Ruby, but the three sisters just caught more attention with their current attire, while though they were smitten with Salem, most were more wary of her, having white skin with faded black veins and intimidating eyes and all.

Though the funny thing was that the hormonal teenagers were practically embarrassing themselves with openly ogling at them, the boys more so, the girls having been more discreet but was still obviously being awestruck and most likely questioning their sexuality. The group of women °were° the types who would turn straight girls go all lesbian for them. The world was just unfair like that.

Still, as much as the people were distracted with the two families, they had made way for them. Now in front of a slowly incoming Bullhead, the two families had begun their goodbyes.

"Ruby. You better not have a cookie overload without me, 'kay? Your mum can't always chase you down. And you better not ruin Ruby with your horrible puns Yang!" Hugging the youngest girl in the group tightly, Andromeda put a distance between her and the blonde.

"Hey! My puns aren't °that° bad!" Yang gave Andromeda a light punch to her shoulder, not having enough energy to punch harder like she usually did.

"It is! And I promise I'll only stick with normal cookies and no special Strawberry Chocolatey Sugar Bomb Cookies! Cross my heart!" A smile remained on the redhead's lips, clinging dearly on the youngest twin.

"You better." The fox faunus(grimm) cooed softly, planting a kiss on the shorter girl's head.

"And since I can't be there physically, I would request Summer to properly make sure you two are to complete your assignments. Can't have you not have the academic requirements for Beacon now." Bellatrix, with her usual cool look, mentioned the need for her friends to finish their task without them, but her voice had betrayed her expression as it sounded sad and longing.

With a gentle smile, Summer patted the young woman who was nearly taller than her. "Don't worry Bella. I'll make sure to make them finish their work on time. I'll even ban Ruby from eating cookies and hide Yang's...°collection°."

By "collection", Summer didn't mean porn mags, but were rather images of Narcissa in lewd posses and clothing. The mother in her had wanted to burn those images, as tantalizing as they are, but thought of just letting it go since her daughter was a teenager and at least she wasn't masturbating to some boy, or worse, having sex with one at such a young age. As weird as it is, Narcissa was a saving grace Summer allowed Yang to have because she absolutely shipped her eldest daughter with the other girl.

"Thank you." A soft voice came and interrupted Summer out of her thoughts, causing her to smile back at Bellatrix.

"I said it a lot of times already, but I'll really, °really° miss you all." Narcissa gave out a sad smile, which then started a group hug, with the older women joining. Murmurs of soft affection entered their ears, and the moment felt like forever, but it soon came to a stop with the Bullhead opening its doors.

"Well. Guess we'll have to go." Sadly muttered Andromeda, ending the hug.

"...bye." The hesitation was obvious in her voice, but Narcissa still kept on smiling as she squeezed Yang's forearm, making the blonde's heart skip a beat because of her crestfallen expression.

"Bye..." Was all she could respond with before glancing at Bellatrix who was quickly hugging Salem and the rest of the women with them, even Raven, who didn't seem to know how to respond to it. Thankfully for her, Bellatrix had quickly ended the hug before entering the Bullhead with Andromeda.

"You better call us tonight, Cissa." Whimpered Ruby as she gave Narcissa one last hug, prompting said girl to smile wider.

"We will." She answered, ignoring how she mentioned only "You" , rather than "You three", because she didn't want to think too deeply about it because she knew the youngest had a crush on her.

"Bye." It was barely above a whisper, and before Narcissa could have leaned down to kiss her head for comfort, Ruby had surprisingly lifted her head, stood on her toes and gave a quick kiss on Narcissa's lips before dashing away with a trail of rose petals.

Narcissa didn't know how to respond, a light shade of pink dusting itself on her cheek was the only response she had for Ruby's sudden action. With a quick "Goodbye.", she went inside the Bullhead, leaving her friends(the adults included(even Raven)) and her mother's varying expressions unknown to her.
