Finally the End?...

The Galactic Association had published some rules regarding starship's weapon systems a very long time ago.

They were mostly regarding different types of weapons that were none were allowed to be in use, because of the greater harm they could do to the entire mankind. Even though these rules were made because of the situations back when the humans were on the conquering spree, they still got stuck with no plans of ever being removed.

One of them happened to be a limitation added on the ship's weapon capabilities. Ships were only allowed to use a simpler version of weapons approved by the association. However, they were allowed to use any number of combat suits, modified humans, mechs, superhumans, and supersoldiers.

No-one had any problems with those rules, after all, it also ensured the job opportunities for other mercenaries.

Another happened to be Weapons of Mass Destruction. They were also banned to use, except for the association themselves.

Of course, even the association was only allowed to use those weapons against the beings that were a threat to mankind.

Modified humans meant humans that had taken gene reagents or gone through an implant, or had some genetic abilities.

Superhumans on the other hand were those humans that had a certain special ability since the moment they were born. They were rarer among peoples and were highly valued even by the association, and also by the government themselves.

Of course, the one they valued the most was the "Super-Soldiers".

Every soldier dreamed of becoming one; However, the chances of becoming was almost negligible.

Only two percent of the entire population in the entire galaxy was able to break through their human limits.

So, who were these Super-Soldiers?

They are all soldiers that somehow broke through the physical and mental limitations that confined them to be a normal human. In an indirect term, they were also called gods. And if they were to take gene reagents on top of that! No-one could even imagine the power they hold.

Why gods?

Well, what can you call a being that didn't have any limitations or barriers, except gods? They were just too OP. Of course, both association, and the government where they were born, groomed them.

Also, killing them using any underhanded methods meant facing the wrath of the galactic association.


Zoom... Zoom... Zoom...

Mark too started firing the weapon. After all, laser rifles were categorized as both long-range and short-range weapons.

Alongside numerous glowing colorful lights, his rifle too fired some shots. Comparatively, the pirate's leader wasn't able to bring too many lackeys alongside them. They had divided more than half of their combined forces to secure two ships already.

They have also known, that most of the passengers on the new ship happened to be the graduates rather than mercenaries. Hence, themselves alongside their subordinates were more than enough for taking care of the newcomers.

Grinning inside the combat suits, the pirate's leader ordered everyone to shoot at those guarding the ship. Even though the short-range weapons like plasma rifles has lost most of its effect because of the distance, getting shot continuously one after another, still caused them some harm.

"Get cover in the ship's energy shield."

Hearing the orders all mercenaries and security personnel took cover and also kept on firing back. Even with lots of distance in between, some blind shots were able to hit their targets, on both sides. Even though the pirates were a bit large in number compared to the opponents, they didn't have the same amount of skills.

Taking cover behind the ship's turrets, Mark took aim and began shooting the pirates one after another. At the same time, as requested or ordered by Eden, he was also letting the suit calculate the damage reports.


The first shot almost went through the entire metal layering. However, the target also won't stay in the same place waiting to get punctured.

Getting more than half of the metal covering melted by the opponent shot, the pirate suit's nano-tech started letting backup metals take over the melted parts. Within seconds, it was good as new.

Zoom... Zoom... Zoom...

Mark too had started shooting at any target that was getting closer to the ship one after another, forcing them to go to the back. Of course, the moment the nano-tech finished mending the damaged spot. They again moved forward.

This cycle went on again and again. Some of them have been shooting so many shots, the rifle was starting to get heated up.

Also, the battle didn't seem to be getting finished anytime soon. Though the fight carried on and the situation was still not dire, yet.

However, as the way the whole situation was moving forward, it did not look like it was going to end pretty for any of the three ships.

"The leader of the merc group. Yes, the one on the top. Yes, you with the laser rifle. Mark, right. Change your target to the one with large grey wings. Our rifle wasn't able to damage its suits by a lot. Leave the others to us."

"Huh! That felt good." Mark whispered inside his suit while changing the target at the winged suit. "Didn't know a single rifle could change view regarding a person."


As the battle went on and on, it lasted for more than an hour without any sign of coming to a conclusion. However, everyone was beginning to feel tired.

At the same time, they were also beginning to feel odd regarding the entire event.

The moment the pirates saw mercenaries and security personnel, they had directly ordered subordinates to fire their weapons. No specific order, just shoot. The security personnel and mercenaries, felt like they were fighting against a horde of reckless children going through puberty.

Even though they knew the main reason for this kind of behavior was because of the graduates, that were currently within the ship. Most of the pirates would have already left the site in fear of the arrival of space patrol or military.

However, the pirates didn't leave the place, neither did the space patrol replied to their signal.

"Could this be someone else's idea," Mark mumbled. A pirate group clever enough to add disrupter in the middle of the hyperdrive track should also have a pretty good idea on how to fight against a bunch of guards. Also should have a good idea about when to leave the area.

Zoom... Zoom...

"Another down."

Lots of pirates have already been taken care of. More than hundreds of pirates had already died in the fight. Of course, some mercenaries and security personnel have also been badly wounded, but none of them had died. Yet.

The suit built-in foam protection system made sure that even if the body was close to getting exposed to the vacuum, they won't die just yet. The foam would cover the person within the suits and eject them to the nearest safe location.

More than forty percent of the shots fired towards them was taken care of by the ship's energy shield itself, while a few were shot blindly.

"Maybe, they're waiting!?" One of the security personnel exclaimed and also questioned his conclusion at the same time.

That was a valid conclusion. There was no reason for pirates to fight this long while losing so many subordinates without any reason. So what could they probably be waiting for? Another question arose in their mind.

Almost as if to answer the question, another huge starship appeared out of the hyperdrive and loomed over all of them.

Looking at the logo of long red rifles crossing in middle with a red skull on top, drawn on the side of the ship they instantly recognized the newcomer. "Blood Guns" pirate group, one of the powerful pirate group that was a pain in the *ss to both fourth and third rate star cluster system.

The three commercial ships had already closed the distance between them to try and force the pirates to turn around. The joint force of three ships was finally able to force some dent on the pirate's force, but now they were also supposed to fight against the new pirate force.

"Damn it. Send another message to space patrol. It's Blood-Gun this time." Cried out the security leader to the ship's captain.

"I can't, the new ship has jammed our communication devices. All signals are blocked." Captain cried from the cockpit.

"What's the point? They haven't even replied to the previous signal." Another personnel spoke. "It seems like these pirates have their man on the inside."

"I can't believe it! The employees have been bought? Doesn't that mean we are done for?" Another personnel questioned shaking in fear.

More than one hour of the shooting had rendered most of the rifles to be useless. Most of the weapons were already out of commission, because of overheating.

Mark was already exhausted from continuous shooting. Kill one, another shows up, shoot the new one, again another takes over. This wasn't a war. This was a battle, against pirates. This wasn't supposed to last long. More than an hour of fight, only soldiers could fight so long. He was just some mercenary.

Eden, who was looking at the fight from the very beginning finally shuddered. He had faith in his luck; hence, even bought a comfortable chair from the room to look at the live fight.

Of course, it was after watching on for around half an hour. But now after the entry of the new pirate. He finally felt a bit scared... actually, a lot scared. Was this finally the end? Life of a mechanic slave?