
I'm His Girlfriend

"Just page me if you need anything." Seunwo said excusing himself and went to the nearby coffee shop.

It's already 8 in the night time when he finally get to breathe. The surgery ended longer than they expected so it did burn him out.

"Dr Han, the usual?" The barista greeted him when he saw Seunwo make his way to the counter.

"Yeah." He said as he smiled.

"This is on me. I heard you got sick pretty bad."

"Its alright-"

"I insist." The barista winked at him and serves his coffee making the ladies in the cafe swoon. Seunwo let out a hearty chuckle and just nod.


"Sure thing, bro."

Seunwo stretched a bit after he reached the rooftop. Sipping his coffee carefully, he checked his social media through his phone and came across Leira's post in instagram.

An unknowing smile crept up his face as he scroll through the videos and pictures she posted during her study in Indonesia.

Leira is undoubtedly beautiful and is one of the many things that had made him noticed her during their university days even before she had asked him out.

He never thought that she would be his girlfriend even knowing how serious he is with what he do.

The video showed Leira was feeding a wild deer carefully. She smiled to the person behind the camera gleefully when the deer nuzzled to her hand before leaping away.

"I am the chosen one!" She said laughing.

"Now, I want to go home.." He chuckled to himself.

Then he saw a picture of her with Dohyon. The male had his chin on her head with his arms hugging her shoulders from behind, plastering his usual teeth smile while Leira made an amused smile.

"Male friends." He said inwardly, recalling what Elaine had told him and shook his thought away.

"Han Seunwo!"

He heard her voice called out to him. He turned to the voice direction and he immediately saw Leira walking to him clad in wool v- neck sweater that exposes a bit of her left shoulder.

Oh look home came to me instead.

"Hi." She beamed at him when she finally arrived in front of him. He stared at her and Leira can't help but to poke his cheek questioningly.

"Hello is anybody there?" Leira tilt her head worried.

Without saying anything, Seunwo leaned in, brushing their lips together softly.

Pulling away, he smiled at her that reached his eyes as she felt her cheeks redden by the sudden affection.


"Is your coffee too strong or what?" She chuckled.

"I just wanted to do that when I saw you." He shrugged. Leira looked at him in awe.

"You're giving me a heart attack." She said slapping his shoulder to which he just laughed.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. Suddenly all his tiredness has lifted away.

"What am I doing- Oh! right. I just wanted to say hi."

"Looks like someone is having too much free time."

"Too much, yeah. Anyways, that's all I want to say. Bye." She said cheekily and turned to the exit but Seungwoo pulled her back.

Her hands landed on his chest.

"Why are you remaking a romantic scene, boyfriend?" She broke into a hearty laugh. He grinned playfully.

"My shift is about to end, wait for me?"

"The trio are waiting for me downstairs though."

"Why? Did someone got hurt?" Seunwo asked concerned.

"Uhh, well Hwiyun but then not really because he's not that serious." replied, scratching her neck. He looked at her questioningly.

"Long story short, Naeun cheated on him so we were getting back at her-I'm going to stop there." Leira closed her mouth from blabbering.

"Who's Naeun?"

"Uhh the nurse?"

"Which nurse?"

"Elaine's friend."

"Oh. I didn't know Hwiyun has a girlfriend."



"Wait here, I forgot to take something." Seunwo said going back to his department office. Leira leaned to the wall and uses her phone, replying to the group chat.

She let out a light chuckle reading what had happen earlier with Naeun. Apparently, Dohyon had bribed a close but sadly a fake friend of Naeun to be Hwiyun new girlfriend which upsetted Naeun in numerous ways.

Sometimes, rich kids play around too hard. What's more evil way in making your ex mad? Date her friend.

"Oh! Are you waiting for Dr Kim?" A nurse came to her suddenly making her looked up from her phone.

She raised her eyebrows when she saw Elaine was beside her looking annoyed.

"No why?" Leira tilted her head questioningly.

"Alright, lets go." Seunwo said coming to her before realizing the nurse had been staring at his girlfriend and then at him.

She then looked at their intertwined hands.

"Aren't you Dr Kim's girlfriend?" She asked with a confused facial expression.

Seunwo tighten his grip on her hand.

"No. I'm with this guy though. She knows too." Leira said looking at Elaine with a poker face.

"But Elaine told us-"

"If you want to talk about my personal life to people, let it be at least the right information." Seunwo spoke up disappointedly.

"Hey, its fine." Leira said patting his chest.

"Let me introduce myself properly." She smiled at the nurse who immediately return the smile.

"Hi, I'm Kim Leira. I've been going out with this doctor since we were students in SNU."

"Oh, campus sweethearts."

"Well, uhh you could say that?" Leira said slightly tilt her head as she try to recall. He looked at her amused.

"I'm sorry, Dr. I must've hurt your feelings." The nurse said apologetically.

"It can't be helped. Then, we're going first. Good work today." He nodded at her and pulled Leira to walk away.

"Nice meeting you!" Leira said waving back at them.

Elaine and the nurse looked at the couple as they walked, leaving the hospital.

"She is such a cool woman! I can see why Dr Han date her. Did you see how he looked at her? Its almost like Leira is Dr Han's whole worl-"

"Are you done?" Elaine snapped. The nurse made a face at her before scoffing.

"What? Are you jealous? Is that why you told everyone she was dating Dr Kim?"

"She dates everyone." Elaine rolled her eyes, making up a lie.

"What's up with you people? Naeun cheated on her boyfriend and you trying to get someone's boyfriend. Girl, go get your own mans." The nurse said leaving Elaine in the hallway.

"Girls these days."


"Do you need anything else sir?"

"That will be all. You can get to your room now. Thanks." The male said opening the door for his assistant to go out.

"Another thing sir, do you want me to tell Miss Leira about your arrival?"

"No. I'll tell her myself. We're going to meet soon anyways." He said clenching his jaw for a brief moment and nodded.



"This feels like university days all over again."

"Hwiyun, we just finished our paper a month ago. What's the big deal?" Chae snorted.

Dohyon had invited everyone to go to an open space cinema where people go to chill with friends by the bonfire in the futuristic woods to celebrate Hwiyun break up for no reason.

"Is Kai going to join us? His shift ended already right?"

"Yeah. He's on the way."

"Having Seunwo here, brings back memories." Dohyon said teasingly. The male raised his eyebrows, interested.

"No. Shut up." Leira said flatly.

"Remember she suddenly got possessed by her alter ego and walked straight to him that day?" Chae joined in.

"What alter ego? That's herself alright." Dohyon chuckled.

"Yeah, she finally got her courage." Hwiyun said nodding while munching on popcorns. Dohyon smiled evilly.

"There's a behind story in that."

"Ugh here we go again." Leira sighed and leaned to her beau hiding her face.

"You know why she didn't hesitate?" The evil male asked Seunwo. He just shook his head, amused.

"Someone threaten Lei to back off because the person liked you first."

"The audacity." Chae scoffed.

"And being the stop at nothing, Lei. She straight up went to you the moment she landed her eyes on you, right in front of the girl's very salad." Dohyon laughed after recalling the exact situation.

"Oh the exact word she said before she went to you was 'Watch me. There's no way in hell I'll let you out of all people to stop me.' I remembered that clearly." Chae joined in the laugh.

"I don't sound that bitchy." Leira groaned.

"I should thank whoever this person is then." Seunwo said chuckling, bringing her closer to him.

"Boy, little did you know. She's closer to you than you expect."

Leira shook her head subtly to Chae, to drop the subject. Chae rolled her eyes and mouthed 'fine'.

"Now that I think about it, you are the first person Lei had ever shown interest in, hyung. Back in the US, Lei was friend-zoning boys left and right." Hwiyun said and pressed on the last part jokingly.

"Thats because we are all friends, Hwi." She stuck his tongue out at him.

"Kai oppa is here!" Chae jokingly cheered making Kai cringed. She rolled her eyes afterwards.

"It's weird coming out from you, Lee Chaerin."

"It's a joke, dumbass."

"Kai is here, now who else is not here?" Hwiyun pushed back his hair making the girls nearby ogle at their group of model looking friends.

Dohyon and Seunwo looked like a character coming straight out of a movie, Hwiyun and Kai looked like models fresh out of runway. Certainly a sight to see for the girls.

"That brother of mine. He said he'll be here in 10 sec-"

"Nope, I'm earlier than that."

"Omo, isn't that Taejin?" They heard the girls said and Seunwo immediately pulled the said guy down beside them.

"Does this mean we're going to be all over social media again?" Hwiyun chortled.

"I'm making my insta private." Leira snorted.

"Meh too lazy for that." The latter shrugged and Chae nodded in agreement. Taejin made a face at their reaction.

"Am I a burden now?"

"Always have." Seunwo said making them ooed.

"I like this Seunwo." Doyoung laughed.

"I know right." Leira said making a proud face to which Hwiyun snapped his fingers.

"Oh right! She has this-"

"Time to shut up." Leira hugged his head, closing his mouth using her palm. Everyone raised their eyebrows at her.

"Hwiyun knows something~" Chae teased hugging her head so they became this weird hugging statue.

"Say huggies!" Taejin said holding up his phone taking a picture of them.

"Ahhh, finally we're hanging out together again. Plus Kai." Taejin chuckled before adding the last part. Kai just shrugged, taking Chae's popcorn.

"This guy spend his weekend sleeping back in the days." Seunwo said pointedly. Leira looked at Kai judgingly.

"Kai? Sleep? The heck happened after university then? You always drag me out late at night."

"That's because I like you, you oblivious woman."

"You had to go there in front of everyone, didn't you." Leira shook her head amused.

Everyone's eyes widen at that and Seunwo let out a long sigh.

"Yah! She doesn't know that- The boyfriend is here, cowboy!" Chae shrieked.

"This dude got balls, I give you that." Dohyon shook his head amused. Taejin chuckled lightly as Kai had just started a chaos.
