
A Day To Remember.

"Isn't this too soon? What's the rush?" Leira asked bitting her lip.

"We just decided that its for the best for the both of you to seal the deal. Good image for the company too." Her father said earning a slap on his thigh. His lady of the house sighed.

"Are you changing your mind, dear?" Mrs Kim asked. Leira felt her emotion trying to breakthrough her mask hearing the person that she considered her real mother.

"No, eomma. I just didn't expect that it would be this soon. " She smiled through the screen.

"Well, marrying you two is the original plan even before Runa came into the picture. If you didn't reject that arrangement before, you and Kai would have been-"

"Yeah alright. I'm going first. Bye dad, ma, love you." Leira blow a kiss and stood up not wanting to look at the screen anymore.

Kai bid goodbyes to the elders and ended the video call. The parents had video called them to update her about the wedding while the new couple were visiting Wushin's office.

"At this point I'm doing everything she says. I'm raising the white flag. Boo."

"I still can't believe you're giving what Runa wants." Wushin rubbed his nonexistent beard wonderingly.

"I still can't believe you're marrying me."

Leira narrowed her eyes at the melanin beauty as Wushin snickered at Kai's way of making her annoyed.

"Anyways, come on my oppa and chingu soon to be hub, lets go eat something." She said in multiple language as she pulled Wushin and Kai's hand and stepped out of his office.

"Nah, I'm sending you two down. You sound like a koreaboo." Wushin said. Leira snorted.

"I have the rights to be one."

"So you're marrying for real?" Her brother said looking at her weirdly. They walked arm in arm with Leira passing through the company's many department offices and into the elevator.

"We can just get a divorce after a year or two." Leira shrugged.

"This isn't The Sims, Ra. Have you lost your mind? Divorce is not a small thing." Wushin nagged.

"Meh, I think I dropped it and I'm not picking it up."


"I don't care anymore, guys. I don't even want to think about it."

"She don't care huh." Her brother said flatly. Kai nodded.

"She really don't."

"I don't."

"You sure? You might not get out of it." Kai pressed. Leira scrunched her nose and waved it off.

"I'm meeting Seunwo after this, drop me off at home."

"That hurts my feelings. I thought we're going to eat." Kai said and chuckled when Leira dug her nails in his arm. Wushin shook his head at the thought of her meeting her ex.

"Your engagement announcement would be out anytime, Ra. "

"To be honest, I'm more worried about another thing." Leira chuckled bitterly. "This should be the last time I'm meeting him so rest assured big bro."

"Eh." He said as they arrived at the lobby of the Kims Chemical Compaby tall building.

"Oh right, Lei. Be my plus one next week?" Kai asked changjng the topic to which she replied a little too fast.


"Why?" Kai wanted to laugh. Leira just shrugged.

"Felt like it."

"You're such a brat." Kai chuckled.

"You're marrying this brat." She said mindlessly but paused when she noticed silence.

"Too early for this joke, eh?" She tapped her cheek. The two males shook their head amused by her.

"A little too early."


Seunwo ignore the stares from the women at the exhibition and just enjoying the artwork in front of him.

Unlike the usual loose casual outfit, he was clad in fitted black coloured turtle neck with a brown blazer that makes him radiates big matured boyfriend energy.

From the corner of his eyes, he could still sense the same person he has been noticing sitting enjoying his coffee.

His thought cut off when a whiff the pleasant familiar scent greets his nose. He turned around to face her before she could call him.

"Hey." Leira smiled, not expecting him to notice right away. He returned the smile that she always adore.

"You're here. Come, I already save us a table."

"I know that painting. Its your sister's right?" She asked as he guide her to the table.

The two undoubtedly gain attention by just being together. It's always been like that ever since they dated back in their campus. Seunwo's warm visual suited well with Leira's cool beauty.

"Mm. Do you want one? I can buy it from her." He said, pulling the chair for her and seated across her. Leira just shook her head.

"It's okay. I'm moving back to the states anyways."


"Ah." Leira smiled sheepishly. "Guess I forgot to tell you.."

Suddenly the atmosphere changed as if the chatters around them quiet down to their ears. Seunwo eyes never left hers.


She just nodded. She agreed to meet him to tell him the news but somehow she can't bring herself to.

"When are you leaving?" Seunwo asked after the waitress serves their food and drinks.

"Depends on Wushin, I think. Maybe in another few weeks or so."

Seunwo hummed nodding before looking away from her to take a sip of his drink.

"So how's work? Did the accident affect your performance?" Leira teased as he chuckled.

"I've been doing great, still doing the same as far as I'm concern."

"Silly me for even asking. You're an ace."

He just shook his head amused. The day went on with her trying to not fall in love with the doctor all over again.

It's not like she stopped loving him anyways.

They ended up going for a walk in a preserved public forest that they always been into during their college days.

It's where he had first really fell in love with her even when they already dating.

The quiet and calm atmosphere of the forest make them put their problems behind them and just focus on them being together.

"Thanks." Leira said as he helped her up on the big rock beside the river. Feeling their hand on each other, she puffed her cheeks in an instant. She then broke into a soft laugh.

"What's funny?" Seunwo said amused, taking off his blazer for her to sit on.

They sat side by side, shoulders bumping from time to time, enjoying the sounds of the water babbling and birds singing.

"How we just spontaneously come here with not so suitable clothing. I mean, you look dreamy with that good looking neighbor next door look while I look like I'm going to go shopping at the mall."

"You're used to it anyways." Seunwo said chuckling. "I would pick you up from your formal parties helping you ditch them and spend time here instead."

"Oh right!" She laughed. Recalling how she would always call him when she needed the ride. "Now that you mentioned it, you always come to pick me up without questioning me though. Even if it's kinda late sometimes. But then again, thats just the person you are."

She turned to face him and a soft smile formed on her lips. Seunwo shrugged at that as he thought that its not a big deal.

"It's going to be different this time around." He said.

She tilted her head questioningly. He brought his eyes from the river to meet her eyes.

"Can I question you now?"