Chakra Manipulation

Everyone attention was focused on rin, excitement was flowing in the air, all the eyes were shining. Rin was thrilled, for the first time after coming here he was not regretting his decision but actually there was something else going inside kagami's mind.

Kagami pointed out a tree opposite to the students and asked rin to shoot at it. rin couldn't agree any more, without a second delay he aimed at the tree. It took only half a sec before everyone heard the sound of firing. Everyone's attention was directed towards the target.

Everything seemed bewildered, even though rin was holding a weapon engulfed in magic the only thing that was awkward was that, there was only a bullet hole in the target. It looked quite normal, rin was waiting for some after effects of the bullet after hitting the target but to his surprise there was nothing except for the normal bullet fired by a normal gun.

Rin gave an eerie look towards kagami, not only rin but the whole class was looking for an explanation of that unusual incident. Nevertheless kagami was expecting the same reaction from everyone. He tilts his hat slight a bit and tightens his bow tie as he prepared to give a lecture on chakra and how it's proper way of use.

"Many of you must have many questions in my mind, let me answer one by one. As you saw rin kun wished to use a magical weapon and it was granted but......… it worked just like a normal weapon. That is why magical weapons are held by tier 3 magicians."

One of the students : umm... sensei, why is it that we can't use magic weapons even though we can use magic item.

Kagami : nice one kiddo, the reason behind is quite simple, without magic this weapon is just a normal gun, at most it can only make a hole just like that one. To make the right use we cloak the weapon with mana (magical energy), then the wielder has to use his own chakra to give a nature to the energy.

Kagami took the gun from rin and held it in his hand

"Now watch and learn"

Within a second the gun started burning in bright red flame, everyone was panicked stricken, it looked like kagami hand was also burning with the gun. After a moment they noticed it was just the magic which made it look like that.

Kagami : As you all can see, it was just a normal weapon when it wielder was rin but now it is blazing in fire as I cloaked with my fire chakra. In short you need to use mana to give power to the weapon and to use mana you should be able to control your chakra.

Most of them had a satisfying look and goal to complete, the goal was to complete the chakra flow in the body still there were some students just like rin who could think only one thing related to training "what a drag!!".

Kagami : everyone, back to your training. Just calm your mind and feel the energy flowing within your body.

The ground was again back to silence zone, an hour passed while everyone was deep in their meditation when suddenly the bell rang. It was evening time light was getting dimmer as the sun sets behind the mountains.

Kagami announced it was the end of today's training.

"Ok guys, answer truthfully. How many of you can feel energy around you?"

Very few of them raised their hands including the best 3 students whom rin saw earlier when he first entered the training ground. Kagami called out the students who were successful in feeling the mana in the environment.

They stood in a line in front of kagami sensei. He gave a paper to each of them.

"Okay kids, let's taste the fruit of your training"

One of the students: can we use magic just by meditating, is it that simple, then I should have been able to use it ages ago because in my family meditation is a part of our daily routine.

Hearing the kid, kagami laughed out.

"hahahahaahah...….. It's not that simple kiddo, this place is used as your training ground as this is the only place suitable for training of newbies like yourself, the whole environment here is rich in mana unlike all other places in earth. With a little bit training, you can feel the mana surging in your surrounding still only feeling it is not enough to control and use them. Let me show you kids"

He turned towards the children who were able to feel mana and asked them to hold the piece of paper in their hands.

"Concentrate your minds, direct all your energy to a single point, to the palm of your hand"

First, one of the genius kids who was able to levitate while meditating took a step forward. He closed his eyes, stood still while concentrating his chakra at his palm. He opened his eyes after a few seconds, no one seemed to notice anything special with him. Everyone looked him with a muddled face.

Kagami took hold of the paper that kid was having in his hands and revealed it to the rest of the students. The paper was found in two pieces, the cutting was so accurate as if someone cut it with a scissor.

Kagami pointing toward the pieces "this, my kids is the fruit of your training, the splitting of paper in two pieces shows the nature of wind chakra. All of you will be able to do this once you manage to control your chakra."

Kagami indicated the second student to step forward, he was the one who was able to manipulate the fire on the burning tree, he held the paper within his hand and concentrated for a sec and soon everyone was looking at the result, the paper burned to ashes.

Then the 3rd student came up confidently with a piece of paper in his hand, he did the same as the other two did, everyone was excited to see what will happen to the paper. All of there's hope were sky rocketing as this was the guy who strike that tree with the humongous lightning. He started concentrating, few sec passed then he opened his eyes and he looked at the paper with curiously to see the results of his training.

What he saw didn't satisfy him a bit so he thought it was a mistake maybe he did it wrong. He started all over again this time he did it for nearly a min and finally opened his eyes, the results were the same as before, the paper simply wrinkled.

"so much for just a wrinkled piece of paper!!"