Alternative way

Rin was back at the room but he was not alone. Kyoko sat on top of the bed allotted to her. Rin tried his best to not start a conversation as he already messed with her once and he didn't want to make the things between them even more worse than it already is.

She was making her way to the dressing room then she stopped after reaching at the door, turned back.

"don't you even try to peek inside you peeping tom or else I will take out your eyes an blow your head to pieces"

Rin : no, I won't I already said that was just an accident. Don't you start judging me on that basis.

Kyoko-: yeah whatever.

The night moved on with everyone lost in dreams.



Some noise could be heard, slowly rin was waking from his sleep he could hear some noise as if someone was talking. His sleepiness was at it's limit he could only open his for so little that he saw everything bleached. The most he saw was someone standing near the door with two glowing stick like thing coming out from his head. He was unable to restrain himself and fell asleep.

(footsteps coming towards the bed)

someone pulled the blanked and the sleepiness faded away when light fell upon his eye.

"ohayo okimura kun"

Rin body was alert as he heard someone calling him. It was haruka in her academic uniform.

"hurry up, you will not want to be late at your first day in class."

Rin : what time is it?

Kyoko-: you bad time.

Ignoring her looked at the wall clock above the door, rubbed his eyes to get a clear look. It was 4:30 on the clock.

Rin-: what the hell the both of you are doing so early in the morning. Even the chickens don't wake up so early, go back to sleep.

Haruka-: you don't seem to know about the rules of this academy. For now nothing else matters than one, All classes starts at 5:00am so get ready as fast as possible cause only 20min left before you stand out of the class for an hour.

With a face which is about to cry out "you are joking right? How the hell an academy in earth starts at 5 am in the morning.

Kyoko-: get over the shock baby, this is just the beginning of your worst nightmare.

Haruka-: hey, kyoko chan don't try to scare the shit out of every new guys that comes here. You know sometimes you can be very mean.

Kyoko-: I don't care, they all worthy of that.

Haruka sighs with a let down expression "something just never changes"

Kyoko changing the topic towards rin "are you sure you want to waste the little time left to prepare for class."

Rin thinking to himself (oh god this academy, my life and this tsundere bitch everything sucks)

Kyoko-: hey day dreamer, I want you to be ready in 10mins, I don't want to be insulted because of you.

Rin-: come on, who is stopping you get the hell out of here.

Kyoko-: I wish I could but it's my responsibility to see the new roommate to the classroom.

Rin-: that is a nice rule they have got there.

Haruka-: rin kun, kyoko chan I will be waiting in the classroom. Try to come ASAP.

Kyoko-: yes just this idiot needs to be ready in time.

Rin-: don't you think you should treat me with some respect as your honour depends on me reaching the classroom in time.

Kyoko-: don't day dream. There is no forgiveness even for the new guy so just move your lazy ass.

Haruka went for the class and rin speeding up tp complete his work before they run out of time.

Academy long veranda.

Rin and kyoko rushing towards the class. They stood near the door. Kyoko peeked inside to check if the teacher has arrived when suddenly two hands bumped on each of their head.

Oouucchhh (both of them at the same time)

Kagami-: what do you think you are doing here.

Kyoko-: I was giving a tour to rin, right rin?

Rin-: yyyy..…..yes sir. It is a nice building you got there, I am starting to admire you.

Kagami-: enough with you sweet talks, that isn't going to aid you here. Now everyone meet up at the academy grounds. We will continue with yesterday's training.

Everyone gathered in the ground.

Kagami-: I am sure I don't need to explain, continue from where you left.

Rin was tired of doing meditation "did I come here to do this bullshit, I am not cut out for this".

He reached out to kagami and asked for his help.

Rin-: sir is there any other alternative way to do this little faster, my family has been caught in a situation and I need to wind up ASAP.

Kagami-: I am completely aware of the situation you are talking about and this is the best way to learn magic but there is an alternative to get you to sense chakra but it is not so dependable.

Rin-: no problem sir, I am ready for the consequences.

Kagami-: you kids are always in a hurry, god knows for what. Let me warn there could be some side effects like chakra leaks, etc.

Rin-: heehee is it some kind of gas that will leak from the body. At any rate nothing can change my intentions.

Kagami-: might hearing death being one of the side effects would make you reconsider your options.

Rin felt swallowing a lump by the unexpected shock he got from hearing the word death.

Rin-: did I hear you correctly, you mentioned death being a side effect. Are you kidding with me, you are saying it is a side effect but not the main reason why I shouldn't do it.

Kagami-: death is very case normally if you lose control after getting the power, your chakra will start depleting. if you completely run out of chakra then your body will start converting you soul energy to chakra and eventually that too will run out and you will DIE but that's a rare case because we will stop you before you completely ran out of chakra.

Kagami-: so have you decided yet? Is it a yes or no?